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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
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Draw 2 Cards
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When your bored but don't really know why.
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That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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I always win the coin flip... always...



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Technically to allow the transformation to occur, one soul is consumed. And to maintain it, one soul is required for every 20 seconds in combat.

Out of combat 1 soul equates to 1 hour of transformation tine

The mirror facilitates the transformation singularly. If perhaps I were to add something it would be that it deflects projectile attacks in both states.

Her overdrive forms are very stamina draining Rosea for instance will quickly tire physically. While Caligos Soul consumption increases to a single soul every five seconds.
A͆͋̄͛͐̔͗ G̮̭ͮ͗̚l̵͉̯̬͕͊͂ͧͥi͔ͦ͂ͥt͕̙̞͉̖͙c̹̣̖͡ḧ̟͚̱̗̀̓ͦ́̊ ̴̯͓͙̳̺ͯ͋͊̉ͅin Reality


The way the creature moved was inhuman, perhaps it was due to the way its mass was shifting, arms elongating, legs shrinking, torso expanding and contracting. It pained the eyes to look at. Erratic in the way it moved that even its movements through time were random, the only certainity was that it was moving towards the pair.

Another scream erupted from it, Truly whatever it was, the natural rules of reality were struggling to try to apply themselves to it as on contact with air particles there would be a fizzing and pop as the air particles would just be displaced somewhere else, as if they were afraid to maintain contact with the creature that played on the senses like a living illusion. How terrifying was it that it would break into run, and begin to run full speed towards Sieglinde, arms flailing, Mouth screaming.

Going to beat the hell outta ya' Collapses


This woman was insane! A gorilla pretending to be a shrine maiden for sure! This was the thoughts moving through the wolves intelligent (compared to other wolves) brain. The mangy mutt was indeed slowed by the protections placed upon the shrine, albeit it was showing ample resistance to them at the same time, perhaps it was due to the amalgamated form of its soul or perhaps it was due to the inheritent magic resisting properties of wolf-skin.

That said, said skin was doing little to shield the wolf from the concussive blows from this stupid gorilla, in fact, during the gorilla's punching session, the wolf even yipped in pain. A dishonour to their pride to be sure. But they weren't at full strength either.

The wolf got in a ready stance, Ready to give the woman what for, Ready to bite her neck and take them down. Yes, most certainly this was the method that would work right, They would tense up, their muscles, even while malnourished were bigger then the average wolf, denoting the presence of an apex canine. Muscles would pop and sinews would shift as the wolf would slowly pick itself up on its hind legs, its mass increasing to reach the depection of the beastman-werewolf, Their muscles would be inhumanly large even in a malnourished state. The form looked like some sort of fluffy hulk. Yes, this would be the form in which they bested this human. They felt strong, they-oh, a single step forward and they fell on their side with a pained whimper.

The Gorilla had done more damage then they thought. Stupid gorilla, and as the world around the wolf faded to black they'd just let out a whimper of protest at being bested, And when the wolf fully metted into unconsciousness. The presence of the moon lost all effect upon the creature. Leaving a Malnourished, skinny, and pained woman. This denoted her as a second-generation werewolf. No wonder she was so easy to best.

Of course now it would be a test of the shrine maidens morales, to let the woman die or to feed her and risk fighting a healthier werewolf.

Da-Vinci Chan~!

The Zoo

@Raineh Daze@DocRock

Da vinci who nodded at the affirmatory nature of the little einzbern head, would soon turn away from her to look at the red pandas once more. It wasn't to her taste to look at land-based creatures. Preferring those of the avian variety But it was nice to be hanging out with her master at least. That was the type of thing that made her happy regardless of what they were doing and she was most certainly grateful they weren't in a large scale grail war.

Sorry but the roleplay is full. Apologies for that I forgot to change the tab.

April 26th 2011

District 11: Investigating the Breach


"You know, Martha. When you said you had an idea of who the culprit was, giving me a doodle of you fighting a dragon doesn't really help at all." The man said staring at the doodle in his hand as he rolled his eyes, talking to one of his officers over the radio.

"Bloody Nora, King If I actually knew whodunnit I woulda already beat em up for ya." The woman said through her gas-mask. She looked back at her squad and rubbed her temple. "Who'eva did this was too fast for us though, since Im getting nothing, bar blurs from my power." The Yellowjacket agent known as Martha would stand up, looking back at her squad as she shook her head.

The two other yellowjacket agents rolled their eyes. "Y'know you two could talk a little more." Martha said, only to recieve a simple phrase back from one of them. "Stop. Breathing." It was as if a plead or a beg. One which Martha would ignore all the way back to rendezvous.

Surprise Attacks

~Who is the pray and who is the hunter~
District 19: Surprise Attack



The Crackling of electrical lamps and the flickering of their bulbs may of been indication enough that something was about to happen. If Sieglinde was observant she'd have noticed the sudden shift in atmosphere. The crackling of atoms that were trying to figure out if the thing should even exist permeating around its existence. It seems anomalous, hard to look at. Its shape was shifting and warping. It was humanoid and yet at the same time, its arms were mishapen and it was limbering towards her like an zombie composed out of clay that was constantly being battered blended and reshaped.

The creature was lumbering towards her with a unnatural hunger. It let out a scream that would make not a sound yet would pain the mind of those that observed it screaming. A mental anomaly...

Miko Shrine: Surprise Attack!


A soft hissing could be heard from around the parameter of the Miko's shrine, whatever it was that had been in the cargo and brought here had stumbled upon this shrine. The lupine creature with its silvery shroud would be hungrily studying the Miko upon the steps. It would let out a growl, her only alert. As it would begin to move on its padded feet. Building up speed. Ah, it was flesh and blood at least. Even if and that was big if the miko noticed that it appeared to be getting unnaturally fast with each step as if normal rules did not apply, denoting it as a magical beast. She had a second or two before it was upon her position.

And it looked like it had been starved for years with how thin it was.

The Train station

6:00pm sharp

Standing at the train station, or rather squatting at the train station was a A girl young enough to be a student was wearing a particular garb. Certainly a member of the church is not a standard one. Her blue hair was her most noticeable feature. It appeared she was spacing out a bit though as she was busy staring at the gear on the train. Always curious about how all this machinery worked. It seemed it was best if he approached her first because otherwise she was going to be lost in thought for another 30 minutes~!
@SSW@ManyThings @Danchou @Sunglass @Cu Chulainn @Crusader Lord @King Cosmos

Latin District
Oh you approach me? The Great Da Vinci~

Skills loaded: Disengage: A, Incitement (Middling): A

To make a long story short, Da Vinci had spent every single minute of her manifestation working on the production of Mystic codes for use with her master, and yet none of them were working as intended due to a lack of material. They could certainly have some output. But nothing that would protect her master from a servant just yet and that was simple a frustrating matter. It wasn't a matter of design or god forbid could Da Vinci ever be limited in intellect, it was only a matter of supply.

And so, when they were approached by this person, given Da Vinci's personality and handling of others and the fact that this person hadn't really killed anyone. Of course, the idea of getting the supplies she so desperately needed quickly seemed interesting to her but her main curiosity was of course in the master himself.

"So you have an artificial body?" Caster said looking at him with curiosity, not making her final words on the matter just yet but was very open to the concept due to wanting to study the man before her. Certainly he had impressed her with his body but... yes her master always had the final say on choices.

"Master? What is your input on this." She would ask with that characteristic smile of hers. The kind that she reserved for only when she knew the solution to the problem almost immediately. And well, what she got back was a confirmation from them. An agreement that it was probably best to ally with Assassin and their master rather then with Noon and his... questionable goals.

"Ah, So we are taking the underdog position huh?~" Da Vinci said that flourish in her voice. "Alright then." She leant in and whispered. "If you can find us a spot without us getting followed I can set up a temporary mask to hide us for our conversation to take place. I assume you've scouted better then my master and I because of the servant you have right?" She grinning that spectacular smile.

Accepted both of you~!
Da-Vinci Chan~!

The Zoo

@Raineh Daze@DocRock

"Calling me special huh master?" Da Vinci said with a soft smirk at her masters words as she looked down at the obvious facet of Einzbern creation. "Come now Miss Einzbern, is that any reason to approach a lady that knew of your own family when it was much younger?" Da Vinci side striding forward poking back against the homunculus. "You think that an Einzbern like you would have respect for a modern day heroic spirit like myself. Honestly, did the Einzberns forgo implanting manners into their Homunculi?" A scowl on her face

A hand on her hip as she frowned at the youthful probably not young but youthful looking girl. "That said." Her smile almost instantly reappeared. "If It wasn't for the fact already know who your family is and their general good standing. I'd be slightly more adverse to talking to you but ya know. What do I know. Its not like I'm Leonardo Da Vinci or anything~" She said with a flourish.

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