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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Mint! Melisa had been told about them. A shady and manipulative group apparently. Something about the name struck her the wrong way, at least at the moment. Anyhow her tumble was stopped by a magical force that pushed her onto safe ground. Bouncing and crumpling for a moment she very quickly reoriented her limbs to stand. "Thanks!" What exactly was going on was still confusing to her. However the main thing she could see was another girl had turned into a monster and was attacking Penny. She'd had some training to fight and use her magic, thankfully, but it was still something of a shock this first time. Holding out her arms forward her two cannons materialized.

This being a dump there were random bits and pieces of scrap lying around. Melisa spotted the blade and for a moment considered trying to control it, but it moving so quickly would making targeting it tough. Instead she began shooting at any loose chunks of metal she could see around Oros and Penny. Shifting and coming to life the metal objects began to dislodge themselves from the terrain and attempt to grab and restrain Oros and the additional arm coming out of the ground. The hot blade would damage the other metal objects, but it lacked any sensory capability to recoil from the touch. Besides, the arm holding the sword wasn't magically burning so that could still be restrained to protect Penny from a strike.

Seemed that they'd managed to assuage some of Nyssa's curiosity for the moment. Dalton stepped up take the Kitsune girl to see Jarvis which gave Ariel a bit of a break. Or at least it would have anyway. Taking back the lacrama the woman watched as Nyssa began to glow. For a moment she thought this might be some kind of performance. That was what the girl had been doing before this. Evidently what was not what she was doing, and before she could protest Ariel had been nipped on the ear and magic transferred to her.

Transference may not be the same from Kitsune to others, but Ariel was not like most other mages. Nyssa skipped away as Ariel put her free hand over her just bitten ear. The glow spread over the woman as the magic seemingly found itself at home. Shaking briefly and lost in a flash of light those familiar with her would recognize her tell tale transformation. Her regular ears shrank away as two fox ears popped out of her locks on top of her head. That was a more minor change though as her tail bone began to extend, segment, and branch out. Impulsively she leaned forward as, one after another, large fluffy tails shot and splayed out until there were nine in total. Glow dying down as the transition completed Ariel blinked her now yellow eyes several times.

The large tails practically occupied as much space as Ariel herself and she'd managed to knock a number of things off a nearby table. "Ah, what now!" Turning to pick the things up Nolan ended up with a face full of fur and was half engulphed in tails. Getting the things back on the table and turning back she was beginning to piece together that she was causing another scene. Reaching out she hooked an arm around as many of the tails she could get a hold of and hugged them close, leaving three still moving freely. "S-sorry about that. I uh..." She trailed off a bit as the personality trait that accompanied the Kitsune magic caught up. A cute little smirk made its way to her face and she released her tails, a couple of which purposely brushing against Nolan's face once again. "Actually Nolan, I'm feeling much better now." She couldn't quite get a guage of how she looked without a mirror but... "How do I look?" One of the tails wrapped around her left leg as she looked up at her boyfriend and put him on the spot.

Was there ever a lot of activity here. Not that it should be much of a surprise. The guild was big before and it had only grown. It was actually hard to tell what all was going on. Her return generated more attention than she'd anticipated. Then again, she did just embarrass Nolan to some extent. He seemed to take it well though which made Ariel happy. She responded to Nolan first before anyone else. "I've found something my magic is good for what it is. That helps a lot." She beamed, either not noticing or not minding some of the comments. "The trip was great. Were was a surprising number of things to do though. I see now what they wanted a couple months." She turned to Brianna briefly. "Thanks, it's been pretty crazy getting into this." The woman chuckled slightly before moving on.

Nyssa had lagged behind but eventually came up and mentioned she hadn't said anything about a mate. It gave the woman a moment of pause but didn't stagger her quite as much as it would otherwise. She'd had the chance to realize that the Kitsune girl was from a very different world. "W-we aren't mates exactly." She stated slightly nervously. "We're uh... moving in that direction." She said as she glanced at Nolan briefly. "I'll uh... explain that later." That was worth talking about in a less crowded space.

"I ran into Nyssa in Oak Town. She's a Kitsune from a small island and is new to Fiore. Some stuff is very different in the way they do things so there can be some confusion at times." Ariel was trying to help clear up the undoubted miscommunication that was to come. She felt like she was forgetting something, but that's probably just the tiredness causing brain fog.

@Ariamis@BrokenPromise@FamishedPants@Majoras End@PlatinumSkink

The fact that her approach had been interrupted was quite disappointing. A number were vying to take out Justine and it was hard to keep track of it all. Still, the attack had done a number on Justine which meant she wasn't at full strength. The fact that she had taken Tenebra's life was note enough of that. Justine's actions weren't much of a surprise, having been under her control before, but it still made her sick that she'd come so close to avoiding further death at the vampires hands.

With her access to the Emotion spec Jenna did her best to recover as much of the feeling of love as she could. It wouldn't have the same oomph as the cane, but she could make her strikes more effective. Landing nearby the dark magical girl was already moving in her direction, intent on running her through. Even being sped up Justine was in another league. Eliza and Freya's intervention gave her the space to narrowly avoid being shish kabobbed. That was when another girl came in with a killing blow of her own. Jenna had missed the beginning of all this, but right now the fight was getting messy. The main trick was, despite the amount of damage they did they had to keep her from taking the blood from another afterward. Sakura was already being extracted by a plunger of all things, Eliza and Freya were her next concern. Reaching out she lightly brushed both of the girls and shielded them, passing along a mental message. "If she's going to feed on anyone else, it's going to be me." It wasn't so much a warning as a determination that Jenna had made. Whether or not it would come to that would depends on how desperate things got. She wasn't going to let either of them become the blood sucker's next meal.

She did pick up some of the love that had spread through the lamia. Using that with what she already had she enchanted her spear with the emotion and shifted position to counter attack. She didn't have heavy hitting attacks like some, but she could keep Justine's grasp off of the others, her weapon infused with her bane making it's mere touch painful for the monster girl.
Eliza to the rescue.

One journey after another it seemed. After her first year away for training Ariel have been in town until a couple months ago. She'd taken up the offer of someone that had spotted her earlier to be featured in Sorcerer's Magazine. Setting set up for all that took quite a bit longer than she expected. There was paperwork to sign, regiments to go on, and many many outfits to try on for shoots. Speaking of which, Ariel's appearance was quite a bit different than when she was last seen. Her magic proved to be particularly difficult given her changing magic. Her outfits had to be custom weaved along with the usual tailoring in order to receive the color changing effect. Thankfully they had her previous wardrobe to reference. Her hair was now much longer which more dramatically displayed her magic. She defiantly stood out way more than last anyone saw her.

Flying back into town she carried along with her a girl she'd met on her way back from Oak Town. They'd had the chance to chat and the girl had wanted to come along. For the time being Ariel instructed her to follow along.

Switching out of her Exceed magic Ariel headed straight for the hall. Her new companion surly following close behind. Pausing for a moment she gathered her excitement. Aside from those that may have seen the magazine this would be the first time most would see the new Ariel. Pushing the doors open she stepped into a bustling Phoenix Wing. Many of the members were here and she had arrived just in time to hear Damian's small announcement. Scanning the room she spotted the group around Nolan. Of course that was the direction she started heading, greeting others as she did. "Hello everyone!" She had to call out a bit louder than usual to be overheard as she approached.

Walking right up to Nolan she gave him a kiss before anyone else could interrupt her. "Sorry I'm a little late. I had to help someone who wanted to visit the guild." Taking a step away and brushing her hair back she gave a little twirl to show off her new look. "What do you think? Took a little getting used to but I think it works, yeah?" She gave them all a smile and waited for their responses. She wanted to get this bit out of the way first. Mostly because it was bound to come up early on. It was a rather obvious and striking change from her typically more reserved choice in dress.


There were many things that the woman regretted in her life. Most bared little assurance to their outcome. What if she'd gone out with Peter when he'd asked? What if she hadn't persued her carrier so much. Potentially life changing events that could have altered the course of history. Thus far though none of them quite compared to coming in contact with a cursed doll. Unceremoniously dropped into a world she knew nothing about and forced to rely on complete strangers. Thus far she'd been lucky. There was still a whole lot she didn't know or was even close to understanding.

Skipping more to the present, Melisa had been riding on the tiger that she'd been left with. Content to sit and wait she petted the the soft fur for a while. Things turned rather quickly when all at once the tiger broke into a run. Tumbling for a second the girl managed to grab ahold and hang on for dear life. "Whoa, slow down there um...". The name of the tiger suddenly escaped her and they rushed through the Sanctuary. That would have been weird enough but then the big cat got even bigger and had weird spikes coming out of its back. These made holding on harder, but her magic allowed several tendrils of metal to wrap around and keep her fixed.

What all happened was kind of a blur. Stopped briefly to get someone else to follow. They came to Penny, some fight seeming to about to happen. Nuncio showed up and then... the other people left. Huh. Well maybe... Nope! "What is going oooooon!" Someone else arrived and then the world shifted into some bizarre canyon with strange looking liquids. The transition itself had separated her from her ferocious steed and she tumbled down toward the waste.

Clutching the cane trusted to her, Jenna thanked Aurelio as he went off to assist the injured. Looking at the realm as it stood the fractures were clear signs that everyone present was under threat. Things had to end, like, now. Everyone was moving in at various points and targets. Eyes darting here and there she was looking for something. Eyes shimmering red she'd found something she hadn't anticipated but found useful none the less. She had a package to deliver and she had to get there ASAP. Mind made up she activated the copied Avatar power. Horns, spines, and tails growing as her eyes turned deep red and clothes shifted to more of an armor the magical surge partially triggered her Metamorphosis. Realistically there were only a few key targets to end this conflict. Top most on Jenna's mind though was Justine.

Justine had launched into the air and taken hold of another girl, no doubt trying to use her as she had Janet in the past. External magic not being much use Jenna focused her various specs inward. Primarily Reinforcement, Lightning, and Time to accelerate herself. Breaking into a run she rushed past the others to move below her target. Crouching down and using the earth in contact with her feet to jut up as she jumped, Jenna fired herself into the air like a projectile at the vampire girl.

There were a number of things that could occur here. The first hope was her speed and time acceleration would allow her to take Justine by surprise. Sonia had already moved to intercept others headed their direction. Tenebra she wasn't sure about, but the magical nullification made most attacks less of an issue. Still, Jenna was prepared should she get in the way. The magical payload of the cane just had to be unloaded on Justine.

@Ariamis@PlatinumSkink@Card Captor@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@AtomicNut@Ponn@MadManMoon@Shifter_Master@Flamelord

God this was such a bad idea. She couldn't just sit by and watch though. Taking the device and following orders Jenna made her way and teleported onto the battlefield. No sooner had she arrived then the dimension shook. From the outside of the null field she could see with her Third Eye that the surrounding area had been cut off from its magical source. Perhaps your average Dimensional Home would have been fine, but maintaining something this large required far more. And the result would undoubtedly be catastrophic.

This magical void wouldn't effect her as much, not being that big of a ranged fighter, but it did narrow down her options of support. She'd been told to help Aurelio and Alicia so she began to make her way there. Focusing her magic inward she boosted her speed. Most of the fighting having moved she was bound to intercept the Beacon boy first. Following the inroads already made toward the battered fortification she was able to avoid the laid traps. A fair number of creatures had been dispelled by the field as well so it made easier going for the brief moment. Only a matter of time though. Moving to the last location she'd knows Aurelio to be she found him not far off. "I get the feeling your plan has been put on ice for the moment. Any way I can help with that?" Reaching out a hand she placed it on his shoulder to give him magical emotional, mental support and just a bit of healing. Though it was hard to tell if he needed that last one.

With her barriers down she was going to have to rely more on her spear to fend off attacks. She wasn't as familiar with what everyone was capable of in close quarters aside from a handful of those present. Before running off to the next person though she was going to try and figure out just what was the plan here. She had just thrown herself in the middle of a crumbling warzone after all.
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