I've sketched a knight character but I am struggling with a good name. I feel like the name kind of sets up everything else... Maybe we can crowdsource ideas based on what I came up with?
I've sketched a knight character but I am struggling with a good name. I feel like the name kind of sets up everything else... Maybe we can crowdsource ideas based on what I came up with?
<Snipped quote by The Savant>
I ship them. :) Yes, yes indeed.
As for Illa and Millie, I see we got an 'Ice x Fire' dynamic going on or a 'Hard and cold outside, soft and warm inside vs Wolf in sheep's clothing', depending on how you look at it, hehe.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>
Awesomesauce! Imma read his and @Animal's Knight CS now.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>
Huh... riiiight, I blame my one-track mind for not even considering the possibility of having two different OOC partners.
True, true, alright then. In that case, my 'default' decision is to pair up Millie with Illa. That is, pending any changes from future discussions.
Oh right! Speaking of pairings, @The Savant, are we going ahead with that plan of pairing up our respective Noble and Knight? That'd mean pairing Millie with Illa and Alfi with Max (I know Illa isn't finished yet, but the plan still stands).
We can go the Rose Route and pair our own noble with our own knight, Millie x Max and Alfi x Illa
I can already see pros and cons with either of this method. The former fosters more player to player interaction and unpredictable IC development, while the latter allows for more streamlined IC dynamics and OOC convenience since each pair will be controlled by the same player.
Whaddya think?
<Snipped quote by The Savant>
Ah yes, a PC of the secret role, Teacher.
So, excluding completed chars (accepted or not), what we publicly know to be in the works:
- @Crowvette's Noble
- @Fading Memory's Noble
- @Crusader Lord's Noble
- @Expendable's Noble
- @Kero's Knight
- @The Savant's Knight
Did I miss anyone?