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Okay I am saying goodbye to my procrastinating habits, I will post today
Will try to post today, also those affected please note that the buff has ended

"Fucking hell- Is that a light show?!"

"James watch out!"

Fun fact, getting hit by a giant armored and insanely strong humanoid creature is extremely painful. Okay maybe it's not a fun fact perse but it is something that he was now intimately aware of and he was thankful for the opportunity to obtain such obscure knowledge. Maybe the next time he saw his cousins he could brag of the fact, be all tough and say with a straight face 'Hey you know that once I was punted by an ogre and almost become half the man I used to be? Real story that one, only survived thanks to a teammate, his shout made me block with my staff in time' Oh man he bet their faces would be amusing but his mother would likely be upset that he got into a fight again and he promised that he wouldn't-

Slowly and groggily he got to his feet and shook his head from side to side, okay that was enough rambling, damn he hated getting a concussion, whenever it happened it made his mind go to really strange places. Refocusing he took on the battlefield again and then let out a curse, things were quickly turning even more chaotic, the skeletons were fleeing, the ogres were rampaging again, and there was a suspicious lack of presence from Zell and the town's guard commander.

Okay first one of the Ogres needed to go and the Armored one had wisened up to his spell after the second use so that left the Berserker one which seemed to be making a beeline for Arthur, it looked in its last legs but way no skewer things in Arthur's favor? Casting the spell one more time he proceeded to aim and fire at the Berserker Ogre, but he didn't bother looking if it hit, trusting that Arthur could manage on his own like before. What he needed was to locate Zell, guy was on top of the Armored Ogre the last time he saw him and unless he managed to climb down he must have taken a big fall, aaaand there! face first into the dirt was the unconscious swordsman, he had the luck of the devil seeing how no skeleton had tried to get a quick swing at his slumped form while fleeing.

Once he reached the fallen fighter (and swung his staff at a few skeletons) he tried and failed to sling the taller man over his shoulder, fuck the guy was heavy and all the equipment only made things worse so he settled on awkwardly hugging him below the armpits and dragging him towards the defense perimeter where a few guards were nervously defending something.

"Hey I need help!"

The guards looked at each other but refused to move, their backs turned to where another seemed to be doing... something to someone laying on the dirt. With a start, he realized that the guy bleeding in the dirt was the leader of the guards, and the guy above him was likely a field medic doing first aid or whatever equivalent they had here.

"That guy is your leader right?" They seemed to tense even more at that "Relax I don't want to hurt him, I can even help him in fact but I can't let my friend here where a skeleton could hurt him"

A few more glances were shared among them before one hesitantly broke formation and grabbed Zell's legs to help carry him.

"Thank you, now let's see"

He looked inside of himself, to the same corner of his mind where the Light Beam spell resided but rather than taking it for a spin again he directed his attention to the other spell on his mind, Increased healing speed only worked on treated injuries but the medic had made a halfway decent job at turning the commander into a mummy. Focusing he started to chant before emitting a soft light from his hands which seemed to be absorbed by the bandages.

"There, I can't guarantee he will survive but he is more likely to pull through, now can someone help me wake up that idiot over there" Saying so he pointed at Zell, he had no idea how to wake the other man but with some luck someone else would.
Will post tommorow, have to check a few things with @Saiyan first
Will post soon, been very busy lately.

Take all the time you need dude
@Teyao Miraculously, your character is pretty good, and there's not an awful lot to say, but let's see here...

First is the culture of the Jotun, which for the most part is about right. They live in seclusion in order to practice their peaceful ways, despite their immense strength and physical superiority to humans, they are in the end a dwindling race. However, they are also pretty wary of the ways of the world outside, so some level of skepticism would be just right for your character.

Anyway yeah that's pretty much it, those skills and everything for combat make sense and don't sound overly powerful, in fact I actually think you need another technique that doesn't rely on having a Cryo user around. Ice Armor is cool and all, but you essentially cannot use it without a Cryo friend or an icy environment. You can note it gives him the uncanny ability to not be frozen in place by Cryo though, so he becomes immune to a status effect.

Otherwise I'd give him another something, or make Water Barrage have less drawbacks and be your bread and butter for offense. Really, up to you. Maybe something using his axe and shield too.

Anyhow seems good otherwise.

Oh thanks, yeah I wll likely add another skill, I tend to nerf my characters a lot for some reason
Hey dude, i posted an aplication, please tell me if there is anything wrong with it.
Barely a moment after sending his reply he felt his phone vibrate once more with Sidney's answer to his joke. Without wasting a second he sends back a follow-up.

"Ah this feeling of betrayal, yep that is my good ol' pal Sydney alright, soo.. who is the new victim?"

@King Cosmos
Fun fact I found out while writing my post. The "new phone, who dis" meme is apparently from way back in 2009, meaning it's almost as old as the characters we are writing.

I just couldn't resist doing it, pure nostalgia

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