Avatar of wanderingwolf


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Just curious if anyone is interested in a Pathfinder 2e Revised game? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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2 yrs ago
Like Sci-fi? Like the Wild West? Firefly: Second Verse's lookin' for a Pilot, Companion, First Mate, and Mechanic: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
The crew is booking up for this class three Firefly. Get in while the git’n’s good!
3 yrs ago
Our Firefly game is finally up! Come gander over yonder: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Just put out an interest checker for a new Firefly game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Drop by if you're curious!


Linux makes me happy, Blender helps me art, and Solus solved a lot of my problems.

I'm here because I like to RP in depth with high quality writing. Now, don't mistake me for high quality; I'm just hoping it rubs off.

Sharing cohost/GM duties with Sail3695 of "Firefly - Second 'Verse." Advanced game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/186036-fir…

Pretty much all my posts are collaborations posted by others on our game!

I put some art works in progress here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/185966-art…

Most Recent Posts

I'm not sure if everyone is aware, but this is a staple website archive of every rule in P2e, updated to the latest revisions that came out this year.


Please reference this resource when looking for any mechanics!
Thanks for that @Cleveraptor.

As a note to the group, I'm going to try to be pretty responsive with rolls and the like. If you want to take a closer look at something, Seek, Recall knowledge, and the like, just say so in your post and roll where appropriate (a recall knowledge check is a secret roll which mean's it's done by the Storyteller, not the player, for instance).

Things might get tricky once we get into combat when we need everyone to spend three actions doing something, but the outcome of your first action may dicate what you do for your second and third actions. I'm hoping that we won't get too bogged down in encounters, but we'll just have to see how it goes!
@Cleveraptor To introduce yourself? No, that's not necessary. I called on you in a previous post, so go ahead and introduce yourself!

Cleveraptor, please take a moment to introduce yourself and your character to the cast!

As far as Erastil's presence, what would you prefer? If you want your companion with you, then yes, they can be present.
Happy Monday all!

The entry post for the game has just gone up!

@meri@PatientBean@Cleveraptor@Frog Dog@rush99999, please take a moment to read and feel free to respond in the next 48 hours or so, by Wednesday evening PDT.
Threshold of Knowledge


Takulu Ot, known as Teacher Ot among the students and faculty of the Magaambya, gathers the heroes together within the darkness of early dawn in the Indigo Hall, a building dedicated to agricultural and medicinal teachings. Teacher Ot is the heroes’ sponsor and holds responsibility for this group of initiates’ presences in the Magaambya.

As you look around you, you groggily notice the others gathered around in the dim morning light: a dewy elf, a rough-but-keen-looking dwarf, a wide-eyed goblin, a seemingly calm-and-collected human, and a handsome, yawning human. The Indigo Hall is a large building with an entire wall of clear glass looking into the heart of the Magaambya campus onto its central focal point: a large pool in a wide circle, lined with magic symbols of some importance you do not yet fathom. The cool smell of night still lingers over the campus, and a slight early morning chill clings to each of you.

Teacher Ot, a wizened looking man in teal and yellow robes, addresses the group with a welcoming warmth. “Today,” he says, “begins your growth within the world. What better place than in the Indigo Hall, the building dedicated to the tradition established by the magic warrior, Ibex? Their work was the foundation of many medicines we use to this day and have since shared with the rest of Golarion in one fashion or another.” He gestures at a still, mirrorlike pool in the circular plaza and sits on one of the four curving glass-blown benches surrounding the wide, ovular pool. “Community is the cornerstone on which the Magaambya and Nantambu grow. Without our community, we have nothing and learn nothing,” he says. “Today, you join our communities—both of this city and of our school. Learn from them; I guarantee they will learn from you in kind.” Teacher Ot hands each student a seeking bracelet, a magic bracelet made of teal beads with one slightly larger burgundy bead strung among each. “We’ll have your first lesson today in my office in the Heron Archives, but before we do, I want you to meet your first community contact, the fisherwoman Alandri. Help her with whatever tasks she has this morning, then meet at my office at midday for your lesson. If you make a mess that you can’t clean up yourself, Alandri will summon me by crushing this red bead to tend to the issue." He looks at the heroes, making eye contact with each of you, "Make sure that does not happen.”

Teacher Ot begins to walk from the view of the overgrown plaza, looking behind him as if signaling to follow. “You can find Alandri at her home a mile and half northwest of here, opposite the canals near Sharrowsmith’s Exports. She’ll be expecting you before the sun finishes rising. Off you go!” The teacher makes a waving motion with his hands as he quits the company of your party, probably on to other pressing matters before the day gets underway.
End Scene


Jenk: Leaning on your pitchfork, you look at the group of the five of you, weighing whether or not five makes a mob...

Fluer: For a moment, and only a moment, you felt a flash of something after your sponsor left you among your peers: your Teacher's face mottled in distress, writhing in pain, and darkness...

Alwin: As you look up at the sky, you get an unnerving feeling. Like you could suddenly fall up forever and ever; the sky is so expansive in the nominally warm sun of Nantambu, wholly foreign from the time you spent in the bowels of Golarion...

Vasimiri: When Teacher Ot disappears, your gaze rises to the waking birds flying overhead. You remember hearing something about how sighting an odd-numbered flock in the twilight hours is a bad omen, and in the back of your mind you hear a still, small voice cry out. It could have been the birds' call, but deep down you know who it was... don't you?

Tylo: With a dawning realization, you are suddenly aware that you're actually doing this. Normally you wander, but now you've enrolled in a magical college. Could you be putting down roots? It might even cause you to shudder at the thought...

Take this time to orient yourselves. You have a moment to breathe, to greet your fellow initiates, to get your bearings in the still dark Magaambya.

@meri Thank you Meri! Apologies for not handing you the talking stick. I've been swamped with work today, but I have the beginnings of the intro post down hopefully to put up tomorrow.
Alright all! I'm going to be preparing, and maybe posting, the very first IC entry for our game tomorrow (Tuesday latest, hopefully) so that we can begin the Threshold of Knowledge adventure!

We're moving forward with one adjustment to the line up to our cast of heroes. We'll be swapping out @Cao the Exiled for @Cleveraptor as we begin our adventure. I'll take this moment to underscore one of our rules to stay in the game: Please touch the IC (in this case, the OOC) board at least twice a week! I'm not going to come down with a hammer, so please just pop me a message before a week has gone by, but if you go MIA we'll need another player to swap in. There's no hard feelings, we just want to keep the story rolling.

@apheline you're on deck should we lose one of our players!

Here's the rest of our line up:

Cast of characters:

Please let me know if I have an outdated Character Sheet for your character!

Cleveraptor, please take a moment to introduce yourself and your character to the cast!
Almost there...

Alright all, we'll get a finalized list of who will be playing in the game this weekend. I'm thinking latest by Sunday evening (I'm Pacific Los Angeles time zone) I'll post a list of the five heroes starting out on the Threshold of Knowledge adventure. Once we have that list and we've checked off session zero introductions for everyone, we'll get the adventure underway.

I'm actually running this same adventure tomorrow in person, but with a world of Harry Potter's Hogwarts theme. I'm excited to run it and see how it turns out over four or so hours. I'll report back, and we'll kick off our own Threshold of Knowledge sometime next week!
@clanjos Awesome, I went ahead and added you to the wait list here and on the first post in OOC. Since you've been reading along, you know the drill.
Welcome @apheline! I hope we get to write together!
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