The sound of a heartbeat begins to resound throughout the ears, the only thing that can be heard other than the ever-growing sound of a heartbeat is heavy erratic breathing.In the dead of night, the sound of feet slamming to the ground, dead vegetation snapping underneath the force of a set of feet sprinting, rocks clattering together and getting thrown up as leaps and jumps are performed, and grunts letting loose anytime a collision with a large object is either done or nearly avoided inbetween quick and sharp breaths. Lights are constantly flashing through a large tree line as whimpering can be heard. Looking down in hands garbed in thick gloves there is a small girl crying, as light flashes over she looks up in fear, her eyes seem to flash over to the side as trees begin to collapse and get sent flying. A quick duck under one that comes flying seem to almost reveal a large and fast mech almost flying over, as in slow motion it looks down and the once white light it has seems to lock on and turn red.
Thump Thump Thump
The roar of machines comes from behind as bullet fire is let loose from all directions. Lights are constantly passing through the trees as they shift between white and red. Trees begin to get crushed, wood splintering, rockets whiz by, and the whimpering grew to outright crying. Vision begins to dart wildly as other great machines seem to constantly burst through the trees and seem to overshoot their intended target. Through the ever-growing heartbeat and sporadic breathing, the crying is starting to become the only thing that can be heard.
Smoke fills the area as the glow of red and orange light seems to fill the area or follows. The crying becomes something like wailing, yet even that seemed to be fading out as the heartbeat seems to even be ramping up further. Everything seems to blur as the smoke seems to be choking out the erratic breathing, leaving coughs and wheezes as the trees fly by, and light seems to break through the trees.
The world seems to slow to a standstill. The blinding light finally fades away as there stands hundreds of men, in front of them all stands a line of younger teens and adults. From left to right guns slowly lower to the back of each of their heads, each of them try to break from the grips of the men, yet are unable to, they yell and scream, yet nothing can be heard as the heartbeat becomes so loud that even breathing can't be heard. The moment the guns level, a loud bang can be heard.
Location: Abandoned Neodymium Mine
Eunsan Mountain Range
250 Kilometers Southwest of Balya Gora
Date/Time:March 22nd, 3030/ 0400-0730
Interactions: Reya Wyatt
@PilatusGear:His clothing: Boots, long-sleeved shirt, pants, gloves, holstered
handgun with 20 rounds
Tarak awoke in a cold sweat, lurching up at such a speed that it could have been missed in the dark. Tarak is taking in gasping breaths as he begins to look around, everyone around him seems to be asleep. Some more restful than others, yet asleep nonetheless. Tarak swooped his legs off of the boxes that were commandeered for him to make a place to lay on. He grabbed his watering can as he looked to the clock that is set up,
4 hours. Tarak sighed as he looked at the clock that said 4 O'clock, he thought about how it was some of the better sleep he's gotten over this time, at least he didn't wake anyone up this time. Tarak began getting up and grabbing his clothing, as he dressed himself, he quietly walked through the cave, he was going to be heading to his favorite spot he found.
As Tarak free climbed the wall, he began to feel his grip weaken, he realized all of this is finally taking its toll, yet he was not going to let the others see it. As he continued to climb he finally reached a lip as he clambered up and over as it revealed a small alcove large enough for one to two people can fit comfortably. As Tarak finally made it up, he sighed as he looked to the area as he began to lay down. He put his hands behind his head as he took in a breath as he began doing sit ups, he was going to work this out of him, he couldn't do anything else. Leaving would be suicide, Black Phoenix isn't as limited on ammunition as some of the other Mechs here, however that does not mean he can go about galivanting. He needs to think every damaged piece of armor he deals to the enemy can be easily repaired, for him it is permanent until they can find better facilities.
Yet he can't stop thinking about those taken by those a part of the group of the military coup. The NPDRE took many of those who were found with the Green Knights' non-combatant groups. Taking many different people, and split up those he is closest to. The Orphans had seen rough times, they have lost people, yet as long as they were together they could make it through. Yet now, they have split apart, many either lost, taken, or worst, and all they could do is sit here. Tarak gritted his teeth as he began to do sit-ups faster, he then switched to push-ups as he started doing them in very rapid succession. He was getting sick of waiting, he wanted to do something, they have lost so much, and as they wait they lose more. They lost multiple Mech pilots from the Coup, they lost multiple Lances from these Crimson Fists, and Tarak has not even been able to do anything.
Once they lost that last Lance, morale dropped to an all-time low, with Bobby saying what he said on an open channel it made most begin to lose hope. It told them how dire the situation was, and now with them wallowing here, most are about at their end. Tarak threw himself up to his feet as he did a hop into the air before landing back down into a push-up and continuing to do this up and down. Tarak and his Lance had ran recon, they seemed to have been one of the lucky few in this as when they were hit, they were hit by ground armor rather than BattleMechs, yet luck would be far from it, multiple of the Mechs were hit, with Black Phoenix losing a few hundred pounds of armor in that short fight, and without any supplies or materials, they can't repair a single thing. Tarak clenched his fists as he stood up, as he began to Shadow Box, they had to do something, nothing comes to those who sit and wait.
Tarak had finally descended from his little perch and began going about his morning routine. He began going to where the Orphans have cut a little area for themselves, it is a small fort made of some empty boxes, torn tarps, some rope, and some equipment. There Tarak had seen many of the people he literally grew up with withering away, yet when they see Tarak they seem to try and straighten themselves up as much as they can. Trying to make themselves look like they aren't losing hope, putting on smiles, and even trying to do work that they made up. Tarak knew what they were doing, it was something they all figured out in the Scrap Yard. Tarak wore a smile as he walked around and checked on them. When the meager food and light water rations were given out, Tarak made sure that everyone had their fill. They could not bulk up their food, their food was already bulked up as much as they could without having it become more sawdust than food. Water has also begun to run low, as Espia had no natural freshwater holes. They had to desalinize the water and it is difficult to do without being forced into a cave and without any of their ships or larger machinery.
Once finished, Tarak got up, and gave each of his siblings hugs as he then began his work as a Mechwarrior. He began checks on Black Phoenix, first starting her up to make sure she still has life in her, some small checks over the limbs making sure that any severed myomer fibers, worn solenoids, and any nonfunctioning actuators are taken care of. Well, patched, oiled, or covered to make sure that it doesn't become a greater liability later. He let out a sigh as he found a few of his systems weren't running at full efficiency, half efficiency would have been passable yet he sadly was below even that, yet he was happy that the Jump Jets, the hand actuators, and the knee actuators seemed to be working. That at least meant if things got hairy, he had some way to fight some bigger mechs, or survive for another day. Yet next was his main armaments, and he would need some assistance with that.
Tarak headed out to find their resident laser weapon expert, Reya. Tarak spent about 5 minutes until he heard the tell-tale signs Ryea had passed through, some people seemed to have been hiding some of their weapons, and none of the Mechwarriors seem to be around. Tarak talked to a few people around as he finally made it to the area Reya seemed to be, she seemed to be checking over some weapons. Tarak called out to her in a calm tone,
"Rey, can I get a bit of your time? I would like you to come to check Phoenix's weapons real quick. I might have a track I'll let you borrow if you do~". Tarak threw a quick smile and gesture over to Black Phoenix as he held up a cassette, it looked worn, yet it had written on it 'Assault Metal'. It is a cassette filled with some of the 'greatest hits' Tarak was able to find throughout his time. He continued as he lightly waved it and said,
"All the way from Lyran Commonwealth, even has some of the trademarked music the Solaris Games has". Yet when he said this, he heard a loud and commanding voice resound through the cave. Gawain calls his swords, Tarak thought to himself,
'Took you long enough'.