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Hi there! I had this idea for a RP and I thought I'd share it.


You are a slave in the prison mine system, working through most of the daylight to extract gold from the rock for people you hate. How did you get there? Maybe you are a criminal, sentenced there for life for whatever evil you did. Maybe you were born a slave, eventually sold to the government to be used for mining. Or it could have been something else entirely; whatever the reason, you live a life full of dreary, oppressing work.

Your thoughts are often filled with the desire to be free, but how would you do so? The facility is filled with guards, you have no weapons, and if you do know any magic your abilities have been negated by the cuff you wear around your ankle. Not to mention the inhospitable terrain of the area and the expense of leaving the continent. But despite the odds, those thoughts won't leave your head! And somehow, you've met others there that share your dream. Now you all are planning to escape or die trying.

Will you succeed in your escape?


So that's just a little introduction to the idea I have. The basic concept is you're a slave in a medieval fantasy setting who wants to escape the prison mine they're in. Not only will you have to get out of the facility, but the continent as well. Maybe your character has some kind of magic that can help (once they can use it), maybe they're a warrior, or they may have something else to contribute to the team. Ideally we'd write a story together that involves these characters growing as they make their way towards freedom, so OP characters with no weaknesses or flaws are boring to write about and read. I'd like at least four or five writers besides me for this, but I don't have an upper limit in mind. If this interests you, let me know!
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

I knew it was you lol I'll do it

My deductive skills are limited to spotting your jokes only. Anything more is beyond me

Yeah, I wasn't trying to be subtle, only funny :P

Poor Lily, crying out for a cuddle and Adam drops the ball.

I read the part below and thought that she might not want a sudden hug, especially from someone she barely knew, that and how she wanted space when everyone was around her when she first arrived in Mytheria. I was actually considering having Adam hug Lillianna unprompted, but I thought it might be weird and a little creepy, and worried I was overdoing it in the post that I actually ended up going with.

In reality, she felt like she was barely holding it back by a thread at best. Like she was afraid any more, or a hug, or something and she'd burst open with all of the tears and the sobbing and all of it.

Of course I could be wrong! @Crusader Lord is the ultimate authority on their character so I defer to their eventual post on how she reacts to everything.
Adam continued to keep his eyes on the door, as if doing so would make Lillianna go through them faster, safe and sound. One thing released him from his gaze though; the loud declaration of a mage casting.


The man practically jumped out of his seat in a panic, looking around in alarm to see just what the heck was going on. But seeing the staff remain calm had something kind of close to that effect on him also; they had healed Zell without any shenanigans, so he could trust them to do the same for Lillianna. For now. The remaining doubts in his head would go away as well upon seeing the woman arrive along with a shorter one who explained what was happening with an accent. And what a relief it was to see the white-haired girl safe and sound. The contrast between the lady who he had carried in his arms not that long ago and the one in front of him now was apparent and obvious. Now the Druid was visibly calm with an actual smile on his face as he listened. Upon the nurse's departure, the mage spoke a single sentence with a tear going down her cheek.

"...I'm happy to see you...so....so happy to see you all are still alive."

Well, she couldn't be blamed for that. The battle was a tough time for everyone, and if Zell's speech was any indication, there was a very slight chance that the red-eyed man had overreacted with his own little declaration to everyone after the fight. And he didn't even cast a lightning bolt on himself like she did. That seemed like a good place to start.

Rising again from where he was sitting at a normal speed to talk to Lillianna at eye level, Adam spoke sincerely to her. "You were so brave back there, taking the ninja on like that. And I'm so happy to see you're okay. Do you want some water again? …Or maybe a hug? Whatever you want." Since he didn't know her very well, he offered the second thing somewhat more hesitantly for fear of it being taken the wrong way, but the slight embarrassment was nothing compared to his desire to want her to be completely okay. The Druid knew she had been through a lot and did not want to get that cube delivered until he was sure she was alright.
I have an outline for my post done, hopefully I can write it this morning.

Edit: I have posted! Crusader Lord, if you want to have an extended dialogue, I think a collab would make sense. If not, a regular post as usual is good. No pressure, I'm just providing my thoughts on this.

1. The Audacious Anomalies

2. Second Chance

Please vote between these two most popular results. Players can vote for their own suggestion, in this final round.

Second Chance had a...second chance :P (I wanted to make that joke earlier but I didn't want to influence the votes.)

Party Leader: James Sirius

Seeing as Zool came up with the party name, MacKensie can suggest it IC. As for how James ends up signing the dotted line, I'll let you guys play it how you wish.

As someone who voted for James, this result doesn't surprise me at all. He's done a good job of leading the team in battle and I think this is a good evolution of that role, narratively speaking.

Joke vote No.3 lol I have a good feeling about who entered that one. Had it been more wordy or clever there'd be more suspects but the simplicity gives it away lmao I'm always down for Zell to make an ass of himself. I'm in!

I may not be clever, but I can be wordy lol. I'd have hoped you'd figured that out after reading a few of my posts :P
I'll watch this thread; I'm not sure if I'll be able to think of an idea, but the concept is intriguing.
"Don't say shit like that Adam, you think that asshole wouldn't have found us no matter what? It was only thanks to the bigger creature driving him off that we survived. Don't take it wrong just, accept that shit would have hit the fan regardless, it is not your fault and neither is ours, it's theirs"

James' words had been stuck in Adam's head, repeating on what felt like an endless loop throughout the hike to Valheim and even now as he waited for Lillianna to join the four of them in the waiting room. Waited patiently, he told himself, even as his eyes were glued to the door that the medical staff had taken her through. Was the Cleric right? No, the Druid didn't hunt down the members of his group, but he had led them into a death maze. The maze with the bigger creature that fought the ninja…that would have fought them in a city if the red-eyed man was smart enough to insist on following the roads instead of going into the woods…

On and on the man's thoughts went, debating with himself if he was guilty in this matter. Truthfully, Adam had only registered part of the conversation James and Fenna had, nodding when the bird master said they should wait for everyone to be together. The red-eyed man would have probably done that anyway, but it was good that everyone was on the same page.

It was only when Zell started giving his speech that Adam shook himself out of his self-imposed door vigil and fully paid attention to what he was saying. It was true, they had been unprepared. But the part about being a great navigator? That was something he was extremely skeptical of; however, nobody had shown any resentment towards him at all, and here the swordsman was being nice. Honestly, Zell's macho charisma thing was annoying much of the time, but right now it was just what the team's youngest member needed. He chuckled a bit, gave the teleporter a thumbs up, and added "well, we all do what we can."

Adam still doubted his future on the team, but if they still wanted him around, he would do the best he could to contribute. The Druid respectfully listened to anything that might have been directed his way after that, then resumed his watch, sincerely hoping no more members of their group would die today.
The "wander around Valheim" part of the RP should be interesting! I have a vague idea of Adam shopping for magical stuff or researching plants native to Mytheria, but if anyone has any ideas for a collab, let me know!
I kinda wanted to suggest the team name "Anchormen" as a tribute to Arthur and as wordplay on the anchorman job title, but MacKensie and Fenna are on the team, so it didn't feel inclusive.
My vote is for “Reports of a Missing Person led me here”

I vote for this as well, it sounds like an interesting way to add someone to the team.
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