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1 mo ago
Current Somewhere between Heaven and Hell


So if you've made it this far you have an interest in me and my writing.

I'm human, unfortunately.
I prefer cats and dogs over humans. They just don't start drama. Well cats do, but that's just being a cat.
If I had a choice, I'd be dead. But I've tried that, and it didn't work out.

I write on several forum groups under a couple different names.

I will never give my Real Name, my Gender and opinions on that will not be revealed.
I've never cared what anyone I write with is. As long as you write in English and well it doesn't matter.

Although there are times when I wish an Alien/Angel/Demon/mutant/Werewolf/Vampire would come to my house and say "We need to talk"

Yes, I've died. Like full on CPR resurrection dead. God kicked me out.

Most Recent Posts

which is older.. charon or Michael?
Tombstone, Arizona
John Henry Holliday / Michael - Knight of the Veil

He’d been using the Doc for to long, some of the people he rode with mostly the Earps were beginning to suspect something was up. Virgil had mentioned how little he’d changed over the years, and then Wyatt’s woman had mention how he still looked so young. So for the past few months he’d taken to biting his inner lip and ‘coughing up blood’. The mortal’s instantly assumed consumption, which had been his plan.

He’d ‘die’ soon and then crawl from his grave, or maybe ride off into the sunset and then hide from the humans, go back east, or go to the far east and live in Cathay or Nippon for a while. He hadn’t een to either for ccenturies, so anyone he had known then was dead now.

And then Morgan – Sheriff - barged into the saloon and told him Virgil was confronting the ‘Cowboy’s, what a fucking name. Dumb ass gang couldn’t even pronounce the word vaquero properly, but then the humans had warped the word Shire-Reeve to be Sheriff, so it was what it was.

“Why is he dong this, ‘John’ had asked.

“”Virgil’s done with them the folk disreputing the Law. And the Law say, ain’t no guns ‘lowed in town ‘cepting by Lawfolk.”

Fifty years. Just fifty years. That’s all John had figured the humans had before they devolved into grunts and hand gestures. A hundred at the most. “And I am to assume the Clanton and McLaury’s have chosen to ignore this Law, again?”

“Yesser, Doc, They have. ‘N Virgil says Claiborne don rustled some cattle the other day as well.”

Looking at the other men at the table he slid his chips forwards. “Call he said, already knowing who had what, and which one of them was planning on slapping leather.

As cards flipped over he slid hi revolver up to the table edge. “Fair and fun, on one needs to die.” He reminded everyone, staring at the one with a hard look.

After swapping chips back to cash he floded his leather wallet up and returned it to he vest thenn grabbed his jacket and left with Morgan.

He heard the hand hitting leather across the room, spun and fired. After the human hit the floor he looked at the bartender. “Money in his wallet is yours. For the cleanup and the funeral He has enough to cover it and then some. Just go cheap.”


Kalan was a bit irritated. These dumb fucks were letting the local sheriff run roughshod over them. Telling them what to do? This was the west. And he had rights to carry his weapon if he wanted. The second amendment said so.

They were a gang of man, a group to do as they willed. And it didn’t take long for him and some whiskey to get the ‘Cowboy’s’ riled up enough to challenge that damned LAWMAN Virgil Earp.

It wasn’t until they were in town did Kalan feel the itch on his neck and the cold line on his spine. Angel Born. FUCK where had he come from?

The cold chill of Celestial presence settled in the base of his neck. To late to back out now, and he was done with these damned Humans and their Laws challenging his right to freedom!

He’d found his current host a decade back playing in a yard. A quick conversation, a deal was struck, and poor billy became a host. That had been damned close, he’d almost lost the conection to earth. Banishment back to hell had been his alternative. Now if he was a Shedim he’s just need to touch one, no deal required.

He’d walked away from the corpse of the old woman laying in the streets with his new body. He’d agreed to the bargian, and kept his word ‘Wanna see a dead body?” Grnted it had been his last host’s body. And she was dead.

She’d grabbed William’ hand and wrapped his fingers around the knife, forcing him to plunge the dagger into her heart. Killing her and giving him William’s corrupt soul. Murder. Such a devious sin.

Stepping around the corner he saw the Angelborn in the alley. FUCK! What the fuck was he… Bullets started firing and Billy/Kalan ran like a bitch. Him! Why was he here? Moving to cover he waited for them to exit the alley before he fired, emptying his weapon in their direction, but his aim was off, the host was fighting him. Hard.

He couldn’t aim, couldn’t run. Billy.. why.. oh fuck the little shit human wanted redemption!?!?!

Running hard and fast Kalaln stole a horse and fled. He’d taken a hit to the leg and stomach, but he’d survive. But the wounds burned unnaturally hot. That bastard had blessed his bullets?!

Sitting on the edge of the bed, his chest and stomach wrapped up by the local tooth puller and sawbones, ‘Doc’ sighed and looked at the other men. “Time for me to retire.” He told the men in the room. “I know you need me, but I’d like to not die face downin the dirty street.”

“I’d Rather die in my sleep, in bed. Dreaming of Heaven.” Later that night he’d left, thankfully no one had followed him.
<Snipped quote by Varshanka>

I'd like to be the Jedi.

ok, then i'll be the scout-sniper.. wanna be sniper..
If there is no jedi i'll be jedi. if someone else wants jedi i'll play soldier.
“Call me young one more time…” Kalen replied glaring at the Fallen one. “You can call my by my hosts name, Jasper Raven. My name true is not for your ears, fellow fallen one.”

“I have walked for thousands of years on Earth while you play in the pit. I’ve worn fleshling Hosts and done our masters bidding with each of them.”

Turning it’s gaze to Agrid, “Payment before is simply a down payment for actions to be taken. A guarantee of services and a binder of the contract. Perhaps You’re not as high on the food chain as I thought.”

Sitting back he relaxed into a chair and smiled. Inside he was pissed. Sacrifice himself for anothers goals, and if he survived he’d get paid? But the payment if the gamble worked off. Such a payment. “I’ll accept payment after, as long as we have an accord that the one that injured Puriel is MINE! No one slays him but me.”

“We have an old score to settle.” he finished. Yeah, they had a score al right, and Kalen kept coming up short, but he’d kill that self righteous bastard if he had to blow him, and the building he was in, apart.

Negotiate.. i'm expecting it.
I did that in empire and ty he dm was pissed. Made my computer and piloting rolls followed by firing all weapons at enemy engines. They died in orbit. Thermal detonator took out the bridge.
Breaching action against another ship is always fun. Match shield frequency. Slip inside enemy shields. Open fire...... board and destroy rebel scum!!!!!!!!
I'll wait to post again until everyone else has posted. Don't wanna get to far a head in a conversation.
Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
In Area...?:
Liam Wallox @World Traveler, Miles Kennedy @Thayr,
Kaiden “Kai” Devarron @Herald, Antonio Cifaretto @Eviledd1984,
Alvis Juneberry Hawes @MrSkimobile, Seraphima Evelynne Rose @Mole,
Tænar Verch Tygath @Varshanka

”What's his - or her - name?” He swallowed, eyebrows raising a tad. ”He likes cats…right?”

“Storm Cloud,” Tænar replied. “He Loves them, but he’s only allowed cats as a special treat with Fava Beans and a fine Cianti.” She added before she smiled.”I’m kidding. He gets along with most other animals fine. Except rodentia. Squirrels, rats, mice, that kind of thing. Rabbits are safe.”

“I’m assuming you have a cat, based on the question.” Tænar observed verbally, absently feeding Storm Cloud as she spoke. “If you feed him, he’ll slobber on you. You’ve been warned.”

"I'm going to be teaching the Dark Arts, but no curriculum was left from the previous teacher, I don't have a roster yet, so no clue how many students, and less than a week to figure out a course guide...
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