Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Zoey Boey: For fresh recruits, yes.

If you want to make someone who's been in the Red Demons a bit longer, you can, just talk to me about it first.
@Jumbus: Crimson Arms can be any kind of weapon. Vampires outregenerate fire.
It happened in the year 2030.

A meteor impact rocked planet Earth. Nicknamed Mikaboshi, its trajectory had seemingly been on track to pass by Earth harmlessly... until, in a manner completely unpredictable, it changed course.

The resulting disaster cast up an enormous plume of debris that darkened the sky, triggering massive climate change among other devastating effects. Flooding, widespread crop die-off, starvation and destruction all plagued mankind. And yet the governments of the world managed to band together, in widespread agreement to do all they could to weather a truly devastating storm.

Perhaps this show of solidarity and unity would have worked, if not for the threat that rose from the darkness.

The sun blotted out, humanity in disarray, it was the perfect time for them to strike. Legends of vampires had long persisted throughout different human cultures across the world, and it was not long after the attempt to unify humanity in the face of devastation that they struck. Stronger, faster, and capable of regeneration and feats of incredible supernatural, mystical power, vampires were able to subjugate much of humanity swiftly, killing many adults and taking children to raise them as cattle for a continuing source of blood.

This is why they were called the Red Years.

A combination of the natural disasters caused by Mikaboshi's impact and the war against the vampires wiped out an enormous amount of the adult population of planet Earth. And no small number of children were taken to effectively serve as a blood farm for the new vampiric rulers of much of the planet.

And yet...

A portion of the East Coast of the United States. A fraction of the Isle of Britain. One of the deepest parts of Russia. Part of the Japanese island of Honshu. These are just a few of the places that remained under human control. Perhaps the vampires were turned away for some reason. Perhaps they felt they did not need to take this places. Whatever the reason, they persisted.

And when the skies eventually cleared, four years later, humanity was able to begin progressing once more.

Buildings were rebuilt and refurbished, refit to serve as residential centers and places of education, places of scientific progress and military development. Contact between the remaining human-held parts of the world was established, however loosely, and some knowledge was able to be shared between them.

But there was still no way to reclaim what was lost, to rescue the people being used as a farm by the vampires. Attempts at reverse-engineering the vampire's strange weaponry resulted in disaster. While it was possible to wield the newly-developed weapons, they had to be supplied with vampiric blood to function and would begin to vampirize the wielder extremely rapidly, draining their entire body of blood... or even worse potential outcomes.

That is, until a sudden breakthrough was made.

Yukimura Angelica, a prodigy and researcher into the reverse engineered weaponry(dubbed "Crimson Arms") discovered a formula that, with monthly injections, enabled their safe usage. With Crimson Arms loaded with cartridges of vampire blood, and the new formula, VBS-108, humanity was able to make their counterattack, venturing into vampire territory, raiding one of their 'farms', and rescuing a number of children and adults.

Such raids are few and far between due to the danger involved, but the mere fact that they became possible was a massive step forward.

Now, recruit, are you ready to begin and fight for humanity's future?

So this is a new concept inspired by a few different anime and manga and video game franchises, primarily Owari no Seraph and Code Vein. Taking place in the not incredibly distant future of 2046, in a world devastated by a meteor impact and also vampires. Nature might be springing back, and humanity may have managed to barely weather the storm, that was only the beginning. The human race must fight for their future, or be crushed in darkness!

Given the anime inspiration, I decided to set this RP specifically in the Japanese region, but given the circumstances some characters may be from elsewhere.

  • The State of the World: Ruined cities growing overgrown with recovering plant life, the gothic architecture favored by vampires in some places, a sign of the massive underground complexes favored by their kind. Still, it's not all grim. Human-held locations are clean, with schools, unfortunately somewhat cramped residental areas, and large military and science installations for development of strategies and weapons against the vampiric threat.
  • The Army of Humanity: The collective name of the military arm of the remaining strongholds of the human race. Composed of soldiers recruited from promising individuals in the education system starting from the age of 16 due to the necessity of maintaining a fighting force against the vampires, they are armed with Crimson Arms. The elite of the Japanese unit are known as the Red Demons, and recruitment to the Red Demons requires extremely high aptitude with a Crimson Arm. The Red Demons get special Crimson Arms, capitalizing on this high aptitude. One of the most famous of the Red Demons is known as Lady Shinigami, with a thousand vampire kills to her name.
  • Legacy: The governing body of vampires across the world. Legacy is ruled by a secretive figure, who has assigned high councils of ten of the eldest vampires to preside over every region on earth. Their primary motivation is maintaining a steady supply of blood by 'farming' humanity, though many vampires are particularly callous and prone to killing humans to satiate their bloodlust. Legacy's inner workings are deeply mysterious. The Japanese branch of Legacy is currently headed by a particularly capricious High Council that seems to be testing humanity's defenses to find a weakness...
  • Vampires: Unaging, immortal supernatural beings that feed on human blood. No normal food satisfies a vampire, and thus they must feed on the blood of humans. Possessed of numerous mystical powers, they can also regenerate from virtually any damage, even including decapitation. It is only through the absolute destruction of the entire heart, or the use of a Crimson Arm, that it becomes possible to permanently end a vampire's life. The typical armament of a vampire is a weapon powered by their own blood, the basis of the Crimson Arms. More powerful vampires may also have unique supernatural abilities. In appearance, most vampires resemble humans and feel the same emotions, but exhibit pointed ears and red eyes as well as pale skin. In the past, the sun burned vampires, but it seems as if that may not always be the case...
  • Blood Beasts: Genetically engineered monsters created by vampires through a use of technology and mysticism as a sort of shock troop. The exhibit some traits of vampires, such as feeding on blood and regeneration from most harm. However, they are simple beasts and thus lack intelligence, requiring the direction of a vampire to perform as a serious threat. That being said, they are still large, incredibly strong, and hungry for blood.
  • Crimson Arms: Weapons created by reverse-engineering the mystical blood-powered weaponry wielded by vampires. Capable of slowing vampire regeneration and rendering it possible to kill them, Crimson Arms are powered by cartridges filled with vampire blood. There are standard-issue Crimson Arms, but also more unique and powerful weapons with more advanced capabilities reserved for those who exhibit a particular aptitude for them. Crimson Arms threaten to devour human wielders or worse, but by use of the formula VBS-108 it is possible to wield them safely with a monthly injection.
  • Vitae Biocompatibility Supplement 108: VBS-108 for short, this is the formula developed by the prodigy scientist Yukimura Angelica. By use of this formula, it is possible to negate the negative effects of wielding a Crimson Arm entirely, though monthly injections are required. Without any known side effects, it has had full approval by the various governments across the world. Highly regulated, VBS-108 is administered in exact doses to the soldiers of humanity. In spite of its importance, the actual ingredients of VBS-108 are entirely unknown...

As a bit of a last comment, I'm currently undecided as to if I will have the vampire side as playable antagonists as well. Please give an opinion if you're interested in the RP! For now...

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Brief Backstory:
  • Equipment:
  • Skills:
  • Crimson Arm:

Players are intended to be fresh recruits into the Red Demon arm of the military, please talk to me if you want to play a character who has been a part of the Red Demons for a longer period of time! I'm willing to permit it, but I still want to know what you have in mind!
Great! A little more interest and I'll get something up for an OOC!
It happened in the year 2030.

A meteor impact rocked planet Earth. Nicknamed Mikaboshi, its trajectory had seemingly been on track to pass by Earth harmlessly... until, in a manner completely unpredictable, it changed course.

The resulting disaster cast up an enormous plume of debris that darkened the sky, triggering massive climate change among other devastating effects. Flooding, widespread crop die-off, starvation and destruction all plagued mankind. And yet the governments of the world managed to band together, in widespread agreement to do all they could to weather a truly devastating storm.

Perhaps this show of solidarity and unity would have worked, if not for the threat that rose from the darkness.

The sun blotted out, humanity in disarray, it was the perfect time for them to strike. Legends of vampires had long persisted throughout different human cultures across the world, and it was not long after the attempt to unify humanity in the face of devastation that they struck. Stronger, faster, and capable of regeneration and feats of incredible supernatural, mystical power, vampires were able to subjugate much of humanity swiftly, killing many adults and taking children to raise them as cattle for a continuing source of blood.

This is why they were called the Red Years.

A combination of the natural disasters caused by Mikaboshi's impact and the war against the vampires wiped out an enormous amount of the adult population of planet Earth. And no small number of children were taken to effectively serve as a blood farm for the new vampiric rulers of much of the planet.

And yet...

A portion of the East Coast of the United States. A fraction of the Isle of Britain. One of the deepest parts of Russia. Part of the Japanese island of Honshu. These are just a few of the places that remained under human control. Perhaps the vampires were turned away for some reason. Perhaps they felt they did not need to take this places. Whatever the reason, they persisted.

And when the skies eventually cleared, four years later, humanity was able to begin progressing once more.

Buildings were rebuilt and refurbished, refit to serve as residential centers and places of education, places of scientific progress and military development. Contact between the remaining human-held parts of the world was established, however loosely, and some knowledge was able to be shared between them.

But there was still no way to reclaim what was lost, to rescue the people being used as a farm by the vampires. Attempts at reverse-engineering the vampire's strange weaponry resulted in disaster. While it was possible to wield the newly-developed weapons, they had to be supplied with vampiric blood to function and would begin to vampirize the wielder extremely rapidly, draining their entire body of blood... or even worse potential outcomes.

That is, until a sudden breakthrough was made.

Yukimura Angelica, a prodigy and researcher into the reverse engineered weaponry(dubbed "Crimson Arms") discovered a formula that, with monthly injections, enabled their safe usage. With Crimson Arms loaded with cartridges of vampire blood, and the new formula, VBS-108, humanity was able to make their counterattack, venturing into vampire territory, raiding one of their 'farms', and rescuing a number of children and adults.

Such raids are few and far between due to the danger involved, but the mere fact that they became possible was a massive step forward.

Now, recruit, are you ready to begin and fight for humanity's future?

So this is a new concept inspired by a few different anime and manga and video game franchises, primarily Owari no Seraph and Code Vein. Taking place in the not incredibly distant future of 2046, in a world devastated by a meteor impact and also vampires. Nature might be springing back, and humanity may have managed to barely weather the storm, that was only the beginning. The human race must fight for their future, or be crushed in darkness!

Given the anime inspiration, I decided to set this RP specifically in the Japanese region, but given the circumstances some characters may be from elsewhere.

  • The State of the World: Ruined cities growing overgrown with recovering plant life, the gothic architecture favored by vampires in some places, a sign of the massive underground complexes favored by their kind. Still, it's not all grim. Human-held locations are clean, with schools, unfortunately somewhat cramped residental areas, and large military and science installations for development of strategies and weapons against the vampiric threat.
  • The Army of Humanity: The collective name of the military arm of the remaining strongholds of the human race. Composed of soldiers recruited from promising individuals in the education system starting from the age of 16 due to the necessity of maintaining a fighting force against the vampires, they are armed with Crimson Arms. The elite of the Japanese unit are known as the Red Demons, and recruitment to the Red Demons requires extremely high aptitude with a Crimson Arm. The Red Demons get special Crimson Arms, capitalizing on this high aptitude. One of the most famous of the Red Demons is known as Lady Shinigami, with a thousand vampire kills to her name.
  • Legacy: The governing body of vampires across the world. Legacy is ruled by a secretive figure, who has assigned high councils of ten of the eldest vampires to preside over every region on earth. Their primary motivation is maintaining a steady supply of blood by 'farming' humanity, though many vampires are particularly callous and prone to killing humans to satiate their bloodlust. Legacy's inner workings are deeply mysterious. The Japanese branch of Legacy is currently headed by a particularly capricious High Council that seems to be testing humanity's defenses to find a weakness...
  • Vampires: Unaging, immortal supernatural beings that feed on human blood. No normal food satisfies a vampire, and thus they must feed on the blood of humans. Possessed of numerous mystical powers, they can also regenerate from virtually any damage, even including decapitation. It is only through the absolute destruction of the entire heart, or the use of a Crimson Arm, that it becomes possible to permanently end a vampire's life. The typical armament of a vampire is a weapon powered by their own blood, the basis of the Crimson Arms. More powerful vampires may also have unique supernatural abilities. In appearance, most vampires resemble humans and feel the same emotions, but exhibit pointed ears and red eyes as well as pale skin. In the past, the sun burned vampires, but it seems as if that may not always be the case...
  • Blood Beasts: Genetically engineered monsters created by vampires through a use of technology and mysticism as a sort of shock troop. The exhibit some traits of vampires, such as feeding on blood and regeneration from most harm. However, they are simple beasts and thus lack intelligence, requiring the direction of a vampire to perform as a serious threat. That being said, they are still large, incredibly strong, and hungry for blood.
  • Crimson Arms: Weapons created by reverse-engineering the mystical blood-powered weaponry wielded by vampires. Capable of slowing vampire regeneration and rendering it possible to kill them, Crimson Arms are powered by cartridges filled with vampire blood. There are standard-issue Crimson Arms, but also more unique and powerful weapons with more advanced capabilities reserved for those who exhibit a particular aptitude for them. Crimson Arms threaten to devour human wielders or worse, but by use of the formula VBS-108 it is possible to wield them safely with a monthly injection.
  • Vitae Biocompatibility Supplement 108: VBS-108 for short, this is the formula developed by the prodigy scientist Yukimura Angelica. By use of this formula, it is possible to negate the negative effects of wielding a Crimson Arm entirely, though monthly injections are required. Without any known side effects, it has had full approval by the various governments across the world. Highly regulated, VBS-108 is administered in exact doses to the soldiers of humanity. In spite of its importance, the actual ingredients of VBS-108 are entirely unknown...

As a bit of a last comment, I'm currently undecided as to if I will have the vampire side as playable antagonists as well. Please give an opinion if you're interested in the RP! For now...

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Brief Backstory:
  • Equipment:
  • Skills:
  • Crimson Arm:

Players are intended to be fresh recruits into the Red Demon arm of the military, please talk to me if you want to play a character who has been a part of the Red Demons for a longer period of time! I'm willing to permit it, but I still want to know what you have in mind!
The sea.

So this was the sea of this world. In life, Nobunaga had never set her eyes across the sea. Perhaps she would have, had she not faced her untimely death. But as it stood... no, she had never set her eyes across the sea.

Would she in this new life?

That was something for another time. A distant time in the future. A new world meant she would have to work from the ground up, conquer this land before event considering looking past the sea.

And the first step to that, was knowing the people.


A young girl. Taller then Nobunaga herself, in this new form, youthful-looking form, but nevertheless a girl in her teens.

"... Fear not, young one," she began, turning to face her fully and putting on a gentle smile, "We mean no harm."

While she was a feared warlord in life, that did not mean she had no understanding of how to act in a calming matter. Nothing would be gained of terrorizing.

"Can you tell us where we are? My companions and I are somewhat lost."

@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist

"Excellent!" declared the petite girl with a smile, clapping her hands together as she did. It was quite clear she was pleased to now have a guide, which quite frankly wasn't exactly unexpected. Fusang was a large, complex, and multi-layered city with scenery that radically trained from district to district. Certainly it could get a bit overwhelming for someone who was there for the first time, wasn't it?

And yet, somehow the impression this girl gave was one that seemed to indicate such a concern was a distant second to her.

"Unfortunately, I'm not the most familiar with cellular phones," she continued, waving her hand as she spoke. "But my Elder brother teaches a class here, as luck may have it, so he should not be too difficult to locate."

She paused for a moment, her eyes drifting towards the white-haired, red-eyed woman.

"So, this is your Servant, then?" she asked, "How interesting! I suppose you can count yourself lucky that she isn't the type to devour you while you sleep, hmm?"

She leaned forward, hands clasped behind her back as her eyes scanned up and down the Archer's form.

"To think, there would be a day where Servants would walk around in the open air... the mere thought of the look on those lords' faces when Fusang's development began is delightful."


Mihama Nanako

Just what kind of situation did BB send them into? This was absolutely some kind of criminal deal!

"I... got it!"

Nanako didn't really have a choice... she was quick to look away when Melt descended. As much as the idea of people being killed didn't appeal to her, at the same time she knew, deep down, that these people were trying to kill her. She felt a little guilty, even if she wasn't the one who would doing the deed... but it wasn't as if she had a choice. There was nothing she could do against that many people at once...

She was quick to move to the far side of the roof, scrawling a set of symbols on the metal sheets that composed it. Channeling magical energy through her body, into the sheets, jets of wind erupted beneath them, bending them sharply upwards to serve as impromptu cover, in case the did come up the stairs as Meltryllis had told her.

At the moment, all she could do was try and keep track of what was going on below.

The man that Meltryllis had descended upon barely had a chance to scream as her spiked feet drilled through his body, almost disintegrating his entire torso from the speed of his impact. What remained of his body flew in two opposite directions, the remaining thugs staggering back with a look of shock and fear.

The first shadow Servant cratered the wall with its impact, but was swift to rather unnaturally rise, body bent backwards. The others raised fists, spears, and swords as they rushed towards the Alter Ego all at once.

"Oh~?" the Servant in the guise of a young teenaged girl tilted her head, "Oh, my! That was impressive, really it was, but I'd appreciate it if all of you could remember to fight~ Thank you."

Her words seemed to remind at least those that seemed to be her allies that they had weapons. Those with guns raised their weapons and prepared to open fire. Others, those wielding mystic codes and thus more dangerous, projected thing beams of energy from the edge of their weapons, to try and strike from a distance!

As all of this happened, the Servant drifted backwards.

"I think I understand, looking at that face of yours," she commented, as she stretched her right arm out at her side, her shadow seeming to suddenly fall longer, "You look as if you could be her sister."

Whose sister, exactly, went unanswered, as reinforcements emerged from the shadow cast by the girl's arm. They were ragged, translucent phantoms, skeletal and clad in tattered kimonos, long arms tipped in sharp claws, grasping at the air. There had to be a dozen of them.

The gunfire, the sounds of magical weaponry... would perhaps reach the sensitive fox ears of a certain self-styled JK...


Saber - Benienma

It was at that moment that the mysterious third party swept into the building, revealing herself to be none other than the Caster from the other day, when the kidnapping attempt had been foiled.

"Kaguya-hime?" remarked Benienma, surprised to see her once again, and here of all places. This time, the supernatural charm of the Moon Princess was less effective, mostly because Benienma had prepared herself for it the moment she realized who it was. That didn't mean it wasn't there, however. Rather that she was more capable of dealing with it.

"I didn't expect to see you here dechi," continued the diminutive redhead, "You must be the other resident attempting to access the database dechi."

She couldn't help but wonder why, but given that they would be accessing it together she supposed it wouldn't be much longer until they found out.

"Ah, Kaguya-hime," the voice of the woman behind the counter stated, "I..."

She paused for a moment, cheeks coloring as she looked at the princess, before turning away and continuing.

"I've logged your arrival. It shouldn't be much longer until you're permitted access."

Indeed, it was only moments later that the doors on the opposite side of the room slid open.

The sight that greeted the assembled girls, however, was a surprising one.

She had the appearance of a child, with incredibly pale, almost paper-white skin, large red eyes, and long, pale blue hair that nearly reached her ankles. Clad in a black and white dress, there was something strangely ethereal about her.

The fact that she was a Servant was only obvious, for this was none other then the Caster-class Aleister Crowley, one of the Servants among the city's Board of Administrators. Exactly why the famed occultist was a female child was a mystery, given there existed real-life photographs of the man when he was alive.

But that was a mystery, perhaps, for another day.

"What an intriguing bunch we have here," she began, with a smirk, "I've decided to take a break from my work and oversee your access to HECATE's database personally. I think you should count yourselves lucky, personally."

Beyond her was a grey, hexagonal hallway that lead deeper into the building.

"Now, if you'll follow me..."

@RoleplayerRoxas@Raineh Daze

Yuriko T. Louvyngyr

"Ah, you'll be more used to that, won't you?" Yuriko commented, patting Jack on the head as she did, "But that's not blood, it's red bean paste. When I was a little girl, I had it all the time, so I couldn't pass up the chance to introduce you to it as well."

Even after having summoned the famous Jack the Ripper for several weeks now, it was sometimes easy to forget that the child Servant was a famous serial killer. But at times, when the green-eyed girl was far more perceptive then otherwise expected, or she spoke about a far grimmer topic then anticipated as cheerfully as always, there would be flashes of her darker side.

Not that it mattered to Yuriko. Certainly, there was no denying Jack had killed people when she was alive, but so had Yuriko herself. For considerably different reasons, no doubt, but...

The child before her didn't deserve scorn.

"Taiyaki's still one of my favorite snacks, to be honest," she continued, "It's delicious!"

And so was the girl behind the counter... but alas, it was a bad time to try anything. Besides, she was attempting to court the beautiful young lady with the twin Sabers.

@Raineh Daze
Hey, just a little explanation: @Rin's been feeling under the weather, so I'm helping out by handling Ritsuko for a bit. Hopefully no longer then a single post, and I'm asking her what Ritsuko would do so it's still her in control.
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