Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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The enormous sword came down again. Fanilly's body lurched to the side. She could feel the air rushing past her, the narrow miss of the enormous hunk of steel's edge.

Sir Rickert's body, cut in half, lay just a few meters away.

Her fault.

If he'd been able to pay attention, maybe he would have evaded it.

If he hadn't been concerned about her.

But now he was dead. A noble knight in her command, dead.

"Do you know why I'm here, little girl?"

The man's booming voice came at the same time he raised his enormous sword, bringing it down.

This time, Fanilly couldn't move swiftly enough. All she could manage, just barely, was to raise her own blade in a bid to put something, anything, between her body and the enormous hunk of steel.

Her vision flashed white, pain shooting up her arms just from the impact like a bolt of lighting, and she was taken entirely off of her feet.

The small blonde gasped as she hit her back with a gasp, barely maintaining a grip on her own sword.

It was her fault.

Jeremiah advanced, raising his blade skyward, over his head.

As it came down, Fanilly ignored the protest of her limbs and rolled, the tip of the huge man's weapon slamming into the spot she had just occupied seconds earlier.

A direct hit, even if it couldn't fully pierce the dwarven-forged plate, could mean death.

"The Iron Rose Knights slaughtered my men at Gervohnnen!" snarled Jeremiah, "Butchered them, one after another! It only makes sense to return the favor, doesn't it!?"

His sword was still stained with Rickert's blood.

Fanilly could see it in the fire's glow.

Her fault.


That was no reason just to fail.

This man, Jeremiah, was a monster. A hunter who preyed on the weak. Was it all for the sake of drawing them here, just so he could take this revenge for the men who died during the Red Flag Rebellion.

Fanilly didn't know. But the site of the stolen armor cladding the bodies of the bandits, of the injured farmer who had callously been used as bait, the prisoners caged, in chains...

"... E... Enan Ilisir."

For Justice's sake.

The old words in Talderian, spoken again and again by every Captain since Saint Elionne herself, left her lips.

"Hah, so killing my men was justice, is that it?!" Jeremiah declared with a laugh, raising his blade.

The deaths of the rebels who sought to overthrow the crown, slay the royal family, incited by Ansel Cazt. The rebels who would kill anyone in their path.

It was justice.

And there had to be justice here today, too.

For the soldiers killed. For the prisoners.

For Sir Rickert.

Fanilly tilted her blade forward, the tip of her sword pointing towards the huge, muscular man. She was no captain if she couldn't stand before him. She was no captain if she couldn't do all she could in the name of a slain knight.

In the name of justice. In the name of victory.

"Hah, very well then!"

She pushed forward, as his blade swung, missing by a hair's breadth.

His abdomen was exposed.

But she couldn't reach it. The side of Jeremiah's enormous sword struck her in the side, the blow reverberating through her sturdy plate and forcing her to the ground. The blonde knight gritted her teeth, breath hissing through them as she staggered and hit the ground, trying to roll over and bring her sword to bear immediately.

A huge hand slammed into her helmet, and she couldn't suppress a gasp as it was wrenched from her head, that same hand suddenly wrapping around her throat and hauling her into the air, gripping tightly. Her sword hit the ground below as she was lifted upwards by her neck.

No... no, she couldn't let this happen... she couldn't...!

"The ultimate humiliation for the Iron Rose Knights wouldn't be to kill you," commented Jeremiah, a fire burning in his eyes, "It would be to take its captain as a trophy. A plaything. I'll break you down. Your mind, your will. You'll be a broken doll who can only dance to my desires!"

His fist was tightening. It was getting harder to breath. Fanilly's legs kicked, her heart hammering, eyes wide as her breathing grew more strained by the second.

It was growing harder to see. Harder to move.

Then, a voice. Even now, over the din of combat, she could hear it.

Sir Gerard. Then, Sir Fionn.


The Bandit King's eyes left her. He hadn't expected anyone to get here so quickly.

Fanilly's hand found her dagger on her hip in that split second of distraction.

In seconds it was thrust upward, embedded deeply into the flesh of left arm.

With a gasp of pained surprise, his grip loosened.

Fanilly was free.

Coughing, she hit the ground, falling to her knees as she caught her breath, air rushing back into her lungs. Her right hand reached out, snatching the hilt of her sword as she sprang back, just barely evading the edge of that massive blade. Once more.

His left hand was stuck open, the fingers twitching weakly as rivulets of blood ran down his muscular arm.

"You little bitch!" he snarled, now forced to wield his enormous sword one-handed.

She was still trying to recover her breath.

But now she wasn't alone.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@ERode@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@Rin
It was an opportunity.

They always said no. They never let her.

Even Big Sister said no.

Sure, that one time, that guy had to be hospitalized. Sure, that other time, that lady spent the rest of the day crying and asking why the gods allowed something like this to happen.

But that didn't mean she wouldn't get it right this time.

And even if she didn't...

Well, sometimes it was funny to watch people react to her cooking. When they didn't cry or get sick, the shock and desperate questions about what they just tasted were hilarious.

But that was beside the point.

Senya was sure, this time, she'd make something everyone would love. As long as she had free, unrestricted access to the kitchen. One of the other maids, a human, had been making something that smelled delicious in there. So she had to time it right. She had to make sure she got a moment to slip in after everyone was done.

Then she could work her magic.

Then she'd make something unlike anything anyone on the ship had ever experienced.

At least, that would be one way to describe it, for good or ill(most likely ill).

Lingering near the entrance to the kitchen, Senya idly swept with her broom back and forth. She'd just watch and wait for the human maid to leave, until she had her moment.

The tiny dark elf was watching the kitchen intensely, idly shuffling back and forth in the hall and sweeping up random spots that looked like she could plausibly claim they needed cleaning, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice on the intercom.

Vnimaniye! All maids report to the deck at once! Povtoreniye! All Maids report to the deck at once for mission briefing!”


Her plans, in that instant, were dashed.

On the other hand...

It was not much later when Senya appeared on the deck. She had traded her broom for an entirely different piece of equipment, currently concealed in a leather case that much resembled a piece of luggage, held in both of her small hands as she walked across the deck to join the others.


It was all the expressionless dark elf said as she came to a halt.
@VahkiDane: Okay, think this is all cleaned up now, going to let a co-GM take a look just in case to make sure I didn't miss anything.

The bandit leader had used a cursed object to become a horrible beastly abomination, and was bearing down of Niall with claw and tooth and hammer. And the monstrous experiments were feeding on the fallen one, surely using its flesh rife with malignant influence to grow stronger.


There was one thing Fio could do. The Sword Witch had no better opportunity then now.

Her true target was exposed. This was her chance, while the hideous experiments were too busy consuming the fallen to act as a shield for their creator.

"Fighting not your forte, is that it?" she asked, a smirk crossing the petite girl's lips, "In that case...!"

Light traveled up the edge of her blade. If she could just manage this spell, strike true and hit her target, then she'd have it! Or at least she hoped she would. Her plan hinged on a few different factors all lining up simply judging by what she had seen in battle

When the circle of interlaced light spawned at the tip of her blade, she swung it it, an arc of similar circles appearing in the air as close to the Fomorian as she could manage.

But she wasn't aiming to kill. At least, not yet. The magical energy flowing down her fingers, through the blade, igniting in the circles of light...!

"Sura! Razor Light Bind!"

The circles flared brightly, and what appeared to be chains of blue light erupted from them, snaking through the air towards the Fomorian a top speed, tearing their path right towards the abominations' mistress.

As they ensnared her arms, legs, neck, and waist, their true nature became swiftly apparent. Each length of chain was composted entirely of tiny blades, biting just slightly at the Fomorian's skin, just enough to signify their true nature.

"I'm sure you like causing pain, but do you like feeling it?" asked Fio, cocking her head to one side, "If those monsters attack me or my allies again, I'll pull on these chains and they'll chew through flesh and bone. You'll die, and it won't be a painless death."

Illustratively, she flicked her sword lightly to illustrate her point. The chains tightened ever-so slightly, enough to just barely pierce the Fomorian's skin and draw a little bit of blood.

"Have those experiments kill each other. Tear one another apart until there's nothing left that can fight."

Deep down, even targeting a Fomorian she didn't really want to follow through. Razor Light Bind was for monsters, things more like those vile experiments.

But for the sake of any one of the knights, Fio would do what she had to do.

@VahkiDane: If he's natively from Thaln he probably wouldn't have an Italian-based name, as Thaln is intended to be similar to Germany culturally. So, he'd probably have a Talderian(quite a few characters have Talderian names due to setting history) or Thalnen name.

I do also want to stress Reonites attack Mayonites protect isn't a hard and fast rule, just a very generalized idea of how they operate, especially from the perspective of people outside of the clergy.

Finally, paladins are clergy knights. They're something you need to train to be, given the full authorities of the clergy and either capable of magic(specifically divine magic associated with the Church) themselves or at least wielding blessed weaponry. Even if they can't do the former, they've always got the latter.

Also, Mayonite colors are blue and white, so the Rose would be either blue or white accordingly.
It's been a while since I filled out this application. But it's not for me this time, is it?

  • Name: Senya Fivulwyn
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Dark Elf
  • Photo ID: "..." I know she looks young, but looks can be deceiving. Especially since she's an elf. Believe me, you'll be able to rely on her.
  • Relevant Abilities: "I can clean. I can cook too. And I can kill things." Don't believe her when she says she can cook. Trust nothing she makes, unless you want to experience suffering words cannot describe. She is excellent at cleaning though, and you can trust her ability to aim and shoot well enough to compensate for her weapon's unique properties. She's quite agile as well.
  • Tell us about yourself: "..." I know she rarely shows it, but Senya is a much more compassionate and sensitive girl then she lets on. That stoic-looking pokerface is hiding a lot of feelings. If you ever hear her raise her voice, something's wrong, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel anything otherwise. Admittedly one of her bad points is that she enjoys seeing people stumble and get in trouble a lot more then she should, I'd keep an eye out for her playing pranks on people she disagrees with. But she won't let people get hurt. Not intentionally. She might even go a little too far to protect someone, so keep an eye on her. When things are bad she stops taking care of herself properly, so watch out for that too. If you ever need to get her to do something for you, try something sweet. She'll try and hold out but the temptation will be too much.
  • Work history: "..." This is going to be her first real work. But I've kept my eye on her and watched her progress, she's an excellent maid. As long as you don't let her cook. She won't show it. She might even act like it's a bother. But she wants to be here. Badly. She'll be loyal. She won't give up, even to her own detriment. So don't let her get herself killed, okay? There's someone she's looking for, after all.
  • Tools you are skilled with: "She gave it to me. It can really tear things apart. Heh." You might recognize this weapon. Or at least, some might. A portable gatling gun with a bayonet that big isn't common after all. Everything's still in place, so she doesn't have any trouble wielding it even if it's as big as she is.
  • Occult Knowledge: "... They won't stand a chance." She's better at it then I was. Her favorite trick is magically charging her bullets, so that they explode on contact, but she can apply it to the bayonet too so that she can cut through things even more effectively. You won't have any issues here.
"A paladin? Then all the more reason for it to experience a second death."

It was bitterly ironic, really, that a paladin would end up as a far more abominable form of undead then any one of the vampires present. Indeed, Aleksiya felt she wasn't abominable in the least. Nor were any of her compatriots present, though at times Ilena's abilities made her feel mildly uneasy.

Their mentalities were another matter entirely given Akyasha, but the priestess wasn't abominable simply because it seemed her brain had not recovered from death in the same manner of the rest of her body.

"Akyasha's brain may not have recovered as effectively as the rest of her body, but her deployment of those familiars should help give an overview of the current situation, at the very least."

In mock prayer, she clasped her small hands together.

"Oh, Ichor, please finish restoring your devout priestess's decayed mind, so that next time she shall perhaps recognize what her beloved companions desire from her."

She paused for a moment to allow her words to hang in the air, as if they were a genuine prayer, before brushing her golden hair back.

"In any case, I am quite curious of the news of those hunters' 'society', whatever it may be," she continued, "As Lady Giselle says, it seems as if there may yet be some form of human civilization that remains."

In some ways it was good news, to some extent. It meant that there was at least some sort of structure in place that could be used as a starting point. With that being said, with little more information and the violent response to Ilena's familiar, it wasn't necessarily a situation in which they were friendly.

Then again, bartering for blood vials indicated they perhaps were not entirely the enemy of vampires as well. Still, without further information it was difficult to make a judgement call on that end. Hopefully there would be another opportunity to learn more.

"For the moment, breaking that former paladin is our most important task," she added, gesturing idly with one hand, "If we can destroy its arms as swiftly as possible, the blade ceases to be an issue, does it not? That, should be our goal, barring any method of destroying its entire body utterly."

As they were now, Aleksiya doubted any one of them could do that quickly, and so targeting the abomination's most threatening weapon seemed only natural.

@Rune_Alchemist@ERode@Psyker Landshark@Click This@Pyromania99@Asuras
We have unfortunately lost two players. As I result, I'm reopening the RP for two replacement applications.
Just need to find an image for mine!
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