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Most Recent Posts

@Bria The Human that was a great post, I laughed a few times. Unfortunately I have to reject it. Please re-read the Application section and add what you missed. That's the only thing missing there, you're probably a better writer than I am. :)

@Virgil you are accepted! I will PM you the Discord link.
@Relin good post! You are accepted. I will PM you the Discord link in a moment.
@role model@Hyde you are both accepted! I will send you both a link to the Discord server.
The OOC is up! The link is located here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/182175-a-w…

Please look it over and let me know if you have any questions, thoughts, etc. I will be gaming with friends so I won't respond right away but I will be able to in a few hours or so. I look forward to seeing you all there!

P.S. mentioning people so nobody is left out.

@Tiger@Virgil@Abolish nICE@Hyde@Relin@Bria The Human
“Wha…what is that…the sun? Oh, I must have fallen asleep,” thought the boy on this bright, sunny day. Caleb Crowsnest, a 12-year old human, slowly rubbed his eyes and sat up in the middle of his small sailboat. Technically, it was a small wooden canoe with a makeshift sail consisting of a rope, a white sheet and a wooden pole, but that was just a mere technicality. He had been out on the ocean for...four weeks now? Five? His normally pale white skin had tanned, his white shirt and tan pants smelled like salt water, and his short black hair had grown down to the top of his ears. And rummaging through his potato sack, the boy discovered he had run out of food. But that wouldn’t stop him!

He glanced around to get an idea of where he was. Maybe there’d be a nearby island or something. Ocean water, ocean water aaaaaand more ocean water. They didn’t call it the Big Ocean for nothing. And he had lost his map trying to patch a hole in the boat; literally, he had patched the hole using his map. Next time he’d have to bring spare wood and some tools.

Caleb then pulled out the only things in the bag; an iron short sword, a compass, a pair of binoculars and a clay jug for drinking water. It was too light, but there was still some water left. Just as he was about to take a drink, Caleb noticed something in the corner of his eye; it was too blurry to see with the naked eye, but he grabbed his binoculars to get a closer look, and what he saw was...
Posting Order:

1) Zapdos
2) Tiger
3) Dusty

Current Turn: Tiger
Edit: in the low odds that you are reading this, parts of this are out of date.

Hello there! If you’re reading this for the first time, welcome to the roleplay! I've had this idea kicking around in my head for some time now. Normally in a roleplay, each person will roleplay a character (or more) and they will interact within the GM's story. My idea here is to have all the writers take turn writing the story. Each poster will take turns writing; in the end what will result is a (hopefully) cohesive and interesting story. All of the characters, setting and plot are made by all of the writers, each one building upon the work of the people who wrote before them. Here is a short example (obviously the posts would be longer in the actual story):

Poster A:

"Frank was walking down the street on his way to work. It was his last day on the job; he was proud of his 43 years at the Wonderful Wheel Company, but he was looking forward to retirement. He arrived at the old factory, same as ever, except he was surprised to see..."

Poster B:

"that it was decorated with banners! The old factory worker saw banners, balloons and homemade posters celebrating his last day and wishing him well. A hint of a smile showed on the man's face. But the biggest surprise was when he walked into the place..."

Poster C:

"a huge array of tires spelling out "BEST WISHES FRANK" right on the factory floor! What was previously a hint evolved into a full-on grin; the man never expected his coworkers to go through all this trouble. Honestly, he thought they didn't even like him. However..."

And so on. Again, this would be longer if we were actually writing. I'm not looking for big essays here; just two or three quality paragraphs per post. If you want to write longer, cool, but don’t monopolize the story. Ideally, this will have some advantages:

-If someone loses interest or gets busy with life, the whole story won't grind to a halt.
-Multiple authors can provide multiple perspectives, making the story more interesting.

New Information:

Based on feedback from the people in the interest check and my own brainstorming, here are some guidelines/rules for the story:

-Edit: at this point, the Discord for this story is used by us so much that I'm making it a requirement to join it to be a part of this. It just makes communication much easier for everyone. Upon being accepted, I'll send you a link for it.
-The popular consensus of the IC is for a fantasy setting, so that is what it shall be. I’m not going to plan every granular detail of this world because part of the fun is building a story with all of you, but the starting point will be a typical magical fantasy setting. Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. At the same time, your posts should be consistent with the setting. For example, the next post shouldn't be a robot popping in from the future to shoot the protagonist.
-Also, your posts should be consistent with what other people have written. If it has been established that the protagonist’s best friend has been his friend for 30 years, the next post shouldn’t be that person killing the protagonist. Plot twists can be done in an interesting way, of course, just use common sense. If it’s something big, please discuss it with the group first.
-No smut, extremely graphic torture, or gore please. A common-sense PG-13 rating is what I’m going for. If people have sex or something, fade to black. I’m not looking to write an episode of Teletubbies, just use common sense.
-No politics please. This isn’t even taking place on Earth, plus politics is dreary and based on my experience nobody is going to convince anyone else of their views anyway.
-This is an original story; keep people from the real world and pre-existing IP out of this please. George Washington shouldn’t save the day by riding in on a Transformer.
-No guns. This is by popular consensus.
-Writing will take place here on RP Guild. This is also by popular consensus.
-Please use proper spelling and grammar. I’m not the grammar police, but it makes writing look so much nicer.
-I'm not looking for big essays here; just two or three quality paragraphs per post. If you want to write longer, cool, but don’t monopolize the story.
-This story will be written by and contributed to by everyone who writes. That being said, please don’t monopolize it. For example: if the story is of a brave knight slaying a dragon and Poster 1 makes a post about the knight starting his journey, the next post shouldn’t be a huge thing involving the knight slaying the dragon, marrying the Princess and becoming king of the realm. As the GM, I will probably set the direction and thus build on the structure of the story more than others, but that is from the perspective of running the game, not running the story.
-Use common sense. I can’t think of every possible scenario here. And if you’re in doubt, please ask a question about it.
-Most importantly: have fun!

Posting Order:

We will decide on posting order by discussion (either on the OOC or on a Discord server that I make). I will write the first post, but after that it’s up to you guys. After the first post, the next writer will have 48 hours to make his post. The writer after that will have 48 hours from when the previous writer posted to make their post, and so on. Of course, you can post earlier than that.


Since we’re not making character sheets like in most roleplays, the application will simply be a writing sample. At least 2-3 good paragraphs displaying how you write. You can take it from a roleplay you are or were in, a personal story you are writing, or whatever else you can think of that makes sense in this context. Just keep it PG-13 like this story please. I would not be surprised if you all are better writers than I am; I just want to see that you are capable of writing well enough to contribute to the story. E.g. good spelling and grammar, writing that makes sense, etc. I’m not looking to be a control freak here. If you’ve read all of this post and want to join, please write the phrase “Electric Pokemon” somewhere in your post with the writing sample. (It doesn't have to be in the writing sample though :P)

Also, I would strongly recommend reading the IC. Not only will it help you understand the characters and story, it will also be fun! Plus it will let you get familiar with our writing styles.

Final Thoughts:

I’m going to make a Discord server that we can all talk in. This will help us get to know each other better and to more effectively collaborate on making a good story. When you are accepted to the story, I will send you a link to join. If you don’t have Discord, I suggest you get it. It’s free and easy to use. Also, please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts. If something seems faulty or unreasonable, we can discuss it. I’m not looking to be a dictator here, I just want to have fun writing a story using a reasonable framework.

I look forward to writing with you. Have fun!
I would definitely suggest setting up a basic setting for fantasy, as it could be relatively grounded like Game of Thrones, or it could be a kitchen sink of gods and magic like The Forgotten Realms. It'll just be good to establish some consistency before we start.

A basic setting is fine. I'm not familiar with Game of Thrones or Forgotten Realms though. I was just thinking a typical magical fantasy setting; humans, orcs, elves, etc. Basic DND-ish stuff. I was trying to avoid planning every every granular detail of this world because part of the fun is building a story with all of you, but I can see the logic in applying a basic setting.

Sorry, I slept in later than usual.

Anyway, I'm glad to see that the OP returned and that we all seem to be on the same page so far. I'm not particularly picky about the setting so sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix of both works perfectly for me. I'm also in favor of a posting order and time limit though a day seems a little short (unless we make it a system where turns can be easily passed without penalty). Maybe it's doable, maybe not, I'm not really familiar with post-by-post Roleplaying just yet. I've just noticed that most of the posts here in the Casual section happen seven or eight days apart on average. Also! While I'm thinking about it, should we make a chat on Discord for OOC contact or does that feel unnecessary for this?

No worries, it took me 13 days to respond to my own post :P

I was actually considering reducing it to 18 hours, but I'm open to whatever you all think is reasonable. Personally I think 18-24 hours is good as people will be waiting for many other people before they can post. If, at the slowest, one person posts a day and there are six people in the group it would be six days between when you can post again.

Also, I am writing the OOC post now and will make a Discord server. I think it's a good way to communicate ideas about the story and get to know each other.
Oh wow! I stopped checking the forums because nobody was responding to this. I'm flattered, grateful and happy that there are so many people interested in this little idea of mine. Let me mention everybody so that I don't miss anyone:

@Tiger@Virgil@Abolish nICE@Hyde@Relin@Bria The Human

I'll try to address everyone's points. Apologies if I miss anything, there's a lot there.

-I wasn't planning any particular setting too strongly, but I'm fine with fantasy as that seems to be what everyone here is good with. I have an inkling of an idea for an opening post that could work well in a fantasy setting. I didn't want to plan too much though because this is a story I wanted to write with all of your help and improvising can be fun, but there has to be common sense involved. If it's a fantasy setting, the next post shouldn't be a robot popping in from the future to shoot the protagonist. lulrandom type stuff, while funny, just isn't interesting long term
-Smut, torture and gore don't appeal to me either. I was thinking a common-sense PG-13 type of thing. It's possible to have an interesting story without hardcore violence or smut but I didn't plan on writing an episode of Teletubbies lol
-Also, I don't want to write anything political. Whatever your views are, there's enough of that elsewhere and it's a dreary subject.
-My idea was giving each poster a day to write their post, but I'm fine with whatever reasonable time limit. 1 day or 24 hours after the last post or so.
-No guns is fine with me.
-I was planning on doing this here in RP Guild but if you all want to do it on a Google Doc, that's fine by me.

Did I miss anything here? Any questions? Let me know your thoughts. I look forward to writing with you!
Hello! Thank you for reading this. I've had this idea kicking around in my head for some time now and I figured now was a good time to present it here. Normally in a roleplay, each person will roleplay a character (or more) and they will interact within the GM's story. My idea here is to have all the writers take turn writing the story. Each poster will take turns writing; in the end what will result is a (hopefully) cohesive and interesting story. All of the characters, setting and plot are made by all of the writers, each one building upon the work of the people who wrote before them. To provide a short example (obviously the posts would be longer in the actual story):

Poster A:

"Frank was walking down the street on his way to work. It was his last day on the job; he was proud of his 43 years at the Wonderful Wheel Company, but he was looking forward to retirement. He arrived at the old factory, same as ever, except he was surprised to see..."

Poster B:

"that it was decorated with banners! The old factory worker saw banners, balloons and homemade posters celebrating his last day and wishing him well. A hint of a smile showed on the man's face. But the biggest surprise was when he walked into the place..."

Poster C:

"a huge array of tires spelling out "BEST WISHES FRANK" right on the factory floor! What was previously a hint evolved into a full-on grin; the man never expected his coworkers to go through all this trouble. Honestly, he thought they didn't even like him. However..."

And so on. Again, this would be longer if we were actually writing. I'm not looking for big essays here; just two or three quality paragraphs per post. If you want to write longer, cool. Ideally, this will have some advantages:

-If someone loses interest or gets busy with life, the whole story won't grind to a halt.
-Multiple authors can provide multiple perspectives, making the story more interesting.

I've never done this before, so let me know if you have questions, thoughts, or even just if you're interested. I do have some ground rules/guidelines in mind to help make things run more smoothly, but I'll put that in the OOC thread if enough people are interested. This could be done with just a few people, in theory. Have a great day!

P.S. I'm just mentioning people here because I know them and I know they're good RPers.

@CloudyBlueDay@CloseEnough@Blazion@Korkoa@Artifex@Inertia@General Scales@L4dyH4wke
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