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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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i found Blake's theme song
it goes a little against his character but i like it.
@Masaki Haruna SO me and @j8cob must build the team that will participate at the GMG? or just a team to design the uniforms? its not really clear from the post...
It's funny how everyone thinks Blake is the most 'normal' of the lot. @Noklu Too much confidence huh...HAHAHAHHAHA wait until you meet his father.

Well, I posted in the HA RP. Gotta crash now so goodnight :/
What are you guy's top three fav anime and fav anime characters?

1. HunterXHunter
2. FMA: Brotherhood
3. One Piece

1. Aizen from Bleach
2. Joseph from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures
3. Aladdin from Magi
Paul Ray

Paul had started walking towards the main building when the Vice President of the academy suddenly showed up out of nowhere, greeting the new students. He stopped, leaned against a nearby wall and listened to her introducing herself before she turned to Meredith and asked her if the new students were in good condition. Paul almost lost it with her answer, "Nofing Dorian anf I coulfn't handlf. Tere waf a fight, I stopped it cush I'm aweshum." What can you do? She's funny when she's in a good mood, you can't deny her that.

Then, Mr. Dorian jumped in the conversation, "Yeah. Meredith stopped the fight by pulling the emergency breaks. Because that was just a brilliant idea, wasn't it?" Technically, I was the one who pulled the breaks...soooo yeah... YOU CAN'T EXACTLY GO AGAINST HER ORDERS AND EXPECT TO ESCAPE UNHARMED!! Paul wanted to say in his defence but opted to just play it cool and so started whistling a little tune.

"I couldn't let supers fight on the tram! They might have gotten more students hurt! Besides, it's standard procedure to stop the tram during a fight!" standard procedure my ass, just say you wanted to scare them shitless already... At that point, Paul was beggining to get bored by all the grown up talk. That's when one of the freshmen, who just so happened to be the one who wanted a piece of Meredith back at the train a while ago, asked about when they were going to eat dinner. Hearing that reminded Paul that he too hadn't eaten anything since lunch, making his stomach grumble, complaining about the lack of nurishment. "Kid has a good point! We should get moving soon! Get everyone to their rooms and stuffs!" of course she would agree, all she ever thinks about is food. They were both right though and plus, Paul wanted to be done with his living arangements. He wondered who would be his roomate this year, considering the two previous years he had the whole room for himself.

Paul started walking, following the students behind the V.P. who had offered to show them to their dorms and then take them to the school cafeteria. Paul could easily go to these places by himself but decided to follow along anyway. Paul heard a loud shout coming from the back before being pushed aside by a huge man dressed in a corporate suit, followed by a woman clothed in the same manner and behind her, "a kid in a wheelchair? What the..." Paul thought while looking at the trio pass by him and stopping in front of the Vice President. The man handed introduced himself as a goverment agent and handed a clipboard to the V.P. who took and read thought it, "I see. I understand. Though, considering she's now one of my students, I would ask politely if you could kindly desist from call her an 'it'. We don't tolerate that kind of attitude here. Now, if you please, I shall transport her with the rest of my students to the school. We're on a tight schedule as is." Huh, so she's a newbie as well? What did she do that constituted her being strapped onto that wheelchair with chains? Paul wondered.

After that, there was a brief exchange in words between the V.P. and the other agent before she too left, following her partner. "Well that was certainly awkward... I wonder what's her story" Paul thought before he raised his voice, "Um, about that dinner..."
Wow, that post was really long XP

Houndour has joined the party!

Hurray for flashbacks!

Quick question: How late is it atm in the RP? Morning, afternoon, evening?

i always thought it was morning
<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

Alphabetical order...I probably should have labeled them...or have Alfred hand you guys a list xD

Yeah, I think I jumped the gun on that post a bit xD

Uh, lets just go with that they're labeled.

oh if their labeled then ill just edit mah post. PREPARE FOR THE SWIBOSS
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Fo' shame, dude~

You're worse than me! XD

Yes, shame on me. *picks up whip and starts to self-flagellate*
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