Avatar of Xaltwind


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1 day ago
Current Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
6 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
13 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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14 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold
23 days ago
O Rly? *Owl face*


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts


Tiny wife is tiny.
Also, ya'll should probably add those numbers to your actual CS'es, since that'll be a lot easier to check than trying to sift through the OOC to find these numbers later on.
Miyuki's chest is one size fits all~
... Except for, y'know, the whole writing down all your thoughts and stories and making them into "fiction" that he can sell to his publisher for his own reputation and profit.

But yeah, y'know, free.
... The only person who needs any therapy here is the resident random neck-muncher... *grumbles and gives Velvet a side-eye after looking at business card from a certain foreigner*

... And maybe the girlw ith anger-issues.
Jeez, you're all so sad! Everyones just SAD!
Velvet's sad, Suzy's sad, Theria's sad that Suzy's sad, Qaymu's sad, Iris is sad, Max is... Well, Max is always sad, but in a different way. Ya'll sad!

Why can't you guys be more like Ryu and ENJOY life? You know, sleep for a few centuries, gobble up some knights, roast some village(r)s, use a volcano as your toilet. You know? Carefree and stronk liek ox!

... Also, just outta curiosity, do you folks prefer horse skewers, or horse haunches? Asking for a friend.
Well, she's still technically therte. :P
Time to make the horse uncomfortable~
Miyuki no Suzuyami

Lcationn: Umbra Rose Condos, Between Bldg #1 and #2, Courtyards
Time of Day: Early Morning
Relevant Cast: @Silver Carrot Eilidh, @Morgannis Alphonse, @BunniesOfDoom Iris

Miyuki's mood had been slowly improving. Being out in the - relatively - fresh air, soaking up some sunlight and having gotten to take out some of her frustration on that skittish doughy clerk, things were stating to look up a bit. If only that slightly annoying, saw-like noise would go away... Seriously, who sawed logs out in the morning this early? And why did it sound like they were using a faulty tool? Plus they also made weird 'hnngh' and smacking noises every now and then. Ridiculous! Bah, that was the price you had to pay when living in a populated area, supposedly. She still much prefered the old days. What was the name of that one shrine maiden who always brushed her hair? She was such a precious girl... Ah, the old days...

But her trip down memory lane was suddenly disturbed, as a gentle clippity-clop sound caused her ears to perk up. She felt the presence of another nearby, though thankfully they hadn't interposed themselves between Miyuki and the sunlight, so they had some decency, that was a first for this place. Then they spoke. A soft and pleasant voice, though with a hint of an accent that was very unfamiliar to the fox spirit. IT was cute though, charming even. Slowly opening her eyes in a lazy, unhurried fashion, the black-haird woman took a lazy look at the one whod' just apporach to warn her about her impending wardrobe failure.

Oh, it was the saga-taurus girl! The one who'd been speaking to the buttefly man some several feet or meters away. IT appeared their conversation had ended though and now she was, apparently, going to the building Miyuki had just left. Either that, or she was so concerned about the foxy vixen's attire-situation that she just had to come over to say something. How adorable. A playful smile spread across the kimono-wearing woman's lips and her many tails started to rustle and gently wag behind her on and against the bench.

"Thank you, dear, but no need to worry." Miyuki said, relaxed and unconcerned about the warning. "It won't come undone unless I, or someone else, takes it off." She smiled and raised her eyebrows slowly in a you get the int?-sort of implication. She then spent a moment looking over the little pony-girl. She was a darling creature. A cute little face, soft hair, a healthy coat... Her clothes were a bit... Uhm... Well... She was probably just a modest girl who let her mother do her clothes-shopping for her, yes, that was probably it... Her thoughts wandered momentarily, before returning her to reality. She blinked once, then stood up, having realized she was perhaps being a bit rude for staring.

"Ah, and forgive me. I havne't greeted you yet. Hello, I'm known as Miyuki, Suzuyami no Miyuki, and I'm a kyuubi from the very far east." She gave Elli a polite and proper greeting, even inlcuding a bow - which caused her assets to be on even more of a display as they bounced and jiggled from the shift in posture and weight-allocation. Luckily, she rose to a straight standing stance quickly enough. "A pleasure to meet you, young lady." Miyuki said in a friendly way, with one of those smiles that could make people fall in love on sight. Totally unlike the one she'd given that poor Flax - or whatever his aname was - earlier. "Have you lived here long?" She added, tilting her head slightly to the side while her ears twitched slightly in curiosity.

Yeah, but she's a vampire with class and standards!

...... People with class and standards don't go around biting strangers who try to help them...
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