Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Among the Nem's possessions were a variety of somewhat expected items. A few easily-hidden knives, a dagger that was more like a sword for such a diminutive individual, a set of short-range crossbow bolts for the now-destroyed weapon, and a package of tools likely used for the purpose of disarming traps and opening locks.

But the strangest items among them were the Veltan Adventurer's Guild Badge and the sheet of paper. Fanilly was aware of adventurer's guilds, of course. While Thaln's was rather small, she understood how they could be used to handle issues not necessarily within the realm of the soldiery's duty, or that of knightly orders. Some adventurers would even collaborate with their nation's military. And indeed, sometimes these adventurers would cross the border of a country in order to fulfill a job they had taken.

But just as Dame Tyaethe said, assassinations were hardly among their typical duties. Perhaps it was a forgery, or even taken from a real adventurer? But then coupled with the sheet of paper...

It would have seemed a little to convenient, even to Fanilly, save for the way that the nem girl's eyes widened in shock when she saw it. After only a brief moment she was squirming, trying to use her head to gesture to the paper. For how still and cooperative she had been only moments before, she was suddenly far more active. And yet, still not attempting to slip free.

"... Sir Gerard, fetch charcoal and a piece of paper," Fanilly said, after considering her options for a few moments. It was still possible this was a ruse, but maybe the nem's handwriting would help them discern the truth.

When allowed to take the paper and charcoal, the nem swiftly set about writing. She was swift, making it rather likely that she had communicated in this fashion plenty of times before, and on examination her handwriting didn't resemble the note's bold, harsh strokes. The script written by the nem girl was thin and hasty, but clear, in spite of how much her hands seemed to be shaking, her entire body trembling.

Iron Roses

Tyli Vosahn

What happens to me doesn't matter

Please save my sister

@Creative Chaos@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@VahkiDane@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow
She was there every night.

Every night, on those same streets.

It was the only choice she had.

They swarmed after her, sensing her very existence and converging on it, practically tasting her presence on the air. It would be far worse for anyone else caught here.

She killed them.

Again and again and again. The roar of gunfire, her limbs piercing inky blackness to be greeted with spurts of red blood. It splattered all over her, pouring down her body, pooling around her feet. Sometimes, she would end the night utterly coated in it, leaving crimson prints in her wake.

And yet it was a failure. Every night was a failure. Simply killing them wasn't what it took.

She had to make it inside. She had to.

It was the reason she existed. The point to her entire being. Without it, there was simply no reason for her to be.

Even if her body broke down, crumbled into nothing. Even if she could barely function. She had to keep trying. She had to break through. She had to.

She was coated in blood again.

The morning light had come.

She'd failed.

Tonight, she'd try again.

The bell rang. The day was heading towards its end.

The halls were filled with students. Many of them were nervous. The main topic of conversation was Strange Gospel. It wasn't hard to see why. The news of the disturbing imagery that the rumored Strange Gospel had displayed was impossible to escape from, and now that people who had used the app had begun to disappear... well, needless to say, there were a lot of people who were scared. Was there a connection? Had someone been using the app, or website, or whatever it was to track its users and do something terrible? Was the Strange Gospel somehow behind it?! Was there something occult afoot? These possibilities swirled through conversation endlessly. Students were clinging to various theories. Some even thought it might be some kind of 'end of the world' scenario.

A lot of the idle chat seemed to have been absorbed by Strange Gospel.

Of course, that wasn't the only topic on everyone's mind as students steadily began to filter out of the school after classes and club meetings had concluded. Relationships, television shows, music, various other rumors... one particularly strange one pertained to a weird figure that had been sighted in town. Apparently, they tended to vanish and reappear at random, never seeming to interact with anyone and only visible just before the sun vanished for the night.

As the flow of students headed away from the school, some of them, those who had seen the darkness within Strange Gospel, may just find themselves running into one another...

One way or another, something would change their world tonight.

@AThousandCurses@Bartimaeus@hatakekuro@Pitsuji@Psyker Landshark@DarckLeon
Just a quuuuick update, probably putting the server up later today, and the OP will be done tomorrow!
"I'm not torturing you," protested Fio, already having to deal with enough of an awkward situation as it was without Cethlann's comments. Married? Obviously not even close to the truth.

She tried not to glance in the Fomorian's direction, and used the outside of the jacket to dry herself as opposed to the inside. Leaving a prisoner to sit and grow increasingly cold without any form of clothing was torture, and even if said prisoner was a Fomorian it was wrong to do such a thing. So by using the outside of the jacket instead she could keep it from getting too wet.

"What exactly do you think a witch is?" she complained. Why was this what Cethlann expected from a witch? What part of this situation screamed witch to the fomorian, exactly? What kind of experiences did she have with witches? Was that something she could have discovered if she went the other way in Cethlann's dreams?

On second thought, perhaps she didn't want to know.

The sight of the scar on the Fomorian's torso wasn't lost on Fio, and there was an even larger one on her back. Initially Fio assumed it was the result of self-experimentation, but it only took a few moments for the Sword Witch to realize why that didn't make much sense. Cethlann had not endured her own pain particularly well.

While she'd like to assert that it wasn't important, there was every possibility it was.

"I-in any case, I certainly learned some interesting information," Fio added, doing her best to not directly reveal anything she had learned yet and try and keep her mind off of the general awkwardness of the situation. The three-armed Fomorian was associated with Cethlann, and on top of that the latter had been getting pressure for results from another party. She'd have to investigate more, when she was able.

She tossed the jacket back onto the Fomorian and set about retrieving her own clothing. Certainly her undergarments were soaked, but the rest of her clothing wasn't.

Soon enough, she was adjusting her hat back in place.

Fio gritted her teeth in frustration. She'd completely failed to account for her situation after getting out of the water. She could have brought something to dry herself off with, and a spare set of clothing.

She hadn't done any of that. She'd bee so focused on her other preparations she hadn't even thought about it. And now she was left without any way of getting dry, aside from some old sacks, or...


That really was the only option, wasn't it?

The Sword Witch was only growing even more frustrated as she came to realize just how she was going to have to dry herself off. She didn't like it one bit, but she also couldn't sit in the prison, bereft of anything to wear, until someone slipped a towel and a change of clothes through the door. She was tired enough as it was, and there was no way she would admit to her situation to begin with.

And so, the only dry article piece of fabric that wasn't her own clothing had to be acquired.

Maybe that would shut the Cethlann up a bit. Make her share in the embarrassing experience.

Once she had acquired the coat and used it to dry off, at least she could put on her dry clothing, sans underclothes.

Hey everybody, I'll probably bet getting the RP up in the next couple of days! Sorry for the delay again.

I'll also likely be putting up a discord server.
The fact that there still seemed to be no other assassins present was both a relief and concern to Fanilly. It certainly meant there was no immediate attempt on the elder Princess's life, but on the other hand that could have just meant they were hiding elsewhere. Especially given that this assassin in particular was somehow able to enter the ball entirely unseen until she took the shot.

... And just who had warned her about the assassin in the first place?

Her hands tightened a bit when Sir Sergio lifted the Nem assassin into the air by her scarf. On one hand, she didn't want to stop at anything to uncover the truth of what had happened. On the other, going too far with a prisoner wouldn't help either.

Her train of thought was entirely derailed when Sir Gerard removed the scarf entirely.

The assassin immediately attempted to look away and obscure what had just been witnessed, but with her hands behind her back it simply wasn't possible to hide it.

The pale flesh of the nem's throat had long healed by now. But it was clear what had been done to it so long ago. The gristly, jagged white scars that indicated the grotesque butchery that had once been carried out on the girl was impossible to miss. At some point, her neck had been hacked open, and thought it was impossible to see inside, her utter silence made it quite clear that her vocal cords had been damaged beyond repair or even entirely torn out.

Needless to say, it was now clear they weren't going to get an answer like this. With her secret handicap revealed, the nem's eyes were rather downcast.

However, she seemed to slowly take note of the rose brooch on Fanilly's breast.

@Creative Chaos@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@VahkiDane@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow
With the Princesses seemingly out of harm's way for now given the knights surrounding them, and no sign yet of another immediate assassination attempt, Fanilly stepped forward, her entire body now tensed. She could see Sir Adeforth towards the entrance, demanding to know how an assassin had managed to slip into the ball.

But the Crown Knights seemed as bewildered as anyone else.

"We have to find out what she knows, as soon as possible," the Knight-Captain asserted, "Ideally, we could interrogate her on the spot, but..."

She hesitated for a moment. Not only did she not desire to engage in torture even by proxy, but a nem was so small it seemed far too easy to go too far with such a thing.

The nem made no effort to resist when she was pulled to her feet, simply dully staring at the floor, golden eyes looking rather dim. Nor was any move made to attempt some form of suicide.

Fanilly could not begin to understand why Tyaethe chose that particular course of action.

"D-Dame Tyaethe?!"

And neither did the assassin, who flinched and pulled back immediately, even if that met pressing against her captor. Now her golden eyes seemed to alight with anger...

But perhaps notably she did not make a single sound the entire time.

@Creative Chaos@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@VahkiDane@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow
"Noctis is my friend," began Anne, almost immediately. Not only because of the fact she was genuinely concerned with the state of the young man(she did actually know him, and he had suddenly fainted), but also because this was an excellent way to escape spending any more time with the Prince then absolutely necessary. She didn't need any elaborate excuse, she didn't even need to do anything particularly special.

All she had to do was what she already wanted to do, which was make sure that a friend of hers was okay.

It was a relief. A true relief that it was this easy to escape a flag.

"So, I need to make sure he's okay," she insisted, nodding her head as she did, looking the unconscious boy over. What had happened to him? She didn't remember anything like this happening in the game. Of course, now that this was all real, things didn't necessarily need to go exactly as they did in Cross Heart Academy. But at the same time, it only stood to reason that knowledge of the game's story could inform her of what could happen.

She didn't remember Noctis being sick, or nervous. And when she had spoken with him prior, she didn't remember him behaving like he felt at all unwell in any way. Neither her knowledge of the world as it was now nor her knowledge of the game explained the boy's sudden collapse.

Which made it all the more concerning.

The tangy, alluring scent of blood.

Unfortunately, it was staining the clothing of a child. He still seemed to be on his feet and breathing, so whatever injury may have been inflicted upon him was minor.

Regardless, they was an opportunity for Aleksiya to demonstrate exactly why she was so confident in her capacity to slaughter the beasts that plagued the town.

"That's not going to be necessary," she said as she stepped forward. There was truly no need to hold back at this point. It was time to permit these people see at least something of her splendor, "I believe it's time that someone started to put these beasts in their place, don't you?"

As she spoke, the very temperature of the air around her dropped, moisture condensing over her shoulder, coalescing into the form of a lengthy spear of ice. Its shimmering form almost seemed to emit a glow all its own, vapor rising from its surface as it drifted just to her right.

"A lesson in their place in this world, shall we say," she added with a smirk, as she stepped forward towards the basement. Certainly, she expected her companions to follow, but at the same time she hardly required them to do so. The diminutive vampire was perfectly happy to dole out a punishment on her own.

@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark@Asuras
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