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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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I like how 4 people have liked the pic i found for Logos, yet the person it was actually intended for hasn't even said a thing.

edit: @poog the pig why you... įƒš(āŠœvāŠœįƒš)
Name: P4NDA | Level: 1 | Cleric | Day 1 / Morning | Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Main Lounge table.
Tagging: @Bright_Ops, @Halvtand
Mentioned: @Legion02, @Raizin, @KoL, @Cyrania, @Fetzen, @Ayemdar, @Holy Soldier

Kai glomped the last piece of pie in his hand as he watched the magician performing some quite impressive shuffling tricks with the deck of cards, before approaching the gnome girl and talking to her. "No..." Kai's eyes widened at the thought, and just like he imagined, the girl gave out a yelp before holding up a card, Kai's card. "Oooohh~" Kai exclaimed and started clapping profusely. One had to admit, the man knew his craft well, so why not applause?

"Sure enough, that's the ace of diamonds alright!" Kai said enthusiastically and gave a thumbs up when the magician asked him if that was his card. He was about to go introduce himself to the two when a loud shout followed by hurried thumping could be heard from behind Kai. He turned back and watched as a furious No descended the stairs and practically lunged at one of the girl's working at the tavern. Kai frowned as No started accusing the girls of robbery and was about to intervene, but was cut off by a young, female elf before saying anything. The elf proceeded to scold No, and Kai sighed, wondering if there was any way her scolding him would work out. Fortunately, it seemed that she had her way with words, and No could not refute her logic at all.

When he released the tavern girl, Kai relaxed a bit. That was when he realised that he had sensed a faint, but familiar energy emitted from the elf girl. "Oh, a fellow healer eh?" Kai was pleasantly surprised to realise that the elf was a healer just like him.

At the gargoyle's sly remarks, Kai turned his head towards No, but what he witnessed would be forever etched in his brain as comedic gold. A 6 something, 300-pound muscular man wearing a pink apron and holding a broom, glaring at everyone. The gargoyle might have managed to hold on, but Kai couldn't. The moment he laid his eyes upon No, Kai burst into a fit of laughter, and could not stop even as everyone else had already started talking about how to organise teams. It was only when he heard someone else calling him by name that he calmed down. He wiped the tears from his eyes. "Y-haha-yes! I'm here boss! *pff* " Kai giggled.

He returned back to the table and sat down on his seat, as everyone else kept blabbering about who would be the leader. At that time, two more joined their little meeting, and Kai greeted them with a smile and a nod. He was especially amused by the orc's words. "Wetter of panties, heh..."

"Party 2; Keith, Reavus, Raven, P4NDA and Shama." Seth called out five names. "So we're the second party? Hmm..." The cleric looked around, eyeing his future comrades. It was all fun and games until they entered the battlefield, and Kai knew that well. His job as the healer of the party was considered important, even though he himself was somewhat lazy. Unfortunately, gold didn't grow on trees, and thus, he would eventually have to work to earn his living. Kai stood up and walked towards his fellow party members, who were starting to group up in order to figure out who would take the leader position.

"I'm Keith... I'm happy to take over for group two." Kai looked at the magician from head to toe with a surprised look. Although Kai had a good impression of Keith, he didn't think that he would be the guy to take up a leadership position so eagerly. Nevertheless, when one looked at the rest of the party members, they would realise that there weren't many good options to pick from anyway. Kai was lazy and he knew it, so it would only serve to drag the party down if he became a leader. The pie guy seemed your average happy-go-lucky guy, so he becoming the leader was off the table as well. The thief girl? She seemed uninterested. As for the orc...

"It seems that we'll be in your hands then," Kai said, smiled, and patted Keith on the back.

oh well, Keith it is then. @Bright_Ops you're gonna post reacting to Lizzy now or should I post with Kai?
@potatochipgolem we're in discord most of the time so hop in there if you want :) apart from that,its good that youre ok now ;>
@Raizin @Ashevelendar @Bright_Ops @Vec
Who do we want to be the party leader?

Considering that Kai (P4NDA) is the cleric, i can nominate myself for the position. It's not like we have anyone more reliable for the position, and even then, he's not the best guy for the job either.
@Antarctic Termite

@KoL Take your time, no one's rushing right now I think.
right now im waiting for @KoL to post so that I can divert Kai's attention to the rest of the happenings, considering that @Bright_Ops hasn't been on for a while.
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