@Eviledd1984 Eh, I'd go for like three or four seconds, but I leave that up to you.
<Snipped quote by Kiragan_Natsuki>
This sounds like a continuation of something that happened outside of this thread, but there's no need for all that. Nobody here was really "up in arms" about the possibility of coin flips and RNG, just a few questions were asked for clarity and the issue was resolved. Character Sheets are lists of information and, optionally, a pinch of artistic formatting--there's no copyright claim on it and it's a silly thing to get hostile over.
If you don't want to play the game or have some personal issue with the GM you're quite welcome to find other games.
@Vlad Tepes
I would be intersted in joining, I have a bard character I wanted to try out if that's okay. Or i might do a Belmont like character if that works better.