Most of the buildings are completely empty, lacking furniture or any form of storage or decorations. Very few still have things in them, and those that do typically have stuff that's fairly large - like the smithy's forge.
If you're lucky you may find some still functional (but not-in-good-shape) furnishings like a chair, stool or small table.
There is a total of 0 food in any of the buildings. There may be an empty clay jar or two, but nothing actually IN them.
@Zeroth Yes, the dwarf huntress has gone to precure foods. Though, who knows if she'll bring enough back for the whole class? ^^ And you'll just have to ask ol' Grampy what he's got in his cart if you wanna find out. :3
But yes, if you want wood, Springwood Forest to the east of the village is your best bet.
@Rune_Alchemist There are pretty much open grasslands in all directions around the village, so she's gonna be spoiled for choice. Of course, as a farmer, she should know that the best place would be to make the fields on the southern (or south-west) edges of the village, to give her crops as much sunlight as possible... Unless hse's growing stuff that don't want sunlight. Like taters.
And for anyone who's gonna wander around outside the village:
The only creatures you'll be likely to run into are small animals like field mice, small birds, regular insects and maybe stuff like moles and/or other grassland animals. As for monsters, as long as you stay in the village-area of the ama, the only thing you should encounter are slimes, either of the green or blue variety. They're non-hostile and sluggish and shouldn't pose much of any threat, as they're scavengers who eat mostly dead matter.
Location: Umra Rose Condos, Bldg #1, Cafeteria Time of Day: Late Afternoon Relevant Cast:@CitrusArms Yumeiko, @Lemons Velvet, @Expendable Qaymu, Potentially Other Cafeteria Patrons "Be. Tsu. Ni~"
The older fox wagged her tails lazily and had a pleasant-enough smile on her face, as she was leaning slightly forward over her and Yumi's table, resting her head in the palms of her own hands while supporting her head thusly. Although her expression wasn't menacing or giving anything in particular away, the mischief in her eyes were unmistakable. The black-haired woman watched with silent bemusement as the target of her justified vengeance began to stir. Miyuki didn't even acknowledge the chef's offer to bring them some curry, nor acknowledged his dpearture. She had looked to be in far better shape now than when they had encountered her during the morning, but for how long could she endure the presence of Yumeiko's divine aura? How long could she spend seated, trying to ignore the sensation? For how much longer could sh--
... What? She broke already? Weak. How boring.
The tiny fiend turned her head and looked their way, then stood up. She didn't move far though, barely even away from her own seat. Then it began. The tirade of tired platitudes and insincere apologies. Granted, she was speaking in her native language, and perhaps she had somehow thought that this would earn her bonus points, or somehow appease the victim of her crimes. It did not. If anything, it only served to infuriate the vixen. But, she listened. Her mouth drawn into a line of non-expression, her eyes blank and void, like liquid helium, her body still and motionless, as if she'd stopped breathing and been frozen in time altogether. She listened. She heard. She noticed. ... And then the bitch just plopped her ass back down on her seat, not even waiting for a reply.
What the hell was that supposed to be...? She didn't even perform a proper dogeza, or wait for me to fopgive her? Is she mocking me?!
Miyuki remained silent and unexpressive, with the exception that the tips of her tails flicked in a displeased, irate fashion. She wanted to get up. She wanted to rise out of her chair, walk over to the table of that little shit woman and yank her by the collar, hoist her up and lay in to her. But! ... She couldn't do that. And there were a good number of reasons for why.
The first, obviously, was that this unfamiliar place was unknown to her. While the savage beast-woman from before may not have been an ally of this little bloodsucker, there was no telling who was. For all she knew, that gentleman she was playing the boardgame with could be a backer or lover. ANd while she was confident in her own abilites, Miyuki was not so arrogant or foolish as to try and start something when she didn't know the strength or number of her opponent.
Secondly, there was Yumeiko. Her precious little Yumi. Not only would starting a scene upset the golden one, and promptly earn herself a scolding later, but there was also the matter of her safety. While Yumeiko was no doubt stronger than Miyuki if given the time needed to prepare - that was just it. She needed tiem. In a surprise attack or impulsive brawl, the younger fox was ill-equipped. Sure, she could stand her ground, but not as well as her elder. And if Miyuki started something now, there was no guarantee that Yumeiko wouldn't become a target for later, later when she was alone or seperated from her guardian. She couldn't afford it. She couldn't put her life's light to be put into potential harm's way. There'd be other opportunities. Isolated opportunities.
Thirdly... She was hungry. And doing streneous stuff on an empty stomach was not the Miyuki-way.
Straightening up in her chair, brushing a few strands of her own hair out of her face, and turning her eyes - previously filled with pure, unadulterated disdain - to face Yumeiko, causing them to soften a bit.
"Well now... That was a strange coincidence, hm~? I guess she felt the need to say soemthing about this mroning." Apparently, Miyuki was going for the: Oh, I surely didn't know or notice that she was even here before!-route of explaining this little debacle to her beloved... Her face was still fairly stiff and unamused though, and her tone of voice was dry, nearly to the point of monotone.
At some point, some loud, unpleasant machines sparked to life, and the voice of the glasses-wearing front desk woman began to speak, all through the cafeteria. Unfortunately, Miyuki was a bit too pre-occupied with coming up with terrible, atrocious and unreasonably cruel ways to make the little neck-biting mongrel suffer an eternity of regret, to really pay attention to what was being said or why... Scary lady is scary. And very single-minded!
Miyuki enjoyed watching Velvet squirm from Yumeiko's presence, but was disappointed at hoq quick the vampire gave up enduring the divine fox presence.
Miyuki listened to Velevet's apology, but was neither moved or aprpeciative. In fact, it seems to have only served to further agitate her.
Miyuki contemplated taking some sort of action against the vampire for her "transgressions", but decided agianst it, after some inner rationalizing.
She then proceeded to try and convince YUmeiko that she had no idea that Velvet was even present in the cafeteria...
People:@Remram Brom Stronghammer, @BunniesOfDoom, @Zeroth Yasunami Akitsugu, @Rune_Alchemist Yingmei Okudaira, @ERode MacKinnon, @Dragonydas Myrravel, @Lupusintus Rinn Arniman, @CitrusArms Niara Rootwick Time of Day: Late Morning / Early Midday The cavalcade of actions, interactions and arrivals kept on rolling. Both Daryl and Sherly looked a bit concerned when the young adventuress recoiled and stated she was used to being banged-up and covered in scraps'n bruises - probably not somehting most people would be accustomed to. Then there was the one who fell from the sky, who meandered over and offered to repair the well... OR well, rip it apart and replace it, because apparently it was just that bad that it'd be better to rebuiild than repair. Followed shortly by the book-reader, who trotted over and lay down a barrage of words and plant-factoids that would've made most people raise an eyebrow in response... But perhaps these other ladies were alright with having plants and oghma botanica thrown at them randomly...
In addition, a young man, follwed by an equally young woman - who had a deathgrip on her farming tool - soon arrived and joined the gathering mass. Alongside them, a dwarf and an veery wary elf-lady also showed up, with the former being far more friendly and forward than the latter. The dwarf got a friendly and loud greeting from Daryl, who was happy to see someone so willing to socialize, and the two shook hands in the most bro-mantic fashion you can imagine, big manly smiles and confident eyes and all that jazz. You know the deal. Last but not least however, was the arrival of a wagon pulled by a sour-faced donkey, and its three occupants. An elderly gnetleman, a tiny girl and a foppish vagrant who looked like the kind of guy you just wanted to punch in the face or break a lute over his head... For no particular reason....
The only member of the freshly arrived folks who did not join the others at the heart of the abandoned town was the odd dwarven woman, the one in a long coat and who wore a pair of horns on her head. She was nowhere to be seen... Perhaps she'd gone off to explore more buildings like she had been earlier? Or perhaps she'd moved on to somewhere else entirely? Only time would tell.
For now, the eyes and ears of all fell on the center of the village, where everyone had gathered, finally.
"Well... I sure didn't see this coming." "Hah! More people just means I was right all along." "... How exactly does that logic check out, oh husband-of-mine?" "Weren't you worried that we'd be all on our own out here. But, just look! We've got a whole heap of neighbours already." "And you just take for granted that they're all going to stay in this... Town... And help you patch all the buildings up, hm?" "Of course! Why else would they come all the way out here, eh? Now, let's get started!"
Sheryl sighed as her rowdy husband laughed in a boisterous manner, then quickly proceeded to their cart and began to heave barrels and boxes and crates and sacks off of it, walking over to house across the street, the one made of stone, that was empty of furnishings. It seemed that, for now at least, the big lug was going to use it for storage. Sheryl turned her head to the others, speaking with a slightly raised voice so they all could hear her.
"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm gonna get to work. Since it looks like me and my hubsband will be stayting, I'll get to making some blankets for everyone. After all, the only things we found to sleep on so far are the cots in that place." She pointed a finger towards the longhouse - the only structure with any sort of still-remaining furniture. Well, unless you count broken down or in-need-of-dire-maintenance stuff elsewhere, of course. Done annoucning her intent, Sheryl began to help her hubby, carrying smaller things over to the 'warehouse', before plopping down on a small wooden stool they'd brough and getting to work with needle, thread and scissors.
"Grampy, we're here!" "That we are." "Can eat now?" "That we can."
Rising from his seat at the front, Victor climbed on back over and into his own cart, joining Wilma. There, he rummaged through a sack before producing first a big loaf of fresh-looking bread, before sliding the lid off a nearby box and plucking up several small jars. He also withdrew a flat, dull-looking butterknife.
"So, what'll it be?" "Straw-brary!" "Haha, I thought so. Here you go, don't drop it, okay?"
He handed a red-painted jar to the little girl, who quickly twisted the lid off and snatched the knife from her grandfather. Then, with a vigorous scoop, she withdrew some red, ooey-gooey jam from within and spread it across the bread. Once a sutiable amount of sugary goodness had been smeared, the little hooligan dug in, like a voracious and starved beast, chowing down like there was no tomorrow. Victor, on the other hand, had a much more measured approach and was far more refined and elegant in both movements and behavior. He apparently chose some kind of orange-colored jam to put on his bread, and ate it slowly and composed, all while looking around at the other faces and the town as a whole.
"Hmm... That woman said they only found furnishings in that big wooden building, huh?" He mused. "Might wanna go check around, just to be sure." He said, while chewing. "Don't wnana stay with everyone?" The little girl perked her head up, jam on either cheek. "No, no, that's not it, dear. I just wanna make sure there's nothing or nowhere else to go." "Pretty lady said she'd make blankies!" "That she did. But we already have our own, remember?" "B-But, she make us new ones!" "Wilma... You shouldn't take things you don't need, remember?" "Mmmm, boo... Fine...." She sulked while nibbiling at her bread, then turned her head and perked up again. "G-grampy! Look! Elfses! So many! So many elfses!" "Huh, yuu're right... There are a lot them here." "Waa-ooow...! They... They're so pretty!" "Hah, you're right. They're all quite lovely. Don't you think so, boy?" The old man smirked, and gave the bard a playful nudgwith his elbow. "Bird-man got no chance."
VBictor laughed heartily at the comment.
"Anyway, if you want a bite to eat, there's some more bread in the bag there. Once we're done eating, me and Wilma are gonna take a look around the place." It seemed Victor was generous. Or, he was trying to smooth over his grandchild's rudeness with the bribe of food. He also didn't seem concerned at all about the possibility of this strange, unfamiliar young man just taking control of his wagon and stealing it and his donkey away after he left... Was he too trusting? Or perhaps there was a reason for his lack of caution. In any way, the old man and his small ward finished eating, climbed out of their cart, held hands and then began to leisurely stroll about the empty paths and buildings.
Now the rest were left to their own devices. What would they do? Would the trio of females fix the well? Would they explore the village and its remaining houses? Would they offer to help Daryl or SHeryl with their unloading and work? Would they strike out on their own and do whatever they wanted or thought was best? The possibilities were infinite, but the choiice was ultimately their own.
[@Everyone of you goobers] In the next IC post, I will begin the first instance of time-advancement. This will be done by putting the NPCs to work on various tasks that they will prioritize and keep them busy for as long as I feel would be good. This also means that this will be the first instance of you guys getting "free time", in which you can work on your skills, scout the village/surrounding areas, interact with each other or just goof off, all while time is "advancing", so to speak.
Thus, if you plan to do player-to-playe mend doing collabs, as if you try to do one-by-one posts to dialogue, you may not get very far... If you want to do stuff like xplore, survey or work on skills or take a look through the village, let me know either in PM or hee, and I'll provide all the necessary details you may need to forumlate your posts and results.
Interacting with the NPCs will still be possible, but they'll be focuse don doing their "tasks", and won't really stop to talk - unless you do something really intrusive or wild... So, y'know... Keep that in mind, I guess?
Other than that, good work everyone. I'm glad to see we could all meet up at the center of town in a fairly timely fashion and get everyone set up for starting the actual "game" part of this RP up.
[list][*]I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
[*]I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
[*]I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
[*]I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
[*]I do anime-roleplay and [b]only[/b] anime-roleplay.[/list]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>I don't use social media, discord or google docs.</li><li>I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.</li><li>I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.</li><li>I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.</li><li>I do anime-roleplay and <span class="bb-b">only</span> anime-roleplay.</li></ul></div>