Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Saber - Arturia Pendragon


Ritsuko, noticing that her Servant had suddenly become distracted, followed her gaze to see just what it was she had suddenly begun staring at. When her eyes fell upon the slender hooded figure, she wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation. Was it another Servant? Someone Saber recognized? Or was something else going on?

Unable to hold back her curiosity, she attempted to lean at an angle to try and see just what was under that hood. Something had distracted Saber, after all! And her cute girl sense was tingling, too!

"Master?" Arturia's attention was drawn away from the hooded figure and towards the antics of the girl who had summoned her. Ah, that behavior was quite unbecoming! Arturia herself was uncertain why she had suddenly begun to stare. That sudden prickling up her spine, the moment she came close to the hooded figure... no, there had to be something more to this. Even if she wasn't certain what it was. Just as she was about to approach, and broach the subject directly...

Another, familiar presence caught her attention.

Her Master, realizing someone had spoken to her, let out a surprised yelp.

"Oh, h-hi!" she said, scratching her head and trying to make it look as if she hadn't been attempting to peak at the hooded figure's face, "Griggs-san! I was a bit distracted, sorry!"

Arturia's attention was elsewhere, however. She had seen that lengthy purple hair, the figure of that woman, before.

"Rider," she said, gaze fixed on the woman, unable to to stop herself from feeling even the slightest bit wary in the face of a Servant that had been her enemy during the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Dame Maritza's sudden appearance, wielding the hefty axe Fanilly had previously seen in the northman's possession, heralded a sharp turning point. No more could the skeletons reassemble unless Fanilly delivered a solidly destructive blow. For the axe seemed to shatter bone and leave the skeletons as nothing but useless fragments in a single blow. Even when, for example, an upper body managed to continue to move, it was far less dangerous then a fully assembled warrior.

Fanilly nodded.

"I'm counting on you, Dame Maritza!"

With that, taking Tili with her, Fanilly sprinted forward... moving deeper without support was dangerous, but at the same time there was no way to tell how much time that they had.

As for the mercenary...

At this point, with his injured arm and the situation turning against him so strongly, there was little hope. And this was reflected in the outcome of the battle.

His blade failed to catch Sir Gerard's as he attempted to respond to the second attack, steel sliding against steel. The edge of the knight's sword bit through flesh and bone, and in an instant the man's life left him with nothing more then a rasping death rattle

With the skeletons well in hand, the only path forward was deeper.

The vampire was not so easily dealt with. He was quick to raise his crossbow and avoid its destruction, springing backwards and landing on his other foot.

"... The serpent woman is gone? A shame, I found her quite lovely," he commmented, cocking his head to one side as he did, "Ah, but you handsome gentlemen haven't escaped my attention in the least."

He glanced towards his leg. Ah, he'd been injured at some point? It was quite a deep cut... and had to heal.

"... Hmm... ah, testing your willpower against mine, I see? Hahaha, bold! How bold!"

The chain slung towards him was swiftly deflected with his shortsword, but the second struck true, wrapping around his left arm and pulling tight.

But the vampire hardly seemed bothered by this.

Licking his lips, he yanked firmly with his arm, displaying strength that a human being would be unable to naturally attain, in a bid to drag Sir Jarde into arm's reach, his fangs flashing in the light of the torches.

His goal was rather obvious. His injured leg was healing, now, as well, the vampire willing the injury shut even as Sir Nicomede attempted to slow it, even as he tried to pull Sir Jarde into reach of his fangs.

It was plainly clear these efforts had failed to work. But perhaps a more concerted and united assault...

@HereComesTheSnow@Asuras@jdh97@Animal@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk@Heartfillia
Going to get a reply up here on the weekend.

Edit: Tomorrow instead. Sorry!
A great stone warrior... Needless to say, there was no practical way to challenge such a creature in battle for the moment. Perhaps another time... But at the same time, it was seemingly paying little attention to Nobunaga or those who stood at her sides.

Excellent. Even more perfect was the moment at which a cloaked figure burst from the tower and completely distracted the giant. At the moment, lingering here had become quite foolish. Nobunaga was no coward, but she was aware they simply did not possess the tools to fight a gigantic living statue at the moment. Rather, she would instead pursue the more lucrative path of attempting to leave as quickly as possible. There was no value in stupidity.

Those large stones, too... the giant had avoided them.

"... We should take this opportunity to leave unopposed," announce Nobunaga, confidently striding forward, "Take care to avoid the black stone slabs. The giant surely chose not to step on them for a reason, and until we know why it is far safer not to test it."

@Crimson Paladin@PKMNB0Y@Rune_Alchemist
@Rezod92: I'm a little confused, are you implying that HF happened?

Like obviously Medusa is likely to recognize Arturia regardless though.
Yuriko T. Louvyngyr

Yuriko was feeling rather cheerful at the moment. Jack had been playing with friends earlier, she'd managed to stay in contact with that beautiful girl with the twin sibling Servants from a few weeks ago... all in all, today was a good day. And she'd already made it even brighter.

"Her you go, Jack," she said, smiling, as she offered a fresh, warm pastry to the little silvery-haired girl. She'd purchased two of them, a lovely pair of fresh red bean taiyaki, from a local bakery. Admittedly, her choice had been in part prompted by the idea of introducing the little Assassin to a completely new pastry(and one of her favorites). As someone whose blood lay both in the west and the east, she was fond of the sheer variety of pastries that both of her countries of origin exhibited. Taiyaki in particular was a favorite of hers, especially those with red bean paste.

Naturally, there was no way she would pass up on the opportunity to give her Assassin the chance to have a taste.

@Raineh Daze

Saber - Benienma

"Right. Sending request now."

Emilya swiftly opened her laptop. Benienma couldn't help but watch for a few moments... While it wasn't as if she had never seen such things before, and the modern era had been illuminated to her by the mechanism of her summoning, that didn't mean she didn't find the idea of something like a computer fascinating. In spite of the situation, she wondered if it would serve well as a way to distribute her favorite recipes to the entire planet... after all, if they could connect to any place in the world...

But right now, there were matters of justice to attend to.

"... Wow, already?" Emily seemed surprised, just moments later. "Request confirmed. You're set to access the main database."

This meant heading to central administration. They'd been given clearance so quickly, though... was something going on? Benienma was surprised, to say the least... but maybe it meant administration considered this enough of a serious matter to give them the go ahead?

"Let's go, masta," Benienma said, taking a step forward, "The fast we get this done, the faster we can discover the culprit's identity dechi!"


The Fusang Administrative Center was previously the largest building in the city. It resembled a towering obelisk of obsidian, jutting up from the island's skyline. Simply approaching it would let even the weakest mage feel the incredible magical energy surrounding it, as layers upon layers of defensive bounded fields shut out outside attack or influence. Both magical and technological defenses were employed to shield it from both direct assault and cybernetic attack.

It was not inaccurate to call it one of the most well-defended buildings on the entire planet because of this.

Simply approaching it, Benienma could feel the intensity of the bounded fields layered over it. None of them excluded actually entering the building at the moment, but she was certain that they could if necessary.

The only structure taller on the entire island was the in-progress space elevator, which seemed to jut higher into the sky with every passing month. The diminutive enma didn't truly understand its purpose, but the administration was apparently quite keen on its construction.

After a few moments, the doors slid open seemingly on their own, beckoning them inside.

Inside was a lobby, with a waiting area and a desk with a pretty dark-haired woman sitting behind it.

"You must be Benienma-san and Kishinami-san, correct?" she asked, her tone quite stiff and formal. Benienma couldn't help but note that, while she certainly looked like an ordinary human, something didn't seem altogether normal about her. "Your request was logged, it should only be a few moments. Another request came in at the same time. Normally you would be separated, but the administration cleared simultaneous access."

"Chirp chirp?" Benienma tilted her head. Why would they do that? Who else was accessing the database at the same time? "Masta, do you think someone else is participating in the investigation? We weren't informed though..."

@RolePlayerRoxas@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze
@samakama: Sorry for the delay, in light of our conversations over PMs, accepted.
Mihama Nanako


This time her head was in the game! Nanako didn't want to see anyone pointlessly hurt again. Knowing people had died... it was terrible. This time she was going to make sure she didn't go in without being prepared!

She might not have been the most accomplished magus, but that didn't mean she didn't know at least a few things... and if she prepared, maybe she could support Meltryllis better!

She packed up some mystic chalk, among other things. It was just enough to cast a few spells relatively quickly. If she could act faster, then maybe no-one would have to get seriously hurt.

Knowing that time was slim, Nanako did her preparation as quickly as possible before hurrying out. While BB seemed like she had some kind of malignant intent under nearly anything she said or did, knowing what could potentially happen meant that not only was Nanako going to go to the indicated place, she was also going to take the exact route that had been indicated.

It was a rather winding route, through back alleys that would have made Nanako feel a little bit uneasy if not for the fact that she had Meltryllis with her. Eventually, however...

Something had felt... unsettling as they neared the marked location. Nanako began to realize that, somehow, they had managed to pass through an exclusionary bounded field on the way here... had BB interfered with it so that people from outside could get in? Did she have the capability to do so? The route even indicated to get onto the roof of an old warehouse...

Regardless of the explanation, it wasn't long before they found the reason BB had sent them here in the first place.

Even Nanako knew it was best to try and hide.

Below them, in the old warehouse, it seemed like there was some sort of meeting, some sort of deal occurring. Two groups of people were talking, there was a suitcase filled with something being shown off... Most of them gave off the vibe one would associate with underhanded and illegal deals, but there was one rather perplexing figure among them.

Rarely did one expect to see what appeared to be a teenaged girl during some sort of black market deal. There was something strange about her, though. The red eyes? She didn't look particularly threatening, though...

At least to Nanako.

But Meltryllis would immediately be able to understand that the girl was a Servant.

Before Nanako could even try to question what BB had intended for them to do, the black-haired girl suddenly looked towards them...

She smirked.


And pointed.

From here, Nanako could make out her cheerful voice surprisingly clearly.

"Uh-oh, uninvited guests!"

Almost immediately everyone there had drawn some kind of weapon, from guns to what were clearly mystic code blades of varying length. Several drew out vials of red fluid, that, when smashed on the concrete, immediately spawned shadowy, hazy figures that were all too familiar...


Saber - Benienma

The diminutive enma nodded to herself. If her Master was able to face something grim like this, then Benienma would not stop her from doing so. While she did not wish for anyone to have to face such things, especially those around her Master's age or younger, at the same time this was also their duty. Their duty was to bring justice to those who had acted wickedly.

Even if it was in the act of punishing others who had behaved as such.

The conclusion that it was an Assassin made sense, given the brutality of the murders and mutilations and yet the fact that no perpetrator had been located no matter how close to public places the crime took place. That much made sense to the small redheaded Saber. And the idea of it being a vigilante...

"If they're an Assassin, they might be entered into the Servant database, Masta," Benienma said. Ideally at least, every Servant was entered into the main database of Fusang, controlled by the central artificial intelligence HECATE.

"Is that my cue?" a soft voice spoke from behind them.

Sasahara Emily adjusted her glasses as she stepped forward, a laptop under her arm.

"If you need me to, I can put in a request for database access," the girl continued, "It shouldn't take longer then an hour, though... I suppose it depends on how the administrators are feeling... but when it's a serious crime I can't imagine they would be lax about it."

Indeed, database access did require approval from city administration, and a final clearance from HECATE herself.

"I think my Masta was planning on it dechi," Benienma responded, nodding slightly as she did, "If they think this is justice, then we have to stop them dechi."

Emily's eyes lingered on the small Servant for a few moments, before her gaze returned to Hakuno herself.



The girl, who had yelped briefly in surprise on being collided with, brushed herself off as Mitsuki questioned her wellbeing.

"My my, isn't it far more wise to watch where you're going?" she commented, her voice showing little irritation as she cocked her head to one side. If anything, she seemed more amused, her large blue eyes moving between the boy and his Servant, "You could blunder into something dangerous."

She wagged her finger, though there was still a smirk on her lips.

"But since you seem to be remorseful, it's only fair to give you a chance to make it up to me, isn't it?" she continued. For some reason, with every word she spoke the situation seemed to feel somehow more dangerous, even though she hadn't made a single aggressive move so far. "I'm having terrible trouble finding my dear elder brother, so I am in need of a guide. It's my first time in this city of mystical heroes and legends, after all."

Had she been hoping for an opportunity like this, or did she just take advantage of it? Either way, she seemed to derive undue pleasure from heaping sudden responsibility on a complete stranger's shoulders.

"Milady, are you unharmed?"

The figure who next spoke seemed to emerge from no-where. A beautiful woman, clad in a maid outfit, long silver hair hanging down... and also made entirely of mercury.

"I'm fine, Trimmau," she responded with a dismissive wave of her hand, "I'm sure this gentleman is going to make it up to me, isn't that right?"

Nope, it's the mace knights.
Assassin of Red - Okita Souji

"Very well, Master."

A surprise attack on an opponent... it only made sense. The advantage of mounting a sneak attack on the enemy couldn't be understated. And indeed, the activity up ahead meant that it was likely she was soon to be upon another enemy. While it was true that fighting an opponent upfront was a better show of one's skills and one's conduct, that did now mean that the Assassin was blind to the value of a sneak attack. It was not as if she had never participated in a night raid.

This was no different.

She couldn't help but appreciate that her Master was aware of this fact. Regardless, her advance slowed somewhat. While her Presence Concealment would prevent her from being noticed immediately, that did not mean it was the best idea to act in any particularly noticeable way until she was certain she had her eyes on her potential opponent.

And there they were.

A small, slender girl, with dark skin and a horned skull perched atop her head. She looked like some kind of yokai, moving through the bamboo forest like this. But her presence was unmistakable, she was a Servant.

For a moment, Assassin hesitated. The girl before her was, while not entirely childish, somewhat child-like. The idea of attacking her felt uncomfortable, in that instant. Okita Souji was undeniably a manslayer, but at the same time...

However, this was a Servant. Such considerations were to be addressed, and indeed the girl was not a child.

Assassin drew one foot back, raising her katana parallel to her eyes...

Presence Concealment fell away in an instant as she darted forward with a thrust of her blade!



It seemed that Rider's prayers for an interruption would be answered.

The figures that emerged from the bamboo were not Servants, however.

They were the shapes of the long dead. Warriors, clad in aged armor. Most of them appeared to be the deceased of this land, grey flesh worn away, bodies covered in lacquered armor and carrying a variety of implements, from katana to spears. Others, however, appeared distinctly foreign, wearing broken and rusted steel armor and carrying axes and western swords. Their eyes were sunken pits, filled with a ghastly green light emanating from within the empty sockets.

An exact count of their numbers was difficult, as they emerged from the bamboo. There were at least a couple dozen, however, and in the bank some were nocking arrows as they raised their bows...

It was immediately obvious that these were the unidentified figures that had been reported alongside what were possibly Servants. But this vast number of the Dead, especially ones that looked so old...

It was distinctly unlikely to be the work of a modern magus. Which left one likely possibility...

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