Avatar of Xaltwind


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1 day ago
Current Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
6 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
14 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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14 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold
23 days ago
O Rly? *Owl face*


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

uwu? :<

... Great... Now I won't be able to sleep at night.

Also, this is what I imagine Elli's streams are like, but with a scottish accent.
She still has SALIVA in her mouth, doesn't she!? Or are you saying that not only did she bite someone, but the inside of her mouth feels like SANDPAPER too!?
Yeah, no, of course! It's MY fault for being TOO delicious. I should be the one apologizing for someone biting my neck when they haven't brushed their teeth after a full night-shift. Yup. No, no, you're the victim here.

We'll see how you like being "nibbled" on later tonight....
*Does an incredibly exaggerated Woody Allen-impression*

Oh jeez, sorry Your Honor, I didn't mean to eat that baby, I was just SO hungry...!
Awww, lookit Elli trying to be a good neighbour and warn the fox about her (completely intentional) near-wardrobe malfunction. What a nice girl~ :3

See, Vevlet? SEE? THIS is how you interact with your peers. Not by SNACKING on them!
I hear horse-meat is delicious though~
You did read the part about the Tranquility Room being able to summon illusions for people who want to do battle-training and just unleash their powers, yeah?

Or Yumeiko, or any other person who knows or can make use of the 'Holy' affinity, could just exorcise her and forcefully remove her from the mortal realm.
@Silver Carrot
There's plenty for the lil' scot-horse to do!

As Expendy said;
  • She could go eat breakfast.
  • She could talk some more with Alphonse (write a collab?)
  • She could see Miyuki and interact with her (another collab?)
  • She could go visit the GYm and train to get SWOLE!
  • She could try out the pool!
  • She could visit the Tranquility Room and get a scare when hungry hungry horse-eating phantoms pop up and try to nibble her soft underbelly!
  • She could go the front desk and file a request for something she wants. Perhaps a green screen for her streams? A new mic? More hay for her matress that she doesn't use because horses sleep whiles tanding up?
  • She could accidentally step on a sleeping werewolf who's lewd and letting her clothes hang open and all that.

And these're just some options I came up with off the top o' me old noggin'. There's always something to do. And even if doesn't lead to something immediately, someone else will probably wanna hang out or meet yer character and eventually show up so that hijinks or deep, philosophical and meaningful discussions can ensue.

I'd imagine Miyuki has seen many "Deaths", or in her and Yumeiko's cae "Shinigami". She's probably not on good terms with them.


I can see Suzy's interaction with Death now...

Suzy: Hey, asshole! Why am I here?
Death: Hm... You... A lost Soul...
Suzy: Yeah, sure, thanks, Captain Obvious! Now tell me why I'm not in the afterlife, chilling on an endless beach with some nice drinks and instead stuck here in perma-purgatory!
Death: Ah... Yes... The Drowned Girl... Apologies, there was an... Unfortunate circumstance surrounding your collection.
Suzy: Unfortunate? Spit it out, bone-face! What. Happend?
Death: ... Well, you see... I'm.... Not a good swimmer...
Suzy: ... U wut m8?

And this boys and girls, is why the sea is full of Ghost Ships and droowned ghstly maidens who threw themselves off cliffs when their beloved didn't return from war.
There's an old movie over here which tells the tale of a knight during the Black Plague-period, and he ends up playing chess with Death. He does this on a bet that if he wins, he gets to live. But if Death wings, he - and all his retainers and family - all get scythed.

... He doesn't win...

... Qaymu doesn't have a chessboard in his hoard, right...?
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