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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@LokiLeo789 I just did a quick calculation.

Let's just say that those 63,816 hours are never coming back...

As for the game... the LCS is the only thing that's keeping it alive tbh and that is pushing it. I doubt it's going to be relevant for more that 3 years.
@LokiLeo789 As a LoL veteran that played since open beta, specifically since 01/16/09, and deleted my account six months ago, I have only one thing to say about LoL.

It's done.
@LokiLeo789 You know, after staring at that gif for a disturbingly long time, I realized something.

The old dude's got a cavity he needs to have checked immediately.
Also, @Cyclone. Which reaction will Zeph have to him being set free after his sentence ends?

The Charr were the only reason I played that game, man.

Although, I'm sure anyone would want the Charr in their army.

<Snipped quote by poog the pig>

I know, right? I was a complete fan of the Sylvari myself, but now the last time I played the game I couldn't help but be enchanted by the Charr and Norn

I found the GW games utterly bland and with no depth AT ALL. Must be the only one in the universe with this opinion.
@Rtron Dragoning this b!tch up!

I doubt I lived up to the dragon hype lmao.

The Primordial Sun, The Star Forger
Level 4 God; Cosmos(Stars)

40 Might & 5 Free Points


The Twilight Queen
Level 1 Hero; Werewolf Primus

15 Khookies

"...and thus was how the Universe came into being." Ull'Yang casually watched and played with his tail as he spoke to Luna who was biting into a chunk of deer meat. "After that, I wondered the Universe, disconnected from my siblings. You see we gods, although similar in power, are entirely different in nature. There are those who enjoy mingling with mortals, influencing them and then taking a step back, becoming spectators of their own mischief. There are others who revel in seeking knowledge, searching for a meaning to all this, the Universe. Those ones seldom meddle with mortal affairs and instead seclude themselves inside their own demi-planes, researching Fate knows what." Ull'Yang sighed, puffs of bluish smoke escaping his nostrils.

"Of course, there are those that believe themselves to be rulers, creating whole races to lord over from above the clouds. They indulge themselves in the knowledge that mortals worship and bow down to them in respect and awe, but they are naive!" Ull'Yang coiled his body around Luna and brought his head closer to her. "The mysteries of the Universe are right in front of their eyes and reaching out to them is not what they do!"

Ull'Yang looked at Luna. Luna looked at Ull'Yang. A moment of silence passed as one analyzed the other's reactions. Suddenly, Luna brought a piece of meat to her mouth and bit on it, tearing through both flesh and bone. She chewed on it for a while before swallowing it down and proceeded to lick her fingers one by one, all the while keeping her eyes on Ull'Yang.

Ull'Yang's lips curved upward in a smirk. He let out a few chuckles that soon developed into full-blown laughter that made the very ground they lay upon tremble. Luna tilted her face. She didn't know why her Master was laughing or the reason for this sudden burst of happiness, but she knew one thing. If Master was happy, she was happy, so she didn't complain.

What she did do, however, was wait for her master to calm down before asking him a question. "Master?" Luna said. "What is it, little wolf?"

"You created the four continents of Cygnea, right?" Luna asked. Ull'Yang looked at her with a quizzical look. "Aye, that I did. Where are you getting at?"

"Well, when you told me that we were going to explore the continents, I hoped that we would come across beings that we could interact with, beings like you and me," Luna nervously said. "We spent so many years roaming the lands and yet, apart from plants and animals, I have not seen anything even remotely resembling us."

Ull'Yang raised his head and looked at Luna. "Hmm, what made you think about this?" he asked his companion. "Oh, It's just that I find it a little sad, that's all," Luna replied. "Sad? How so? What is there to be sad about? This realm of mine is filled with nature's best gifts; life's divine refuge. I'd even dare say that my sister Slough would absolutely find this place to her liking!" Ull'Yang said proudly.

"That's why I am saying it's sad. Sure, there are animals that inhabit this plane. They are born, raised, hunt, mate, give birth and then die. They don't care to stop for a moment and appreciate nature's beauty!" Luna remarked somewhat dolefully. "In my opinion, the one thing this plane needs is creatures that are capable of doing just that!"

Ull'Yang looked at Luna as she spoke and stroked his chin, pondering on her words. When she finished, he raised his body and took off the ground. Luna saw him flying in circles overhead before he descended once more, landing tail first a couple dozen meters away from Luna's position. He coiled around himself before raising his chest and head and looking down at her. "You speak of intelligent creatures..." were his first words.

"Do you ask that I become the same naive god I so obviously loathe? That I so vehemently criticized my siblings for?" Ull'Yang asked with a tinge of anger in his voice. Just as Luna was about to raise her voice to defend herself, Ull'Yang cut her off.

"When I woke up, after finalizing the foundation for Cygnea's creation with the planting of the Life Seed, I'd said to myself that I would create a species of my own to populate this plane with, that I won't deny. However, I stumbled upon you. You see, not even I control Fate's will. All these years of sightseeing have certainly pushed the schedule back since I alone can instantly know everything about my plane. From the smallest rock to the tallest mountain and deepest cave. From the shallowest pond to the deepest chasm in all of Cyngea's oceans, I knew everything about them the moment I awoke. You, however, didn't and thus, I had to make sure you did."

Ull'Yang raised his arms, "and here we are now. You asked the question I so desired to hear. This means you have seen everything there is to see in this plane. Ull'Yang smiled a toothy smile.

"Thus, you are now eligible to help me in creating my very own race. Come," Ull'Yang extended his hand towards her. Luna happily stood up, wiped off the meat residue from her mouth with her forearm and jumped on his hand. Unfortunately, she instantly regretted doing so. Even as she jumped she noticed a glint on Ull'Yang's eyes. "Oh no..." she murmured. "Oh yes," he responded. Luna felt the now dreaded divine essence bind her down and in an instant, they were flying through the air at unimaginable speeds.

On the peak of an unassuming little mountain in the inner parts of the eastern continent, two beings could be found. One was doubled over, vomiting out the contents of its stomach, whilst the other watched and laughed.

"Ugh," Luna wiped her mouth with her right arm while holding and rubbing her stomach with her left hand. She straightened herself and glared at the laughing Ull'Yang. "This. Is. The. Last. Time. Are we clear?" Luna literally growled and even bore her teeth at him.

Ull'Yang raised his arms and backed off, "Okay, okay. This'll be the last time, I promise."

"Promise to Amul'Sharar and Fate, and then we-" An oppressive aura burst outwards from Ull'Yang and completely enveloped Luna. Her face instantly cycled through a myriad of colors of pale and every hair on her body stood up as a chill penetrated her body, reaching her very soul. At the same time, Ull'Yang spoke with a sonorous voice.

"DO NOT misinterpret my lenience as meekness, wolf. There are some things that even gods amongst themselves rarely utter, much less you!" And with that, he immediately retracted his aura and the previous warm look re-appeared on his face as if nothing had happened.

Luna knew she had messed up so of course, she didn't relax at all after she was released by his aura. She shifted her body nervously, her ears pointing downwards in regret. For a moment, an awkward sort of silence permeated the atmosphere, but Luna knew he was waiting for her to speak first. She struggled trying to find suitable words but in the end, she gave up and with a loud thud her knees fell to the floor. "I'm sorry. Don't hate me..." Two simple sentences were all that escaped her quivering lips.

You see, all the years of traveling around Cygnea with Ull'Yang, seeing all sorts of marvelous and spectacular things she would have never even dreamt of witnessing in her life prior to meeting him, had been the best years of her life. Slowly she grew accustomed to Ull'Yang's antics until the day came that she unconsciously decided she would devote her life to him. That was something different from her oath because it came from deep within her heart. As a result, whenever the thought that Ull'Yang might hate her passed through her mind, she grew restless.

Her regret in her eyes, her feelings, and the pain that resounded with each word she spoke did not escape his sight and hearing. The two big burning globes that were Ull'Yang's eyes locked in on her kneeling form. Suddenly, Ull'Yang's body started to rapidly shrink in size while at the same time, morphing into a more humanoid form. Luna raised her head in response to his abrupt movements, but her sight was blocked by a thick, blue colored fog that surrounded him.

A few seconds passed in waiting, before an unexpected flash of light erupted from within the fog that temporarily blinded Luna. She immediately closed her eyes and lowered her head, trying to shield herself from the blinding rays. Fortunately, they dissipated with the same unforeseen swiftness they came. "Uhh," Luna grunted and rubbed her eyes.

Then she felt a slight weight on her head. She opened her eyes in surprise and looked upwards; a pale hand rested on top her head, Its fingers fiddling with her hair. This slender hand emitted a warm and comforting aura that enshrouded Its ability to crush planets to smithereens with one slap. Bright blue lines - divine essence pulsating energetically within - extended from the fingertips to the base of the hand where they joined into one and trailed up his forearm and arm before splitting once again into countless pathways that twisted and turned, but eventually lead to his crowned head.

"You poor soul, how would I ever hate you?" Ull'Yang spoke. "Your ignorance is known and expected. It is for you to ask questions if you do not know the answers, whatever those questions might be. But remember, once you obtain the knowledge you seek, you lose all excuses and your ignorance can no longer protect you." Ull'Yang opened his arms and as if on cue, a crying Luna fell into his embrace.

They remained as is until Luna finally calmed down. The sun was illuminating a whole different part of Cygnea, and countless stars had now taken their place over the eastern continent, filling the skies with their glowing hues. Luna looked up into the night sky and a sudden thought entered her mind. "Master?"

"Yes, little wolf?"
"I was wondering when you were going to start creating that race you talked about..." Luna said bluntly with a smile on her face. "Hah. Hahahahahahaha!" Ull'Yang let out a hearty laugh when he heard her question. "The skin on your face is thick alright," he stated before laughing once more.

"Yes, yes. I shall create a race for this plane of mine..." Ull'Yang pushed Luna out of his embrace and stood up. "However! They shall not be mine. They will be their own race, their own selves! Unlike those brothers and sisters of mine that create slave races to rule over, these will be my... children."

Ull'Yang walked a few steps forward and extended his hand. Suddenly, a small, unassuming lizard appeared on his palm. He showed the lizard to Luna; "I expected something a little more... more... more!" Luna said and extended her arms as much as she could, trying to make him picture what she was imagining.

"Silly wolf, this is not my creation. No. This is nature's creation. I will be merely using this little fellow here as the base, the guideline to creating and perfecting the Cygnean race. Now, observe."

With the lizard in one hand, Ull'Yang raised his other and the ground in front of him raised with it. He carefully laid down the lizard, who had by now fallen into deep sleep, and hovered his hand over it. Ull'Yang concentrated his power and two thick strings of divine essence sprouted from his palms and shot at the unsuspecting lizard, only stopping right before making contact with its body.

The stellar god very delicately manipulated the strings, weaving them into the shape of an egg that encompassed the lizard's body. After the egg was completed, he palmed it and injected his essence inside of it, filling it up with enough material so that the subsequent transformation would be perfect. With his other hand, he carved multicolored runes on the egg shell; the blueprint of the race exactly as he had it in mind.

When he placed the last rune, a bright energy erupted from within the egg. The runes, in turn, absorbed the energy and shone brightly as well, showing off a myriad of colors. After throwing one last look at his creation, the egg flew from Ull'Yang's palm and headed towards Luna who hurriedly caught and held it with great care.

"And this is just the beginning..." Ull'Yang then waved his arm and nineteen more lizards appeared on the raised stone slab, all unconscious. He then followed the same procedure as the first time but even faster than before. He created the eggs for all the lizards simultaneously and then carved the runes separately.

"Why are you doing the carvings separately?" Luna asked him as she came closer to the raised slab to take a look. "Ah, the genders must be even! Even! That first one was a male..." he said without looking back at her. After he was finished, nineteen brightly shining eggs were sitting on the stone slab. Ull'Yang waved his hand and all of the eggs, even that in the hands of Luna, flew over to him, hovering in front of the god in a spiral with the first egg in the middle and the rest trailing it.

"Now, for one last thing." Ull'Yang closed his eyes and penetrated the eggs with his divine will, implanting inside the minds of the each and every lizard the knowledge that there's always someone they can come to ask for advice. This would be revealed to them some time after they hatched. He added, however, the rule that they should come only when everything else has failed. He also implanted the thought that the first brethren of opposite gender they laid their eyes upon, except himself, would become their mate and also wiped their previous memories, leaving behind only their personalities.

"Done," he said and opened his eyes. He looked at the twenty eggs and sighed. "May the eyes of Fate watch you," he prayed inwardly and waved his hand one last time, prompting the eggs to all scatter into different directions.

Luna walked next to him and watched as the eggs flew off to the horizon. "So few in number... do you think they will survive long enough to give birth to the second generation?" She asked. Ull'Yang looked over at her with a warm look on his face. "We shall see, little wolf, we shall wait and see..."
I just now realised that @Cyclone had also posted before Capy xD I completely missed that Zephyrion post. Amul released the Ban Hammer :)
Although I don't quite understand the Bard's last words. @Kho care to shed some light?
This is how I feel when I compare my worldbuilding with Termite's.

@RithyI am just going to remind you that magic is pretty scarce in this setting. Mages and would-be-mages would probably be counted in a couple of dozens at most, amongst the hundred of thousands of regular humans.

Magic exists, but it is small. Nothing big and flashy. It takes a lot of time and energy to perform even the simplest of tricks.
It mostly exists in the form of shamanism, voodooism, spirits, etc. Most of the people saying the are able to perform magic are simple charlatans. Just a tiny amount of people is actually gifted.
The views on these people are mixed. Some lords value their powers, others shun them. Emperiat itself has no specific laws for magic users.
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