Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Yes, sorry, I'll get things fixed up today.
Nobunaga straightened, flicking the blood from her katana and smoothly sheathing her weapon. The fight with the beast had played out largely as she expected, and now the corpse was left in the snow, exposed guts steaming as the hunters set upon the body to clean it and prepare it for consumption, presumably.

"I merely utilized my skills as best I could," she responded, to the leader of the hunters, a friendly smile on her lips, "To do any less would be poor conduct in a dangerous situation, would it not?"

Indeed, it would be. But more then that, the simple idea of her needing no thanks... not only was it likely to ingratiate herself to these people, but would begin the path she sought.

'This is someone we can rely on to help.'

But that would take more then a single incident.

Taking time to meet the village's chief was undoubtedly important as well.

As she entered the building, the thing Nobunaga took note of immediately was the embroidery on that outfit. The same as the tattoo on Lazhira's arm...

Asking about a connection, however, could wait until they formed closer ties.

"Thank you," she began, recalling how the hunter had stated that the chief preferred not to be called as such, "I must say, I'm happy to have been guided to civilization. We were in quite a predicament."

@Rune_Alchemist@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin
Deeper and deeper, the new recruits her lead into the facility. Past different wings of the facility, never pausing long enough to really take in the sights. Not that there was very much to see, aside from a simply sign there was little to suggest what was contained beyond. Occasionally, they passed researchers, or soldiers in uniform.

Aside from a momentary glance, there was very little in the way of interaction.

Commander Nishimura only paused briefly, when they reached a considerably deep part of the facility, before a pair of on-duty guards. They nodded when he appeared and stepped to the side, beckoning him and the new recruits onward.

Beyond was another long, blue steel cylindrical hallway angled downwards.

The commander took another brief glance back towards the recruits, before proceeding down.

It seemed like a significant amount of time before they reached their destination, a set of blast doors that slid open at the presence of the commander.

As opposed to the someone tight, stifling interiors up until this point, the next room was rather expansive, a large hexagonal chamber. On the opposite end there was a wide observation window, near the ceiling.

Lining the chamber were containment units, ovular chambers hooked to the metallic walls. There was one for each of the new recruits, each labeled with their name.


A youthful girl's voice from above, playing over the intercom, echoed over the chamber.

"Are these the new recruits?!"

Pressing herself to the observation window far above them was a blonde girl, her lithe frame clad in a labcoat. From here, it looked like all she wore beneath was a dress, or perhaps and oversized shirt, and she wasn't wearing anything on her feet.

"How cuuuute! Hehehe~ This batch is really cute, Commander!" she declared, gleefully, "So they're who all the prepwork was for..."

The commander simply sighed heavily.

"Your Crimson Arm will be labeled with your name," he said, turning to the recruits, "Open the containment unit and equip yourself. These aren't the training units or standard issue equipment, so be prepared for a bit of a rush when you pick it up for the first time."

Indeed, it had already been explained to the recruits that the first time picking up one of the more powerful Crimson Arms could be a bit... shocking. Flashes of sudden memories, lightheadedness, out of body experiences, nausea, any one of these symptoms or more could occur simply from holding one it a person's hands. However, those with the aptitude to wield such weapons would acclimate after a few minutes at most and the effects would fade away entirely.

Some got over it in seconds.

@Zoey Boey@GingerBoi123@Pink Khione@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze
Okay sorry for the delay, I'm realizing I actually have a bit harder of a time getting posts planned out when I don't have my own player character but I'm going to work through that regardless.

Not going to update any later then today, sorry again for how long it's taken.
There was no time to fully avoid the blow, but there was time to use her arms and blade as a barrier, using the hilt of her sword rather then the edge to help further dull the blow. Certainly, the impact of the beast's forelimb hurt, the feeling reverberating through her entire small body, but it was the difference between bruised and sore arms and potentially cracked ribs.

She landed some meters away, as the creature turned directly to face her. Novak had suddenly jumped into the fray as well, making a rather spirited attack on the creature's neck that looked quite familiar, if inappropriate for the type of sword he was using...

The Kyrinth had not slowed even from a deep wound to a vulnerable spot. Perhaps she had missed its heart, but most animals would become quite a bit more concerned about self-preservation after becoming so injured. And yet it had already begun to charge her.

This was no ordinary aggression. This was not an animal intending to feed or to defend itself. Was it infected with some kind of rage-causing disease?

Or was there something else at work?

Whatever the case may be, Nobunaga considered it quite possible that an analysis of the creature's corpse had a chance of revealing the truth.

As Novak attacked its neck, Nobunaga broke to the opposite side of the monster, shifting her grip on her katana as she did. Her aim now was a simple one: If she could lodge her weapon beneath the scales once more, she would drag her sword through the creature in a bid to open its flank and spill as much blood as possible. The bloodloss, and possible disembowelment, would do the rest.

@Pink Khione: Yeah, I'll try and reply tomorrow. Was hoping for some more character interactions and stuff but looks like I need to push things a little further along first.
"... Ah."

It had been just too much at once for him.

The vampire's headless body toppled sideways, landing with a dull thud, crimson leaking onto the stone floor. His head, in Tyaethe's grip, seemed to still be quite alive for the moment.

That was unlikely to last much longer.

"... I see, so I should have taken you all more seriously," he said, speaking in spite of being nothing more then a severed head, "My my, I guess all that taunting didn't pay off, did it? You handsome gentlemen sure now how to reject someone..."

It was strange, how Damon Cal seemed to speak so casually, even though his remaining life was draining away at a rapid pace.

"... To be honest, I had hoped to fight you," he commented, his crimson eyes, coming to rest on the vampire holding him, "You're quite adorable, far more then I expected."

To see someone manage to sigh without a throat was rather impressive.

"Perhaps agreeing to join them was a mistake, after all. In any case, I shall leave you with these parting words:"

A smirk crossed the vampire's lips.

"You should best prepare, for not everything that is gone is dead."

The light left those crimson eyes, and yet the smirk remained on his lips.

Damon Cal was dead.

Her knights were at her side, and Vosahnn's sister was still alive...! Fanilly could feel the hope awaken, just a little, in her heart. The enemy would dare not kill their hostage, not now. Not when she was still of potential value in order to preserve their own lives.

The skeletons were immediately distracted with Maritza's arrival as well! One had already crumbled, and the others would prove no more durable then it had. As long as they kept making this progress they could do it!

Taking one of the skeletons by surprised, the diminutive blonde knight used the pommel of her sword like a hammer, knocking apart its upper body and caving in the back of its skull. The solid metal was more then enough to break old bone, even if the skeletons were armored! Pulling Vosahnn close with her free hand, she kicked another skeleton away, the others completely distracted by Maritza! As long as she could get in close...!


The lightning mage cocked her head, a blue shield of light and rotating symbols seeming to materialize around her body, sparks flying as the thrown knife bounced off of it. Raising one hand, she unleashed a bolt of lightning towards her attacker, from the center of a magic circle of light at her fingertip!

... And in a blur of red, it suddenly veered ever so slightly off course, ripping past Sir Gerard and striking the wall meters behind him with enough power to blow apart the solid stone.

"I missed? Damn it!"

Confused at what could have just happened, the mage concluded rather wisely that her opponent was now too close for any spell of sufficient power to stop him for certain. Instead, she immediately began moving back, raising her hands to reinforce her magical barrier and try and keep up her defense while maintaining some distance.

The masked man cocked his head as his skeletons proved insufficient.

"You do realize I could kill the little nem at any time, don't you?" he commented, "But if you insist on this farce..."

He opened his cloak. Affixed to his belt were jars, four total, filled with a sickly green-brown fluid.

"I shall see to it that this is nothing more than a fool's errand."

Casually, he tossed one to the ground, allowing it to shatter. An impossibly foul odor, like that of long-rotten, fermenting meat, filled the room as the grotesque viscous fluid flowed from around the shards of glass. Almost immediately it spread out from where the jar had landed, its mass scooping up scattered bone shards, broken armor, and the weapons lost by the skeletons, before steadily rising and taking on a vaguely humanoid shape, shards of sharp metal, and bone sticking out of its mass, and the weapons it had captured protruding from one arm.

"Wh... what?"

Fanilly was taken aback. What was this awful... slimy... thing?!

"Ah... well..."

The princess paused for a few moments.

"With all this commotion, many of them are quite busy ensuring that word does not escape these walls. And I can speak with them whenever I like... speaking with one of the Iron Rose Knights is quite different," she replied, smiling. It almost felt like the attempt on her life was a distant memory, at least for the moment.

"Ah, the Ingvarr, what were they like?" Eliabelle asked. She'd never met any before, so she was frankly eager to hear more about them from someone who had.

@HereComesTheSnow@Asuras@jdh97@Animal@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk@Heartfillia
Excellent, the beast had already turned.

It was of similar size to a horse, which meant her next move was an easy one.

Nobunaga's entire body tensed, as she leaned forward. Ideally she would find one of the gaps between ribs, but the katana's quality was sufficient to cut bone. At least, provided this creature had relatively normal bones, and if its heart was anywhere near where she expected it to be.

Even if it wasn't, it would still be a deep piercing injury to an area that would likely bleed quite a bit.

Nobunaga placed one foot forward as the creature was distracted and immediately burst forward as swiftly as she could, her cape flapping behind her as she moved. Angling her body, tightening her posture as much as she could, the small black-haired girl aimed to slip beneath the sheet of scales and thrust her sword between the creature's ribs as quickly and as deeply as she possibly could.

@Rune_Alchemist@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin
@HereComesTheSnow: Yeah he's in for a surprise.

Anyway, expect an update by this weekend at the latest.
Okay made an edit, hopefully tomorrow stuff with be sorted out with Ritsuka and Arturia.
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