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Would it be helpful if I wrote a small post about the guard currently on patrol? That could be a useful set up for your plans to counter him. Of course, if any of you have something in mind, I don't want to get in the way. Just let me know what you think!

By the way, I will be busy tomorrow and Sunday so I might be less active than usual.
@Zool maybe your character could ask Adam to join her in bringing the cube to the Academy since she knows he wants to do that?
Given what had just happened to the team, Adam was surprised Zell wanted the gold contract. "Party idiot" indeed, perhaps. He also wasn't thrilled Lucy had no ideas on where the cube could go, but he still appreciated the letter. Second Chance could at least send the cube to the Academy now. And speaking of the party idiot, they should probably examine his new sword as well. Who knows what it could do; it could enable the ninja to spy on them, or more optimistically it could have some special ability they didn't know about. Probably the former, but you never know with stuff like this, especially in this new world.

"Thank you Lucy, we'll be sure to follow that advice," the Druid sincerely responded. As he spoke, he noticed MacKensie smiling at him; the man had no idea what he could have said that prompted this, but he felt warm and happier seeing the way she directed her attention his way at that moment. That did not last though; the Ranger also wanting the gold contract left him feeling less warm. Yes, he admired her bravery, but this felt more reckless than that. No, he didn't want everyone to die. However, what right did he have to speak up? He was lost in his head, thinking those kind of thoughts, when a tug on his sleeve pulled him back to their current situation.

"Adam! You've just as much right as anyone else here to help decide. Besides, if anyone decides to do anything rash we-"
Lillianna Steiner

For a split second, Adam was surprised Lillianna was talking to him directly like this, but he snapped out of it remembering that he still owed her for what happened in the Hillocks. "It's fine," the man replied with forced cheer. Continuing to speak, this time more seriously and genuinely, he added "we should talk later though. It's important." The Druid vowed to himself that he would be true to his word and would do whatever it took to make things right. This feeling was reinforced by the woman's perspective on the contracts. It was nice knowing someone else wanted to be cautious as well, though he had to wonder just how connected she was to the spirit she spoke to earlier.

Fenna's desire for a gold contract was less nice. At least she didn't want to take on diamond and platinum contracts while splitting the team though! Whether or not he was on the team, Adam felt that was simply suicidal, though he didn't think anyone else would want to do that. Even Zell. James spoke next, and thankfully it wasn't to say he agreed with that idea.

"Hey Adam, could you grab the letter? You defeated the big skeleton so it makes sense you talk with the lady, plus, I know it will be safe with you"
James Sirius

The team leader's request surprised the Druid though. He did not agree with the idea of someone like him guarding such an important document, but it was a sincere request and he owed him for the spells at Hommas and the Hillocks, so the red-eyed man nodded in the Cleric's direction and placed the letter in his jacket for safe keeping. More surprising, given he saw James heal Lillianna's extensive damage, was that he decided to proceed with the gold contract. Did he not realize that they could be in a similar situation again? And they wouldn't be delivering the cube tonight? That just felt wrong. People's lives could be on the line! It wasn't worth sacrificing that for a little sleep. Still, what right did he have to talk about people's lives? His actions caused Arthur and Clive to die, after all. It would be hypocritical. And so with visible sadness and a little anger, the red-eyed man didn't say a word.

Instead, he simply listened to Lucy explain their contract. It was a little surprising to hear her talk of things like death with the tone she used; then again, things like this were probably common in Mytheria. There was an evil Witch Queen, after all. Even so, Adam told himself he wouldn't become desensitized to death. He then thanked Lucy for all of the information she provided and grabbed the maps, examining them so he would be sure he didn't miss any useful information. Whatever happened next, the Druid would do his best to be prepared for it.
@Calle @Zool I was kinda surprised that they were going to wait until tomorrow and I know Adam wants to get rid of the cube. I am writing a post, but when it's done if there is anything you want me to change to reflect what you all decide, let me know and I can do that.
Lillianna: let's play it safe and take two silver contracts

Zell and Joji: let's take all the contracts!
To clarify: there has been a timeskip of a few hours in my post. My idea was along the lines of "if everyone explains the plan, then it happens exactly as written, that is boring." Don't worry though, there will be challenges in this RP! Feel free to control the guard on patrol and the one outside the Guard House.
The Northern Redemption District was laid out in a relatively narrow row on a declining slope, designed for efficient use of the space within the walls. At the very north end of the camp at the bottom of the incline was the shaft, leading into the mine below, the whole reason this place existed. The gold extracted here was valuable to the Kingdom and everyone there knew it. The prisoner's barracks were placed near the mine entrance so they could be rushed to work as efficiently as possible. The only building closer to the slave's workplace was the cafeteria so the miners would have no reason to go beyond the barracks. Beyond that, just gray rock along with the occasional crucifix for anyone foolish enough to break major District rules.

The Guard House was placed just south of the barracks, close enough to be able to respond to any emergencies. The guards worked on shifts, so having a place where they could take their breaks was important. What else would they do, talk to the slaves? Yeah, right. The main floor of the building was one big room with many tables and chairs, designed to be a relaxing place. The ever-present gray stone was there, but more minimal compared to the prisoner's quarters.

A single staircase, located in the back of the building, would take anyone interested upstairs. This was mainly space for paperwork and the guard's personal items (but never weapons; anyone who placed them here lost their job), along with tables laid out in rows for new hire orientation. However, for potential escapers, the most important thing there was the document located in the top drawer of the desk at the front of the tables; the master map. The storage space was unlocked because why would a slave be up there? Who would purposely go into a house full of guards? It was for those reasons that the guards felt they could have their party tonight. And why they could operate with only one of them patrolling the barracks that night and one of them guarding the entrance to the building, probably the annoying ones that nobody wanted around. 

South of the party's location were buildings not meant for people; food storage, equipment maintenance, that sort of thing. The most imposing building though was at the southernmost point of the District; the Warden's headquarters. This was a five story building of gray rock that no prisoner wanted to be near. It was also a largely unknown layout, except for the fact that the man in charge slept there out of dedication to his job.

Titus had done a good job of gathering much of this intelligence, and with proper planning, it wouldn't be for nothing. Him and the others had spent the rest of the evening thinking and discussing how they would take advantage of this chance at freedom. It would take bravery and intelligence to see any plan of theirs through. Now it was time to see if they would succeed.
I'm almost finished with my next post! I encourage everyone to plan out how they want to proceed with getting access to the master map through Discord chat, OOC chat and/or PM (since Saiyan isn't on Discord). If you have ideas that you want to discuss with me, feel free! Titus has a vial of sleep alchemy, so if your character has a skill that could be utilized in a small way as well, please talk to me about that. Creativity is fun, as long as it isn't power gaming. I look forward to seeing what you think of!
@Saiyan lol I like different perspectives here, some of us being more methodical while others just charge forward. This has been a close vote, the result should be fun, along with reading all of your posts as usual!
@Zool that makes sense. I'm thinking the team could go through the contracts, find two silver contracts that are quick, and get to the message that way. I'm good either way though, I trust that we'll all continue to have fun writing together :) This is been a great story!
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