Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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As far as awakenings went, it could have been far more pleasant.

He had gone from flames to the sea. At least, he thought it had been the sea. To be honest, there was a part of him that hadn't believed what he was seeing before him.

A goddess? How absurd. He'd never believed in such things. He'd never accepted the existence of such beings. To him, faith was placed only in that which one could achieve with their own mind and body, and that of those who shared their cause.

And yet...

If he was dead, and simply seeing one final dream before the end, why not accept it?

The voice that came out of his mouth in harsh coughs could not be missed, as he tried to force whatever was inside of his lungs out. It was nothing like the deep, commanding voice he had possessed before his death.

Oda Nobunaga sputtered, a clear, viscous liquid splattering to the ground beneath himself.

Or rather, herself.

"Paah... how unpleasant," said the small black-haired girl, sitting back on her knees and gulping in air to recover. There was no denying the obvious, this was nothing like the body she had left behind at Honnoji.

Certainly, the clothing was to her liking. Black, and fine in quality... nearby sat what had to be a hat with the symbol of the rising sun.

But the body beneath them, well, even if she had not heard her own voice there was no missing the fact that she was now a girl.

"... Haha, is this to be my body in this world?" questioned the almost doll-like, crimson-eyed figure, "How unexpected! Not only to live again, but as a girl?"

She took another deep breath, filling her lungs as she rose to her feet. There was no longer a possibility of this being a dream. The discomfort of coughing up that clear substance was far too real. The feeling of the air on her skin, the fading dampness of her lengthy hair...

No dream felt like this.

Nobunaga took another deep breath.

The room had clearly been the sight of some kind of battle. Weapons lie strewn about, chairs overturned. A spear had even been embedded into a wall... how impressive! Had that Antler-bearer been here? Ah, but he would never have been unable to retrieve his weapon.

Her breathing was becoming more stable, now.

The small girl, of course, noted she was not alone. Sharing the room was a figure that was impossible to mistake as anything else: No matter how she did not believe in such mystical entities, the fact that her eyes had fallen upon a kitsune was impossible to ignore.

"I awaken as a girl, and alongside a creature of legend? This is indeed an auspicious start!" she declared, spreading her arms with a grin.

The fact that she had awakened where a battle had taken place, with no knowledge of her surroundings, was not lost on her however. Even as she spoke, she had noted that one of the weapons lying on ground was a very finely-crafted katana, beside its sheath. And it wasn't the only tool of war she recognized...

Arming herself only made sense.

"Am I to assume you, too, were so recently met with one who called herself a goddess?" she asked, picking the blade and its sheath up and reuniting them, "Perhaps after suffering an untimely end?"

Alright, as promised, update incoming tomorrow.
Delay could not be permitted.

Not with what was at stake. It was strange, seeing all of this from the other side now. Fully understanding why Yuyuko-sama, even if it was another Yuyuko-sama, had to be stopped.

Nevertheless, that was the task ahead of her. In a way, even though it was acting against another possibility's Yuyuko-sama, it was acting in service of her.

To prevent her from making a terrible, costly mistake.

Youmu didn't speak. Her hand found Roukanken's hilt as she began to move forward without another word. She knew exactly what she needed to do, and that was quite simply to defeat the Prismriver sisters as swiftly as possible.

Lyrica was nearest, and so, drawing her blade and moving at the same time, Youmu made to strike her down as swiftly as possible, to remove her as an obstacle without the slightest delay. The faster that each of the poltergeist musicians was knocked out, the faster that she could move on!

Shoot sorry I keep forgetting about this, I'll try and post today or tomorrow!
Giving to the end of the week before I update again.
Sekiguchi Akane - Higanbana Shoujo

"I am quite happy to hear that," Akane began, "I place my faith in you, Caster."

Akane smiled. Ah, this was really the perfect acquisition for her, the perfect Servant to summon. She was certain her time during this Holy Grail War would not be dull at all.

As she proceeded out of her mansion, the doors slide open under their own power the moment she approached. Softly, silently, she walked down a path through the field of higanbana.

All that could be heard was the faint sound of the wind, and of cicadas chirping. Crows calling. It was just how Akane desired it, in all honestly. Anyone who wandered into this place would think they had passed into some kind of boundary between the mortal world and the underworld.

In a way, perhaps that was not an entirely inaccurate way of considering it.

As Akane reached the edge of her territory, the air seemed to ripple. She exited her bounded field, from the outside seeming to simply fade into existence.

Here, it appeared to be nothing more then a clearing in the forest. Though... it was notable that there were still several clumps of higanbana, sprouting here and there...

"If it is a shrine you want, I know just the place," Akane continued as she proceeded out of the clearing, "Fufu, I wonder if there will be anyone nearby? Perhaps, if there is, a little light entertainment could be in order..."

It wouldn't be the first time she'd used the shrine's surroundings to play a little game with some of the locals, or tourists. Tourists tended not to believe in her, which made catching a glimpse all the more entertaining.

I actually have my character written up entirely already!

Also hey I'm one of the people who expressed interest on discord, figured I'd drop by and say something!
Mihama Nanako

It was true, Meltryllis hadn't directed the comments directly at the other girl. But that still didn't mean they were right. Nanako opened her mouth again...

... And slowly shut it.

It had taken a moment for her to really take in what Meltryllis was saying. While the comments about that girl had been uncalled for, at the same time... it had never been about her, had it? It had been about Nanako herself. Meltryllis... Meltryllis had, in a roundabout and rather overly harsh way, been showing her concern for her Master. And now that had become so much more obvious through the Alter Ego's words. She'd already know that Meltryllis had been trying to protect her, before. She already knew her Servant actually did care about her, even if she didn't want to show it.

But she'd now basically admitted as much. Meltryllis's true colors had come shining through.

"... So that's how it is, huh?" Nanako commented, smiling slightly, "You're right, Meltryllis-san, let's get going. I need to make sure I get out and get some exercise after all, right?"

It didn't mean that Nanako wasn't going to say anything, if Meltryllis did happen to talk overly harshly about someone else even if it wasn't directly targeted at them. She didn't need to say it so loudly.


Saber - Benienma

The moment her Master said what was going on, Benienma was off like a shot. The sheer speed of her movement sent a gust of wind whipping across the small outdoor dining section around the restaurant, and it continued to follow her as she darted through confused crowds. Almost immediately she'd already arrived at the alley...

... In time to see the kidnapper force the little girl to summon her Servant to use as a weapon against Kaguya-hime.

Almost immediately, anger rose in the diminutive Saber's heart. Not only was he kidnapping a child, but he was using drugs for force her compliance, to force her to summon her Servant. Not only was he doing that, but he was forcing her Servant to attack the people attempting to rescue her...!

This would not stand.

As the Assassin raised one arm, a blade extending from it, to make a strike at the Caster, Benienma was already moving.

In a shower of sparks and the ringing sound of metal clashing against metal, the redheaded enma's blade had already been unsheathed, already whipped through the air, and already deflected the karakuri ninja's attack!

But her attention was fixed solidly on the kidnapper himself. At this point, the mystic code filtering perception was growing weaker from all the attention directed towards him.

"Kidnapping a child and forcing her Servant to aid your escape attempt... you are nothing more then the basest of sinners dechi!"

Immediately, Benienma had already moved to force a gap between the Assassin and herself, an opening through which she could strike at the kidnapper directly.

If she took his arms, he could no longer hold onto the child.

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