Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@ERode: Would you mind quickly telling me in PM? It's just Imarui knows all the other hunters(since Hensia's pretty tightly knit in that regard) so it'll be relevant at some point in that light.

The voice from behind her sounded funny... sort of unclear and muffled, like they were wearing something over their mouth. And when Imarui turned to face them, she discovered that was exactly the case. It was a figure much larger then herself, completely covered in metal. For a moment she thought he must be some kind of machine, but that didn't seem very likely when she thought about it. His voice didn't sound like it was a robot's voice... not that she knew what that sounded like.

"What do you mean?" she asked, tilting her head slightly, "I'm going down to look for artifacts, just like you are!"

Realizing that just saying that might not be enough, she quickly reached into her bag and retrieved her league membership badge to show off. To be honest, she hadn't registered herself. It was an automatic process that had been done for her, just like many of the other children at the orphanage.

It was perplexing to Imarui why she'd been asked in the first place. There were artifacts hunters all over, right? So surely she wasn't the only child who did it, right?

Of course, Imarui had no idea that child artifact hunters were not only very rare outside of Hensia, but not even legal in many territories.

@pandapolio: Yep, go ahead.
And here we go!

Edit: If I need to make any edits to help people get started, I'm happy to.

Hensia Doesn't Say Goodbye


Her small room contained a bookshelf, her bed, a small desk, and a few stuffed animals. Sitting on the desk was her backpack and a few other objects, a stone with a whirl in it she felt certain was some sort of fossil, a chunk of some ancient metal she guessed belonged to some pre-cataclysm device, and a weathered figure that appeared to be some kind of stone owl.

None of them had been taken by the auction house, so she was permitted to keep them. They neither had any kind of mystical ability nor particular value as curios.

The young girl had been awake for a little while now. She was on duty today.

And it was going to be her first opportunity to go somewhere new. The tunnel had barely been touched yet, the Hensia League had only just cleared it for full exploration... and she was going to be one of the first Artifact Hunters in town cleared for full exploration!

Needless to say, the white-haired girl was filled with excitement, but that didn't mean she forgot about how important preparations were. Food, water, tools, a flashlight... and of course...

She placed one hand against her chest, clutching her necklace in one hand. For actually finding an artifact, it was the most important part.

Imarui adjusted her hat, and pulled her goggles down over her eyes. She pulled on her backpack, smiling to herself.

She wasn't going to be exploring old tunnels anymore today! This was all new territory!

The silvery-haired young girl opened the door to her room and made her departure.

"Good luck, Ima!" she heard one of her friends, a blue haired girl named Sana, call to her as she sprinted down the hall excitedly. Grinning, she waved towards her.

Turning the corner, Imarui made her way to the front door.

"We will be awaiting your return, Imarui."

The source of the voice was a tall woman in a black dress with her dark brown hair in a tight bun. Valery was one of her caretakers, one of the two younger ladies who helped run the orphanage.

Imarui always felt she was a little too strict, though.

Still, she gave a bright and cheery nod. She'd heard that phrase plenty.

It was customary in Hensia never to say goodbye, after all. Artifact hunting was dangerous, and many of Hensia's residents engaged in it. It was a part of their culture. So if you told someone goodbye, it implied you knew you might never see them again.

So it was simple.

You never said goodbye.

"I'll be back!" Ima declared brightly.

It was a sunny, bright day in Hensia. The orphanage was on the north side of the town, near a heavily overgrown old ruin that was impossible to see under all the plants growing over it. It was a large, rectangular building with a rounded roof, standing on stilts that angled outwards like many other buildings in Hensia. Surrounding town was the remains of ancient buildings, trees growing in and around them... to the west it was more open, but to the east the foliage and the ruins simply grew denser and denser.

The east of Hensia was more dangerous.

Imarui sprinted down the steps and into the street. The tunnel had opened up on the opposite side of town, so...

She had a little ways to go!

"Good luck, little hunter!" a familiar voice to her right called. It was the baker, a bearded older man hauling some flower home on the back of his Carrier Bird. The green and purple plumage of the large, long-necked, flightless bird was surprisingly brilliant in the morning sun.

"Thank you, you too!" she called to him, before hurrying off down the street. Around her were people busying about their business... Carrier birds, a few small floating wagons... the local inn was bustling with all the hunters who had showed up from out of town, too.

But there was no time to hang around and take it in!

It looked like jaws had opened up in the earth. A yawning chasm down into the darkness, rimmed with jagged fragments of stone and ancient roadways.

No matter how bright it was, there was no way you were doing to see to the bottom down there.

There used to be a building where the chasm now was, one that thankfully no-one had been inside of at the time. The tunnels beneath Hensia were well known, but this was much closer to town then any of the others... and it had been the first collapse in... Imarui didn't even know when the last collapse had been.

But it had been pretty long ago.

Around the edge of the chasm, on the side closest to town, the Hensia Artifact Hunter's League had done what it could to ensure the hunters at least made it down safely by setting up small, chain-powered elevators. Each was big enough for one or two people, depending on their size, and could hold a great deal of weight. Given the size of some artifacts, that was important.

She approached the nearest elevator.

In front of it was a middle-aged man in a tall hat and grey clothing.

"Your badge?" he asked.

Proudly, Imarui fished her badge from a pocket on her backpack and raised it in her hand. Emblazoned with the abbreviation 'HAHL', it was a sure sign of one's membership of the league. Hunters from out of town would have had to obtain a temporary license, but that was definitely not going to be an obstacle when a potential bounty like this was on the line.

"You may pass," he began, before turning to look at her as she walked by, "We'll see you again, won't we?"

"Of course!"

With that, she stopped just ahead of the elevator, looking around. While she was eager to explore, she was just as curious about the out of town hunters who were around as well. She hadn't seen this many people from outside Hensia for as long as she could remember...

... And maybe, just maybe, she was more nervous about descending into the darkness then she'd ever admit.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@KoL@Pyromania99@Searat@AzureKnight@ERode
Mihama Nanako


The brunette's eyes slowly fluttered open. Aaah... she'd slept so heavily... it was the painkillers again. Even though her arm was useable again, that didn't mean that she could stop using the medication she'd been prescribed yet. Even if the wound was gone without a trace from the outside, it still start aching if she neglected to take the painkillers.

Really, she'd grown used to it by this point.

Not that she didn't hope it wouldn't last any longer(in fact, she'd been assured it wouldn't), but for the time being she understood that there wasn't really any choice in the matter. She'd taken a crossbow bolt from a Servant through her arm . If not for the facilities found in Fusang, the healing magecraft at their disposal, Nanako could have ended up with permanent damage.

She was thankful that wasn't the case.

But she didn't regret what she'd done, either. That bolt... it wasn't going to miss. She knew it. She'd watched them get closer and closer to piercing her Servant straight through the heart.

She couldn't let that happen. So she had to do something, and the only thing that came to mind... it was using her own body as a shield.

Slowly she sat up, stretched... and noticed the time.

"It's noon!?"

The fact Nanako followed that exclamation by practically falling out of bed couldn't have helped.

Quick update: Plan is to start at some point in the next couple of days!
@AzureKnight: Accepted.

@ERode: Accepted.

To everyone else, I'm sorry but with how many people responded to this RP for my final round of acceptances I had to cut things off. This has already exceeded my expectations in terms of response, and I can only accommodate so many characters. I really did like seeing all your character ideas though, and I'm really happy so many people were interested in the idea! Given how the plot will be run, if anyone is still interested I can set up a waiting list in case we have any drop-outs and put a narrative reason in place for one character's departure and another's arrival.

With that being said, it's time for me to get my own bio posted as well.

  • Name: Imarui, or Ima for short
  • Age: 10
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: A small, slight little girl with pale blue, almost silver eyes and silvery hair. She has pale skin and her clothing is largely tan in coloration.
  • Personality: Imarui is an endlessly inquisitive young girl who seems to largely possess little in the way of fear. This isn't to say she is completely lacking in caution, as even a young artifact hunter will quickly come to understand you need to be at least somewhat cautious at the potential expense of their own life, but her ability to ignore her own fear and press onwards is what fuels her ability to explore. Indeed, Imarui has a reputation among the children of Hensia for being the first among them to go exploring any new and exciting locations found around the settlement. An enthusiastic and cheerful child, in spite of her lack of a family Imarui has a bright and friendly outward approach to others, and is quite eager to meet hunters and all kinds of other people from outside of her hometown. That being said, this sunny disposition is not the sum total of her character. Her curiosity and boundless desire to explore is born in part from her desire to learn about her family. She is also deeply protective of her necklace, given that it is the only thing she has from her family, and thus is quite unwilling to share its secret. Deep down, Imarui feels some jealousy towards those who have gotten to grow up with their families, even if she tries not to show it. When upset, she is prone to recklessness, forgetting her own sense of caution and trying to explore to cheer herself up. Willing to do anything to learn more about her family, there's no doubt Imarui would be swift to follow even the slightest potential trace of them.
  • Brief Backstory: Imarui arrived at the Hensia orphanage courteously of what can only be presumed to be her mother. A beautiful, almost ethereal woman who had appeared as an artifact hunter from Navra suddenly dropped off a bundle at their doorstep, and departed just as quickly as she seemed to appear. On investigation, the bundle was a newborn baby, with a note attached to her blanket simply reading "Please take care of Imarui" and a necklace with a blue gemstone inlaid in it. It was here she was raised, and came to be a part of Hensia's young artifact hunters. Located near an old city with an almost infinite number of deep tunnels beneath it, Hensia's population is distinct in its high number of artifact hunters. It also has some of the youngest artifact hunters, in spite of the danger inherent in the profession. Artifact hunting is viewed with considerable reverence in Hensia, and therefore in spite of the danger and her young age a combination of this reverence and Imarui's own adventurous nature spurred her to throw herself into it. Besides, if her mother was an artifact hunter, maybe she could learn more about her by doing it herself? It was quite quickly that Imarui discovered the properties of her necklace. That it could detect artifacts and guide her to them. Amazed by this, but fearful that it would be classed as an artifact and taken away from her if she told anyone, Imarui has kept it a secret ever since she first learned about it. Not only is it her only link to her mother, but perhaps it will let her discover something that could lead her to learn more...
  • Skills: Imarui has a high level of energy and is good at climbing and squeezing into small spaces. She is also fairly knowledgeable about local flora and fauna around Hensia, as any artifact hunter in the area should be to avoid tragic circumstances. She's capable at running and hiding, but her only self-defense abilities beyond that are knowing how to stab things with her small knife.
  • Abilities: Imarui is an ordinary ten-year-old girl in capabilities. She does not know magic nor does she possess any supernatural strength in any way.
  • Equipment: Imarui carries with her a back full of basic supplies for an artifact hunter. Food, water, a few small knives and excavation tools, and flares. She also carries her Hensia Artifact Hunter's League badge. Most important, however, is her necklace. Not only is it the only thing connecting her to her family, but it is also an artifact in itself. A strange type, nameless as it was never registered with the auction house, it seems to function only by detecting other artifacts and guiding the user to them with a shaft of light. This is the only ability Imarui knows it has.
  • Faction: Hensia Artifact Hunter's League, the guild which all local hunters work out of.
Hey, sorry for a delay on GM rulings on bios, I'll get to it tomorrow. Figured I'd just make sure everyone was aware, sorry again for the wait! ^^;
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