Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Alrighty, probably going to be starting tomorrow!
Elizstrazia hated this assignment. It wasn't as if she had any problem with the outfit, but the very idea of concealing her demonic features was enough to frustrate her. At least when it was combined with all of this. She could understand the idea if they had to interact with normal humans closely, but on top of that they had to hide every part of their purpose and go undercover?

It was aggravating, to say the least.

"Fine. Whatever," she responded to Katherine with an irritable huff, folding her arms across her chest as she stamped her foot. Plus she had to wear shoes. She didn't even need shoes normally! Shoes were a stupid human invention because they didn't have feet protected by scales!

Grumbling, without another look at her fellow maids, Elizstrazia proceeded to march directly up to the nearest guard.

"Hey. You."

The irritation was dripping from her voice.

"Get out of my way. I'm a maid, and I need to do my job. You're in the way of that job. Do you know how much pain a broom can cause? Do you? If you don't want to find out, get out of my way so I can work."

@LuckyBlackCat: Yep! Still open!
@Emeth: It's fine, it's my job as a GM to get things sorted out.

Anyway, as mentioned, we'll be starting this on the coming week! Most likely either Monday or Tuesday!
@Emeth: In that case, accepted.
@Emeth: I kind of want to echo @Raineh Daze's question, since that's important lore-wise.
"Oho? Calling out my name before I've had the chance to introduce myself is a little rude, you know," commented the blue-haired mercenary playfully, in spite of their ghastly surroundings. Smirking, she curtsied, her spear still resting upon her shoulder.

"Alette. And yes, there's plenty of people who know me as the Shark."

That grin was perhaps a reason. It was sharp, those teeth almost looking less like ordinary human teeth and somethin more like the razors that filled the mouth of an oceanic predator.

That spear, too, was undoubtedly like the penetrating, slicing tooth of a shark.

Fanilly had only vaguely heard of a 'Shark' from the north, a vicious and untamed mercenary with a reputation for violent but incredibly affective combat. Only from half-remembered stories passed to her by a trader her father had conducted business with, however.

Those half-memories came into sharp relief when she was faced with the pigtailed girl.

"As for why I'm here, what do you think motivates any mercenary? You should know, shouldn't you? You weren't born into knighthood, I'm certain," the Shark idly commented towards Gerard, waving her free hand, "Money. Enough librans can send me all the way across the continent."

That razor smirk adorned her lips.

Fanilly didn't like any of this. Their surroundings, the sheer atmosphere of this place, were already weighing on her.

And now this mercenary was acting almost entirely uncooperative, despite her insistence that she wasn't behind the massacre.

Sir Fionn's words, however, took her entirely by surprise.

And it seemed they did the same for Alette.

"... Snrk."

At least until she started giggling, hand to her stomach.

"This... this was the last place I expected to see a familiar face! Ah, I don't remember your name very well, it was over ten years ago... what was it?" she paused for a moment, "MacKerach? That knife is truly well-balanced, I still have it."

She ran her free hand through one of her pigtails.

"Isn't it more impressive to see a mercenary who can fight like this without getting touched? Besides, you're not going to attack unless I do, are you?"

She cocked her head.

The first bodies to be investigated were a grisly sight, two men practically tangled together.

But it wasn't just that.

Their injuries were severe. Multiple stab wounds, a sword thrust through the gut. The other, a knife severing his throat.

The sword used to kill the former man was still gripped in the hand of the latter. The knife that cut the latter's neck was in the former's loose grip.

Further investigation would reveal similar situations for the other bodies. Some of the deaths were self-inflicted, others seemed to be a result of a sudden attack by another soldier, who was soon after killed by another.

The garrison had devoured itself.

@Rune_Alchemist@HereComesTheSnow@Raineh Daze@ERode@PigeonOfAstora@Conscripts@Crimson Paladin@Creative Chaos@The Otter@Krayzikk@Psyker Landshark@6slyboy6
Aiming to start by next week!
It was a shame the strange hand didn't show any obvious agony. Aleksiya would have liked to at least indulge in the sight of the damned thing's pain. But more importantly, its movement was clearly impaired by the icy spikes driven through it at multiple points, in particular the palm. It was struggling to move Kordelia as effectively as it had before.

Those strings were how it was manipulating her fellow Lord, but it definitely seemed the hand required some level of movement to do so effectively. In which case...

Grinning, Aleksiya sat up. Now that her ice was lodged in the hand, she could use it as a point to start from.

The ice was beginning to spread. Drawing moisture from the air, glistening as it began to move outwards from the point it had impaled the hand. But not just over the hand, no.

The icy coating was starting to spread towards the strings themselves.

Make them hard an inflexible, and this bastard won't be able to toy with Kordelia like that!

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This
The Witch seemed entirely unphased, even as several of her less massive dolls shattered. Hard impacts or sharp edges seemed quite sufficient for the smaller ones, as Velvetica quickly realized.

Starshine's edge cleaved cleanly through a doll's torso, and she adjusted her grip in order to swing the blade back before the doll fell. One arm was severed, and moments later the blade cut through that black face and parted the doll's head entirely.

It no longer moved after that, but it was easy to tell that simply cutting it in half wasn't enough. The upper half had continued to move, to try and reach her, even in the single moment between its bisection and the final blow.

"These dolls need to be thoroughly disabled!" she took a step back as another lunged for her, swiftly responding by skewering it through one of its empty eyes and then cutting the head from its shoulders, "Destroy the head and arms, or as much of the torso as possible!"

The giant, inhuman doll's limbs twisted in patterns impossible for a living being. It was certainly far more durable then the smaller dolls, but...

Urden's axe spike slamming into one of its joints definitely gave it something of a jolt, and shards of white came scattering from the impact. Those were definitely cracks in the joint, and the afflicted sword arm twitched in an awkward fashion unlike its smooth motions prior before bending backwards in a bid to skewer the mercenary through his head.

Roger's thrust spear, too, found its purchase in the doll's joint. While it caused less direct visible damage to the construct's limb, at the same time it wasn't without an effect. It interrupted the motion of the doll's attempted counterattack, and while there was less visible damage that hardly meant none.

Before either of its strikes could complete, the sharp daggers lodging into is shoulder joints caused the doll to momentarily go rigid. The damage here was obviously, cracks lining the joints. They had not yet shattered, but it wouldn't take much more to do it.

It swiftly abandoned its attacks on the men and bent its arms at damaged elbows, in a bid to reach Kayliss and cleave her apart.

And yet, Velvetica saw her opening.

Light danced along Starshine's edge. Cape flapping behind her, the Steel Princess darted forward, the tip of her blade finding the joint in the doll's middle limb on its right side. The point, aided by the magical energy enrobing the sword, penetrated the doll's exterior, and with a flash the light was released.

The joint crumbled, and the doll staggered as one of its legs fell away, offering a clear opportunity to the others to press their assault!

@Raineh Daze@Rin@AzureKnight@Psyker Landshark@The Otter@VKAllen@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@HereComesTheSnow@Octo@PigeonOfAstora
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