Feel better soon, @Dragonydas. To make things a little easier when you get back, here is a list of all the unapproved applications up to this point, assuming I didn't miss anyone:
And my own application:
@Morgannis I tried out the rooms thing you linked, it was pretty fun, but I didn't get very far because I realized... I have no interior design or aesthetic sense lmao. So ended up not including it.
Anyway, if this does kick off and I get accepted, well from next Friday I'll be abroad and sort of offline for at least a week. But I suppose I could always drop in a little late, by literally dropping in from the sky into some poor unsuspecting monster's personal space.
And my own application:
Name: Varlam
Varlam is about halfway between a "humanoid" monster and a "true" monster. He has six limbs: two arms, two legs, and two wings, along with a short feathered tail. He is almost completely covered in dark feathers, black with a blue sheen when clean, with only a few patches of grayish-blue skin. The skin on his four sets of talons is hardened, ending in sharp hooked claws, while the skin of his inner arms, sides of his waist above his hips, his neck, and his human face is very soft. His eyes are mostly human-like, save their light golden color and the notable eyeshine they give off in the dark.
It is hard to tell how tall Varlam actually is. In flight, Varlam appears quite large; his wingspan is at least over 18ft (5.5m), and when he alights near a person its like a massive black shadow that blots out the sun for a few moments. On the ground, Varlam tends to stay hunched up, making himself more compact and seem smaller than he really is. There is probably an official record of his weight and measurements at the Umbra Rose Clinic, but he personally doesn't care about that information so he doesn't remember. Best estimate is that were he to stand upright as a human does, he would be at or over 7ft tall (213cm), with fit arms and legs but a thin chest, abdomen, and waist.
Varlam doesn't really wear clothes - any sensitive bits of his anatomy are well covered by feathers, never visible. When clothing is mandatory or preferred with certain company, he settles for a straight tunic (as in literally a single long piece of fabric he pokes his head through) or simple bottoms (skirts, loin-cloths, etc). Because of his physiology, getting dressed and undressed is a pain. In lieu of the joys of having pockets, he sometimes wears a small satchel around his neck.
Race: Sirin
Racial Traits: Not to be confused with Sirens, though at one point in time they were thought to be the same creature until the more popular depictions of Sirens as fish-like entities spread. All Sirins are part of the Harpy family even if the reverse isn't true. Their native home is in the temperate forests of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly Europe, but they have spread over time. They are characterized by soft human faces attached to a more monstrous body, and their more reserved demeanor compared to other avian monsters. It has always been assumed by humans that Sirins and other monsters related to them have a dangerously captivating voice due to their early conflation with Sirens; the truth is that possession of a hypnotic voice is on an individual basis, likely connected to each Sirin family's genetics, and the majority of "pure" Sirin do not share it. However, the rumor still persists in some places even among fellow monsters.
In addition, other traits generally shared between Sirins include...
- Avian Senses: Though their sense of sight is not quite as powerful as an actual bird, they can make out details even at great distance. Their sense of hearing is also better than a human's, but not by much.
- Cathemerality: A Sirin's activities are not limited to either day or night, and their senses work perfectly well in both bright and low light.
- Flight Capable: Despite being large, Sirin have specialized bodies and strong wings that allow them to fly for a couple of hours at a time. They are also quiet fliers, able to swoop with hardly a sound.
- Super Omnivorous: They are able to digest pretty much anything that isn't considered toxic, and happily eat whatever they can find. Though they don't share the cruel human-hunting habits of a true Harpy, it is not unheard of for Sirin to resort to eating humans, other monsters, or their own eggs when in dire straits.
- Gawky When Grounded: Though able to easily grip things with either sets of their talons, Sirin are not dexterous with their hands and don't move as gracefully on foot as they do in the air. They don't have the same range of movement as the human hand and wrist.
- Large Space
- Accessible Balcony
- Sliding/Easy-Open Doors
- Nesting Materials
- Indoor Perches
- Preening Assistance
Personality: Do monsters think that other, different monsters are weird? Maybe. They might think that of Varlam. He has a croaky, normally monotone voice and a curt way of speaking that may rub people the wrong way when they first meet him, which isn't helped by the lack of social filter. He's also still learning about this thing called 'boundaries,' so an unexpected touch from him isn't uncommon. That's the thing though, he is learning and he likes learning about all kinds of things. He doesn't intend to be rude, he just thinks things like silently staring at someone for an extended period time is an acceptable way to hang out. Varlam is a clever and curious individual who takes an interest in many different things, enjoys people (and monster) watching, and has a penchant for picking up random things that catch his notice and storing them away, usually in his room or the Lost & Found office. Just about the only thing that really throws him for a loop is when someone displays intense negative emotions, which disquiets him greatly - a quirk that many Sirin share. He also considers the bar of friendship to be very, very low, so its probable that he considers someone a friend when the other party thinks the opposite.
Despite acclimating about as well as one could expect to the change in lifestyle, Varlam is still very in touch with his instincts. He has a honed fight or flight response, a mild prey drive, and a strong dislike of others being in his territory (his room). As such he also gets uncomfortable being in the rooms of others, preferring the common spaces. Sometimes he ventures out of the complex under cover of night to really stretch his wings and get some fresh food, opting to pick up whatever else he might need at the same time. He's thought about going back to his flock once or twice, but at the moment he is content where he is.
Residents should not be alarmed if he suddenly alights next them to chat, ask something, or request something. Or just to peer ominously at them.
Background: Varlam hasn't spent all of his life within human society, or even most of it. While a lot of monsters integrate themselves, keeping safe by hiding in plain sight, there are naturally hold outs of monster communities that keep to what they call their natural way of life. The small flock Varlam was part of was one such holdout that lived deep within miles of forest. When they needed to travel far in search of food, they flew up high with their legs drawn up so that any humans that spotted them easily mistook them for eagles, vultures, or other large birds - sometimes even as the silhouette of planes.
And you know how you aren't supposed to shine a laser at airplanes? Some kids don't learn that, or simply don't care. A chain reaction went off: momentarily blinded by something he didn't understand, Varlam extended his talons in preparation for an attack. With the illusion of being a simple bird or plane broken, the child that had been pointing the laser at him shrieked and pointed then with their finger at the monster in flight. The semi-distant shouting of humans below panicked Varlam, who turned and swooped low in an effort to get some cover and avoid being seen. However, vision still spotty, he ended up getting closer to the city and crashing into a telephone pole, miraculously avoiding the wires. Now dazed as well, he landed hard on the ground and scurried off into the closest cover he could find, which happened to be deeper into human territory.
It took three days for a monster rescue squad, tipped off by the rumors going around spread by humans, to find Varlam. He was tired, hungry, and nursing a busted wing - so he accepted being brought back to Umbra Rose where he could be safe while healing up. During the short time he'd spent in the city, and the much longer time recuperating in the condominium, Varlam learned something: modern life was pretty cool, actually. And living medieval-style in the woods sucked.
...and now, Umbra Rose is Varlam's permanent home. Compared to some residents he hasn't been there for that long, but he likes it. He's even employed as a staff member for the Condos, sort of. He doesn't get paid a wage, but in return for cleaning around the courtyards and outdoor areas of the complex he gets to keep any cool stuff he finds laying around that isn't later claimed from the 'Lost & Found,' a small office which he also coincidentally runs after taking over for the previous employee. Or maybe not so coincidentally. Regardless, as one of the complex's many janitors he does a good job keeping the outdoor communal areas spic and span and keeping the Lost & Found stocked... even if it is sometimes stocked with things that weren't necessarily 'lost' until he happened to 'find' them.
Abode: Building 3, Floor 5, Room 6 [ 3-506 ]
Room Description:
Varlam's room is a large corner unit with a wide balcony on one side that overlooks his building's courtyard. The space between the balcony and interior is mostly screen, with a large sliding door and windows on either side. The room itself is split into three areas: the open concept kitchenette and living room directly beside the balcony, the entryway that connects to the living room, and Varlam's bedroom which is adjacent to the entryway. The entry is very simple, practically barren as Varlam only uses it to answer the door and tolerate guests if they must step in. His bedroom floor is a mess, with a large part of it taken up by his bed - AKA his nest. Like the rest of the interior it features a high ceiling, and there are some sturdy wooden pegs jutting out from the wall for perching. The livingroom features an entertainment system (with a smart TV!), several bookcases and shelves with a truly random assortment of things spread between them, and a thickly woven twine rug. The kitchnette only has a small fridge and freezer, countertop, sink, and a garbage chute built into the wall. Besides the entryway, the other rooms in his unit feature a few wall decorations like paintings, string lights, and various other things that were sort of shoddily put up.

Varlam is about halfway between a "humanoid" monster and a "true" monster. He has six limbs: two arms, two legs, and two wings, along with a short feathered tail. He is almost completely covered in dark feathers, black with a blue sheen when clean, with only a few patches of grayish-blue skin. The skin on his four sets of talons is hardened, ending in sharp hooked claws, while the skin of his inner arms, sides of his waist above his hips, his neck, and his human face is very soft. His eyes are mostly human-like, save their light golden color and the notable eyeshine they give off in the dark.
It is hard to tell how tall Varlam actually is. In flight, Varlam appears quite large; his wingspan is at least over 18ft (5.5m), and when he alights near a person its like a massive black shadow that blots out the sun for a few moments. On the ground, Varlam tends to stay hunched up, making himself more compact and seem smaller than he really is. There is probably an official record of his weight and measurements at the Umbra Rose Clinic, but he personally doesn't care about that information so he doesn't remember. Best estimate is that were he to stand upright as a human does, he would be at or over 7ft tall (213cm), with fit arms and legs but a thin chest, abdomen, and waist.
Varlam doesn't really wear clothes - any sensitive bits of his anatomy are well covered by feathers, never visible. When clothing is mandatory or preferred with certain company, he settles for a straight tunic (as in literally a single long piece of fabric he pokes his head through) or simple bottoms (skirts, loin-cloths, etc). Because of his physiology, getting dressed and undressed is a pain. In lieu of the joys of having pockets, he sometimes wears a small satchel around his neck.
Race: Sirin
Racial Traits: Not to be confused with Sirens, though at one point in time they were thought to be the same creature until the more popular depictions of Sirens as fish-like entities spread. All Sirins are part of the Harpy family even if the reverse isn't true. Their native home is in the temperate forests of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly Europe, but they have spread over time. They are characterized by soft human faces attached to a more monstrous body, and their more reserved demeanor compared to other avian monsters. It has always been assumed by humans that Sirins and other monsters related to them have a dangerously captivating voice due to their early conflation with Sirens; the truth is that possession of a hypnotic voice is on an individual basis, likely connected to each Sirin family's genetics, and the majority of "pure" Sirin do not share it. However, the rumor still persists in some places even among fellow monsters.
In addition, other traits generally shared between Sirins include...
- Avian Senses: Though their sense of sight is not quite as powerful as an actual bird, they can make out details even at great distance. Their sense of hearing is also better than a human's, but not by much.
- Cathemerality: A Sirin's activities are not limited to either day or night, and their senses work perfectly well in both bright and low light.
- Flight Capable: Despite being large, Sirin have specialized bodies and strong wings that allow them to fly for a couple of hours at a time. They are also quiet fliers, able to swoop with hardly a sound.
- Super Omnivorous: They are able to digest pretty much anything that isn't considered toxic, and happily eat whatever they can find. Though they don't share the cruel human-hunting habits of a true Harpy, it is not unheard of for Sirin to resort to eating humans, other monsters, or their own eggs when in dire straits.
- Gawky When Grounded: Though able to easily grip things with either sets of their talons, Sirin are not dexterous with their hands and don't move as gracefully on foot as they do in the air. They don't have the same range of movement as the human hand and wrist.
- Large Space
- Accessible Balcony
- Sliding/Easy-Open Doors
- Nesting Materials
- Indoor Perches
- Preening Assistance
Personality: Do monsters think that other, different monsters are weird? Maybe. They might think that of Varlam. He has a croaky, normally monotone voice and a curt way of speaking that may rub people the wrong way when they first meet him, which isn't helped by the lack of social filter. He's also still learning about this thing called 'boundaries,' so an unexpected touch from him isn't uncommon. That's the thing though, he is learning and he likes learning about all kinds of things. He doesn't intend to be rude, he just thinks things like silently staring at someone for an extended period time is an acceptable way to hang out. Varlam is a clever and curious individual who takes an interest in many different things, enjoys people (and monster) watching, and has a penchant for picking up random things that catch his notice and storing them away, usually in his room or the Lost & Found office. Just about the only thing that really throws him for a loop is when someone displays intense negative emotions, which disquiets him greatly - a quirk that many Sirin share. He also considers the bar of friendship to be very, very low, so its probable that he considers someone a friend when the other party thinks the opposite.
Despite acclimating about as well as one could expect to the change in lifestyle, Varlam is still very in touch with his instincts. He has a honed fight or flight response, a mild prey drive, and a strong dislike of others being in his territory (his room). As such he also gets uncomfortable being in the rooms of others, preferring the common spaces. Sometimes he ventures out of the complex under cover of night to really stretch his wings and get some fresh food, opting to pick up whatever else he might need at the same time. He's thought about going back to his flock once or twice, but at the moment he is content where he is.
Residents should not be alarmed if he suddenly alights next them to chat, ask something, or request something. Or just to peer ominously at them.
Background: Varlam hasn't spent all of his life within human society, or even most of it. While a lot of monsters integrate themselves, keeping safe by hiding in plain sight, there are naturally hold outs of monster communities that keep to what they call their natural way of life. The small flock Varlam was part of was one such holdout that lived deep within miles of forest. When they needed to travel far in search of food, they flew up high with their legs drawn up so that any humans that spotted them easily mistook them for eagles, vultures, or other large birds - sometimes even as the silhouette of planes.
And you know how you aren't supposed to shine a laser at airplanes? Some kids don't learn that, or simply don't care. A chain reaction went off: momentarily blinded by something he didn't understand, Varlam extended his talons in preparation for an attack. With the illusion of being a simple bird or plane broken, the child that had been pointing the laser at him shrieked and pointed then with their finger at the monster in flight. The semi-distant shouting of humans below panicked Varlam, who turned and swooped low in an effort to get some cover and avoid being seen. However, vision still spotty, he ended up getting closer to the city and crashing into a telephone pole, miraculously avoiding the wires. Now dazed as well, he landed hard on the ground and scurried off into the closest cover he could find, which happened to be deeper into human territory.
It took three days for a monster rescue squad, tipped off by the rumors going around spread by humans, to find Varlam. He was tired, hungry, and nursing a busted wing - so he accepted being brought back to Umbra Rose where he could be safe while healing up. During the short time he'd spent in the city, and the much longer time recuperating in the condominium, Varlam learned something: modern life was pretty cool, actually. And living medieval-style in the woods sucked.
...and now, Umbra Rose is Varlam's permanent home. Compared to some residents he hasn't been there for that long, but he likes it. He's even employed as a staff member for the Condos, sort of. He doesn't get paid a wage, but in return for cleaning around the courtyards and outdoor areas of the complex he gets to keep any cool stuff he finds laying around that isn't later claimed from the 'Lost & Found,' a small office which he also coincidentally runs after taking over for the previous employee. Or maybe not so coincidentally. Regardless, as one of the complex's many janitors he does a good job keeping the outdoor communal areas spic and span and keeping the Lost & Found stocked... even if it is sometimes stocked with things that weren't necessarily 'lost' until he happened to 'find' them.
Abode: Building 3, Floor 5, Room 6 [ 3-506 ]
Room Description:
Varlam's room is a large corner unit with a wide balcony on one side that overlooks his building's courtyard. The space between the balcony and interior is mostly screen, with a large sliding door and windows on either side. The room itself is split into three areas: the open concept kitchenette and living room directly beside the balcony, the entryway that connects to the living room, and Varlam's bedroom which is adjacent to the entryway. The entry is very simple, practically barren as Varlam only uses it to answer the door and tolerate guests if they must step in. His bedroom floor is a mess, with a large part of it taken up by his bed - AKA his nest. Like the rest of the interior it features a high ceiling, and there are some sturdy wooden pegs jutting out from the wall for perching. The livingroom features an entertainment system (with a smart TV!), several bookcases and shelves with a truly random assortment of things spread between them, and a thickly woven twine rug. The kitchnette only has a small fridge and freezer, countertop, sink, and a garbage chute built into the wall. Besides the entryway, the other rooms in his unit feature a few wall decorations like paintings, string lights, and various other things that were sort of shoddily put up.
@Morgannis I tried out the rooms thing you linked, it was pretty fun, but I didn't get very far because I realized... I have no interior design or aesthetic sense lmao. So ended up not including it.
Anyway, if this does kick off and I get accepted, well from next Friday I'll be abroad and sort of offline for at least a week. But I suppose I could always drop in a little late, by literally dropping in from the sky into some poor unsuspecting monster's personal space.