Avatar of Yankee


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24 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Clap! Clap! Clap! Charmed by the taller boy's confidence, Inti took to clapping right away once he understood what was going on. That brown haired Occidental sure had charisma, working the crowd like he had. As he took to the center of the dance floor and started his routine, words and whispers began to fly around the circle of students.

"Isn't that, you know, that guy?"

"It's Franz Steiner!"

"The genius?"

"You mean the sham!"

"He's even skilled at dance."

"Is there nothing he can't do?"

"He'd be better off at Vaganova than here with the real Polymaths."

Apparently this "Franz" was quite famous. A lot of what was being said went right over Inti's head, but the dancer's name had been repeated so often that there would be no mistaking who they were talking about. He'd actually heard the name mentioned on the airship as well, so not he could put a face to the name. Still clapping his hands, Inti leaned over to a girl who had crowded in beside him.

"What exactly is Franz so well known for?" he asked her. The girl looked surprised.

"Have you been living under a rock?"

"Heheh, sort of..."

With a shrug, the female student started listing things off on her fingers. "He's smart, handsome, athletic, musically inclined..." She sounded close to swooning, but her features hardened before she went on. "...but they say he took up Mesmerology. I don't know why someone so smart would do something so stupid."

Well, he wasn't expecting that. Interesting! Inti was more impressed by the last fact than any of the former. He didn't ask anymore questions of the girl, and she gave no more information. They both continued to appreciate the display of culture before them. When it was over, Inti clapped all the harder. He grinned at Franz as he approached.

"That was amazing," he said, "I guess you weren't lying about being the best." Franz patted his shoulder, said something to him and -

Ah... wait, had he said that it was Inti's turn now? The Inca blinked in surprise, not expecting to be called out. He looked back and forth between Franz's retreating back and the dance floor he'd just vacated. Indeed, it seemed that after the boy's impressive display no one else dared to take the spotlight, though they lingered and jived around the edge of it. Energy was infectious it seemed, but confidence wasn't. Now, Inti wouldn't exactly describe himself as a confident dancer, but could at least sacrifice himself to the dance floor to keep the energy up. He took a deep breath, puffed all five foot two of himself up, and strode into the ring of onlookers to take his turn.

He doubted that the brass band would be able to play anything that truly sounded like the music of his homeland. He also had no idea how to properly dance to the Occidental style of music that was currently being played, let alone the thought of trying to match up to Franz's performance. He would just have to... adapt. Improvise. He could do that!


Too soon he found himself in the middle of the floor. He realized he should probably have shed his poncho much the same as Franz had shed his jacket, but it was a little late for that now. The current song was already part way through and seemed to be winding down, so Inti used it to get his bearings. A bit awkward maybe, but it didn't last long. When the next piece began, Inti felt he had more or less got the gist. He bounced lightly on his toes, the up and down motion shaking the tassels on his clothes. He tucked one arm behind his back, the other held out in front of him with his hand turned in a welcoming gesture.

Inti's dancing was much different than the boy who'd taken the floor before him. Short skips and hops instead of sweeping movements and leaps. Inti's steps were simple and quick, made clumsy when the music took a turn and the Abya Yalan style didn't match up cleanly. He turned with his hands out stretched, dancing close to the edge of the crowd and inviting students to jump in. The very few that did stayed on the fringe of the dance floor. Others laughed, and Inti laughed with them.

When the song came to an end he retreated from the dance floor quickly, holding the poncho away from his body and using it as a poor fan. "Phew. That was fun."

Word Count: 471 (+1 exp)(+60 collabx4, raid rewards)
Level: 6 - Total EXP: 43/60
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●

"Well well, some familiar faces."

Primrose arrived soon after the large group that had attended the press conference. She'd visited the event herself, a little fashionably late after eating a nice breakfast at the inn she'd chosen to stay. Unsurprisingly, a city as large as Al Mamoon had multiple options for lodging. After returning from the spa in the sky, Primrose, Midna, Sectonia and Yoshitsune had all one their separate ways - and as far as she knew, not a one of them ended up staying the night in the same place. Primrose had used the night for ruminating more on the conversations from the spa, and then walking about the city to clear her head before finally choosing an inn and tucking in for a long night's rest (which happened to be interrupted briefly by some fly-by).

Now, the day after, Primrose was refreshed and ready to roll. That spa had really done wonders. Her skin was positively glowing, her hair soft and clean, and the staff of angelic toads had even dry cleaned her dancer's garb - a fact very apparent as she chose to show it off this morning, rather than cover it in the cloak she had been wearing. Once they disembarked the train and made their way up the mountain she would re-don it, but for now she was comfortable, even a touch more friendly than she had been the day prior. As she approached the gathering of heroes, a hand on one hip and a small smile on her face, Primrose looked a little angelic herself.

Primrose greeted everyone with a brief wave of her hand, though a couple of those gathered were offered a wider smile than others. She was pleasantly surprised to see the group of allies that had been flung from the train they'd taken into the city. Things were going quite well for the Seekers all things considered. "It's good to see you all safe," she told them.

Speaking of trains, their ride out of town was impossible to miss. It was just as large and imposing as it had been yesterday, but now it was polished and apparently operational as well. It was a completely different beast than the cutesy, food-themed train they'd ridden on before, but she assumed it was more of less the same: a machine vehicle that moved on a rail. Only this one had weapons on it too. It was hard to imagine anything or anyone tangling with the hulking metal train, so after a ride in it all that would stand between them and the region's Guardian was... well, a literal mountain, but hopefully they could handle that. As she'd attested last night, the dancer was ready for a change of pace even if it was from sprawling desert to frigid mountain.
Hello, welcome! I think there are a couple of sci-fi roleplays recruiting if I recall correctly, and at least one historical that I remember seeing recently. Hopefully you can find a few stories or partners and enjoy your time here!

HP: 860/860 - MP: 660/660 - SP: 710/710
_________________ [dont worry about level up rn]
Ames was ready to forget the whole day's events. Well, she would if she could, but the spring's water couldn't wash away thoughts or memories. She'd stayed with the group because they were familiar and fun, and despite how annoyed she'd gotten with them during their trip into the caverns she didn't intend to abandon them just yet. Still, something about the day's happenings still irked her. Still lingered in her mind. She sighed, slipped deeper into the water until everything below her chin was submerged, and then sighed again - contentedly this time.

This hot spring really was a blessing. A perfect temperature, hot but not painful, with a beautiful venue and even more beautiful view from where it say nestled in the mountains. Ames was so glad they ended the day with this, even more than completing the prerequisites for her next class she just really appreciated the pleasant soak. It had surprised her at first that the spring was co-ed, but given that everyone was an online avatar it wasn't that uncomfortable. For most of them. Raime seemed disturbed at first, but at least he was in the water. Ames had respectfully not tried to peek at his junk, though for the red haired Animist herself - or rather in this form, himself - well he was letting it all hang out. It was pretty refreshing, plus with the censor on it's not like anyone could see anything but a pixelated rectangle even if the water was crystal clear.

So Ames relaxed, mostly submerged with her head cleaning back against the warm stone and her eyes closed. Gentle conversation echoed around the spring, and all was well. She might have nodded off if it weren't for a sudden, sharp pain that lanced through her hand. Her eyes snapped open and she shot up straight.

"Fuck!" she hissed, wrenching her arm out of the water and ready to punch whatever asshole decided to mess with her while she was enjoying her bath. Instead she found a mark on the back of her hand, still burning. And a young girl, forming from nothing and speaking to her.

Ames was bewildered. She stared in silence for an awkward amount of time before she understood what was happening thanks to the game's notification. Her own Nuclei, and it was a cute little knight! Ames stood up out of the water suddenly in all of her pixelated glory. Britomart, as the girl had named herself, very purposefully kept her gaze focused on Ames' face. Her own was still hot with embarrassment at the situation she'd been summoned in. Or manifested in, Ames wasn't sure if Britomart was a character that existed before now or if she was created on the spot. Either way, the Animist smiled brilliantly at her.

"Oh my God! You - you're my knight?"

"A humble squire," Britomart corrected, "yours to command."

At this point Ames had all but forgotten the thrumming pain in her hand. She looked over at her party, and consequently the other patrons of the hot spring, posing and presenting Britomart for all to see. If it was possible, the squire flushed even darker being put on the spot.

"How cool is that?!" Ames exclaimed, "a squire! Britomart - oh, can I call you Bri?"

"I... yes?"

"Bri is my Nuclei!" Ames looked as though she was about to read through every line of text in the ability's description to her friends. Right here, surrounded by people in various states of undress. Britomart coughed lightly.

"I-if I may be so bold, my liege...?" she said, waiting for Ames' approval to go on. At first Ames didn't grant it just because she'd never thought to be the lord people were asking permission to speak before, but it clicked soon enough. "What's up?"

Britomart cleared her throat, gathering her wits again. "If you have no need of me at the moment and wish to continue your bath, I would not bother you any further. You can dismiss me and summon me again at anytime."

"Oh, uh, with this right?" Ames turned her hand over, examining the brand etched into her skin. She willed Britomart away to try it out, and sure enough the mists of the hot spring swirled around the young squire. When they cleared she was gone. Sensing that her master might summon her back immediately, Britomart reached out to Ames, her voice much more confident in the confines of Ames' mind.

"We can continue to talk like this if you like, my liege. If you have any questions of me, please ask them."

"So cool..." Ames breathed. She hadn't expected to get a Nuclei so quickly, and definitely hadn't expected it would take a form like this. The Animist reentered the water, sinking quickly back down and smiling to herself. "You guys aren't gonna believe the details on this."

For the remainder of their time at the hot spring, Ames chatted all about her new Nuclei. It's uses, her thoughts on it, and especially about how none of them were allowed to be weird or mean to Bri or else she would "actually fight [them] IRL." She also spoke to Bri through their psychic connection. First meetings were always a little rough, but Bri had had one hell of an ice breaker. As for the day, Ames supposed that all's well that ends well.

Between the students crowded in the hall talking over each other and the automated band constantly playing it's loud and enjoyable tune, it was easy to miss that the little light stunt had destroyed a light bulb at the opposite end of the large space. And really, it was just one light bulb - but eventually the information did reach Inti. The Inca Polymath hummed along with the music as he finished up his plate, awaiting his conversation partner's return. Those nearest to Inti and Shou, the only witnesses to Inti's gesture at the time of the light phenomenon, eventually left for other areas of the hall as others filled the spaces they left. Teenagers swooping around the area, mingling and perhaps even carrying out some nefarious schemes, but most of all just talking. Bragging about themselves, gossiping about others, and wondering over what had caused the shattered bulb.

Hearing that, Inti instantly knew it must have been the power surge. Was his control so lacking? His focus so poor? The boy bit his lip. With no one around to be disappointed in him, Inti took up that role himself and let the feeling roll through him. He thought he should probably go and make sure no one was hurt at the very least.

Inti pushed away from the table and stood up. He cast a quick glance around for Shou, but didn't see the other boy on his way back quite yet. Shou had been knowledgeable and kind, he was fun to talk with so hopefully he didn't take exception to Inti abandoning the table without a word.

Once more the dark-skinned, light haired boy threaded his way through the crowd, though less enthusiastic this time. As he began making his way through the crowd, his movement slowed. He realized that he didn't know what area of the hall the bulb had actually broken in. It was a large venue, and staring up at every chandelier seemed very inefficient. Inti sighed, scrubbing at the back of his head. So much for accountability...

Figuring that things must have been alright considering the party was still going and no one seemed to be causing a noticeable fuss or calling for medics, Inti wandered the hall a little more. He had considered returning to the dining area, but the instruments had changed their tune to a more upbeat music that drew him closer to the sound's source. His feet brought him to the edge of the dance floor, where he slipped around a pillar - er, wait, no that was a person. Compared to some of the Egoists present the other teen's height wasn't all that impressive, but he still had a foot over Inti. He also looked sort of eager to dance, if Inti was reading his expression correctly.

Dancing, huh? Inti knew what it was of course, he wasn't quite that sheltered. He'd danced around with his siblings before during down time. However, the music lent itself to a certain style of dancing. It was called... ballroom, he thought. Not something he'd been remotely trained in. An Occidental type of dancing. It has hard to get a feel for it when so few students dared to take to the floor.

Inti looked back up at the person next to him.

"You want to dance?" he said, then paused while he processed the question he'd just asked. Laughing lightly at himself he spoke up again quickly. "I meant you look like you want to dance. Are you good at it? I think long limbs are supposed to help with that kind of thing, right?"

Word Count: 915 (+2 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 32/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw: Lady's Chambers

Splitting into three groups, with one hanging back in the theater, wasn't how the Cadet expected things to go. Still, he wasn't going to argue or try and convince someone to go where they didn't want - especially when they were scared. The Cadet nodded at Sakura, giving her a sympathetic smile. "That's okay. We could use a look out anyway," he said. With Mirage, Peach and Bella staying with her, they would be alright.

Thankfully it looked like Ace Cadet wasn't alone in his plan to head toward the Lady's Chambers. His smile spread wider when Nadia moved next to him, though at this point he didn't have any doubt that the duo would be working closely together going forward, at least until they got off of this submarine. "With the two of us I know we'll be fine."

Link and Glenn joined them as well, which made four - a fine number indeed. Just before the group set off, Mirage offered some items to them. The Cadet gratefully accepted the dart gun from him sparing a few seconds to turn it over then line it up as if to take a shot. It was like a very simple bowgun, and having seen Mirage use it before firsthand the Cadet thought he wouldn't have any problems operating the device. Nadia took the magnet, and as soon as she did the one on Cadet's person gave a little pull. So those things were stronger together, huh? That was sure to be helpful. They were off after that, and with a little teamwork they slipped into the door.

Inside, a poorly decorated room and a stairwell. The Cadet couldn't imagine how much high the Maw went. Hopefully there weren't a lot of floors in this room, so they could make quick work of it and return to the others. The four slunk around the room's first level, in and out of hiding spaces, cabinets and various other places to hold things - but found nary a thing useful. So it was upstairs they went. It wasn't much better up there, as everything looked rather harmless and normal. Maybe it was too much to expect a big locked chest or a sign that said "do not use," but there had to be something. Something besides shattered glass and musty furniture. The Cadet chuckled lightly at Nadia's comment, but it did make the boy think.

"Maybe there's something wrong with her face...? It might be a clue," he said, hoping he wasn't grasping at straws. They moved on, through a bedroom and a disguised closet, with yet another clue laying for them. The Cadet agreed with Ms. Fortune's assessment: definitely not a coincidence.

There was a clattering noise from outside, but Nadia's reaction spooked Ace Cadet more than the sudden noise itself. He just barely remembered to snatch the hand mirror before following the Feral out the door. They reunited with Link, but Glenn...

"Stop!" One of those creatures had managed to sneak it's way up the stairwell, and now it looked like it was swallowing Glenn whole. The monster let out some kind of pulse that pushed the three of them away. The Cadet scrambled up to his feet, heard Nadia's voice echo with a warning to hide, and took her words to heart - heading for the nearest nook to tuck himself away into. He found himself underneath the vanity, white-knuckle gripping the wooden legs and gritting his teeth. After all this time, they'd gone through so much in the Maw and were so close to getting out - but now they'd lost one of their own? That couldn't be. It wasn't right! That creature, it was some kind of magical thing - maybe if they defeated it, it would restore Glenn, just like they hoped it would restore the rest of them to normal. They just had to hold on to that hope.

The question now was how to kill it. It's scales looked thick like armor, there was no way glass shards would be able to pierce it. The Cadet considered his other options. A dart gun, and a magnet half. Would the darts have enough force to push the demon? Or maybe the magnet could pull something into range, or down onto it, or... something! They had to do something.

The Cadet peeked out from his hiding spot, looking for Link and Nadia. If he could get a sign from them, they could coordinate some kind of plan. It so happened that Link was easier to spot, as the Hylian had slipped from his hiding place and was making his way over to the unstable floorboards. The Cadet stared at him for a few moments in confusion, but quickly realized the boy must have a plan. The Ace Cadet redoubled his efforts to spot Nadia, just barely spotting her atop another piece of furniture. Making sure to avoid the Resentment's gaze, the Cadet waved to her. He pointed to Link, to the heavy wardrobe, and then flashed his half of the magnet. With that, he slunk closer to the unstable floor where Link had whistled, drawing the horror's attention. They could use the magnets to pull the wardrobe down via it's metal handles, and trust Link to be nimble enough to escape in time. The Striker's appearance was a welcome surprise, and as the chef and the demon grappled each other the Cadet darted forward, close enough so that the magnet's pull could topple the wardrobe into the Resentment.

Thirty days seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

On the day the Queen Titania arrived in the Inca capital, Inti recalled that there was a thrum of excitement that seemed to run through everyone, from the average citizen looking up at the skyliner to the apu watching from their high rise homes. Although no one's excitement matched that of Inti himself.

He was marched out of the facility he'd called home for the past fifteen years. Siblings and caretakers touched his shoulders and face as he passed, wishing him well. He crossed the last hundred feet to the airship alone, gazing up at the titanic marvel. The air around the skyliner glittered and swirled, the brass gently pushing the sparkles away only for more to rush to fill the space. At the Queen Titania's ramp there were a handful of stewardesses ready to take the bags that had been packed for him. Among the staff were two women that Inti recognized. One was dressed smart and professional, with her long dark hair pulled into a tight braid. Inti had seen her only once before while she accompanied the Sapa Inca, and now she leaned down and whispered into his ear. Message delivered, she straightened up with a smile, patting Inti's cheek before striding away. The other woman was one his Bunch's caretakers - short, thick, and friendly. Likely she'd been overlooking everything and now had come to see Inti off.

He expected her to remind him to practice his languages, or on the flip side maybe gush and call him the pride of Qusqu. Instead she merely put her hands on her hips and said, "Go get them Inti!"

Inti broke into a wide, handsome smile. "Of course!"

He boarded. The experience was already very surreal, but he thought about how he was one of the first students on the ship, or maybe even the very first, and it suddenly got a lot more exhilarating. Somehow Inti felt that he should have more to say, maybe some kind of parting words... but to say that he was inexperienced with this kind of thing would be a vast understatement. He lingered at the skyliner's door, looking out. To the people watching from the edge of the landing area and from the facility's doors and windows, Inti raised his arms over his head and said the first thing that popped into his head.

"Munakuyki!" he called without an ounce of embarrassment. The audience of sorts replied in kind. It was an oddly lively send off all things considered, but the people of Tawantinsuyu had always been the vivacious sort. The Queen Titania's ramp retracted and the door closed, and soon it hefted itself back into the sky.

Yes, the thirty days passed by quickly. Inti had spent the time fully indulging in everything that the ship had to offer. He was often spotted in the gardens getting hands on with the flora, or in the gymnasiums trying to entice anyone he could to play a game with him - any game. With every stop that the Queen Titania made, Inti was sure to be found at hanging around the entry area and introducing himself. "Hi, my name is Inti," with that deep boyish cadence, was definitely ingrained into the staff's brains by the end of the journey. If any of the students he greeted were put off by the unfamiliar wild haired Inca, he just brushed it off. There were a multitude more students to connect with anyway. Nights were spent making sure his crash course in foreign languages and etiquette would stick. Soon enough it was the date of their arrival to Bermuda, and while Inti may have been one of the first on the ship he was one of the last to get off.

The tour of the city was insightful, and considering just how many places there were it was also very much appreciated. It wasn't a question of what was available in the city, but what wasn't? Just how much had they squeezed into one city? They'd even built different city sections using different cultural techniques, or so Inti assumed. There were buildings and areas that had a distinctly Tawantinsuyu feel, and many more that didn't seem to match it or each other. It was intriguing to look at, and it made it clear that this was definitely a city that was planned from the get go rather than built up naturally. Artificial, if a city could be called that. It was toward the end of the tour that Inti realized that artificial feel made him feel more at home already, and he laughed to himself despite some strange looks from fellow students.

As they approached the Hall of the Greats, there was hushed chatter among the tour group about the stranger aspects of the city, and especially the curfew that many seemed to take exception to. It was strange, sure, but Inti was more focused on the gigantic opera hall ahead of them. The inside was even more impressive that the outside, and at the first opportunity Inti bounded up a stairwell to the upper level, looking down on the instruments from above.

"Oh wow," he said aloud, eyes wide and expression openly amazed.

"It's just some self-playing instruments," said a posh looking boy nearby, "though pretty good ones."

"I've never seen any before," Inti replied. He glanced at the other boy, though any hopes for potential conversation were dashed when he scoffed and moved on. Inti stayed where he was, half leaned over the railing and watching the 'band' until his stomach protested. He went back down to the ground floor, taking everything in again at eye level for a few moments before moving again. He intended to eat dinner, but there were so many students and conversations going on that were all so interesting that he couldn't help but poke his head into a few of them. Was that rude? Was he already disappointing his charm teacher? Honestly Inti couldn't bring himself to care at this point. It was the first night, he could worry about that kind of stuff tomorrow.

One such conversation he popped into was a quartet of students, and not because of the subject matter but because the cute girl with matching white hair to his seemed to have some misinformation. Inti was a sudden presence beside the group, piping up immediately.

"Hm? They didn't run out, there's a lot of those jelly-things all over the hall," he said, smiling like he'd just done the girl a favor. He didn't stick around for her thanks that were sure to follow, making his way over to the food laden tables to gather a plate for himself.

Once his mission was accomplished, his dish a broad assortment of food he'd never seen nor heard of before (with a few familiar flavors thrown in just in case), it was on to step two: sit down and eat. He wasn't picky in general, and he wasn't about to start being picky with tables of all things, so he just zigzagged through the dining area until he spotted a free space. As it turned out, the first that caught his eye was a fairly open table pushed toward the wall with an Egoist sitting at it. A lot of the Egoists were very easy to remember given their unique body types. He'd been paying attention to a lot of them, as the only Egoists he knew looked more or less like normal people. This Egoist Inti definitely recalled boarding. Ears and tail like a serpent, but gills like a fish... he looked cool. And he was about to get a handful of Inti, as the Inca sat down at his table.

Oh, right. Manners.

"Do you mind?" Inti asked, smiling brightly. He glanced down at the chopsticks in the aquatic boy's hands, and being woefully under educated about foreign cultures Inti tipped his head curiously. "What's that?" he asked - then blinked, realized he was speaking in Quechua and wondering if the boy had even understood his words, and continued on with another question. "Quechua? Latin? Erm - Chinese?"

In Hi! 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey there, welcome! The 1x1 section is always active and there's plenty of interest checks and advertisements for the genres you listed. Hope you find some good partners and have fun!

∎̵͍̅͜∎̵̰̽̏͝∎̷̢̻̞̂∎̸̨̻̹̈∎̵̰͚̝͆∎̷̮̋̄̚ ̵͆ : ̷?̷ ̶?̷ ̷h̸o̴u̴r̸s̶
Though initially dumbfounded after being sucked through a magic hole in the ground into a subterranean cavern, the trio regrouped fairly quickly. Compared to the large demonic birds from the courthouse and the haunted corpses of the jail cell, the monsters that greeted them in the cave were cartoonish and a lot less intimidating. They seemed a less dangerous too, given their stature and the way they hung back away from the humans... but they were still monsters. Looks could be deceiving, Harriette knew that all too well.

She looked around the cave, noting each little notch and passage. There was only one Imp now, standing watch over them. Or so Harriette assumed. She wondered if they could make a break for it all the same. Her gaze shifted around to the other two people with her, gradually to the girl who was favoring one leg over the other. So much running was not only tiring, but stressful to the body. Another escape attempt probably wouldn't be possible for her. Although Harriette or their third member could probably get away from the Imp, she felt guilty for even thinking about abandoning that girl down here.

While Harriete thought only of avoiding the demons, Alina and Jin had the opposite idea. After Jin posed a rhetorical question - which in response Harriette could only shrug helplessly - they went on to question the Imp, their voice overshadowing Alina's more timid one. Thankfully, the information they both wanted was the same.

Surprised by the human's boldness, the Imp jumped up straight and stared at Jin. It looked unsure at first, but it's expression quickly shifted into one of arrogance. It flapped it's wings and floated right up next to Jin. It seemed to sense something... or perhaps a lack of something in them, and poked the wavy haired youth hard in the chest.

"You don't boss me around!" It snapped, sneering at Jin. Then it flew up hiring, crossing it's arms and looking down on all three humans. "I am an Imp, and you're just some lucky saps her Gloriousness happened to take an interest in!"

The Imp snorted, childish and offended at the questions. Harriette noted that it had technically answered one of the questions, although knowing what it was didn't help them all that much. An "imp"... there were so many stories and myths about those creatures, and prior to just a few moments ago Harriette had assumed they'd all been make believe.

"Ungrateful saps too, all of you would have been eaten alive up there if not for us!"

Put so plainly like that, it was very sobering to realize just how close they'd come to death. And not even for the first time that day. "You're... right," Harriette told the creature. "Some thanks are in order."

The Imp looked taken aback at her words for a moment. With a small that showed off it's fangs and a nod, the Imp spoke again. "Yes! They are, they are in order! Though it was really her Gloriousness to told us to do it..." it went on to gush about the mysterious woman, answering another one of the questions posed to it inadvertently. "Her Gloriousness is the ruler of everything here, she's wise, powerful and just! She could sense you lot and told us to keep an eye out for you."

"The ruler of everything? Then... the Pondwater clone...?"

"Not everything up there! Down here!"

Harriette shared a glance with the others, wondering if they were gleaning anything useful from the Imp's words. Eventually a new noise echoed through the cavern, the shifting of rock against rock, as one of the cave walls slid open and revealed a new passage. From it, the second Imp returned with a smile so wide it looked like it's face would split in half. Behind it, a shadowed figure slowly approached.

The figure was imposing not for it's size or shape, but the aura that surrounded it. Surely this was the "Gloriousness" that the Imps had spoken of, but Harriette felt a great sense of unease as she got closer. Despite the monster's words, their savior seemed more like another jailer.

Her Gloriousness stepped into the soft light of the cavern, revealing herself to be a woman adorned in precious gemstones, gold and silver, and expensive clothing. She appeared to be completely human, besides for a pair of elegant shimmering horns that curved up from the sides of her head. The horns glittered like they were made of sapphire and diamonds, and seemed that they could have formed a complete halo atop the woman's head if they stretched a little higher. The woman smiled, ethereal, lips painted blue. She was beautiful, with an overpowering and almost divine feel about her, although it also felt wrong somehow.

But more than anything else, the woman was familiar. If Jin or Alina happened to look, they would see all the color drain from Harriette's face. The woman was a spitting image of Leanna Rowen.

Rowen's doppelganger gazed upon the three people before her, her face lighting up in recognition and delight when she met Harriette's eyes.

"I thought I felt you~" she said in a sing-song voice.

On either side of Rowen the Imps formed up. They spoke quickly to the woman, suckering up to her and describing how good of a job they did, but they were silenced with a quick hand motion from their master. Both Imps ceased their pestering of her and turned, pointing at the humans. "Alright, show your respect for her Gloriousness! State your names and grovel!"

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