Avatar of Xaltwind


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2 days ago
Weeekends go by so fast, it almost doesn't even feel real
11 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
15 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
22 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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23 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
  • I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
  • I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts


After they'd passed through Sinjid, Vanessa's playful antics towards Iskah seemed to bcome less and less frequent, until they eventually stopped. Perhaps the dark mage had grown bored of it, or perhaps she'd picked up on Iskah's distress and discomfort? Regardless, the lizardman was at least free from pokes to the ribs, blowing in the ear and tickling of the sides - which was probably a welcome change of pace.

With the setting sun on the horizon and the town of racists humans behind them, the hour grew late and daylight grew dim. Of course, being that they were both monsters, a lack of sunlight was hardly an issue for either of the girls. In fact, both of teem more than likely saw just as well, if not better, at night anyway. Still, it wasn't good to stay up too late - the skin tended to be the one who had to pay for such poor habits, so perhaps it was time to find a nice place to plunk down for the night?

But, that's when they saw it. Ort well, Iskah saw it at least - Vanessa's view was kinda obstructed by the lizardwoman's head. A small campsite by the side of the road. As they approached ontop their trusty steed, a voice rang out and greeted them.

Coming to a stop, the dark mage looked at the unfamiliar girl before them. Some kind of... Weasel-girl...? Was it a ratatoskr? No, her tail and ears were all... Wrong... Truth be told, Vanessa had never been to Zipangu, notr was she overly familiar with any of the various monster-species form there. She had read some about foreign monsters back at the academy in her human days, but those were more related to the big names, like Youki or Ryuu or Ushi-Oni... This... Raccoon-person did not seem to click or trigger any sort of recollection though. Oh well, she seemed friendly enough. Feeling the effects of having been on horseback for several hours without any real break, Vanessa gingerly slid off the mount's back and onto solid ground with a quiet thud.

Stretching and arching her back... Backwards! She let out a content 'Nnnnnnnnnhh!'-noise, then looked around the area. A fire, a tent, a cart and a small girl with a bushy and big tail. Yeah, sure, this could work. She listened to the exchange between Iskah and this stranger, and was pleased when the latter offered them a place to rest. Honestly, if she hadn't offered, vanessa might've just brazenly requested to share the raccoon-girl's camp anyway.

The comment about husbands and keeping warm made the dark mage snicker.

"Aren't you the forward one. I'm Vanessa, a stray wandering mage, helping this love-struck maiden get her prince so she won't have to be lonely or cold at night anymore." She introduced, and esplained her purpose, to the tanuki. "As for your offer, I think we should accept. Its not good for beautiful ladies to stau up too late, after all." She added, looking over at Iskah and smiling.

Of course, in reality, Iskah didn't have much of a choice, unless the lizardman intended to walk. Since, at that point, Vanessa snapped her fingers and, with a soft ghostly neigh, the steed that they'd been riding on began to... Fade? It was like he was losing opacity at a dangerously quuick rate, becoming more and more see-through until he at last vanished, just like water vapors. At that point, the saddle and reins which Iskah ad put onto their mount sort of just... Felll onto the ground... With a soft leathery thud and metallic jingling-clinking noise. Oh, and iskah also fell off, if she was still sitting on the horse... 'Cuz Vanessa was considerate like that.

With her horsey gone and her magic now slowly beginning to regenerate again, the dark mage turned to their hospitable host.

"I don't think I've ever run into one of your kind. You were called a ... Goober Danyucky? What's someone like you doing so very far away from the far east? Oh, mind if I sit here? Thanks." Vanessa sked a few simple questions, and then plomped her plump butt down next to the pleasant fire, taking off her hat and beginning to fix her long, glossy black hair. She rested her staff ontop of her lap as she did.
I have some unfortunate news for everyone.

I'm going to have to to cancel this RP.

The main reason has to do with a current RL situation which involves my family, which has become inreasingly mentally and emotionally draining. To the point that I simply don't have the energy or motivation to run an RP right now. The progress I've managed to make on the OOC over this past week has been laughably little, and one of my most important rules whenever I run an RP is: Have fun. Now, that applies to me myself as well, and if I'm not having fun when I'm creating the world and lore for you guys to play in, how are you going to be able to enjoy and have fun in it?

Sure, I could force myself to finish things up and keep writing, I've done gone down that road in the past, but it never works out particularly well. As such, rather then subject myself to having more on my plate and doing something that, at the moment, I'm not able to enjoy or give my all to, I thought it better to shut things down before any major effort or time was spent on something that won't even be mediocre.

I'm terribly sorry and feel really crappy that so many of you showed interest, asked so many questions and were genuinely excited to join this RP, only for me to go ahead and say: "Haha, nope." out of nowhere. ALthough I did mention I was having some issues in an earlier post (I think?). Still, all I can do is apologize and ask that you understand. I don't want to make a roleplay that isn't fun for you to play in, or for me to work on. It's not that I didn't have fun thinking it up or creating it, but in my curret state and situation, well, nothing really feels fun at the moment.

Enough excuses though.

I hope you'll all be able to find another roleplay to join and enjoy instead. Maybe someday in the future, once this whole crapfest that's going on right now is over, I'll come back to and give this another go. For now, I wish you all good luck and and hope you'll have fun in whichever new RP you join.

Yours sincerely,
~ Xaltwind the Gloomy Git

I made some edits to my character sheet, let me know if I need to make any other changes.

You can probably think up a basic idea or concept, but you should most likely hold off on posting a "finished CS" or prototype. To save yourself some grief, that is.

That is fair i was originally going to have it so he changes careers so he can do something meaningful with his life. Would that work? I can also change his age to being in his late and or early thirties so I can include the older timers still giving him a hard time. What do you think?

That'd be perfectly fine. :)
While I don't particularly see any reasons to denounce this character, there are a feq things about him that seem off.

For one, if he quit wrestling because he suffered too amny injuries... Why would he pick up adventuring? He traded being an entertainer and athelete for becming someone who needs to genuinely put their own life in danger to make money and survive day-to-day. In addition, he's a tank, the most physically demanding and intense position anyone can have in a party - how does he manage to walk around in heavy armor and take bone-shaking attacks from monsters when he's suffered injuries that forced him to retire?

I'm not saying you can't be a wrestler, I find the concept amusing. I'm just saying that, at this point, his background and choice of swapping careers seem ... Counter-intuitive. Also, if he's in his 40's, he would be one of those alleged older adventurers who think poorly of him. Most human adventurers don't really keep doing the whole adventuring-deal much past that age because of various physical reasons, unless they're blessed with skills that can alleviate those issues.

@Vlad Tepes
Septic-truck cat says No.

As @ERode stated, it is fine that you're all submitting ideas and concepts for characters here in the Int.Chk, but it's probably best if you all wait and see what the lore and specifics of the world are like. I'm currently working on a list of available, playable races and, unfortunately, vampires are not among them.

Vampires, in this setting, aren't created by biting and letting others drink their blood. They're born, much the same way as any other living being. The only thing that'll happen if you get bit is that you either suffer bloodloss, or you get turned into a vampire thrall, which is just a creature that's fallen under their influence and magical control. You can't "become" a vampire in this setting, and the same goes for werewolves/lycanthropes. Of course, you all had no way of knowing this, which is why I again stress what @ERode said:

I appreicate your enthusiasm, but try to hold off until you got all the information and specifics you'll need to create a character. Otherwise, you might just spend a bunch of time and effort on a character who simply won't work or fit with the setting. And I'll feel like a totalitarian jerk who shoots down your work and crushes your dreams becauswe I didn't have everything set up in advance. :(

What @ERode said.
While I'm not gonna turn anyone away from showing interest or applying when the OOC is done (which, I'm sad to say is still a ways off due to various RL-related speed-bumps), there will be only five slots open once it does get done.
This is both to fit with the theme and story I'm trying to set up, but also to keep me from having to run multiple simultaneous adventures in one story. 'Cuz, as it stands, I'm not confident enough in my GM'ing skills to juggle two entirely different groups of people at the same time, nor handling a group of people that's way too large.

As for an actual update on the OOC;

I've more or less finished up the framework and basics. Right now I'm just working on filling out some hiders with world-building and mechanics which should help everyone get a sense and feel for the world and what can, and cannot, be done/known and/or etc. But as, mentioned earlier, its taking a bit of time what with work and family-business eating up a lot of my time and energy.
@Crusader Lord
Aww, there's no need to feel intimidated by the number of people showing interest. Once the OOC is done, there'll only be 5 slots open regardless of how many people apply.


To answer the first question:
The only possible "curse" or "corruption" regarding a person's with-born skills that can exist or apply is that they either forget what their skills do, or the skills' effects become unclear/unknown. Things like completely changing what they do or how they work is however not something that's possible.

As for the second question.
The Six Nations have lesser nations within them, either as allies or vassal states. However, because the Greater Nations could easily trample these minor countries/states if they wanted, people just simply say they're from one of the larger nations when asked where they're from. Your nation/city-state could exist, but not as a wohlly independant location. It could have been granted autonomous rule or self-goverment by whichever larger country it lies within, but it wouldn't be allowed to remain "truly free".

There are many reasons for this, but the most obvious one is that there simply is no unexplored surface areas of the continent in which this story takes place. The existence of magic and the fact that your country sent people out and away from its own borders to train are also all elements which would've made it known to the outside. The fact that it also had rich mines would make it even more of a target of subjugation and inclusion to one of the Greater Nations.

Hopefully that answers your questions.
Sorry for the quiet, getting back to work and getting used to the old routine of waking up at 6:00 AM every morning was a bit tiring after 3.5 weeks of vacation.

Still woprking on the OOC though.

@Vlad Tepes
My opinion on vampire characters in general is a shrug.

For this particular RP though, you won't be able to play as one, as they're undead. And undead are minions of the Demon King and/or creatures who live in dungeons - which makes them inherently evil and hostile towards the people of the six nations.

"Oh-ho~? Well aren't you the honest one." Vanessa gingerly stated after hearing Iskah's rather... Direct plan for the Dark Mage. It earned the lizardman a slight tickling from the other monster who was sitting behind her. When the topic of the Knights they were going to meet having access to magic and wards that could deal with beings like Vanessa though... The Dark Mage's eyes lit up and were filled with sparkles and stars. "You don' say? That sounds interestesting... Very interesting. I can't wait to meet them, mhmhmhm~" She responded, giggling nefariously in an unpleasantly excited way. She was also giving Iskah a slightly tighter reverse hug now, which caused her to squeeze even closer to the other girl.

The ride itself was uneventful and, as one would usually find travel in undeveloped lands, mundane and rather boring. There was nothing much to see other than the landscape, and such scenery could be found almost anywhere. If there'd be anything interesting along the way, such as giant magic crystals growing out of the ground or large, house-sized mushrooms of different varieties, then maybe Vanessa would've paid more attention to their surroundings. Alas, there was not but grass and tree and rock... And the feeling of subsiding demonic energies which were getting thinner and thinner as they left Falkran behind. The Dark Mage remained silent though, other then her occasional teasing of Iskah by either poking, tickling or blowing in the lizardman's ear... Just to breakl up the monotony of travel, of course.


"Hm, so you say this is where your Prince Charming is hanging out... Well, not here-here, but inside these borders? " Vanessa commented, looking around as they trotted into town and got many-a looks from the locals. Most of which weren't too pleasant. "Don't worry about me, I'm good to keep moving for another few hours, and the same goes for our friend." She patted the horse on its back. "After all, as long as I still have magic energy, he won't get be tiring anytime soon." She replied.

The truth was, the Dark Mage was more interested in reaching these Lot Knights than anything else. Not to meet with Iskah's dream-boat or help her complete her quest or whatever, but more so because she was interested in those supposed anti-monster magics, spells and wards that the lizard-girl had mentioned. Plus, while the people here might not be opently hostile to their kind, the thought of sleeping in a location where everyone would be keeping an eye on them or spying, or worse, wasn't exactly giving the Dark Mage a lot of confidence that they'd be able to actually rest.

She'd rather camp out or find some abandoned shack or something on the road, with no prying, suspiscious locals who weren't going to try and passive-aggressively watch their every move. JEez, these humans could be such a handful sometimes. Oh well, at least they weren't a part of The Order anymore, so that was a step in the right direction. Perhaps in a hundred years or so, she could come back and see if things had changed for the better even more in this place.
Anyone's welcome to show interest, Mushy.
If'n ya stick around for the actual OOC is when it gets sticky if we get too many peeps though. ^^;

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