Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Shiyonichi: Accepted.

Edit: Wait oops one more slot still open. Still want to start this coming week!
So rather then having to go through the initial ritual, making contact with the goddess had considerably streamlined the approach to viewing the Fomorian's memories.

It was a surreal experience, and the strange drowsy sensation that afflicted the Sword Witch had likely muted her reaction. After all, it wasn't every day someone made direct contact with the divine, even one who had been in decline.

"Then, you'll see me again," replied Fio, looking back over her shoulder as she turned to face the archway that the Goddess of the Deep Lake, "There's no way I'm going to let any information I can get out of her slip through my fingers."

And she had absolutely no intention of letting a goddess who could influence dreams scare her awake. That definitely wasn't on her to-do list.

"... And... thank you, again," she added, still turned away as she walked through the arch.

@Creative Chaos: Looks good to me, accepted.
@Creative Chaos: That title is already a thing in the setting for a background character, but otherwise he looks good.
"Woooow, this place feels like death! It's super creepy, right?"

The cheery voice emanating from the blade sheathed at her side offered little encouragement.

It wasn't as if she didn't feel it, too. Her only immediate response to the spirit's irritating comments was a heavy sigh.

So this was the apartment they were supposed to clean up.

It didn't take someone with finely-tuned skills to feel it, even a simple awareness of the spiritual nature of a location would let you figure out just why this place was apparently filled up with grudges.

Just what prompted so much violence here? The murders were seemingly unconnected from the details they were given, and yet they'd all occurred under such strange circumstances in a single apartment complex.

Maybe it was just her own experiences influencing her opinions. But even if she hadn't learned about the murders, she'd have been able to feel just how dense this place was with negative spiritual presences.

But someone just moving in probably wouldn't feel a thing. Or maybe they'd feel something was off, but not enough to turn them away from moving in.

"It's not like I need you to tell me that, anyone with even cursory knowledge of spiritual presences should be able to pick up on this," Akira complained to the spirit within Hanamaru as she glanced around the pristine-seeming lobby, running her fingers lightly through her hair as she spoke, "I think you're right, Yatsujima-san. The building isn't the only thing that needs investigation."

"Oho~? You think the owner's shady huh? Why don't we just track him down afterwards and-"

"Please shut up."

At least that seemed to put a stop to the spirit's blathering for the moment, though she could practically hear her pouting. Whose idea even was it to bind the spirit of some obnoxious yokai to this sword? Who thought that was a good idea? Back when Hanamaru was forged, it had to be when it wasn't uncommon for yokai to be enemies of humanity.

It certainly felt like this spirit was among that number sometimes. But who would think that was a good idea?

Perhaps the spirit really was an ally of humanity. That didn't make her any less obnoxious.

One hand resting lightly on Hanamaru's hilt, Akira took a step forward, ahead of the others now.

"Let's go," she began, "The faster we clear them out, the less time they'll have to fester."

  • Name: Himeno Akira
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 17
  • Appearance: With an androgynous voice and a tendency to wear baggy or masculine clothing, it's no wonder she's frequently mistaken for a very pretty boy, albeit a short one.
  • Personality: Akira takes her job seriously, given the fact that her life was so directly influenced by the proliferation of dangerous grudges. Grudges must be destroyed as quickly and precisely as possible, for the sake of anyone they could harm. Akira is extremely protective of civilians and will do everything she can to ensure their safety in any situation, even to her own detriment. Aside from her attitude about her job, however, Akira comes across as a somewhat easily exasperated and sarcastic girl. She doesn't enjoying screwing around or silly behaviors, and is likely to have a quite vocal reaction when something annoys her. Rolling eyes and burying her face in her palms is also quite common. This isn't to say she's completely without her own quirks, however, given she can't help but show pride in her own skills, she has a considerable sweet tooth, and a poorly-hidden affinity for cute things(especially cats). While Akira is swift to make a sarcastic comment, she doesn't deal well with teasing or physical proximity and swiftly becomes embarrassed. She is also easily embarrassed by more feminine clothing, especially given she thinks she doesn't look very good in such outfits.
  • Abilities: The only ability directly possessed by Akira from her contract with the spirit inhabiting her weapon is the ability to apply physical enhancements to her body, and a measure of additional physical recovery from injury. These enhancement at the base line make her considerably faster and stronger then she appears, though not as much as someone who has a more direct contract.
  • Skills: Akira has been trained in kenjutsu from a fairly young age, and possesses considerable skill with a katana as a result. Specifically, her skillset is derived from the anti-yokai Awashima Shinkage-ryu, though it is proficient for dealing with all manner of foes supernatural and otherwise. Among her skills are iaijutsu, drawing ones' blade and attacking simultaneously, and the anti-regeneration "sure kill" Higanbana which targets every vital point near instantly in order to prevent healing.
  • Equipment: Akira wields the possessed sword Hanamaru, a relic of the Awashima family. Hanamaru is possessed by a very old yokai spirit, though its recent disuse has caused it to lose considerable power. While the spirit could once manifest in physical form, now she is only capable of speaking to the wielder. Her personality is rather abrasive, at least in Akira's opinion, teasing and prone to attempting to push her to violence more quickly. The katana's possession permits it powerful abilities. It is not merely incredibly sharp, but becomes wreathed in flower petals during battle that carry a purifying trait that damages and cuts through enemies. It also produces jets and streams of petals for limited ranged capabilities. If the wielder is knocked unconscious, the spirit inhabiting the sword can take temporary control of their body in order to get them to safety or fend off an enemy. Akira would not be happy to learn this.
  • History: Akira was very young when her parents were killed in a strange Grudge-related incident. Rather then a random, indiscriminate attack or a sudden emergence due to a buildup of ambient corruption, it seemed to be a directed assault on a handful of specific people. Deprived of her immediate family, the young girl found herself passed around to various relatives who had little time for her before eventually ending up in the care of her great uncle on her mother's side. A kindly older man who had never married, Awashima Genjiro initially appeared to be little more than that until Akira made contact with a sword that was an heirloom of her mother's side of the family. When this act awakened the spirit inhabiting it, Genjiro concluded that it was time to pass on the skills of the Awashima Shinkage-ryu that had remained dormant within him a new generation.
    If grudges could be made to directly attack people, those skills could not die with him. Akira took to her training well, and though Genjiro was frail he still had strength enough to act as a teacher. Traditionally, Awashima Shinkage-ryu was not taught to girls, and the other remaining Awashima family member was Akira's great grandfather and a staunch traditionalist. By having Akira dress as a boy whenever her great grandfather supervised the lessons and her general upbringing, Genjiro was able to fool the old man into permitting her training. This bled into her entire life, for fear of the retainers in the old man's employ spying her living as a girl. The girl's skills have continued to grow, but she still has plenty more to learn, and her relationship with the spirit inhabiting her blade is still quite rocky.
  • Other: Outwardly appears to be a short, pretty boy when dressed in masculine clothing, and maintains this to avoid her great grandfather's active retainers discovering the truth.
Okay, bio complete!
"I'm pleased to see you well, Dame Tyaethe," Sir Adeforth paused in reprimanding the knight of his order to greet his unlikely senior for a moment, returning her gesture with a salute of his own, "Whoever may have started this, I am perfectly willing to bring it to an end. There's no excuse for knights belonging to the two most honored orders in the land to be feuding like children."

He let out a heavy sigh as Sir Felix began his explanation, intense blue eyes narrowing as the much younger man spoke.

"'This man' is a Knight of the Iron Roses," his voice was more level now, but he made no effort to hide his irritation at the sight of a knight under his command behaving in such a childish manner.

His irritation only began to mount further as it became clear what the outcome of the squabble would be. A duel, in the middle of the Princess's ball. After the Princess herself had arrived.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled heavily.

"A duel, then? Surely, surely, it would be an embarrassment to both our orders if two of our knights broke into a petty squabble during a royal ball," he began, "Which is why this is an exhibition fight between two fine young knights for the benefit of her highness and the guests."

The tone of his voice made it clear the elder knight was not merely making a suggestion.

@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark@Raineh Daze
  • Name: Himeno Akira
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 17
  • Appearance: With an androgynous voice and a tendency to wear baggy or masculine clothing, it's no wonder she's frequently mistaken for a very pretty boy, albeit a short one.
  • Personality: Akira takes her job seriously, given the fact that her life was so directly influenced by the proliferation of dangerous grudges. Grudges must be destroyed as quickly and precisely as possible, for the sake of anyone they could harm. Akira is extremely protective of civilians and will do everything she can to ensure their safety in any situation, even to her own detriment. Aside from her attitude about her job, however, Akira comes across as a somewhat easily exasperated and sarcastic girl. She doesn't enjoying screwing around or silly behaviors, and is likely to have a quite vocal reaction when something annoys her. Rolling eyes and burying her face in her palms is also quite common. This isn't to say she's completely without her own quirks, however, given she can't help but show pride in her own skills, she has a considerable sweet tooth, and a poorly-hidden affinity for cute things(especially cats). While Akira is swift to make a sarcastic comment, she doesn't deal well with teasing or physical proximity and swiftly becomes embarrassed. She is also easily embarrassed by more feminine clothing, especially given she thinks she doesn't look very good in such outfits.
  • Abilities: The only ability directly possessed by Akira from her contract with the spirit inhabiting her weapon is the ability to apply physical enhancements to her body, and a measure of additional physical recovery from injury. These enhancement at the base line make her considerably faster and stronger then she appears, though not as much as someone who has a more direct contract.
  • Skills: Akira has been trained in kenjutsu from a fairly young age, and possesses considerable skill with a katana as a result. Specifically, her skillset is derived from the anti-yokai Awashima Shinkage-ryu, though it is proficient for dealing with all manner of foes supernatural and otherwise. Among her skills are iaijutsu, drawing ones' blade and attacking simultaneously, and the anti-regeneration "sure kill" Higanbana which targets every vital point near instantly in order to prevent healing.
  • Equipment: Akira wields the possessed sword Hanamaru, a relic of the Awashima family. Hanamaru is possessed by a very old yokai spirit, though its recent disuse has caused it to lose considerable power. While the spirit could once manifest in physical form, now she is only capable of speaking to the wielder. Her personality is rather abrasive, at least in Akira's opinion, teasing and prone to attempting to push her to violence more quickly. The katana's possession permits it powerful abilities. It is not merely incredibly sharp, but becomes wreathed in flames during battle to further enhance its cutting ability and burn enemies. It also produces jets and streams of fire for limited ranged capabilities. If the wielder is knocked unconscious, the spirit inhabiting the sword can take temporary control of their body in order to get them to safety or fend off an enemy. Akira would not be happy to learn this.
  • History: Akira was very young when her parents were killed in a strange Grudge-related incident. Rather then a random, indiscriminate attack or a sudden emergence due to a buildup of ambient corruption, it seemed to be a directed assault on a handful of specific people. Deprived of her immediate family, the young girl found herself passed around to various relatives who had little time for her before eventually ending up in the care of her great uncle on her mother's side. A kindly older man who had never married, Awashima Genjiro initially appeared to be little more than that until Akira made contact with a sword that was an heirloom of her mother's side of the family. When this act awakened the spirit inhabiting it, Genjiro concluded that it was time to pass on the skills of the Awashima Shinkage-ryu that had remained dormant within him a new generation.
    If grudges could be made to directly attack people, those skills could not die with him. Akira took to her training well, and though Genjiro was frail he still had strength enough to act as a teacher. Traditionally, Awashima Shinkage-ryu was not taught to girls, and the other remaining Awashima family member was Akira's great grandfather and a staunch traditionalist. By having Akira dress as a boy whenever her great grandfather supervised the lessons and her general upbringing, Genjiro was able to fool the old man into permitting her training. This bled into her entire life, for fear of the retainers in the old man's employ spying her living as a girl. Even after he passed away, this habit remains. The girl's skills have continued to grow, but she still has plenty more to learn, and her relationship with the spirit inhabiting her blade is still quite rocky.
  • Other: N/A
@Rune_Alchemist: Accepted.
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