Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Saber - Arturia Pendragon

The explanation of what circumstances the girl was under revealed to the Saber-class Servant just why she was so nervous about her own appearance. It was not merely a case of distant blood relation, but rather a situation that had been forced upon her by her family. They had wished to recreate her through a distant relative?


And it was because of her own summoning that the process had gone to this point. Had she known, she would not have answered this third call. Knowing that her reappearance would force someone to become her copy would have been a reason to remain apart from the world of modern humanity.

And yet she was already here.

"... I... am sorry," she said, finally, "Had I known, I..."

She trailed off. Saber did not wish to deny the desires of the Master who performed the summoning in the first place, either.

"... I will not speak of your situation outside of this room," she said, finally, "And if there is any way in which I can be of assistance, I shall offer my aid gladly."

Nobunaga felt considerably better waking up this time then she had her previous morning in this world. Though, to be frank, waking up hacking up some strange liquid would be worse then most mornings.

The black-haired, small girl stretched. She had removed her jacket, leaving herself in just the undershirt and pants, and buried herself in some remarkably warm and silky furs.

Nobunaga stretched with a yawn.

Ah, that really had felt remarkably good. This body's inherent youthfulness had allowed her to become more well-rested, perhaps?

She looked down at her hands.

The previous night had been spent, once everyone else had fallen asleep, discussing the matter of Misaki's Japan. The Japan of the 'modern world', so to speak. Nobunaga had gathered a wealth of valuable information on the governing practices of the futures, the technologies of the future.

There were quite useful.

Nobunaga intended to put them into practice.

But there was plenty of work that had to be done before she could even begin considering that, and the first order of business would be to deal with this elder beast.

Quite literally. Nobunaga's plan had not altered, she intended to negotiate with the beast all the same.

But, where was Lazhira...?


She stretched and rose to her feet fully.

And it's time for the final slot to be filled!

@1Charak2: Congratulations, after the final review your Master has been accepted to fill the seventh and final open slot in the RP!

To everyone else, if you haven't already signed up a Servant it would be a good idea to do so! You can also sign up multiple Servants as you may have noticed already, as we will then pick the ones best suited to the RP!
Okay, since both of you two are vying for the last slot...

@Not Fungus: I still think your bio is strange narratively, you mention him having no desires but he desires to regain his original self ?I think you need to work on his personality more.

@1Charak2: I think you need to go over your bio and clean up the personality and backstory a bit. My Co-GM especially is having a little trouble with the analysis(though I think it's a problem I'm having as well) and I think the best course of action is to review it and make it read more smoothly. Don't worry about changing any of the content, just reword it and reorder it so it reads more smoothly.
@Rin: Accepted.

Approvals for the final slot pending, as the remaining bios require a little more deliberation on the GM side. Expect them later today or tomorrow!

Anyway, this is one of my backup apps depending on what we as GMs decide about Servant approvals:

  • Name: Vishpala
  • Class: Archer
  • Appearance: Dark skinned with platinum blonde hair, her bodysuit is red and black, and her armor red and gold. She is around 157 cm/5'2 in height.
  • Personality: A serious and stoic girl. Vishpala's nature can be compared to a sort of reserved military officer, or perhaps someone who considers herself to be a weapon. Her mentality is such that she does not perceive herself as being worthy of consideration as a 'human being'. Rather, it is because of her survival through the use of a replica weapon to preserve her life that she believes her existence should be dedicated to exterminating threats against humanity. She considers it as payment for her life being saved. In reality, this mentality was something she always held in her heart. Her lack of consideration for herself is the very reason her body was mangled and nearly destroyed to begin with. She has no sense of shame as she does not consider herself to be a human being. In spite of Vishpala's self-denying nature, she nevertheless possesses some desires of her own. She enjoys the presence of small, cute animals, and is very fond of all kinds of food(though naturally she will not eat beef). Her capacity for human interaction is low, but an insistent Master will earn clumsy interaction from her. Additionally, her stoic nature hides an incredibly sharp temper. An angry Vishpala becomes far more aggressive and emotional.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: B
    • Endurance: A
    • Agility: B
    • Mana: C
    • Luck: C
    • Noble Phantasm:
  • Class Skills:
    • Independent Action: C
    • Magic Resistance: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Kali's Demon-Slaying Blade: A++. When nearly half of Vishpala's body was mangled in battle, what could not be saved was replaced by merging her with a replica of Kharga, the demon-killing sword wielded by the goddess Kali. By having this weapon integrated into her body, Vishpala's nature is inherently in opposition against beings of evil or demonic nature. Her attacks receive a bonus against such opponents.
    • Battle Continuation: A. Due to her nature as a mix between a replica divine construct and a human being, her resilience to critical injury is considerably enhanced. Even in the case of decisive lethal injury, she will continue fighting until her body can no longer move.
    • Gift of the Ashwins: C. The Kharga replica that prevented Vishpala's death was granted by the generous and compassionate divine spirits known as the Ashwins. However, Vishpala interpreted it to mean that her existence was meant to continue as the weapon she had always viewed herself as. Regardless, the Ashwin's favor follows her and provides her with defense against mental interference, poison, and curses.
    • Natural Body(Weapon): Due to the state of the body as a weapon, an artificial state of perfection has been induced. It is impossible to alter Vishpala's body, and her capacity as a weapon cannot be degraded.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Kali Image - All Demons Must Be Destroyed
    • Rank: B
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Vishpala's nature is as a union between a replica of the unnamed demon-slaughtering Kharga wielded by the goddess Kali and a human being affords her the capabilities of the weapon itself. While below the power of the original, it still grants her extreme potency as a weapon. Releasing the full extent of her arsenal as a living divine construct, Vishpala can create a zone of annihilation inescapable for those of evil or demonic nature before applying a hellish rain of artillery attacks from above. The Bounded Field then collapses in on itself, crushing whatever remains within it before disappearing entirely. Kali's slaughter of demons is noted in accounts of Hindu mythology, and even a replica of one of her weapons reflects this capacity.

    • Name: Kharga Overload - Thank you for Everything, Dear Ashwins
    • Rank: A+
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: In the event that Vishpala is incapable of overcoming an opponent, she may separate herself from the life-sustaining replica of Kali's Kharga. By firing the weapon as a latch-ditch effort to defeat her opponent, Vishpala aims to destroy them by sacrificing herself. On contact with her opponent, the Kharga replica generates a bounded field encircling them before exploding, guaranteeing the death of her enemy provided the projectile comes into contact with them. However, as Vishpala has been separated from the weapon sustaining her life, her death is inevitable as well.
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Changes: N/A
@KoL: Accepted.

@King Cosmos: Accepted.
A couple updates: I've completed my own Master bio, and everyone's bios are currently under review by @PKMNB0Y and myself!
@Vahir: Yes, for sure! Definitely looking for more people!
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