Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Mihama Nanako

Nanako took a deep breath.

Thankfully, in spite of Meltryllis escalating things like that, it seemed like the situation had been defused. Not that she blamed Meltryllis for being upset about those remarks about her disabilities... but she did blame the Alter Ego for starting the conflict in the first place. There had been no reason to go after that girl and her Servant, and no matter how Nanako felt about Meltryllis herself...

"... Those comments were completely uncalled for," she said with a frown, her free hand on her hip. She took a deep breath before continuing.

"But, Meltryllis-san, what you said was uncalled for too," she said, "You started it by going after her Master, who wasn't even doing anything. Even if you're strong, you can't just go around picking fights for no reason. That girl didn't deserve that. Her Servant's response was completely uncalled for, but so were the things you said about her Master."

She didn't want to be in conflict with Meltryllis if she could help it, but at the same time she couldn't just let that slide.

Caster - A Shady Conjuror

"I assure you, ojou-sama, my preparations have gone off without a hitch."

This was truly an opportunity to be valued. To have a chance to walk this world again... not only for its own sake, but indeed to see those who had shared his time among the living once more.

That would truly be a delight, wouldn't it?

The black-haired young man smirked as he bowed.

"With me by your side, you're going to find nothing but success."

He straightened, slowly.

"Now, if you'll excuse me... I have some observation to do."

With that, the Caster-class Servant turned on his heel. Yes indeed... he had quite a bit of observation he wanted to do. As he walked, his body changed, clothing dissipating into black mist and reforming in a different state... by the time the Caster had reached the doorway, a young teenaged girl with casual clothing stood in his place.

"Bye-bye, ojou-sama~!" she declared, still smirking, before departing.

@Raineh Daze

Sekiguchi Akane - Higanbana Shoujo

The sky was red.

Everything else was cast in black, save for the crimson flowers blooming around the rather stately mansion. There were some who had seen this place, when its owner was feeling particularly bored. When they were able to leave, they simply added to the mystery, and the fear, surrounding the legendary Higanbana Shoujo.

She found it all rather amusing.

Sekiguchi Akane delighted in fostering the fearful narrative that surrounded her. The local people, even those who had never seen her before, often came to believe in the stories of 'Higanbana Shoujo', the legendary spirit said to inhabit the land. Of course, it was true. At least insofar as her presence was concerned.

But there was something new and exciting coming to this town. Not that Akane would simply forget about how much she enjoyed teasing the locals, but this was something new altogether.

The Holy Grail War.

How could she pass up such an opportunity? Even if she had no particular goal in mind, to participate simply for the novelty of it was enough of a reason for her.

The small girl, clad in a crimson kimono, brushed her silky black hair back as she approached the main doorway to her mansion.

Perhaps there would even be opponents interesting enough to bother killing...

"Caster, are you ready to go?"

For a few moments, Tomoko simply watched as the yokai girls began to fight over who was going to be bait. Of course, she had her own suggestions in mind, but it was a little entertaining to see her club members attempt to figure it out on their own. Especially amusing was Mugi's reaction to being prodded, though Tomoko did remind herself to perhaps talk to Kaori later. It wouldn't do if she started getting... overly frisky again.

But for now...

"You're right, Abe-san," she began, "There's plenty of other possibilities to consider. Indeed, it's not as if a fictional spirit could be the most likely perpetrator, right? There must be plenty of other potential culprits to consider first."

A smile crossed the girl's lips as she took a deep breath.

This was it.

"Or are there?" she asked, rhetorically, "Certainly, it's possible there's others who might want to kidnap a child. But there's a few things that struck me as odd about this case. The park was packed the day Taro-kun disappeared, wasn't it?"

The ghost, who had been watching the bickering herself, nodded swiftly.

"There were a lot of people. It wasn't like there were too many for the kids to have fun, but it would have been hard for anyone to move around without being seen," she replied.

"That's right. We have a kidnapping done in broad daylight, in the middle of a crowded playground, with no witnesses, no signs of a struggle, and not even a cry for help," Tomoko continued, "Taro-kun disappeared without a trace in an instant. Certainly, there's other yokai who exhibit a disturbing interest in children, but there's a reason they're often used as stories to keep children from wandering off alone."

Kappa would attack those who approached water, but there was no water here. And a yamaoba coming down into such a crowded place, in broad daylight...

"They're not known for attacking crowds for a reason. The most likely perpetrator aside from that is a human, which I will admit might seem more likely. However..."

There was no reason to pause like this other than for dramatic effect.

"Would a human kidnapper really be able to make Taro-kun disappear so quickly? Would a human kidnapper then be able to do the same to the other children? Taro-kun isn't the only one who disappeared in broad daylight in a public place. But all of that's simply guesswork. It's not impossible for a human kidnapper, just highly unlikely," she added, "It's Chiba-san's testimony about the tall woman that confirmed my suspicions."

"But... how can a fictional spirit hurt anyone? If she's fictional, she's not real, right?" asked the ghost, Chiba-san.

"Just because something is fictional doesn't mean it's not real," Tomoko answered, still smiling as she explained, "We can trace Hasshaku-sama's origins back to a thread on a certain internet discussion board. It was just a ghost story, with no basis in reality. That ghost story has spread, over and over, between more and more people. The idea that 'Hasshaku-sama is a tall woman who causes children to disappear' has been spread far beyond the original readers."

Tomoko paused for a moment.

"It's not even a particularly frightening story, I never got the appeal, so I can't fathom why anyone would start taking it so seriously! It's a little silly, isn't it?" she commented. "But regardless, Hasshaku-sama spread. It spread to the point where there were plenty of people who didn't even know where it originated. Where some people began to believe it could be true. Human belief sustains gods, and human belief can sustain monsters as well."

The blonde girl gestured idly with her walking stick.

"If, as I believe, Hasshaku-sama is our culprit, she's a monster of human belief. A yokai born from the fact that people believed she could exist. She'd hardly be the first. Kuchisake-onna, Aka Manto, Teke-teke, just to name a few. Mythological yokai are born from nature, or magic. But those from urban legends are formed from belief."

Her walking stick tapped against the ground.

"Regardless, we need to set a trap, don't we?" she asked, her smile turning into something of a smirk, "So who's going to be the bait? If we're going to have a chance at saving those children, we need to draw our perpetrator out!"

She clapped her hands together.

"If I had to make a suggestion... hmmm... Shimamaru-san! You can make yourself appear younger, right? I'm afraid Hasshaku-sama might see through an illusion!" she simply hadn't stopped smiling, even as she suggested one of her club members throw themselves into danger, "Aside from that, Ibaraki-san is strong enough to get away if something goes wrong. Not that it will."

@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99@TheHangedMan@Rune_Alchemist
Alrighty, I'll probably reply tomorrow.

Tomoko has some explaining to do.
@HereComesTheSnow: Happy to know what's going on! Hope things get better!
@TheHangedMan: Hey, are you planning on getting a response up? I just want to know before I do anything. ^^;
I'm kind of worried, some people haven't done anything in a while.
Mihama Nanako

That was uncalled for.

Meltryllis's comments on the girl and her fox-eared Servant were really uncalled for. Sure, the girl... looked like she didn't get out much(Nanako felt a little self-conscious herself, had she gained weight like Meltryllis implied?) but that didn't mean she needed to be targeted. Besides, it wasn't like she looked particularly unhealthy or anything... just like she could use a little sun and exercise. And it definitely wasn't okay to go after her like that!

Nanako felt like she had to intervene, and that she had to intervene quickly, even if it meant making Melt a little annoyed. Especially after the girl ran into the bathroom, clearly very upset...

Meltryllis was her Servant, and Nanako wanted to close the distance between them and foster growth in their relationship, but that didn't mean she'd just stand by if the Alter Ego did something uncalled for like that.

"... Meltryllis-san, was that really necessary?" she began, with a frown, "There was no reason to send that gi-"

She paused.

The fox servant had spoken, now...

"... Are you serious? Just because she made some uncalled-for comments doesn't mean you should come back with something like that," said the brunette, indignation rising in her heart. She was the type of person who prided herself on trying to get along with everyone, and didn't want to hurt people if she could help it. But... but saying something like that about Meltryllis's hands...

She couldn't tolerate that. She couldn't accept it. Not only that, but being targeted herself... If the comments had only been directed at her, then it would have been one thing. But mocking Meltryllis's hands...

"That's not okay, no matter what Meltryllis-san said. Shouldn't you be going to see how your Master is doing, anyway?"

Yuriko T. Louvyngyr

Ah... the somewhat retiring girl had been a bit overwhelmed. Yuriko kicked herself mentally. She should know better, she hadn't wanted to distress her in any way. But the desire to present herself as charming had been a bit too strong... Perhaps it had been for the best, she clearly wasn't on her game today if she'd done something so foolish in the first place(even if it was disappointing) and a part of her had to remind herself that her Servant was likely not the best at understanding just what she was doing anyway. For Jack's sake, maybe it was better to-

It was at that moment that the beautiful girl(ah, approaching her was almost tempting as well but even someone who was as girl-hungry as Yuriko was able to occasionally comprehend the idea of restraint) among Charlotte's two Servants came up with an excellent proposal. To simply have lunch together. That was a fantastic idea! A bit of a reset, she could simply talk to the other girl about fashion! Not only was it rather effective in getting to know her, but it was also a conversation she could involve Jack in. After all, her Servant wanted to look cute and wear cute clothing, right?

"I apologize for being a bit too overbearing," she commented, scratching the back of her head, "But I would like to go to lunch. Perhaps we could share fashion tips? I think we both want our Servants to look their best, as well. I for one like to show my appreciation for Jack by making sure she looks her cutest when we're out."

@1Charak2@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze

Saber - Arturia Pendragon

There was no time to pause or attempt to pursue the thieves, as the shade that Arturia had knocked into the nearby display case had already gotten up and begun to move. So it felt no pain, it didn't comprehend anything but the purpose it had been given.

It was shameful.

To use even the shadow of a Servant to simply cover one's retreat from committing a crime... that, too, was a crime in and of itself. It was a crime towards the heroic spirit, towards whatever figure stood at the core of the legend. To besmirch their honor by using even a fraction of themselves for such a purpose, for such petty act of theft...

There was no way the King of Knights could accept such a thing.

The shade had lunged towards her Master, sword at the ready...!

But it would never make it to her. As it had begun to move, so to had the blonde Saber-class Servant, swiftly clearing the small amount of distance between herself and the hazy, shadowy figure, her sword sheathed in Invisible Air shimmering behind her. She cleared the distance in an instant.

The single-minded assault the shade had launched made it incapable of any attempt to halt its own demise. The tip of her weapon pierced its body from the side, and her momentum carried the both of them forward.

The shadow slammed into the wall, as the hilt of Arturia's sword met its body and the blade exited through the opposite side.

"Master, are you unhurt?" she asked, as she drew her sword from the shadow, watching it crumple to the floor with a spurt of blood before slowly vanishing, "As long as you are well, I must pursue those criminals!"


Saber - Benienma

Her Master's voice... and it sounded urgent.

There was no time to proceed with her lecture.

Benienma turned on her heel and sprang from the back room. As she moved, red sparks flowed from her body, her clothing vanishing, replaced with a remarkably elegant red and green kimono, feathers woven into the sleeves to give the diminutive enma a set of wings. Black armor formed on her lower legs, over her knee-length socks, black platform geta on her feet. On the redheaded girl's hip, a katana in a golden sheath materialized just as swiftly.

Needless to say, a Servant suddenly readying herself for combat as she shot through the restaurant like a bullet was going to cause quite a stir.

But there wasn't any time to dwell on that!

In an instant, Benienma was at her Master's side. Before she even had a full picture of the situation, she had already sent her sparrows to fan out over the local area and report any strange activity back immediately. Given whatever had happened wasn't immediately clear, it was possible that the perpetrator had fled, or the situation had moved. Therefore, covering as much area as possible to ensure things didn't get out of hand was the best choice even before she knew the whole story!

"Benienma is here, Masta!" declared the redheaded Servant, "What's going on?!"

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas

It was with great relief that Youmu called her Mistress's name, slowing to a halt(which came with a considerable gust of wind due to the high speed she had been moving at) beside her.

"I'm so glad to see you're alright!" For the moment, formality and reluctance to speak of such feelings were completely overridden by relief, at least until Youmu had realized what she had said. Her cheeks colored for a moment, and she cleared her throat.

"I must apologize about the groceries, but as you can see an urgent matter has arisen. Hakurei-san and Kirisame-san are preoccupied, and yet there is a serious incident affecting Gensokyo."

There was no doubting the strange space in front of the gates was one of the ones that Akyuu had spoken of. But there was something else that caught her eye about it...

Cherry blossoms drifting from within the hole in the air... Yuyuko-sama had already caught a few in her hands.

An altered past and cherry blossoms...

While Yuyuko-sama was safe, the fact that there were cherry blossoms...

"... I... I believe that there may be an attempt to awaken the Saigyou Ayakashi inside of this space," she said, finally, one hand drifting near to Roukanken's hilt. Did that mean there was another Yuyuko beyond the hole...?

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