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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Differential ecuations. He is scared of maths, so he insists I should get on with it xD He is a veterinarian, so I'm more scared of his own job, not to say anything about being scared of blood and feeling bad for the little animals >.<

what kind of differential equations? if its in my knowledge i can help some if you want :)
As for Gay-Lussac's Law. Say you got your trusty glass cube once again. This time it's got an opening on its top where you put a lid so that the gas inside cannot escape. Say now that you put on top of the lid a weight right? The weight will apply a force to the lid and it will go downwards until it stops. At that point, the force applied by the weight is equalized by the force applied by the pressure of the gas.

Now, you take your torch and you heat the bottom of the cube. The temperature of the glass and the gas inside it increases, thus making the gas expand and thus increasing the force that the gas applies to the lid, pushing it upwards and effectivelly increasing the volume of the glass cube. The pressure though of the gas is constant.

mathematically if p= constant then V/T = constant.
@Hebigami Shiho

Don't neglect your studies, you'll regret doing that.

I did....for one subject.

I think I could screw around with Stacy's mission.

I could walk right in a destroy the dark guild! That would be hilarious. Then she'll have to hunt the mute Mage down.

Funny enough that I believe that stacy and sage are the only one behind everyone on the timeline.

man same for me. There's this subject "Principles of Business Administration". Its like 50 pages of text. No big deal right? 50 pages? YOU GOT TO LEARN IT BY HEART. EVERY SINGLE WORD AND LETTER. EVERY SINGLE EXAMPLE. If you learn it though, you get free credit when finals week comes because you are literally going to write what the book says and you will get 100/100....
@Nightmare Bunny
Hmm ok so for Charle's Law. Let's say you got a glass cube again. This time, the cube is closed off from all sides with no way for us to change its shape, unlike the previous example.

Now, say you got something like a torch or smthing and you put it underneath the glass cube right? The temperature of the glass and the gas inside the glass increases, causing the gas to expand. But, since the volume of the cube cannot change ( can't change its shape ) the pressure of the gas increases instead.

mathematically its something like:

if V = constant then p/T = constant. Charle's law says that the pressure of a certain amount of gas which's Volume is constant is proportional to the absolute temperature of that gas. We measure absolute temperature in Kelvin and we can measure its value using the formula T = 273 + θ where T = temperature, 273 = constant, θ = the temperature measured in Celsius. That means that if you got a temperature of θ=-273C that means that T= 273 + (-273) => T = 0 which is the absolute zero and the lowest temperature that can exist.
@Nightmare Bunny
I actually did all of that last year. Let me dig up my books xD

ok for Boyle's Law
we got p = pressure
V = volume
and T = temperature

Boyle's law practically says that the pressure of a certain amount of gas which's temperature stays constant is inversely proportional to the volume it occupies. For example, imagine you got a glass cube and inside you got gas right? The cube is sealed off with a lid so as to not let any of the gas out.

Now, say that you put the cube inside a container that is filled with water which's temperature is on a constant value. That means that the temperature of the cube and also the gas is the same as the waters, It doesn't change.

If everything above is present then Boyle's Law works and if you apply force to the lid and move it downwards, the pressure of the gas inside the cube increases while its volume decreases.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

That was really horrible...

But since we're doing this anyway...

EDIT: Yes, really mature, sorry for that :P

<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

Pipal up is my third favorite fire type ;D

Piplup! Damn you autocorrect.

Piplup is your third favorite fire type? Okay...

Somebody gonna get-a hurt real bad...
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