Avatar of Xaltwind


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2 days ago
Current There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
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Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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I think I'm catching a cold
19 days ago
O Rly? *Owl face*
25 days ago
Tired of being tired


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Niera looks fine, except for Chlorokinesis, which has the unfortunate trait of bieng able to do too much at once. You'll have to choose between it being able to enhance the properties of existing plants, increasing their grwoth speed/size OR being able to mend wooden objects/constructs. The alternative is to create three seperate spells that can work in conjuction do each of these individual things.

Otherwise, cute elf mechanic is cute and fine.
You dare threaten Harpy-chan? I'll report your ass to PETA!


Psssstt... Granny...! You already moved a pawn to E4...
Noticing the chess game, the resident Energetic Harpy gets up from the rtable, pulls a mic outta her cleavage and goes airborne, hovering over Qaymu and Velvet.

"And would you look at this folks? The evening's still young, but two of the resident powerhouses are going at it in a game of skill and wits! Who'll be the victor? Who'll come out on top? I'm your MC, and let's fine out!"

She watches the first round of moves from each player.

"Ooh, would you look at that? Lady Vampire starts out with an aggressive dash with a pawn, heading straight for Lord Dragon's center! But, our gentleman responds in turn with sending one of his own to stop the advance! Locked in fierce combat, the pawns battle furiously, unable to advance but not backing down! What. An. Intense. Opening! Keep your collars loose folks, this one's heating up and bound to get steamy~!"
Thanks for catching that. It's been fix'd. :)
Also, armor is not considered clothes, so his chain mail things should also be listed in Equipment section. Same goes for leather boots, since they're technically a form of protection - at least more so than regular-ass shoes. No need to list the cape though, unless it's MAGIC.

@CitrusArms and @BunniesOfDoom
How're those charactes coming along you two?
Nah, if nobody plays a carpenter or a mason, the Universe will provide and one will be MIRACULOUSLY present at/near the start of the RP. And no, silly lupine, slimes don't drop schematics for tools or workstations - humanoid monsters do. :)

... You really should buy the battle pass though... I mean, just look at it! It's got cool graphics and visual effects! Just try it. You won't regret it. I guarantee it! *pushes basket of battle passes at everyone, trying to get them to buy one*
As a reminder to everyone:

If you haven't already, you probably should read all of the hiders in the first post. A lot of things from the interest check has been expanded upon or explained in more detail. It'd also be helpful if ya'll checked the Hints & Tips hider in preparation for the IC.
Sorry Miyuki didn't "notice" Rebecca. But, the woman is tryng to keep a low profile... And she doesn't smell bad, soooo.... :<
Look in the Hints & Tips hider, muh friend.
You can have as few, or as many, things in your "lists" (be it quiriks, equipment or spells) as you'd like. Well, okay, if you go over 10 items then I may have to ask you to dial it back. Bur, yes, you can have many novice-level spells if you want. Because they're low-level spells. It'd be a different story if you wanted to start with like, 5+ Expert Level spells, that might not be so okay - you're all supposed to be relatively young still, after all. And yes, the spells need to more "specifi" and less "versatile" in terms of what they do.

As for a carpenter. Don't worry, if nobody makes one, we can always get one of those stinky NPCs to fill that role. Or you guys could just manage by living in mud huts with straw roofs and no furniture. I don't judge.
Yeah, you'd better run, skank! Putting your hands all over my wooh-meng! I'd scratch your eyes out! D<

But seriously, sad to see you go. I hope things go well in your self-GM'd RP though, and we can all just agree that Ryu's taking an extended nap in her apartment, for now.
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