Avatar of Vlad Tepes


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1 yr ago
Current I'm done
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1 yr ago
Yup... still nothing.
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1 yr ago
Ugh.... this vampire is up waaay too early. *slams coffin lid*
1 yr ago
Yup. Sometimes you come up with an amazing dish, and sometimes you are forever banned from making dinner ever again.
1 yr ago
It would seem that I have likely been cursed, because my RP luck is just bumpkus at this point


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Sounds interesting. I'm up for a good old fashioned dungeon crawl.
@Sanity43217 Those are both fair questions, and I agree now seeing the flaws of using a coin flip system for combat. It's just that in the past I have used the original honor system but someone always ended up godmodding and ruining the RP for everyone else.

I wanted to avoid that by using a new system, but it seems even this has its flaws. Very well, I will just throw the damn thing out and instead use the original honor system. However, I still have my reservations about it.
@PKMNB0Y Gratitude. As a show of good faith, I redacted DM and the Alucard Shield for the most part. I'll have an IC post later on as I have a headache and need some rest. Good day.
@Vlad Tepes: In addition to the queries Vita has, I want to ask if you would be opposed to not having access to the shield specifically? While the other two give access to strong offensive and defensive capabilities, only the shield offers any form of near-impervious instantaneous defense on a whim.

Nope, no qualms there as I do agree it is a bit overpowered to have a shield you can just pluck out of thin air. I'll leave that out then.


I understand your concern since it is a dark magical nuke but with limited range. In an enclosed area, it would wipe the slate clean. However, in a more open area, say outside, the attack does have a limited kill radius. I couldn't say how far it stretches though, since I've only ever seen DM used once in Order of Ecclesia, and that was in Dracula's throne room, so an enclosed space with little to no escape from the blast.

In truth, I wasn't going to have Alucard use Demonic Megiddo at all since there are two factors against it.

1. Demonic Meggido, according to the lore of Castlevania at least, is Dracula's signature spell. Seeing as Alucard is trying everything he can NOT to be like his genocidal, human-hating father, I would believe he would oppose using such a spell. Furthermore,

2. Demonic Meggido would possibly kill Alucard if he used it. Since Alucard is only half of Dracula, that means he has half the fortitude necessary to cast such a powerful yet life-draining spell, despite Dracula teaching him the spell. The result would see him obliterated along with everything else in the area.

My guess is if pressured, Alucard may use it as a last-ditch effort, thus sacrificing himself.

So for now, I will keep DM under wraps. However, with the GM's approval, I would probably use it as one final farewell for Alucard if the time came to send him off.

That's just my two cents on the issue. If disapproved, then I will strike the spell entirely from his arsenal without argument.
@Zeroth I'll be sure to add Inquisitor to the classes, so you're cool! ^_^ Everything looks pretty good on my part. What say you Matty?

"If you ever call me by that insufferable name again, I will flay you alive and hang your skin as the banner above my throne."

Sheesh...touchy are we? >.>

"As for this Alistair, I will be more than happy to hear him beg for his non-existent god before I drain every last drop from his veins."

So... we agree then? Ok, he's accepted! As soon as we get the OOC rolling, you can post him in the CHAR tab.
@PKMNB0Y I mean it more or less is done. I just haven't changed the W.I.P tag for a while because I've been busy with other proclivities. Anywho, I shall await your response.

@Kazemitsu Yeah basically.

Alright, I have updated the first post with more information regarding races and classes. Hopefully, this should catch someone else's interest. Mind you, I did ape a few ideas for races from Ravenloft, so it's not all that original. Then again, what the hell is amirite?
@Kazemitsu Not exactly, though I am not sure how to determine how those will factor in.

It's not like I am going to make your characters look like blundering idiots, however I do have every intention of putting them through hell. I'm sadistic like that.

I guess really it depends upon your character and how they react. I'll need to do some more looking in to it
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