Avatar of Vlad Tepes


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1 yr ago
Current I'm done
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1 yr ago
Yup... still nothing.
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1 yr ago
Ugh.... this vampire is up waaay too early. *slams coffin lid*
1 yr ago
Yup. Sometimes you come up with an amazing dish, and sometimes you are forever banned from making dinner ever again.
1 yr ago
It would seem that I have likely been cursed, because my RP luck is just bumpkus at this point


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@Eviledd1984 Eh, I'd go for like three or four seconds, but I leave that up to you.
@Kazemitsu Believe me, my good dragon. There are some things worth missing. That was one of them.


"So... you must be the Lupo, the last breath of a dying legacy.
With your death, I will snuff out your family's name like a candle caught in the wind."

Save it for the RP, Matty! Go back to your coffin! <.<

Ignore that drama queen for now. You're accepted. Also greenlight on the crossbow for now, but I'm wondering just how fast it cycles bolts.
@Eviledd1984 So a lycan basically. Yeah I'm totally cool with that. I was considering adding lycans to the race menu anyhow, along with vampires of course.

Flintlock weapons are accepted since they do fit the setting, but I would have to limit them to one use per post. Mainly because of balance issues and... well... from personal experience, flintlocks and any other black powder weapons are a pain in the ass to load. So yes, any sort of firearm BEFORE the 1800s is acceptable.

@Kazemitsu Yeah, a bit of buggery there, but it's all settled down now...at least I hope.
@Zeroth Wait, did I say thread? O.O Oh no no no! I meant the character sheet! GYAH! *headdesk*

And yeah, I have a feeling this won't be the last we'll see of this eh...person... but for now, I just wanted to cool things down before the mods got involved. Then it would be a shitshow. We're still pushing this boat out to sea whether or not some people get seasick lol!

Btdubz: I just thought "intellectual property" sounded fancy.

What the Jesus...?! \O__O/ Whoa whoa whoa!

If everyone could please calm down before we get the guns out, I will explain my two cents.

Yes, I did use elements from Kiragan's CS without their express permission, believing that using info from a (supposedly) dead thread would be of no concern. I did not expect backlash from my actions, but it seems there I was sorely mistaken. Therefore, @Kiragan_Natsuki, I am sorry that I have offended you by obtaining your intellectual property without your consent. I realize that in doing so I have besmirched my credibility in both the RP community and society as a whole. In good faith, I will erase the current CS and draft another of my design.

@TokyoPewPew While I do not appreciate you airing your grievances on my interest check, I will agree with your argument against my transgressions. You have every right to voice your opinions, however, I ask that next time you do so in private so as not to fill the thread with unnecessary drama. As you have requested, I have given my apology, publicly mind you, to Kiragan and will now erase the thread character sheet. You have my word I will no longer stoop to such unscrupulous tactics in the immediate future.

@Zeroth I appreciate you arguing in my defense while I was pre-occupied. For this, I appoint you as my personal attorney...but you'll need a suit.

No but seriously, thank you for having my back, even though it was my screw-up to begin with.
@ryku Awesome! Thank you! ^o^ I'll have my CS up in a jiff then.
@Kazemitsu D'OH! I had nearly forgotten your CS, bro! My apologies! >//<

Kharne looks like a dude I wouldn't tangle with, so he's accepted. Can't wait to see how he gets along with the rest.
@Quartz Quick question to the DM before I post my CS: Is there a limit to what classes/occupations we can choose? To specify, are other classes allowed such as bards, spellswords, summoners, beastmasters, necromancers, etc.?
<Snipped quote by Kiragan_Natsuki>

This sounds like a continuation of something that happened outside of this thread, but there's no need for all that. Nobody here was really "up in arms" about the possibility of coin flips and RNG, just a few questions were asked for clarity and the issue was resolved. Character Sheets are lists of information and, optionally, a pinch of artistic formatting--there's no copyright claim on it and it's a silly thing to get hostile over.

If you don't want to play the game or have some personal issue with the GM you're quite welcome to find other games.

*looks over coffee cup and sighs* I did not need this today...-_-

Trust me, my dude. I have absolutely no idea who this person is or why they have beef with me. I've even contacted them via PM and they've given no reply.

Also, I apologize for my absence as I've been dealing with some mental issues lately, but I'm coming around to getting in the swing again. As far as I'm concerned, this guy is just bored and looking to get a rise out of random people for his jollies. Something I don't appreciate.

I believe I made it clear anyway that I was ditching the coin flip in favor of the original honor system, so I don't see why this an issue to begin with.

Now then, if all is settled, back to business.

@Vlad Tepes

I would be intersted in joining, I have a bard character I wanted to try out if that's okay. Or i might do a Belmont like character if that works better.

It's funny you mentioned Belmont, because I was thinking of including a family of vampire hunters for NPCs, so I support this idea. Same with the bard, as bards are one of my favorite classes and make great supporting characters. Just drop a CS, and I'll take a look at it.

That's three so far, so I guess one more and I'll get the OOC rolling.
@Zeroth Okay that right there seems fair enough, and really that's what I had intended before I came up with the coin flip idea.
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