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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Zoldyck>


Eh, I'd show you a picture of the town my school's in, but... too lazy, can't move. Byeeee!

Cya ... ...
Here's a pic of my town

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Google image search :D

But ye, not like you'd ever come here, I know I wouldnt if I had the choice :D

Hehe, who knows~~

<Snipped quote by Nightmare Bunny>

Ye... Come to think of it there is actually alot going on atm. I live in a part of the Netherlands called the "Bible-ring". Out here the very strictly religious people live (Calvinists).

And I have this rather annoying alarm clock which is constanly playing freaking annoying tunes and I cant turn off!

Found it ;D
Is easter really that big of a deal in the states?

Edit: here in the Netherlands it's just an extensive breakfast and an extra day off work. Nothing else really. :P

hah, where i come from we get like two weeks off school for the students and a week i think off work for the adults. although i don't believe in a religion, i like Easter as a vacation of sorts. It's actually a lot of fun.
<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

I'm doing the annoying easter thing as well, and I'm the hosting party...

I feel your pain Rune.

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Yeah, I would but I gotta go now.

Off to my grandparents for some...really annoying easter thing.

if I'm not totally drained, I'll post once I'm back.

lol don't you two like Easter? Where I come from, we have a big family gathering and we roast whole lambs on the spit and eat. It's a blast really and the only time i get to see my whole family ( which is a lot of people i tell you )
<Snipped quote by Zoldyck>

If my brain is on vacation, how do you expect me to post on either?~ xP

I really do need too post there too though....xD

Blake Winterhawk

Blake knelt down and patted his new friend on the head/body/whatever, "Don't worry buddy, you might be small now but wait until you grow some" he told Swinub who at first looked at him with a puzzled look which quickly turned to a small smile. Blake lifted him off the floor and placed him on his head and surpisingly, the little Pokemon easily managed to balance itself on it. To anyone looking at them right then, it would seem like Blake had just put on a furry winter hat.

Blake stood up and turned his attention to the rest of the group. Some of them had already picked their first pokemon; the girl after him had, surprisingly, picked a Houndour. It went a little against what he had guessed she would pick, a grass type or a water type. She seemed pretty happy about her selection nevertheless, not something he could say about the Houndour though as evident from the bite it gave her when she tried to hug it.

The third person in line was the guy Prof. Elm pointed out earlier, Avery. He seemed a little on the goofy side but cool nonetheless. His pick was a Phanpy. Good pick! Blake wanted to say but then the boy started crying all of a sudden, What? Why is he crying? Blake started making his way towards the boy but stopped when two girls approached the boy and started talking to him. A moment later, he stopped crying and was now donning a smile on his face. Much better! Blake thought and again turned his attention towards the others who were still picking out their Pokemon.

It seemed now it was some other boy's turn to pick his Pokemon. He approached the table and took his time deciding what to pick. In the end, he grabbed a pokeball and released a...Chikorita? Well that's...interesting to say the least but, who am I to judge others' choices.

Blake scowled when he saw who was next in line. Yep, our little B. She walked up to the table and after a moment, picked a Nidoran. Blake didn't know if he should facepalm or feel impressed. Did she choose it because she knew it evolved into a Nidoking or because it was simply purple? Whatever may be the case, he was almost sure about who was going to be the party pooper of their little group.

Last but not least, the shortie. He walked over to the table and quickly picked up Eevee's pokeball and proceeded to release Eevee out. He seemed pretty happy about his choice and he even gave his little pokemon a PokeBlock to munch on. Blake had heard about those. Apparently, they originate from Hoenn. They are made by mixing a bunch of berries in a special mixer which then condences the mix into small little cubes. "Bummer" he thought, "I should have picked up some Berries on my way here for this little guy..."

Blake approached the boy, "Hey, I didn't really catch your name earlier. As I said, my name's Blake and this here is Swinub" he told him and pointed to the Pokemon sitting in his head. "I haven't really decided what to name him yet though so until then, he's Swinub, haha!" he said with hearty laugh. "Um, I saw you give your Eevee there some Pokeblocks. Would you mind sharing some with Swinub? I completely forgot to bring with me treats for him..." he asked the boy.
i decided. until the time comes, this shall be Blake's theme song.
Add it to your CS, then~

It's oddly sad, though. Are you planning something terrible for Blake?!

You never know~~~
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