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Location: Tea Party
Time: Sola 23
Mentions: @SilverPaw Wulfric

“You assume that you are the focus of every whisper and glance, all of them malicious,”

“ I don't assume anything, Prince Wulfric” Violet snapped at his words. She looked away from his direction, already entering this conversation with frustration. “ I would prefer people to leave me to my own. However, I am forced to attend these events in order to keep up my appearance for the pleasure of my parents. She let out a drawn-out sigh realizing that the anger and frustrations she held about everything that happened likely made her seem like an arrogant woman.

“ I don't know who attack me. I don't know why I was attacked. I hold much suspicion on everyone. Even yourself. She looked towards Wulfric “ This is not to say I believe you or any of these other people are the culprits but how am I to be certain? I was injured to the point where my eyesight was taken from me, my body is barely able to do its daily tasks without tiring and my memories are nothing but empty thoughts. She looked back over towards the sounds of the crowd.

” You may laugh all you wish Prince Wulfric, I am sure my situation is comedic. However, I was attacked. You want to see this investigation closed…why? Because it's some kind of inconvenience for you? Because you fear for your people? Yet you sit here and interrogate me and actually insult me with your laughter over my own personal fears of having survived said attack. She paused for a moment taking a slow breath. ” These people still being out there continue to haunt me every single moment. If you think that It isn’t on my mind 24/7 then you’re the fool… I don't even feel safe in my own home. Her voice dropped, the first time Violet had shown any sense of emotion.

Taking another deep breath Violet attempted to calm her nerves. ” Perhaps speak to my parents, they seem to enjoy putting their nose where it doesn’t belong. It’s the only sort of lead I genuinely could give anyone… If you do happen to find out who it was. Please do me the courtesy of knowing before everyone finds out.” She turned her attention back towards him, her expression held a sense of fear and sadness ”...please”

There she was. The scared, frail, and almost childlike Violet. Her voice was soft as her eyes glistened as tears seem to form in them. She had slipped and allowed her hard exterior to crumble for only a moment. Realizing it, Violet turned her head away from him her face returning to its normal composure as she held back any true emotion. Perhaps she would regret that later but it was too late to take it back now.

“I have nothing else for you Prince Wulfric. It's the only information I know.”

Time: Morning
Location: Beach Event
Interactions: Lorenzo @FunnyGuy
Appearance:Outfit, Hair style

“Gardening?” Ariella raised a brow. The Duke certainly held many surprising attributes, but she still had a hard time seeing why her mother loathed him as much as she does. “ I’d love to hear more about your interests there, Mother never allowed me to garden because a lady should never have dirt under her nails” Ariella mocked.

As they arrived at the blanket Ariella offered everyone a nervous smile not wanting to interrupt their current conversations. She also grabbed a sandwich and some other refreshments that were laid out before heading back toward the water.

As Lorenzo and Ariella walked she unwrapped her sandwich and took a bite, she didn't realize just how hungry she was. It was refreshing. Taking in a breath she looked over at Lorenzo “ Like I said, it won't taste great but you’ll be feeling a lot better at least until tomorrow. Hopefully by then your stomach has had some time to settle.” Taking another bite she tried to change the topic from his stomach problems. “ So the dinner certainly was interesting, how are you after that entire show?”

Location: Tea Party
Time: Sola 23
Mentions: Charlotte@princess, Wulfric@silverpaw, Roman@sword

Violet finished writing her letter to Roman just as Wulfric arrived. Sealing the envelope she handed it to the attendant. Scurrying off once again, the attendant left knowing exactly where to deliver the letter.

Wulfric’s voice alerted her to his return as she offered him a slight nod of understanding. “Yes, Of course. I know all about family disruptions,” she said referencing the fight she just had with her parents.

“You know, I did notice some guests giving you strange looks. Do you have a sixth sense for such things now?”

Letting out a short sigh, Violet replied with a sense of frustration. “ Although I cannot see Prince Wulfric, I am not stupid. I can hear the whisperings and feel the discomfort of my presence. It has nothing to do with a sixth sense but rather when you become the jester in a crowd of people you start to pick up on it.” Reaching for her cup and tea she found it with ease as she took a small sip. “Yes, I suppose you are correct. However, it is interesting how I am the injured one, and yet no one besides Lord Ravenwood has been interested in checking into my welfare. People would rather mock and whisper about what may or may not have happened.” Taking another sip of her tea, Violet leaned forward and placed it on the saucer.

Turning her attention towards Wulfric, her crimson eyes fixating on him.” So far Charlotte and yourself have been brave enough to try and pull information out of me. For what I have yet to understand; However, I am certain you have your motives as does she. Those motives not being my well-being but your morbid curiosity I assume.” She leaned back in her chair once again. “ But please, correct me if I am wrong. “ she offered a rather fake smile being sure to not reveal the secrets that lay behind it.

Time: Morning
Location: Beach Event
Interactions: Lorenzo @FunnyGuy
Appearance:Outfit, Hair style

Ariella felt a look of confusion on her face as he referred to her as Lottie, she imagined he was confusing her with Charlotte. It wasn’t until the Duke's eyes met with hers that the look of confusion softened to a smile.

She nodded as he said her name “ Yes, Lady Ariella Edwards.” she smiled.

“Where are my manners? I'm extremely grateful for-”

Ariella shook her head “ Oh, you don’t need to repay me … I normally just carry some herbs and such for cuts and scrapes. Just so happens they are also good for upset stomachs” Her eyes widened slightly as he snapped the band on his speedo as she didn’t realize just how revealing his swim outfit was. Awkwardly Ariella adverted her gaze as he started to stand up, nodding at his suggestion for the walk.

She stood up and walked alongside him, carrying her shoes in her hands still as her feet continued to sink into the sand.

She looked up to see the large group laughing and conversating. She looked back over at Lorenzo “ Do you find yourself on many beaches lately, Duke Vienka?” she asked curiously. She had heard some terrible things about the man in fact it was one of her mother's favorite pass times. Ariella never held the same distaste for people. She always stood in the mindset that each person deserved a chance to show who they were and her mother's notion of people tended to be incorrect for the most part.

Location: Tea Party
Time: Sola 23
Mentions: Roman @ReusableSword Prince Wulfric @SilverPaw

The air hung heavy with the scent of roses and secrets as the guests continued to filter into the event. Violet carefully reached for the tea that the attendant had arranged before her. Her long, pale fingers trembled slightly as she lifted the cup to her lips, unsure of how her palate might react to the drink. Sipping the soft, floral tea, she found it lacking, neither satisfying nor quenching her. With a hint of disappointment, she set the cup back on her plate, crimson lips stained with a smile that concealed her true nature.

Her attention shifted to Prince Wulfric, probing for answers she was not yet ready to reveal. As he sought factual information, Violet's guard surged, the shadows within her growing darker and more enigmatic. Suspicion loomed in her crimson eyes as she pondered his intentions, detecting no clear purpose behind his inquiries. It was as if he sought to wield the knowledge he sought as a weapon—a weapon that might be turned against her, her family, or perhaps for something far more ominous.

A deadly dance of deceit played out within her mind as she weighed the consequences of divulging her secrets. She possessed knowledge that surpassed what most knew, but something didn't sit right in her mind. Her instincts warned her to withhold her truths, for sharing them might lead to devastation and chaos and she wasn’t ready for that.


Amidst the dimly lit garden, the King's speech was interrupted once more by Prince Callum's commentary, providing Violet with a moment of silence to carefully choose her words. With an air of detachment, she thought of how to reply to Prince Wulfric, trying to conceal her unease.

The recent attack in the park had revealed that there were malevolent forces plotting against her, their motives shrouded in uncertainty. Violet considered the possibility that Prince Wulfric's suspicion of her father's enemies might hold some truth. However, the clues were but fragments of a puzzle, still leaving her wandering aimlessly in the shadows of her own past trying to find them.

“Yes, such a relief,” she said rather bluntly, her tone was void of much emotion. “ I can feel the relief of people as we speak,” she said sarcastically as the eyes of strangers still lingered on her, creating a sense of unease for Violet as she reached for her tea once again.

Before she could continue her conversation, he seemed to lose interest in her, captivated by his family's own squabbles. Violet couldn't help but feel an eerie sense of déjà vu as if this was not the first time he had abandoned a conversation prematurely.

Faking a smile as Prince Wulfric departed. “Of course, please enjoy your morning.”

Violet was left alone in the midst of the unsettling event. The people around her were a reminder of the temptation that haunted her. She took a breath, attempting to suppress her ravenous thirst for the sweet, coppery essence of life pulsing within them. She knew better than to indulge in such a feast in the presence of so many witnesses, but even then the idea of blood and another person. It caused an overwhelming sense of disgust to flood over her. Drawing a long sip from her tea, the taste of blood still lingered on her lips, teasing and tormenting her with its haunting flavor. Oh, how she craved more of it, It lingered in her belly like a quiet animal slumbering. She feared it may wake at some point and that stirred a lot of fear inside of her.

Could she control the beast that lurked, and did she even want to control it?

While sitting in contemplation, her lips still lingering against the teacup as she held it in her hand, her attendant returned back with a letter.

“ Lady Damien, This arrived for you earlier in the morning. I felt now would be the best time to share it.” He held it nervously in his hands as he fiddled with the edges of the sealed envelope. “ With your lack of - with your eyes…” he stuttered on his words unaware of how to delicately speak to her regarding her ailments.

“Yes, please just open it and read it to me if you don’t mind.” Violet interrupted the stuttering boy. He nodded and did as she asked opening it up and unfolding the letter inside.

The boy paused as he read the last line, feeling slightly uncomfortable he awkwardly read it out loud however his voice dropped to a slight whisper in fear someone would overhear.

“P.S. Your scars are still beautiful and they don’t diminish your worth.”

A genuine smile spread on her lips as the boy set the letter on the table beside her teacup. Violet placed a hand on the letter securing it by putting it inside the small bag that she had around her hip. Her mood seemed to change slightly but faded as she remember that ball she would need to attend.

She wondered if Lord Ravenwood would attend her father's event or if she would need to somehow sneak away. Either way, she would find a way to see her friend.

“Please fetch me a paper and a quill so I may respond, would you mind delivering this letter to someone who can be sure Lord Ravenwood would receive it?”

The boy nodded “ Yes Lady Damien” and with that, he scurried off.

Time: Morning
Location: Beach Event
Mention: Dali @Ojo chan 42 Farim @Lava Alckon Callum @Helo
Interactions: Lorenzo @FunnyGuy
Appearance:Outfit, Hair style

Ariella felt an overwhelming urge to submerge herself in the waters that stretched before her. The beach had been an elusive luxury in her life lately, and now, basking in the sun's warm embrace, she relished every moment. As the cold waves gently caressed her toes, a smile spread across her face, reflecting the pure joy she experienced.

Her recent time spent with Callum had sparked new thoughts, causing her to question her definition of home.

The manor, though always referred to as her home, suddenly felt like an empty title. While the chill of the water seemed to call to her, inviting her to return to its depths, as if the very elements of the world were urging her to embrace her true home. She felt at ease amidst nature's raw elements and nothing had really come close to it.

Lost in her thoughts, Ariella was brought back to reality by the sound of Dali's voice behind her. Although she respected the man, he could be a handful, especially so early in the morning. Ignoring his call, she practiced the art of appearing oblivious, a skill her mother had taught her on a few occasions.

Kneeling by the gentle tide, Ariella felt the sand slipping through her fingers with each ebb and flow of the waves. Doubts gnawed at her, wondering if her plan was wise. The spell she intended to cast was simple, but it still could alter memories. Although the magic itself was complicated people forgot things all the time. All she needed to do was make her forget the small events from that day so Ari could keep on being herself.

and keep returning to her home.

Grasping her shoes, Ariella decided to venture towards a cluster of people, spotting Duke Vikena seated in the sand, a hint of fear etched on his face as he seemed to mutter to himself.

Her mother's past with the duke was common knowledge, and though she held no fondness for him, she wondered if anyone truly mattered to her – perhaps her father's wealth and her own reflection were her only true concerns.

Approaching the duke cautiously, Ariella stopped beside him and offered a warm smile,her voice tinged with genuine concern. "Are you doing alright, Duke Vikena?" she inquired curiously. “You don't look so well…” her voice dropped to near a whisper. However, the long she stayed the longer the smell rose to her nose.

Eyes widening slightly Ariella could tell the Duke was certainly struggling with something. She reached into the small bag that hung around her waist and pulled out a satchel. It smelts strongly of herbs and spices as she reached down and extended it out towards the Duke. “ If you use this in some freshwater you will feel much better…It just won’t taste great but I promise it works.”

Location: Tea Party
Time: Sola 23
Mentions: Prince Callum @Helo
Interactions: Prince Wulfric @SilverPaw

Violet's level of comfort continued to drain as she could feel the discomfort rising within her chest. Likely more eyes on her and she was certain more whispers as well. She couldn’t blame them, she would likely feel the same if she had to look at herself. Perhaps she should be thankful that she couldn’t.

She was taken aback by Prince Wulfric's remark about her attackers. Did he possess knowledge of the vicious attack she had suffered in the park? Or was he perhaps alluding to her death itself? The uncertainty of his intentions weighed heavily on her thoughts, adding to the labyrinth of emotions that entangled her mind.

Despite her mother's stories, Violet remained oblivious to the identity of her assailants. She only knew of the haunting result - her new form, a cursed existence. A chilling idea emerged within her, one she dared not utter aloud: seeking out those who had wronged her and taking her vengeance in a ghastly, vampiric manner. The scent of blood tickled her nose and she had to pull herself back.

“Attackers?” Violet said, her voice low in tone to match his. “ I wouldn’t think of a Prince being interested in the gossip columns and whispers of bored nobles.” She restrained herself from voicing the raw truth that danced on her lips, opting instead to hide behind a facade of deception while resenting the tales woven around her. Her true feelings certainly weren’t masked in her tone as she spoke.

Suddenly, a jarring trumpet blared through the hall, causing Violet to flinch. The sound invaded her sensitive ears, a consequence of her loss of sight. She winced, holding her hand up to her ear as if trying to shield herself from the auditory assault. Attempting to lighten the mood, she tried to jest about her heightened hearing, but the pain etched on her face betrayed the truth.

“ What-Sorry? … I can’t hear you after that assault to my ear.” she said jokingly. “ Since my eyesight has left me, my hearing has become rather sensitive. The doctor said something about when people lose their eyes sights the other sights kick in to compensate. “

The boy on her arm helped steady her before resuming his formation on her arm.

“I am not sure I’d consider blasting a very out-of-tune trumpet into your guest's ears as a form of entertainment, but I suppose to each their own.”

She took a short pause to nod, giving the attendant a nod as well as he lead the way to a table towards a shaded area of the event. The boy pulled out of her seat, touching her shoulder gently to guide her down to the chair. Violet sat under the shade of a rather large tree, feeling comfortable enough to collapse her parasol and rest it against her chair. The relief from having to hold it for so long felt pleasant. The boy seeing Violet had settled, moved back away from her just enough to see her but not enough to intrude on any conversation.

“ I am curious to know where you got your information from Prince Wulfric, regarding my injury that is." she said rather bluntly, bringing them back to their original conversation.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

☽Location☾ Port Vanarosa
☽Time☾ Morning
☽Mentions☾ None

Time had faded since her previous visit, Sirena had been in Port Vanarosa for at least a month. Seeking solace in the seedier corners of towns, cities, and ports, she catered to the shady characters, offering an array of items acquired through chance discoveries, brazen thefts, or her own craftsmanship. A delicate dance with hiding in the shadows sustained her, affording sustenance and means of travel, while her uncanny knack for blending with unusual hideaways ensured safe passage when necessary. Decrepit barns and abandoned buildings sheltered her during her travels. If something was not suitable, Sirena would find solace within the woods safe away from the towns.

Yet, traversing treacherous paths came as an expected burden for Sirena. Alone, she wandered through realms, burdened by her very nature as a dark fairy. Her existence attracted hate and loathing. Verbal onslaughts, projectiles hurled with disdain, and physical assaults became the theme of her journey, staining her days and nights with anguish both in pain and loneliness.

And this time was no different.

The break of dawn offered a fleeting reprieve from the nightmarish shadows that enveloped her world. As the first rays of sunlight penetrated the stable's splintered wooden planks, its feeble glow caressed Sirena's delicate features. Her moon-struck hair, glowed its white glow as her pale skin nearly blended into her white dress. She wore a black cloak that hugged her body tightly was the cold night air. Her head rested upon a modest mound of hay, her eyes tracing the spectral dance of light as it ascended, casting a sense of hope. In this brief moment, the clamor of her restless mind dulled, granting her a semblance of peace.

As the sun ascended, its light cascaded over Sirena's emaciated form, illuminating the stains of blood that stained her tattered dress. As the stream of light traveled, it unveiled a crimson gash, etched upon her swollen lips, as a reminder of the night's event. The mottled hues of black and purple painted her bruised face, the fresh wounds adorning her right eye.

The night prior, as Sirena concluded her shop for the evening, a feeling of darkness engulfed her surroundings, invoking the presence of things not welcomed.

The nocturnal hours, once a veil of serenity, became a reminder of murmurs and unseen terrors. Seeking relief from the voices and visions that plagued her, she sought solace in a tavern, where copious amounts of ale became her refuge—a means to silence the chaos in her mind, to lull herself to sleep. It was a habit she had acquired, a ritual born out of necessity.

Having enjoyed her evening deeply, she stumbled back toward her current home, the barn that had briefly become her sanctuary, only to encounter a group of men on her way.

Like a sack of potatoes, they tossed her about callously, their bully-like behavior escalating into a sickeningly personal assault. The limits of her welcome had been met; it was time to flee. The men continued to kick and punch her. It wasn’t until she collapsed to her knees that they decided to leave out of fear of being caught…

Suppressing the night's haunting memories, Sirena hastily gathered her possessions, her mind now fixed upon leaving. If she could reach the docks before the light fully claimed the sky, her chances of boarding a ship and finding refuge in its hidden recesses would increase. The art of sailing had become an unwritten expertise of hers, as her presence remained undiscovered to this point. Her comfort in voyages grew, disembarking at ports and lingering until her instincts summoned her onward. It was then that Sirena would find a new ship to board, stowing herself away for weeks. She would be active while the crew slept, creeping around to find food and other things she needed, returning back to the original place before anyone would notice.

Nearing the docks, she moved with thought as she tried to draw little attention to herself as her gaze, a calculating dance, began assessing the vessels tethered within the docks. Amidst the shadows, her eyes fell upon the Saltrunner—an imposing craft that exuded an aura of dormant power. Its seemingly vacant deck and lack of a vigilant crew presented an opportunity too enticing to ignore. Silently melding into the obscurity of her surroundings, Sirena slipped aboard the ship, her cloak shrouding her form, rendering her almost unnoticeable.

Finding her way under a staircase, She slipped under them covering herself with her cloak so as to not be seen. Her nervous breath intertwined with the salt-tinged air that hung heavy around her. But as the stillness draped her like a shroud, a chilling voice emerged, an ethereal whisper that clawed its way into her consciousness. "Sirena... Suuuuuuhhhh-reeeeeeee-naaaaaaaa," it slithered, tormenting her senses, compelling her to recoil, to fold in upon herself, seeking refuge within the sanctuary of her own knees as she rested her chin on them.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she waited.
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