Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
1 like
9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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And with that, its time to start the IC
Alrighty then, with everyone paired up, is there any last questions of importance/Any sheets people are working on
Indeed Pairing up should start to occur. At this stage due to the even numbers as it would allow a smooth transistion for when the rp starts.

<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

The smell of blood thing was because I thought it was cool. So if you don't want me to have it or reduce it I think that is fine.

The intent of the car was to be a mobile base/somewhere for him to live as I think that's really cool.

Alright well, if you remove the blood thing I suppose hes accepted yeah, Since the intent of the car is more or less somewhere for him to live in.



I'll say a good thing first, it is a very detailed sheet. I just have some worries.

Firstly, His sense of smell is much too good if he can smell blood that well. If it was magus-enhanced that is one thing, but he is for the most part a normal guy so it seems a little off. Especially since its just 'the smell of blood'.

Secondly, I need to ask why he needs a car of all things inside of one of the most optimised (for trains) metropolis. Especially since the premise of the rp is going into different 'domains' as well as having to navigate the city to find them, A car just isn't the most optimal thing for this, Unless of course your implying its effectively also his 'mobile base/he lives in it' then that's fine. Im just curious what the intent is behind the car is all.

And edited. That any better?

Ay! with those changes she is accepted. Move it in the Character Tab!
Allow me to throw my hat into the ring!

Let's admit it: Blasted Tree in Apocrypha looks WAY better than it does in Grand Order.

First things first, I agree that Blasted Tree in Apocrypha does indeed look amazing compared to Grand Order.

But secondly. I know you brought mention to it within the field for blasted tree, but I do think Bridal Chest should go in its own field, since its got a few key things that are important to Fran. Both in that its the vector in which she can absorb energy for both rapid self repair amongst other things. Its also important because it mentions one of the better things about Fran, in that it allows her to be very low-maintence in terms of how much mana one needs to supply to her (in terms of being a berserker anyway)

Once Bridal Chest has its own field, Accepted.

Accepted. Try not to Punch people through walls.
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