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Add me to that list lol, I don't watch a ton of movies and of the ones I've seen, I can't think of anybody who would be a good fit for Adam. Just remember xenon, if you ever do make a Mytheria movie, we all want royalties :P
This situation was not good, Adam thought, and that was putting it lightly! His teammates were being attacked and Clive was dead. It should have been him! But there was an enemy to trap, so he resolved to do that as well as he possibly could. And somehow, it worked better than expected! To be able to control these plants at this level of detail was unexpected. Just what sort of power did he possess? That would have to be explored later; there was a new subject to focus on, a huge centaur!

Yes, this was a terrifying development. How much danger would the group have to face today? There wasn't time to dwell on that though, only time to act! And Zell did an amazing job of that, saving MacKensie to the red-eyed man's relief. When did he learn how to teleport? Based on his demeanor, Adam guessed only just now; his expression reminded the Druid of how he felt when he learned about his abilities. And in the back of his mind, the man knew that Zell seemed to have feelings for MacKensie like he did, but again; it was time to act, not think.

And Zell's actions were a good model for his own this time; he couldn't fight the ninja head on, but he could help one of his teammates. Using his Druid magic, the man controlled the nearby roots to bring Lillianna to his location quickly and gently. He then created an array of trees around him. No, they wouldn't do much against the enemies in front of him offensively, but if he was attacked the man intended to use these new creations defensively. It wasn't a great James-level strategy, but it would help keep Lillianna safe, and that was great enough for Adam at the moment.
@xenon my post is up, I tried being creative with Adam's powers. If it needs to be changed, let me know.
Adam was alarmed at all the damage his teammates were taking. Claw strikes, wind blasts, and poison gas? This was just ridiculous. At least the plan to knock the Alpha Female into the gorge seemed to work. Yes, now they could-

The man's train of thought was interrupted by a soundblast from the Alpha Male, one that was quite dangerous to the magical trio. The youngest of them took a moment to get reoriented, being in a great deal of pain. Nothing seemed to be broken, but this felt like the ogre strike all over again. (Or "all ogre again" as Eric might have joked.) Would getting hurt be a daily thing now?  Eventually he did get up, only to be greeted by the sight of the female wolf rising from the depths of the ground. This very well could be the end of him, and more importantly, everyone else.

Another sight soon appeared though; some kind of dark ninja, one who made the wolves that had tormented the party look like puppies by killing them instantly. The enemy revealed his purpose soon enough by charging after Lillianna. She was going to die, and then everyone else would die. And it was all his fault! Adam cursed himself; they wouldn't be in this situation if he had been a better navigator, or if he had been smart enough to tell Vadim to provide more help than a map and incredibly basic directions. The red-eyed man wanted to yell at everyone to flee, to hold off this foe by himself somehow. He'd probably die, but at least it would make up for putting everyone else in danger so foolishly.

But MacKensie was too fast for him! She yelled about the cube instead and moved to intercept the enemy. He was dismayed to see her get punched and tossed aside like garbage. Adam resolved to do what he could to help, but Joji and Fenna had charged at this ninja next. He certainly wasn't a hand to hand fighter like they were, so it was best to think of a good strategy before following their lead. Channeling his inner James? That would have been funnier if the situation wasn't so serious. The efforts of the swordsman and bird master were valiant, but they didn't seem to halt the foe's advance much. Even mighty Arthur's anchor swing didn't phase him, as this thing was apparently some kind of water creature. Water ninja? Eric would probably have referenced that "Naruto" show now. That wasn't important though; what mattered was Lillianna was in danger! He would have to-

Once again, Adam's train of thought was interrupted, this time by a powerful display of lightning. Lillianna's resolve to do damage while being stabbed was impressive, far more so than anything he could do. Even so, the Druid did agree with James' idea; it was time to restrain this thing. But how? Slamming a tree on the ninja that killed a creature resistant to that strategy would not work, and vines wouldn't be effective either. The "water ninja" part though, maybe that could be used against it!

After he was sure that Lillianna was away from the enemy and under Zell's protection, Adam took a split-second to identify patches of soil close enough to the enemy that would work for his "plan," and then used his magic to create trees that could absorb large quantities of water around the opponent. If that worked, the Druid would manipulate as many of their roots as possible to attempt to surround the enemy. He would try to restrain him as James said using the roots to bind this foe, but if he tried turning into his water form, the red-eyed man would instead attempt to use the roots to absorb the watery form of this ninja like a plant would normally obtain the liquid it needed to sustain itself. Adam had no idea if this would work or if he even had the capability to do that much all at once, but he had to try. There was no time for doubt or overly analytical thinking while everyone else risked their lives in battle. He would do his best to help his team or die trying.
Oh shit sorry dude! I just though to post a little something before to have James do something

A little something, very modest Teyao :P

Gosh it's going to be hard to write something as good as everyone else has, but I'll do my best!
Figured while I'm testing out these various battle modes, I may aswell steal and test out some of your writing styles too. @Crusader Lord
& @Saiyan in the case of the last post lol

Punching someone in the stomach isn't something I've seen in either of their posts, xenon :P
After being close to becoming wolf food a few times, Adam was quite grateful for MacKensie's help. Before trying to help Fenna, he had smiled at her, thanking her for her assistance and for the compliment as well. However, he was a little annoyed that the Alpha Female had escaped the vines so easily. Fenna being able to escape in the moment the beast was trapped had made it worthwhile, but the man had hoped for a more permanent ensnarement of the wolf. It was clear that a more durable solution to this problem would be needed and he knew it would take time for him to create one.

With his magic, the Druid started to grow a large, durable tree where the vines had been as the others fought the Alpha Female. Joji and Zell's martial prowess impressed the man, as did Lillianna and James' spells. Adam was glad they all seemed to work together so well. Fenna impressed him the most though; in a moment where she could have ran, the woman chose to fight the wolf again. Brave stuff. Of course, MacKensie's rapid-fire arrow barrage was also great, and everyone's attacks had given the man time to finish creating his plant. First, the Druid would attempt to pull the tree up from the ground. If that succeeded, he would hold it in the air in the right area for what he wanted to do next. Assuming nothing stopped him, he would wait until he was absolutely sure none of his teammates would get hit, then try to thrust the tree at the Alpha Female in such a way that the longest part would be parallel to the beast. That way, the force of the plant's movement and the weight of it would push the wolf into the gorge, removing one of the group's enemies from their fight. Adam had no idea if this creature could "jump on light" like the male one could, but it seemed reasonable that she couldn't do that since the two wolves looked different from one another. He may not have been able to strike this beast with a sword or lightning bolt, but the man was determined to do what he could to help.
I'm excited to see what everyone thinks of to fight the wolves and how they react to the situation! If anyone wants to collaborate with me on a response, feel free to send me a PM.
Adam was tense as he continued his work on demolishing the bridge he had just built; wolves were crossing it and they did not look friendly at all! Still, he focused on the task at hand, wanting to protect his team the best he could. Ultimately, the man was relieved to see two wolves go down into the gorge, but alarmed at the two bigger ones that had decided to surround him. Surround him in a place that had nothing in the way of plant life for an easy defense. This would not be easy and the Druid had no idea what to do.

He was quite grateful to see the group spring into action and help him! Fenna bravely attacking the Alpha Female, James casting his buff, and even Zell's concern about him getting back to the formation were all appreciated. Adam was happiest to see MacKensie charge in though, shooting the Alpha Male and grabbing his hand. For a split second, the man's thoughts drifted away from the battle. Does this mean she likes me-no get your head back to reality Adam, she's just helping a friend, you need to help her and the others too! He did what he told himself, holding her hand as the pair ran back to the safety of the team. And indeed, the Druid did want to help his team the same way they had helped him. Calm down and think, Adam…what should you do? He felt a sort of energy as he did this, but the red-eyed man didn't know what it was or have time to give it much consideration; they were all in danger, after all.

Instead, he decided to help Fenna, since she was still in combat with the Alpha Female and therefore in the most danger. Adam focused his energy on a patch of dirt, similar to the one he used to grow the trees on the other side of the pit, and tried as stealthily as possible to grow three strong vines out of the ground. Then he would attempt to sneak them around as needed and surprise the wolf by wrapping them its two hind legs and rattlesnake-like tail, and if that worked, focusing his energy on restricting the creature's movement as much as possible so Fenna could fight at an advantage. The Druid just hoped that it would help.
Gray paid attention as his friends all spoke in response to his plan. First was Faye, who was enthusiastic as always. He could always count on her to cheer things up on a bad day, and couldn't help chuckling a bit when she asked about money. The Machop wasn't laughing at her, he knew her background; he was just amused, and nodded as Star explained the concept of paper that humans placed value in. Sometimes the people's paper money had pictures of other humans on it too, as if they needed more ways to stroke their egos.

Of course, the Eevee saw this as a way to help others. She was very kind that way. And Vixen supported the plan also, making a good point about the robot. She was a guarded sort, but Gray knew he could count on her to help the team. Craven was the most nervous about things, but that was typical for him. The Machop knew the Gastly was quite capable, even if the latter didn't believe it himself.

"Of course!" Gray declared to his ethereal friend. "We couldn't succeed without you!" At this, he gave Craven a confident thumbs up. "Any of you, really. Anyway, Vixen does make a good point, but I have prepared for that." Saying this, he pulled out a bag of clothes from behind a box, starting to dress the robot as he talked more. "We give the thing a quiet personality; that'll help it blend into the crowd." The process of giving the machine clothing was an awkward process at times, since the machine was taller than him, but Gray was making progress. The ensemble the Machop chose for the robot included a thick tan sweatshirt with the hood up, a black pair of sunglasses with a matching scarf wrapped around the machine's face, and a pair of blue jeans. "Also, I spent the night reading this thing's instructions. I'll be able to control it myself!"

"It's pretty advanced stuff, honestly." That line came from the mouth of the robot with a voice almost exactly the same as the Machop's, even while the Pokemon didn't appear to be doing anything. Someone would have to pay extremely close attention to notice it sounded artificial at all. After that cool demonstration, it was time for the part Gray dreaded. With a sigh, the Machop resumed speaking. "Unfortunately, I will have to have the robot 'catch' you all. I'm not going to hold you captive like some human, but we can't fight gym battles and stuff unless you're caught. I'll just let you all out of the Pokeballs once it's done. I did this myself earlier, so I know it'll work. At least this way we can be healed at Pokemon Centers." Saying this, the Machop set down a Pokeball in front of each of his friends. "Just touch it and you'll be inside."
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