Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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  • Name: Akagawa Reina
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Standing at under 152 cm, Reina is a very short girl.
  • Personality: A highly temperamental girl befitting her esper power. Hotly aggressive to her enemies, and yet seemingly cold and derisive towards allies, Reina is not the easiest person to work with. She has a low tolerance for anything she sees as fooling around, and has a sharp and sarcastic tongue and tendency to mock others who she seems as foolish. However, she is also extremely dedicated to her duty as an APSU operative. Her stubborn nature is both an asset, as she will refuse to relent when assigned an objective, and yet also a problem given her habit of disagreeing with others. Even when Reina has taken a liking to someone, she is unlikely to admit to that fact and is instead liable to try and cover up any affection she feels. Still, she is highly driven and success-minded and these are undeniably assets when it comes to her performance as a combatant. Additionally, her attitude towards Phantoms is highly aggressive, and while this is perhaps an asset as well it is also something of a blindspot if she becomes too angry, her usual intelligent approach to combat taking a back seat to her emotions. She has a soft spot for small animals and enjoys sweets, and does not handle embarrassing situations well.
  • Brief Backstory: Born to parents with the same esper power, it was undeniable that Reina herself would have it as well. Naturally possessing an esper power from birth, she was trained even prior to becoming part of the APSU by her father in their family's art of swordplay. This was a long-held tradition, the Akagawa family having trained its heirs in such a manner for as long as their history was recorded. Both of her parents were APSU operatives as well, and it was treated as a matter of course that Reina would be scouted to become an operative as well. It was not long before she entered formal training as a part of the agency that her parents were attacked while on a mission, her father killed and her mother rendered comatose. Shocked, the situation naturally delayed her entrance into the APSU. But soon, she reapplied with renewed vigor, determined to both follow her parents' footsteps and avenge them by killing as many phantoms as possible.
  • Esper Power:
    • Pyrokinesis: Reina's psychic abilities lie in the capacity to ignite and manipulate fire. Provided there is enough flammable material, either in the air or in the form of a physical object, Reina can catalyze the ignition of fire. From there, she is capable of manipulating it freely within a range of up to fifteen meters from herself. These flames can be used as projectiles, to set enemies on fire, or to envelope her Neural Link weapon in flames. She can also produce small explosions, or concentrate intense heat into a thin, cutting 'beam' of intensely hot fire capable of searing through armor and even metal if given enough time. Reina is considered among the top pyrokinetics in terms of her current capacity with her abilities.
  • Equipment: Reina's Neural Link Weapon is a Type-45 Anti-Phantom Blade 'Masamune', specifically the Pyrokinesis model. A sharp blade modeled on the work of the swordsmiths of the distant past. A specific model under the general series of Anti-Phantom blades, it is equipped with an special ignitable surface allowing the blade itself to be coated in flames without need of another source of ignition. The edge of the blade is extremely sharp and effective at piercing through phantoms.
  • Skills: Reina is highly capable with a sword, having been taught in her family's own school for that purpose. She is a uniquely terrible cook, to the point where it could potentially be considered and offensive skill.
  • Name: Akagawa Reina
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Standing at under 152 cm, Reina is a very short girl.
  • Personality: A highly temperamental girl befitting her esper power. Hotly aggressive to her enemies, and yet seemingly cold and derisive towards allies, Reina is not the easiest person to work with. She has a low tolerance for anything she sees as fooling around, and has a sharp and sarcastic tongue and tendency to mock others who she seems as foolish. However, she is also extremely dedicated to her duty as an APSU operative. Her stubborn nature is both an asset, as she will refuse to relent when assigned an objective, and yet also a problem given her habit of disagreeing with others. Even when Reina has taken a liking to someone, she is unlikely to admit to that fact and is instead liable to try and cover up any affection she feels. Still, she is highly driven and success-minded and these are undeniably assets when it comes to her performance as a combatant. Additionally, her attitude towards Phantoms is highly aggressive, and while this is perhaps an asset as well it is also something of a blindspot if she becomes too angry, her usual intelligent approach to combat taking a back seat to her emotions. She has a soft spot for small animals and enjoys sweets, and does not handle embarrassing situations well.
  • Brief Backstory: Born to parents with the same esper power, it was undeniable that Reina herself would have it as well. Naturally possessing an esper power from birth, she was trained even prior to becoming part of the APSU by her father in their family's art of swordplay. This was a long-held tradition, the Akagawa family having trained its heirs in such a manner for as long as their history was recorded. Both of her parents were APSU operatives as well, and it was treated as a matter of course that Reina would be scouted to become an operative as well. It was not long before she entered formal training as a part of the agency that her parents were attacked while on a mission, her father killed and her mother rendered comatose. Shocked, the situation naturally delayed her entrance into the APSU. But soon, she reapplied with renewed vigor, determined to both follow her parents' footsteps and avenge them by killing as many phantoms as possible.
  • Esper Power:
    • Pyrokinesis: Reina's psychic abilities lie in the capacity to ignite and manipulate fire. Provided there is enough flammable material, either in the air or in the form of a physical object, Reina can catalyze the ignition of fire. From there, she is capable of manipulating it freely within a range of up to meters from herself. These flames can be used as projectiles, to set enemies on fire, or to envelope her Neural Link weapon in flames. She can also produce small explosions, or concentrate intense heat into a thin, cutting 'beam' of intensely hot fire capable of searing through armor and even metal if given enough time. Reina is considered among the top pyrokinetics in terms of her current capacity with her abilities.
  • Equipment: Reina's Neural Link Weapon is a Type-45 Anti-Phantom Blade 'Masamune', specifically the Pyrokinesis model. A sharp blade modeled on the work of the swordsmiths of the distant past. A specific model under the general series of Anti-Phantom blades, it is equipped with an special ignitable surface allowing the blade itself to be coated in flames without need of another source of ignition. The edge of the blade is extremely sharp and effective at piercing through phantoms.
  • Skills: Reina is highly capable with a sword, having been taught in her family's own school for that purpose. She is a uniquely terrible cook, to the point where it could potentially be considered and offensive skill.
@Dark Cloud@KenjuGuy@TheFake@1Charak2: How are your bios coming?
@Jing: Sorry about the delay, looks fine to me. Accepted.
@Rezod92: Whenever you want is fine.
@Rezod92: Co-GM here, that works out fine.
@Raineh Daze: Accepted.
A shard of Angroron?!

Fanilly's eyes widened in shock. She had no idea shards of Angroron were even still in existence, let alone that one had been in Thaln. How was this even possible?

"You... you can't be..." she stumbled over herself for a moment, before shaking her head to try and clear her thoughts, "A real shard of Angroron? Here? I can't believe it, who would possibly want it?!"

The abominable black blade wielded by Orodrunn, the Lord of Domination. A hole in reality itself in the form of a sword, into which was sucked light, life, and all else. Never to be seen again. An unnatural thing that had been broken to pieces by Saint Lilianna with the power of the Sun and Moon at her side. But even the fragments of the blade, it was said, were so utterly corrosive to anything alive, so opposed to the very concept of life itself, that it could shatter the heart and soul. Killing anyone who touched it, or worse driving them beyond madness. It had been called the Absent Blade, once, because its very existence was as an 'absence' of anything else.

"Tch, I knew it had to be bad news when they said not to touch it but that's beyond bad news," commented Alette as she rested her spear on her shoulder, "Hmph, no way I'm telling you who hired me, but I guess I can see your point. No reason not to cooperate when it's something like that."

The fact that Alette refused to divulge her employer's name even now did have at least one implication: She didn't believe her employer had treated them as disposable tools.

"If you won't tell us the name of your employer, can you tell us what they were planning on doing? Do you know?" Fanilly asked, after taking a moment to clear her thoughts.

"No idea," Alette responded with a shrug, "Just they wanted to put it somewhere safe, who knows what they planned to do after that. I don't exactly ask about that kinda thing, you know?"

"... If it's still here, it's likely inside," Fanilly concluded, "So... we must search the fort. Don't touch anything suspicious!"

Inside, Abigail tilted her head slighty.

"We'd only just begun our search, really... finished cleaning up all the ugly piggies~" she replied, giggling to herself lightly as she did, "The captain's quarters must be upstairs, right...?"

Indeed, upstairs lay the quarters of the fort's captain. They were a grim sight as well. While they were mostly undisturbed, the captain's desk unmarked, the bookshelves undamaged, in the bed lay the captain himself, a strong-looking man with a short black beard and mustache.

His throat had been slit while he was asleep.

@HereComesTheSnow@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk
Okay, weather has cooled down a lot, I'm going to get the update out today or tomorrow and no later.
Hey, just want to apologize for failing to meet that deadline, a combination of high temperatures and an air conditioner that's not working properly have made it really difficult to get anything adequate out. Cooler weather and air conditioner repair ahead.
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