Lillianna Steiner
Name: Lillianna Steiner
Age: 22
Country on Earth: United States of America
https://i.imgur.com/HNtIrM7.pngPersonality: A proper hard worker who puts her all into her efforts, and even has a dedicated exercise regimen to keep herself regularly fit and healthy that she keeps up with and will continue to keep up with. She is also an intellectual of sorts, even an enjoyer of learning who came to adore learning about history and even wished to become an archaeologist to get hands-on with it, and genuine magic for her will be something just as fascinating to study and look into. When it comes to devouring learning materials and grasping new or advanced subjects as she goes along, her teachers, parents, and even some of her peers have long dubbed her a 'genius' of some kind. This reputation was only bolstered with her possession of a strong photographic memory, able to recall information and facts from a conversation years ago without skipping a beat if asked. One can rely on her to be a brainy sort of person in general, or to retain information incredibly well, and her mental talents in general would even land her in the territory of a rapidly-advancing education from the time of her childhood. Even when speaking to her she seeks to be at least cordial, even if in her own words:
"I am no public speaker.". She will talk and engage with others in a general sense as well if approached by others at least, or under certain circumstances will be outright be blunt about wanting to be alone if she wants to be alone.
On the other hand, despite being in possession of a small friend group in her former life as well as enjoying the idea of friendship and trying to make friends at least, in terms of a more intimate relationship she has come to feel very lonely. One desire she holds deep down inside of herself is a desire for romance and a proper companion she can be with and that 'someone' for too. Further, she is not the most social person in the world nor the worst in turn. Is she shy? No. Rather, she saw little use in indulging in anything beyond what she had to in terms of social interaction with others. Yet in truth part of this behavior of 'not being as social' has also been driven by a fear of personal failure and her own sense of self-deprecation. She even beyond these things has a solidly hedonistic aspect to her, seeking out things like pleasurable hot baths and spicy foods and so forth that would give her some kind of pleasure in life, though this is not some overriding or extreme amount of this behavior but rather is simply a 'thing that exist' in regards to herself as far as she's concerned. She enjoys the pleasurable things in life, simple and otherwise, and seeks them where she feels she can but makes do with what she has and can do otherwise (more than a normal person, but not obsessively either). That is unless she is stressed enough and 'needs some breathing room', in which case these hedonistic-type tendencies will intensify some.
Worst of all, however, would be her sense of self-deprecation as it applies to herself. She will never be enough, but she will still try to reach for it. She will never learn or master enough, even though she'll keep working at doing it for her own enjoyment and advancement alike. Nothing will ever be enough from or about her. Even with her excitement and personal eagerness to make her life a better one in a new world, at the same time this still haunts her like a looming specter. In that sense she is not any bit prideful, but is likewise along with this not used to compliments and is even made a little uncomfortable by them in turn.
Brief Backstory: A natural-born genius of a child, and the youngest of three siblings whose father ran a local restaurant and whose mother was a surgeon at the local hospital. From the start she was encouraged by both parents to pursue a great future, pushed through education and even leaping grades as her inborn talents were honed and refined through education and experience. Even several doctors she was brought to confirmed the same thing others were calling her, and she would achieve her first college Master's Degree at the age of fifteen. Tutors, scholarships, everything she could seemingly want was at her fingertips to a certain extent, and she even found some enjoyment of learning and certain hedonistic activities alongside a love of history during the course of her education. She even began to pursue her own desired course of an archaeology degree, which would let her get out into the world to see it and interact with the things she learned of with her own two hands. At the same time, however, this caused conflict with her parents who had heaped a metric ton of their own expectations and ideas for her future upon her. Her mother wanted her to follow her path into the medical field, whilst her father wanted her to follow him into becoming a successful businesswoman of her own one day who could own the restaurant he ran, and this alongside the growing egos of her two parents due to her own rising star of talent would not only worsen the pressures on her but frankly bring the two adults eventually into a bitter legal divorce and fight for custody and management of her before she turned 18. To say her stress levels went off the charts during this time was an understatement.
During this time her maternal uncle, a man who lived by the beach, would take her in to host her far away from the drama as she continued to pursue online classes of her own choice in defiance of both parents. Unlike either of her parents he was relaxed, mellow, and did a lot of work at the marina whilst spending his off days boating/sailing, fishing, or hanging around the beach. He also had the same passion for the very trading card game Lillianna had come to enjoy back at the start of her college days, and she even picked up watching various anime and sailing skills (the uncle was elated) as a pastime as well of her own independent volition. This maternal uncle both supported her and tried to be there for her, rather than push her one direction or another, and her maternal as well as paternal grandparents did send her cards and give her support during the time...albeit from a distance for a number of reasons. She also did, as her uncle did when he was younger, get a job at the marina (furthering the familiarity with sailing at least) and other seaside jobs or temporary summer jobs at the beach in order to help pay for her own things, aka: what little her scholarships did not cover if nothing else. She wanted to 'earn' that money herself, even if her uncle was willing to help, to do something for herself for once that wasn't relying just on her talents alone. Indeed her uncle became her favorite person in due time, and she began to breathe a bit more freely and even as she sought her own degree and future with her own two hands. When she turned 18 years old, she chose to stay with him and kept to it despite attempts to 'bring her back home' after her parents divorced from each other.
Then one day she was working on the beach as a lifeguard on a relatively safe-ish stretch, and some high winds began kick up. Not unusual for the week, but when a family who had just arrived to relax on he beach that day didn't properly secure their large metal beach umbrella it would soon turn fatal. Abnormal big wind gust came along. Someone cried out to her. She turned just as the umbrella went flying and hit her in the head at the right angle at high speeds.
Dead on the spot.
Adventurer Class: Twin Element Mage
Starting Common Gear:
Proper Mage Clothes/Attire (Made also for flexible and easier traveling in terms of durability and so forth at least. But is definitely not any kind of armor nor is enchanted in any way, so its just nice clothes for a traveling mage to wear on the road.)
Basic Traveling Backpack (Is worn on her back from the start; contains a small knife, storage space, and three days worth of rations of dried meat jerky and mixed-grain hardtack-like ration biscuit.)
Water Skin (Is worn via shoulder strap; is filled with clean water and has a good cork as a stopper to open/close it.)
Special Item: A strange yet dusty ornate magical staff with a sun/moon motif at the top of it, seemingly left unused for quite a long time. She can feel some kind of ancient or at least unknown power thrumming quietly within it, but the staff is inactive and refuses to respond to her at all (yet). What it can do by itself, or what she can do with it in regards to her own magic, remains an utter unknown. If nothing else its is a good walking stick for now, she can peculiarly recall it to where she is or even into one of her hands with a thought, and it is also good for at least generally hitting something with since part of the head of it is so spiked out and all (but it is not necessary for her to have in order to cast magic).
In short, this item is just some inactive magical item that is only useful as a walking stick and smacking things, and likely will be for quite a long time until the GM deems fit to have it 'awaken' and have some kind of magical effects/uses beyond this. In short, a long-term item that isn't as initially useful but becomes something good later on. ((
Notable Skills or Abilities:
Spirit Magic((Starting Spirit Spells: Lesser Animate Object, Lesser Medium, Lesser Detect Spirits/Undead.))
Lightning Magic ((Starting Lightning Spells: Lightning Bolt (shoots one lightning bolt as an attack), Lesser Levitate (requires touching the target' causes the target to levitate a small bit off the ground where it can be pushed around by the user or others to move it for the spell's short time duration), Lesser .))
Other((She is a pretty good Swimmer, even being an approved lifeguard. She has maintained and continues to maintain a generally healthy fit body through a regular and personally-organized Exercise regimen as well. She is also generally familiar with sailing a ailing ship, though how this translates over to the world she was summoned to is another thing. All of this at least is what 'other' skills she generally has as far as the new world of the RP is concerned.))
-Elements are Light (Spirit Magic falls under that element) and Air (what Lightning Magic falls under). ((Just here for me to remember later mostly.))