Avatar of Three Steps Far


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1 day ago
Current Lately I've been bouncing between having no motivation at all and having all the motivation at once.
3 days ago
Apologies, friends! I may not be able to post today, but I'll answer you all by tomorrow for sure!
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13 days ago
I've been playing Final Fantasy 16 lately, and oh my word. The game gets better with every hour.
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18 days ago
My power is finally back on! UNLIMITED *POWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!*
19 days ago
Still no power here. :C Fortunately I have clean water, so I’m doing alright!


Hello hello! I'm a long-time roleplayer (nearly 20 years of it!) who's ever searching for the next grand tale! I enjoy long-term plays that involve plenty of world building and character development, and I enjoy partners who can both play and build alongside me as equals. Few things excite me quite like pouring my passion into a project and having it matched by others, all coming together to form something truly amazing! My longest campaign was four full years, and it was a glorious tale! Perhaps you and I can form the next grand epic!

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Interesting character! I hope her fears don't keep her from enjoying the Academy. Please add her to the Characters tab; your application is accepted!

After lengthy consideration of your application and your answers to the questions I asked, I am happy to say that your application has officially been accepted! Please add Eric to the Characters tab!

Combat mechanics are still a WIP. I'm trying to find a way to simplify the existing battle system from the games. I can confirm for certain that it will center around dice rolls and modifiers.


Go for it! What better place to start learning about new Pokemon?

While I can certainly always appreciate the use of Karma as a character, students are not allowed to carry evolved Pokemon. Additionally, your profile is rather bare. I'd suggest reconsidering who you want in your character and how you want to express that, then try again.

I'm impressed! The character sheet is really well done. Please add Kanoa to the Character tab; your application has been accepted!
<Snipped quote by Gliding Snake>

Gotcha. Definitely more inclined to go for that role then.

By all means! Just bear in mind that applications for a Professor position will receive a bit more scrutiny, given they'll be required to write their own material for classes and such. If you're okay with that, I absolutely encourage you to go for it!
Got a bit eager and already got things set up! Apply here!
I guess I can throw interest at this? How old are the Professors?

Professors can be any age you like!

Name: Marshall Kentrick
Age: 38
Region of Origin: Sinnoh
Role: Headmaster

Bio: From the day he was old enough to understand it, Marshall wanted nothing more than to be a Pokemon trainer. Like all trainers, he wanted to become the greatest of all someday, but the true appeal to him was the adventure. Traveling the world, throwing yourself into battle, experiencing things no book or classroom could ever impart... Truly, the world was always a playground for him. He traveled far and wide, becoming an exceptional trainer through his years of effort. What he lacked in formal training, he made up for in an unyielding spirit and an unquenchable thirst for his next grand adventure. Through the years, he gained many Pokemon partners, even tragically losing some along the way. He fought many battles both small and grand, and more than once he even dared to challenge a region's Elite Four! Sadly, he never became a Champion.

As time went on and the years began to pile on, travel became harder, and his beloved partners were growing tired. Eventually, he decided that it was time for a well-deserved rest. Booking a ticket, he traveled to the beautiful Alola region, and even though he'd gone to relax, the sight of the wonderful islands only further fueled his child-like desire to adventure once again. He eventually set out to complete the Trials, and upon his success, he even challenged the Elite Four once again. This time, he managed to win, and at last he stood face-to-face with a Champion. The battle was the greatest of his life, and though it ended in his loss, he knew he'd never forget it.

Nor would the Kahunas, it seemed. As he made to leave, they approached him and requested that he remain behind to teach in the Pokemon Academy, formerly the Trainer's School. The current Headmaster of the time was set to retire, and a suitable replacement had yet to be found. The Kahunas agreed that Marshall would make an excellent instructor, both for his experience and for how clearly he cared for people and Pokemon - namely his own. After some thought, he finally agreed, and the very next year, he took up the mantle of Headmaster.

It has now been five years since he came to Alola, and not once has he regretted his decision. Between the wonderful wilds of the islands and the joys of seeing his students rise from humble beginnings to trainers overflowing with potential, he knows to this day that he made the right decision.

Marshall's Team
Partner Pokemon: Infernape (Male)
Moveset and Ability: Blaze
Close Combat
Bulk Up
Mach Punch
Bio: Marshall's very first Pokemon and long-time partner. A very serious Pokemon with a warrior mindset, Infernape will not fight seriously against those it does not deem worthy. He and Marshall are inseparable.

Pokemon #2: Mawile (Female)
Moveset and Ability: Hyper Cutter
Play Rough
Iron Defense
Baton Pass
Bio: Much more playful and demure than her frightening maw makes her appear, Mawile enjoys being among people and excitement. To this end, she'll often sneak out on her own, occasionally spotted among the students in the dorms or sneaking food from the cafeteria.

Pokemon #3: Luxray (Male)
Moveset and Ability: Rivalry
Scary Face
Electric Terrain
Thunder Fang
Bio: One of Marshall's first Pokemon caught in his adventures, Luxray has always been competitive to a fault. He never turns down a challenge and constantly works to prove he's the strongest. Luxray and Infernape share a long-standing rivalry.

Pokemon #4: Tsareena (Female)
Moveset and Ability: Queenly Majesty
Trop Kick
High Jump Kick
Bio: One of the Pokemon to join Marshall after he began his Alolan adventures, Tsareena believes herself to be the undisputed queen of the Academy. While she does care for those around her, she does so from a very clear position of self-proclaimed superiority. A very sore loser.

Current Cast!
Headmaster: Marshall Kentrick (played by Gliding Snake)

Eric Delanoe, Arts and Music (played by Yankee)

Kanoa Makamae (played by AmpharosBoy)
Fang Shi (played by Sneep)
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