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You are special, James, and I would not like that your survival through these tricky times was left to chance.

I don't think Second Chance is quite that bad at surviving :P
@Zool I already knew where @Saiyan was, I guess you're just behind right now :P
Adam listened to Lillianna as she explained her theory about the cube. Some of it was stuff he already knew, but he was impressed with how articulate she was compared to when she first arrived in Mytheria. Less impressive to him was the fact that Clarissa seemed to enjoy asking irrelevant questions. Yeah, she was fiddling with the cube, but eye color had nothing to do with that. Therefore, he just shook his head. The less he talked, the less likely it would create a new thing for her to ask about.

At least she was grateful enough to thank them and spend time looking over the cube once they left. Adam felt she deserved a nod of thanks, even adding a small smile to it as he left the room. The man was willing to go to the hotel at this point, but his ranger friend (who knew for how long though) seemed inclined to stay behind.

"I forgot to ask..." she stopped a dozen steps outside the office, then half-turned back, before hesitating.  Then she simply said to her friends, "There is no need to wait for me.  I will find you at the hotel."
MacKensie Trydant

Adam wanted to tell her to be safe, but Lillianna seemed to want to stay behind with her instead. He looked at her with some confusion, as she seemed to want to listen in or something. He wasn't sure what he should do, so the Druid thought it best to head back to the hotel so he wouldn't be in everyone's way. If the library wasn't closed, that would have been his preferred destination. However, it wasn't like he could change their hours magically, so instead the man walked to The Mended Drum in silence with Fenna if she chose to join him. 

Surprised to see a room already booked for him, Adam decided the best course of action was to go there and fall asleep. Maybe tomorrow would be a better day. Or maybe it would be the day he was kicked off the team. Whichever it was, there was no use in facing it while tired.
Welcome to the roleplay! Your character is certainly different from all of the others, which should create an interesting dynamic.
Adam was grateful that MacKensie decided to take the initiative to make sure the cube was delivered today; now the lives of innocent people could potentially be safer. She was always so brave, willing to do the right thing. When she charged at the ninja, he hid behind trees. Not that the man felt he had any right to decide the group's course, but this was one he definitely agreed with. Miss Trydant was one amazing woman and the Druid wanted to be more like her.

Adam followed Fenna, MacKensie, and Lillianna up the mountain to the Academy. He wasn't much in the mood for conversation, but rather for information; the man's eyes scanned the surroundings for the location of a library where he could hopefully find books on Mytheria's plants. At first the search seemed like it would go nowhere. Sure, the buildings were nice, but they probably didn't have the books that would help Second Chance - or whoever he was with next - survive and thrive. Finally, the right place revealed itself! It was-

“Excuse me,” she said to a man wearing robes – he seemed like the kind of person to work here. “We are looking for someone called Clarissa Shields, we were sent by Lucinda Bottrill from the Adventures Guild. We have a letter.” She gestured to Adam, who had taken the letter as per James’s suggestion, or instruction. “Could you please tell us where we can find her?”
Fenna Postma

Oh, they were almost there! The new library could wait. Information that could save lives could not. The man pulled out the letter and carried it in silence until the team reached Clarissa, giving her the document when it was necessary. He then continued not talking as the group went to her office. When she examined the cube and asked for ideas about it, Adam was happy to let someone else answer that. Fenna's question to Lillianna was welcome; his guess was that she would be the best person to provide this information since she had found the most out about it in the first place, but he wouldn't force her to speak if she didn't want to.

The man felt less happy about her saying his red eyes weren't normal. Comments about his eyes were common back on Earth, so that in of itself wasn't a surprise or an issue (though they were usually not rude back there). The problem was that it was indicative of him as a whole; a not normal person, one who had put his teammates through an awful situation. The whole thing left him feeling more dejected than he already was. Nonetheless, he did answer, if only to focus Clarissa on what mattered.

"Yes, I've had my eyes my whole life. The cube is more important though, so any help you can provide with that would be appreciated."
”Just because you failed at something doesn’t give you the right o be tossing and making a mess. Ya hear?”

It seemed there was trouble in the barracks; the guard arrived at the cell of…whoever these prisoners were to find not only two of them about to fight, but the subhuman was trying to escape! At least the elf girl had the sense to sleep though. The man slammed open the door and kicked the goblin towards the nearest wall. "Hands in the air, now!" the District employee yelled at Erith, Kristo and Rizx. "I don't know what is happening here but you penitents need to learn how to behave!" With his sword, held in his right hand, pointed at each of the three in quick succession, his left hand was reaching for his belt where he had cuffs for situations like these. 

By the Divine Blood is this turning into a debacle, the guard thought. He slashed Erith's stomach for good measure in order to ensure nothing else would happen tonight. It wouldn't be more than a large cut, and certainly not fatal, but the Artificer would need to be bandaged. This night can be salvaged, yeah. I turn in these things for their crimes, then I get to party while someone else is stuck out here! Perfect.
This was just the worst, thought the prison guard. While everyone else is having fun and getting drunk, I'm stuck guarding the slaves! Mess with them and nobody cares, but replace the ketchup in the employee kitchen with hot sauce one or twelve times and you're the bad guy. Life just isn't fair. And there aren't even any prisoners to-

The guard's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a bolt in motion. "Always assume the worst from the penitents" was the official line during training, though the guy thought it was probably just faulty equipment. Still, if someone did escape while he was the only one there, it would be bad news, so the guard slowly drew his sword and advanced towards the source of the noise. Shoot, maybe it would even wake up a slave and he'd get to have some fun tonight after all.
I can write a post as the guard; I probably would have done so sooner, but it's been a busy weekend. I'll make it as soon as I can!

Edit: I have posted, let me know if that isn't enough. Feel free to control the guard, I don't care what happens to him lol
<Snipped quote by Zool>

Shh, this is my new secret identity, just pretend everything is normal.

I'm fine with your post btw ^_^ Not quite ready to post right now, but I'll write something as soon as I can.

Well you have a Cyndaquil avatar again, so I am happy. Removing the rainbow flame one was disappointing :P
@Zool it is not a problem, you basically did what I had intended anyway in a different way. It can serve a purpose also, MacKensie's determination to deliver the cube deepening Adam's feelings for her or something.
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