@SilverPaw Neither did I, until today. And apparently when they do, they're real effing hard to pull outta yer gob... Dentist spent about an hour and a half trying to get the last bit out, but just couldn't do it. :V
Ebil dentist was supposed to remove one of my teeth today, but they couldn't get one of the roots out 'cuz it'd fused to the jawbone... So now I gotta hope that my gums heal over it and that it doesn't get infected, otherwise I'll need to pay a nifty $600+ sum (in addition to the $100+ I already paid for today's procedure) to have it surgically treated... My moniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis... T-T
There we go, a little post to get me started. I'll post Nephy's actual performance through the obstacle course in my next post, which'll be after a few of you other fine folk have gotten your posts up. :)
"Well done, my new friends! We all surely left a good impression after this display, no?" Nephertys exclaimed excitedly as the trial was announced to have ended. Looking around, at both those who had and those who had not managed to obtain their own spheres during this time, the Setet heiress couldn't help but smile.
Though she, like the rest, soon began to descend back down onto the coliseum's floor, where apparently the ones in charge had set up the necessary means to treat and deal with all the applicants who'd either been hurt or knocked out during this 'flight trial'. How wonderfully efficient! Truly professional and well-prepared, but what else could she expect from the realm's Magic Knights?
Touching down, she bid a courteous thanks and farewell to her two former allies, and listened with peppy up-and-down bouncing on her tippy-toes as the Master Of Ceremonies relayed his words. At the notion that there'd be a bit of a brief intermission though, Nephy frowned slightly. She'd been hoping to get to go right on ahead with the next exam... But, given that so many of the applicants had to get themselves cured of minor or major scrapes, the girl eventually figured that perhaps a quick respite was in the best interest of everyone.
The tanned beauty herself didn't bother with leaving the arena, nor with going to the bathroom. Instead, she stayed pretty much where she was, talking and listening to the other participants and making unimportant small-talk or comments about the various magic and mages she'd seen and run into during the third ttial. Doing so somehow managed to the hour-long recess fly by in no time at all.
The Fourth Trial
"Oh~? Complimentary accessories? How delightful!"
Nephertys reaction to the strange, clasp-like bracelets that were being handed out was... Optimistic... And naive... Given that they looked more like shackles than any sort of decorative jewelry. But the girl nontheless somehow managed to misunderstand or mistakenly assume that they were some kind of memento or 'participation award'... A comment that got her a few raised eyebrows or mocking snickers from nearby other wizards. Still, she didn't seem to notice the side-eyes or tittering vitreal, so perhaps it didn't matter.
Besides, after this, the big shock came.
Nephy couldn't help but gasp in astonishment, as the whole of the 300+ applicants were suddenly and abruptly spirited off from the grounds of the coliseum, and sent to... Well... uh... Where was this exactly...? And why... Why could she still see the crowds of spectators hovering in the air, albeit inside weird little... Were those.... Windows? To say Nephy's mind was blown would be an understatement, and she stood there for a good, decent bit, blinking, looking around, rubbing her eyes, then repeating the process in a stupified manner. Luckily, her confusion was interupted as the Master of Ceremony spoke up again.
And again, the Setet heriess let out a gasp, as her fun and happy present of a bracelet suddenly chomped down, locked itself around her wrist and then, likea hungry mosquito or greedy leech, began to suck her mana away! Gross. In a feeble attempt of desperation and surprise, she tried to force the shackle off by pushing and pulling on it... Though, when the old man revealed that this was supposed to be a part of the final trial, the desert flower calmed down and let out an elongated 'Oh............' as if she'd just been introduced to something incredibly profound and enlightening.
The heterochromatic lass looked out over the strange 'field' that was before herself and the ohters. A seemingly endless grassland, stretching off in all directions, with a series of pits, pillars and other doods scattered about in a sort of slithering and path-y but-not-entirely-clear sequence. Still, they were apparently meant to go to each of these obstacles, pass through, over or under them, and get to the end... Which nephy assumed was the big platform with the ramp that was the furthest away from the collective group of aspirants.
When spells of all manner and flavor suddenly started to rain down all across the grassy plains though, the girl let out an excited squee... Whch was not an appropriate reaction when you saw fireballs, lightning bolts and other manners of prjecticles and hazards falling from or coming out of seemingly nowhere.
"This must be one of those battlefields, yes? Father used to talk about how they'd be full of spells and magic and tough terrtain to overcome. What a splendid idea for a final trial!" Her enthusiasm was... Refreshing...?
And then, the signal was given. The fourh trial had begun, and Nephy, like her peers, took to taking the first steps to reach the goal.
Which was getting out of this ditch that they'd all be shoved down into. A tougher prospect than you'd think, especially when everyone was trying to do the exact same thing all at once. To say there was a cacaphony of voices that ranged from screaming, cussing, shrieking, roaring and making other noises would be an understatement. it felt like a chaotic chorus of discord itself, as everyone raced towards the end and of the tight crevice and attempt to get up and out of it. Some were pushed or elbowed aside, others were stepped on or tossed to the ground, others still were climbed or jumped onto... There was even this one guy who was using everyone else as stepping stones, trying to walk ontop of his adversaries.
Neph herself did what she could, what with her magic sealed and all, to reach the point of exit and get herslef up and onto the obstacle course proper...
"This is so excitiiiing~!" She cheerfully chirped while moving forward.
Actions & Interactions: - Nephy thanked Isvalt and Solveig for their cooperation during the Third Trial, then landed. - She didn't go anywhere during the Rest Period and just made small-talk with random other applicants to pass the time. - She mistakenly thought the mana-eating bracelet was a present for participating in the trials when she got it. - She panicked slightly when the device began sucking her mana out, but calmed down when it was revelaed to be part of the final exam. - She was initially flabbergasted by the mass-translocation done for the final trial. - She squeed with excitement when the actual fourht trial was revealed. - She's now trying to get out of the starting ditch and up into the grassy plains where the obstacle course is located.
Relevant People: - Solveig von Brandt (SilverPaw] - Isvalt (Remram/Zeroth)
[list][*]I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
[*]I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
[*]I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
[*]I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
[*]I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
[*]I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
[*]I do anime-roleplay and [b]only[/b] anime-roleplay.[/list]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>I don't use social media, discord or google docs.</li><li>I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.</li><li>I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.</li><li>I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.</li><li>I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.</li><li>I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.</li><li>I do anime-roleplay and <span class="bb-b">only</span> anime-roleplay.</li></ul></div>