Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

Nakano Broadway

The Nakano Broadway, a iconic landmark in the Nakano district of Tokyo was for the most part surprisingly absent, having been closed for 'Routine Cleaning' meaning the only people present in the building would likely be a skeleton crew of workers. There was also a homeless man sleeping in a nearby allyway, as well as a passed out man on a bench on the opposite street. Likely from a night of drinking.

A decent stroke of luck for the two masters and their servants. But also a rather spot of bad luck potentially for the workers inside. Given that they would be for the most part going to get added to the list of mysterious deaths in the Tokyo Metropolis area. In such a beloved place no less. Simple scouting would give this much at least.

However without even scouting, the mere proximity to the Broadway would feel slightly sickening for mages possessing magic circuits. A unknown headache inducing pressure. As if the very molecules in the air were saturated with something thick and viscous. This same pressure would also be felt by the servants due to them being beings formed from magic. However those with no such Magical circuits could not even detect this 'gas-like' saturation of something. Which would mean that a normal human would have no warning that something was wrong.

It would start to become obvious with the passing time that whomever had called you here wasn't outside the building, and you'd have to get inside to even get a better bearing of what was going on. Of course how you'd both enter is up to you... or Even what you'd do when you feel each other nearby.

Sukiyabashi Crossing

Sukiyabashi Crossing, A scramble crossing not uncommon in Tokyo. Though much less populated then during its day-life and slightly less then normal amount of people enjoying the tokyo night life due to the recent news. There was still people walking about. Unaffected by the strange instance in the center of the crossing. Vehicles were not driving at hours this late. Because if they were they might sink in what appeared to be a visible distortion in reality. Visible only to servants and masters that possessed magical circuits. The Distortion took the form of a 'refraction' of light. The area behind the distortion appeared well 'distorted' from all angles viewed it seemed like a singularity of space. Seeping out from this 'distortion' was trace amounts of water vapor that quickly disappeared indicating they came from a more magical origin.

The Night-life ignorance and self-distractions would mean that nobody would really be noticing nore attempt to step towards the centre of the road. Less of course you were but a curious master. Though with both of you approaching this meeting location. Would you be meeting up on good terms, or would you consider the others presence to be an ambush...

Still then as you'd get closer to the distortion. That magical 'heaviness' in the air would be felt, and the headaches for mages and servants alike would worsen the closer you got to the point of distortion. But where on earth was the person you were supposed to meet?

I exist now. Its time to return to my dark room. And Create this long awaited GM post.

I will once again apologise for how long this is taking. And ask for some bear with.

Due to an injury, posting may be delayed a few days
Righto, and thats why we do once-overs when we are Sick. IC posts should be up in a few days time
@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Th3King0fChaos@Tomotaxi@Rezod92@KoL

A once over for good measure.

Broadway - / Othis/Nero / Quinn/Mordred
Crossing - Yume/Li Ismael/Fran

Hi so, for clarifications sake are you two heading towards Nakano or The crossing because one is in Ginza and the other is in Nakano which have two full city districts between them, So you'd actively have to go towards one of the two.

TLDR i'm just asking for GM post clariifcation.

To be fair I did make it at the tail-end of an insomnia stint. I knew I forgot something. No need to remind me twice at least.

@Th3King0fChaos@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Tomotaxi@Raineh Daze

~~IC is up~~ (Late notification)
Two domain locations, decide then master and servant pairs what location you wish to show up to.

Nakano Broadway Basement -
Sukiyabashi Crossing -

And also enjoy having your first IC post be a recap then of your first few days spent with your servants prior to the messages arrival. How did they fit in to your suddenly bustling schedule. For all wars have a small lull before the fray.

Plus.. this obviously not a trap would cause some meetups to occur at least in one location no?

The Strangest Odyssey

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

Somewhere in Nakano Station

The scratching of an pen upon paper, the scribbled notes of a person who took pride in their work, That is to say, a pride of an individual whom had a lot to lose if they upset any of their superiors. "Tch" It was a scowl of inconvenience. Usually an Overseer would be appointed with knowledge of what on earth was going on. But she had been deployed here with not even so much as any additional command seals and was told to simply ascertain if there was a 'holy grail' involved so they could properly send the 'real' overseer for the grail war. Semantics and Drivel, but what would one expect from the political side of the hidden face of the world.

She finished penning the letter, sealing it with the symbol of the eighth sacrament as the first of the report she would need to send in regularly. Less the church dictated that she had become rogue and send an enforcer or god knows what. Similarly she needed to pen a letter to the mages association of anything notable going on. Especially if there was an additional presence of other organisations.

It was a lot of pressure and as she would whittle down the point of her feathered quill, she'd cut her finger on the knife due to her loss of concentrating on such a thing. she placed the bloodied finger between her lips to stem the gentle blood flow, Her command seals glistening in the candlelit gloom, She hoped the masters would have gotten her memo... and would begin to approach here shortly. It wasn't normal for a overseer to provide a curt invite. But this 'war' was anything but normal given the nature of those forsaken schisms.

She would return to writing, wondering then if any of the masters had fallen into one of the schisms by pure accident. She chuckled quietly at the macabre thought, it wouldn't be unlikely given how curious people could be... Now then who would be the first to arrive to the locations she had gave, curious as she was to see what would happen if a properly elected master was to enter such a schism, her servant would report the findings and then if her praxis was successful... Her servant should bring those back to her for her to brief them further no? Simple.

The Events that have transpired thusly

A strange summoning

For what should have been a standard summoning it was truely anything but, Though the minds of the servants had been filled with the important knowledge of the common era as the grail had always done, to prevent servants feeling out of time and place. They had been left with a distinct void on what their purpose for summoning was, All that the servants would know is that they had manifested before their masters without a conventional summoning ritual having occured...

In an interval spanning two days, Masters and servants would have been free to at least try to adapt to eachother to understand their new dynamic or perhaps to understand each other somewhat as no news had been given to them up to this point. During this interval you new prospective masters would find a message, be it attached to a familiars foot hovering near you like some annoying nuisance or shoved hastily inside the partition of your car door. The seeking familiars had with some difficulty found you, by using the distinct magical trace of the command seals upon your body.

The attached message simply said.
"Nakano Broadway Basement, Sukiyabashi Crossing, May 5th, The Witching Hour until 4am" Two distinct locations and a specific date and time to reach them. A cryptic message to be sure but it was the message given to each master. It was then left to the digression of the masters to decided where they went. For it didn't matter to the message sender.

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