Things escalated fast.
One moment Chloe was looking for the source of the strange phenomena around them, the next she was harassed by Yuu's floating phone — with the lamest cover she'd ever seen, by the way, purple was so last season — and then the asshole himself stepped up to try and be all important instead of actually helping, and then—
A forklift whirred to life and started barreling towards them.
Chloe felt her heart skip a beat, a million thoughts running through her head. Did it actually see them? It couldn't turn that fast, could they just get out of the way? But like, they had nowhere to run! Wait, could it break a way for them or something? Would it be enough to like... break through a wall?
She felt Jill tense up beside her. Whether out of fear or because she planned to do something, Chloe didn't know, but it worried her all the same. She had to keep the girl safe and prevent her from trying to like... attack the thing or something crazy like that! She was practically responsible for her now. A big sister.
Chloe inhaled, shaky and sharp, then took a wider stance. She was just about to start shouting at the vehicle to try and lure it after her and hopefully to a wall, when all of a sudden, it seemed to lose control. It swerved sharply to the side, towards the exit door, and crashed right through.
But... why? What happened? Had Clarissa done something? She hadn't, Jill hadn't, and mister know-it-all sure as heck hadn't, so—?!
"Hi! We're here to save you!" Jill shouted all of a sudden, and Chloe quite literally jumped. Body still tense and mind still reeling, she trailed the smaller girl's gaze up the stairs to a girl with absolutely gorgeous purple hair. Like! What products did she use?!
Turned out the girl was Clarissa — and that she really had done something. Chloe pressed a hand to her chest, heaving a sigh of relief. "Girl, same! I'm SO thankful you're okay and SO sorry we took SO long. And like, in the end you saved us? For real, how hilarious is that?"
Chloe's gaze fell on the Pokédex in her arms as the purplette explained what'd happened. "Huh, so like, it's in there? That's so cool. But-- um, you might wanna keep that away from me for now?" She flicked her frizzed hair with furrowed brows, half-annoyed, maybe quarter-joking. "I hold grudges."
As Clarissa continued to turn out to be such a nice person, Chloe ended up having to agree with Yuu on one thing, at least. "That's so generous of you, but if anything, I owe you a potion! Or like, two. Pretty sure a forklift would've been all 'super effective' on us, you know."
Clarissa asked whether they wanted to come with her to the Contest Hall, and Chloe's eyes visibly lit up. Wait, there was one out here too? With maybe a show tonight?! She felt giddy, her excitement only somewhat dampened when Yuu mentioned he had to go to there too, for... whatever reason. Maybe he was hired help or something? Ugh, hopefully nowhere near the stage.
The surprises didn't end there. At Yuu's offer for Clarissa to join 'us', Chloe couldn't help but arch a brow. Um, who exactly was us? Him and Jill? Cause she was not going to let Jill travel alone with him. Or, what, did he think they were all traveling companions after he'd tried to literally get her killed? And why did he want Clarissa to come with them, anyway? He had ulterior motives, Chloe just knew. And she swore, if he planned to hurt her too, she'd take him down herself. Like why did he even have to be here, she would've loved to travel with just the girls!
When the asshole glanced at her, clearly about to say something, Chloe narrowed her eyes in preparation for whatever nasty thing came out his mouth next. His statement turned out surprisingly neutral. Trying to pretend like he had manners in front of the new girl? What a Grimer.
Chloe turned back to Clarissa, reaching to grab one of her hands into both of her own, grinning from ear to ear. "You know I'm so down for Contest Hall! Are you gonna like, participate? Or just watch? You know I'd love to try a contest some day! I've been to so many shows! Ah, at what time is it tonight though? Cause I need time to like, fix this mess," she nudged her head upwards to her hair, as if Clarissa hadn't already clocked its sorry state ages ago. "And I gotta get ready, and-- we gotta get Jill ready too, so we should probably get g—"
A bark. Then another, and another. Chloe turned to glance besides her, expecting Snuggles to have joined in on making friends with the other Pokémon. But as she did, she realized the barking didn't come from next to her — it came all the way across the massive room. The Snubbull was on all fours in front of a door that she could have sworn wasn't ajar before, seemingly barking at nothing.
"Snuggie, what's wrong?" Chloe shouted after her, hesitant and concerned, as she let go of Clarissa's hands and took a step after her partner. "Did you see someth—"
Too late. The fairy type took off, and unlike earlier, this time Chloe didn't freeze. She dashed after her partner out of instinct, the fervent clicking of her heels echoing off the walls and ceiling.
"Um, you girls go ahead! Don't worry about me, I'll catch up!" Is what she managed to get out, before she disappeared from sight through a door, hot on the Snubbull's heels.