Avatar of WhiteAngel25


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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@HeraldWelcome! You can post your application into the CS section. You may post in the IC when ready. How you come upon the group is up to you whether you want to be sent out by Sir Dorian or stumble upon them. :)
Nick questioning himself with Stella. XD

There's no way she's going to piss off Thierry.
@Lexisheeps Pretty much! 🤣
Stella glared as Von Galloes. She had no idea why he was calling her 'sweetheart,' and then he continued to speak about information that not even Voidlight knew. She visibly stiffened as she did recognize the bomb on #3's neck, it was the same her father had put around her neck and forced her to disarm. Von Galloes spoke of having him train her. Was her father not her actual father?

Stella paled at the realization as to why her mother was so desperate to get her out of the facility they had called home for so long. Her hands balled up into fists as Von Galloes egged her on to show Nick and the others what she was trained for. She gritted her teeth and wished she would have kept the cover over #3's eyes, she didn't want her to see what she was going to do.

The Ghost took off her gloves to reveal her augmented arms. The metal was flesh colored but anyone with eyes could see the lines of the different sections of the various augmentations. Stella took a deep breath. In a blink of an eye, the white haired woman flicked fire at one of the drones. Now, since it was reinforced metal, it wouldn't affect the drone, however, the drone was now in self-preservation mode. It began to spin and zip around in a frantic manner. Since this drone still had its gun out it was also the immediate threat in the room, confusing the other drones.

Stella worked quick. She jumped up, grabbed a different drone and threw it at another, causing them to spark and create a small explosion. She looked at the clock on #3's collar.


Stella cursed as she got busy with the bomb. She would let the other deal with the rest of the drones. She went behind #3's chair and ripped off the wire panel. Her eyes winced as the wiring was just slightly different. Different enough for Stella to second guess which ones to cut.


First, Stella held her breath as she cut the gray wire. When nothing happened she moved onto the green one. The timer disappeared but nothing else occurred. "Shit," she muttered, "#3, honey, close your eyes." She had two wires left. They were almost the same color, there was no time to to debate which one to snip.

Stella took a deep breath, broke the collar with her hands, and quickly threw the bomb at replastered wall. She quickly shielded #3 from any debris. Her eyes looked #3 over to make sure she was overall uninjured. She reached into her pack and pulled out the key she used on Nick's collar to unlock #3's as well. Once Stella untied #3 from the chair, she quickly hugged the girl. "I am so sorry, #3. I shouldn't have left you behind," she murmured.
@HeraldYes, please! That would be great! :)
@Jamesyco Same. It was going so well but life happens.
Bump! We've lost a couple players due to real life situations and sickness. Looking for a few more to round out the story. :)
The RP has lost a few members due to real life situations and sickness. So, I am opening applications up again. I'm going to bump the interest check as well. :)
"While I do appreciate the offer to kick at the Hive, I'm afraid I'm scheduled to go pick up our friends. If you do need help though," the Vice President produced a box device with a simple button on it. "This little beauty will immobilize enemies in seconds." He said as he left just before Thierry, Aaron, and Ramses were beamed out.

The device was an electric bomb. The moment Thierry would detenate it, a radius of electricity would be released around him. Electrocuting any close enemies within a six foot circumference.

Stella paid no mind to the fact Nick was naked, wasn't the first body she's seen and probably wouldn't be the last. She heard the gun shots as she assumed it had to be other agents, there was no other explaination. Stella did have a hard time keeping up with him once he got his sea legs back. She followed him into the room where voices were coming from and found him in the thick of battle. Stella recognized agents from various other organizations, including Thierry.

"Whoa, whoa, I don't think killing Nick is the answer here, Monsieur." Stella said as she walked over and squatted down to be eye level with Nick while Thierry held him. She had observed enough of the sessions with his personal doctor to figure out code words.

"#004, assignment is complete. You may relax and help us," Stella said in a calm voice with steady breathing. Then the alarm rang out about the evacuation. Her eyes widen wit slight fear.

"#3, are you there?" She asked the same question a few more times before her heart broke. She went back out into the hallway to see monsters and experimentations. Stella gritted her teeth, #3 was supposed to hide in the vents until she returned, they still had time left.

"If you want to live, I suggest you follow me." Stella said and wasted no time in pulling out her sniper rifle. She then down several beasts. Her augmented vision saw the dark matter energy source of one of the bear creatures. She recalled what #3 said about the heart and what it wasn't. Stella took the chance while the creature was blinded by her sots and slid underneath one, using all her force to punch her dagger like hands into the creature's chest and ripped out its power source. It was one of the masks that #3 had in the VR temple.

Stella ripped it out, she received a bit of repulse shock from said action but took it with whatever she had left. She was on a war path back to find #3. Stella rolled out under the creature in time before it fell on her, she lifted her bloodied arm at Nick and showed him the mask. "I told you these were a dime a dozen," she said a bit breathless as she made her way to the vents. Stella couldn't rest, she needed to make sure #3 was okay. She crawled cautiously through the vents, not bothering to care who followed her.

The white haired and bloodied woman dropped down from the vent. "3!" Stella exclaimed as she was relieved that the girl was still alive. The way #3 was positioned was definitely a trap but what choice did Stella have? She carefully rushed over to #3 but paused as she heard beeping. "Please, don't let it be what I think is attached to you, 3," Stella begged as pulled the blanket carefully off of her.

Stella winced as a bomb of some sort had been strapped to the poor girl before her. She smiled softly. "You were supposed to wait, silly. Now, look at what happened," she spoke as an attempt to keep the situation as light-hearted as possible. Stella's features fell serious. "I'll get that off of you, 3, I promise." She said as she removed the gag from #3's mouth and the blindfold.

Stella sucked in her breath as the red-eye thing appeared and began calling out in a choppy manner. She wanted to whine and stomp her foot at the utter insanity she had experienced the thirty or so odd days. She never thought that being sent to explore an ancient dig site would land her in a research facility. It was time to move again. Stella motioned for #3 to follow her back into the ductwork, unfortunately, that meant abandoning the little area they had called home for a month.

Once they were somewhat secure in the vents, Stella handed #3 the mini monitor of the security feeds of the facility. "We're going to get Nick out now. There's no time to waste. First, I want you to wait in the vent by the abandoned garage where our sub is. Don't get in the submarine, wait until I tell you to start it up. I don't want you to get compromised. " Stella whispered as she smiled softly at #3 and handed her the earpiece to #3. "I'll be back in thirty minutes tops. If I'm not, I want you to get whatever that creature was out there to cause a distraction. I think it may be the only way out, unfortunately."

Stella quietly opened the vent, pointed the laser finger to disable the two security cameras in the hallway, and hopped down with barely any sound behind the lone security guard. She took the rifle out of her pack, flipped it around, and knocked the security guard on the side of the head. Stella's swing quickly knocked the guard out with the butt of the gun. She wasted no time and dragged him to a supplies closet and swiped his keys and uniform. Stella tied his hands and feet together before she stuffed a cleaning rag in his mouth to keep him quiet when he woke up. She placed the rod-looking key that matched #3's and Nick's collars into her pack.

Stella quickly threw her hair up into the hat and tightened whatever she could be checking the hallway. As long as she kept her head down, she would be okay. She was just tall enough to be mistaken for a short guy, especially with her hair in the hat and her chest suppressed by her sports bra.

Stella would lay low for a while. She kept moving like she was checking rounds as if it were her actual job. The thing was that Stella and #3 had spent so much time in the vents that Stella had only a vague idea of where she was. She had the ductwork memorized but not the hallway. A couple of times Stella thought she was going to be spotted but she was lucky enough to act like she was getting something from the vending machine or checking rooms.

Finally, Stella's blue eyes spotted where they were holding Nick. She watched around a corner as a nurse and a few guards entered the observation room. The guards exited with the doctor who had implemented the augmentations on Nick, which meant there was only that nurse in Nick's room. Stella could handle her.

Stella waited until the guards and the doctor were out of sight before she slipped into the observation room. She didn't wait to disable the cameras before she took out the nurse. Thankfully, Stella just knocked her out. She then beamed her laser finger at the camera before she started the protocol of unhooking Nick safely and hacking the security cameras, appearing normal. There might have been a moment where the camera got a glimpse of her side profile but it was minuscule. She had to act now.

"What's the status, #3?" Stella whispered as they were fifteen minutes in. She quickly changed into the nurse's uniform and security badge. Nick was going to have to wear something when he woke up.

"Come on, come on," Stella muttered to herself as she watched the loading bar get closer and closer to the end. She looked at the clock on the wall as she knew that they were losing time but this was what she had to do to make sure Nick would be okay. While Stella waited, she prepared the nurse to appear as a body double of Nick to trick the security guards into buying them some time.

Stella finally heard the pressurized release and sighed in relief before she went into the exam room and began to unplug Nick from the various monitors. She helped him into a chair, handed him the uniform, and produced the key to unlock the collar around Nick's neck before putting it back in her pack.

"I don't have time to explain here, change into this and we need to go. We have exactly ten minutes to get where we need to. All I can say is that you're in danger," she said as picked up the nurse and laid her on the table before she covered the nurse's body with a blanket. "Oh, and you're going to need this," Stella added as she handed him the security guard's loaded 9mm and a stun gun from her pack.

Meanwhile, Thierry would be greeted by a tall, young man with dark hair and goldish eyes. He was dressed in a dark navy blue business suit. He stood up from the waiting room chair, smiled, and shook Thierry's hand. "Monsieur de Villiers, I'm Voidlight's Vice President. We are glad that you took the time to speak with us. I know you're a busy man. We can discuss things on the way to the airport. Shall we?" The man said as he handed Thierry a file folder and opened the door to back out in the hallway.
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