Avatar of Zeroth


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18 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

Kyozan | Mika

Assignment Understood

@Rune_AlchemistKaeru responded playfully to Mika with a cheeky grin as he introduced himself and his partner. Kyozan noticed the nekomata's intense stare, which her master tried to wave away with her earlier antics. Maybe that was the case--and maybe not. The Rasetsu chuckled suggestively as the cat protested.

"Maybe she's just looking for someone to scratch under her chin, eh?" A prompt *slap* from Mika's side echoed in the vehicle's limited space.

Luckily, their transport lurched to a stop in the parking lot. Suzume moved and talked like a real professional, immediately earning the Aomori heir's attention. Kyozan watched Lily as she activated her charming magic, displaying a great deal of fine-tuned control to draw the fleeing civilian's attention. Interesting, that an ability meant to make slaves and willing partners of Humans could be used this way...Was this how the Youkai of this era managed to "fit in" to Human society?

"Nakanishi, Nyoko... honestly, try not to invite yourself next time, but you know what to do; keep the grudges away from civilians." Nyoko leaped out of the van and stretched her legs, which Kyozan observed eagerly with his thumb and forefinger on his chin. Before he could appreciate the invention of "dolphin shorts," however, Mika curled up in her seat before slamming both feet into the small of the demon-man's back. He grunted as he allowed himself to be propelled out of the vehicle, and as his own feet stomped the ground like a wrestler taking position he heaved a deep breath. Blue fire once again outlined his form as his muscles swelled and joints cracked, restoring him to his full height.

"New hires... well, I don't know what you can do," their driver admitted with a shrug. "Priority is to keep people safe first, then exterminate the Grudges. Don't get tunnel-visioned into killing them before we know if we missed someone." Kaeru, too, warned them not to "cut loose" too much...before saying something about raising the dead?

"Aruji, these modern standards confuse me."

"For once I'm as lost as you are." Mika tossed her hair with a sigh as a light tension built up around her temples. "I'm hoping the Nekomata's ability doesn't require fresh corpses." She opened her schoolbag and withdrew a binder, before speaking to Suzume.

@Raineh Daze"I can create a barrier around us, so that we have a safe fallback--and a place to render first aid!" The last part she called out more loudly, so that Lily could hear her and guide any injured civilians to them if need be. Four ofuda tags, bearing graceful calligraphy, were drawn from the binder and clutched between her fingers like playing cards. As Mika closed her eyes for a moment as if in prayer, her Ether--or "Ki" as Kyozan had known it in the old days, before this strange "science,"--began to ripple across her body. An unseen breeze lifted the girl's hair, and when she opened her eyes again the power within them flashed.

"My orders, Aruji?" Kyozan stepped up alongside her, slamming his giant fist into an equally big palm.

"Make sure no Grudge escapes the park." spoke his contractor, before she tossed the tags into the air. As they circled her once, then darted off in four directions, so too did Kyozan charge towards the gentle green hills now dotted with amorphous monstrosities. A wild, maniacal grin split his features. Behind him, Mika performed a swift series of hand seals.

"When the world was born
Desolate and chaotic
Heaven and Earth split."

The four tags attached themselves to the asphalt on the lot, forming a perfect square with the team's car at its center and a sizeable space on each side--a large enough footprint for a small scale medical tent. Each one burst into a flame, with four different colors: Black, sea-green, purple, sky-blue. A dazzling scarlet flame took shape in front of Mika as well, as the centerpoint of the shape.

The first shapeless mass of hatred turned its attention away from the terrified Humans, towards a large source of spiritual energy that began to collect nearby. White, empty eyes, unstable in their shapes like the mass within a lava lamp, peered out of a wide circle made from a mire of black mud. But another large mass of power was heading directly towards it--the other Grudges, too, began to twist their hideous forms as their noxious forms salivated. When they felt killing intent, their limbs curled into blades and bludgeons.

"Kyozan No Rasetsu shall join the fray! Let me taste your blood!" roared the demon as he spread his arms.

"Mountain, Sea, Wind, Rain, And Flame!
Amahara Seiritsu!"

With the completion of the renga, Mika spread her arms and a ripple of power pulsed outward from her. A shimmering barrier, colored like paper thin amethyst, shot up from the four tags and converged as a sharp-edged, solid cube over them all. As each pieces locked into place, the barrier became thicker, stronger. The eerie feeling even non-spiritually sensitive humans got from the Grudges--like a prey animal aware of the predator in the brush--was cut off immediately as if by a knife, and even sound outside the force field seemed muted. Through the translucent screens they could still see everything, as if through a TV with an improper color balance.

"Our side...can pass freely!" Mika put her hands on her knees as she panted. "But nothing else, haah, aaah, should get through!" With four tags to draw ambient Ether from the environment, a full recital, and the power she could draw from Kyozan, this barrier should prove self sustaining against any attack...unless she had greatly underestimated their opponent. But no--she clenched her fists in her skirt, and forced herself to stand up straight. This barrier was just...a precaution.

Her Guardian would not allow any of the beasts near them.

The first Grudge leaped at him much the way any human would, but rather than swinging a fist or sword it thrust forward an arm that had become a thick, deadly lance covered in barbs. Kyozan leaned to one side and the cruel weapon passed under his arm, inches from his ribs. From his great height, the overhand haymaker came down like a meteor. The creature tumbled across the ground like a ragdoll, but its brothers were undeterred. Their shapes took on new forms even as they attacked him with abandon.

A head burst open like rotten fruit to release numerous tentacles, each tipped with a pendulum-shaped blade. Kyozan's hand shot out and grabbed the tendrils like catching a nest of snakes. As the next leaped into the air, its arms and torso shrinking to produce long legs with ankles shaped like halberds, the blue ogre yanked his prisoner in front of himself. The axe kick split his body shield in half--and lined them both up perfectly.

"DOSUKOI!" The demon man's palm shot out with the force of a battering ram, and the impact rippled through both Grudges before blowing a hole through their backs. Both began to dissolve into mist, and Kyozan flexed his claws as he turned to a small group of the creatures. "Weaklings! You call yourselves demons!?" As if he were ripping the very air itself apart he swept his talons at them. "Tanban-Kugi!"

Like a whip his spiritual energy followed the lashing arm, and multiple cerulean blades materialized. They whistled through the air before tearing more of the Grudges to shreds. Before the bodies hit the ground Kyozan had leaped in among them again, crushing a foe underfoot before grabbing another and using it like a club against its brethren. After smashing it against the earth for good measure, the monstrous Guardian opened his fangs wide and took an enormous bite out of the creature's shoulder, actually severing its arm as he tore away his vile mouthful. Moments later he grimaced as black ooze ran down his chin.

"You don't even taste good! Where's the fun in this!?" In his wrath, he launched the corpse over his shoulder. It collided with Mika's barrier like a fly hitting a windshield--or a bug zapper, considering the energy that repelled what remained with a sound like crackling flame.

My Empire of Dirt

Walker's Farm

A blade bit the earth with a hungry crunch, chewing the dirt in a mindless rhythm. The hoe swept the little pile of pebbles and sand to one side, shaking it out over evenly spaced mounds. Crunch. Atop the mounds, tall stalks of corn shivered in the chill morning breeze. The sun would soon warm them, but only a few sparse golden ears would receive the life giving light this late into the season, maturing just in time for one last harvest. Still, the fields had been kept free of weeds and Mole-Rats all this time, no matter the yield. Crunch.

Walker paused when he reached the end of the row, leaning one elbow on the hoe as he turned to look over his handiwork. A half-acre of corn, the mutant hybrid fruit known as tatos, the modified Razorgrain wheat, and carrots stretched between him and a quaint little farmhouse. This was his home, now, and one could see by the orderliness of the rows, the trimmed bushes and a single pruned Mutfruit tree that he spent a great deal of time taking care of the place. He had never understood why, more than a century after the bombs dropped, so many houses still looked like collapsing, half-rotted trash heaps. Over the last five years, he'd taken an axe to the plentiful forests around Whitlash--a single solid oak could get you well over a hundred board-foot of lumber--and by hand split, sawed, and sanded enough planks, posts, and trim to replace parts of the porch, the stairs, the floor, and a big hole in one of the walls. With slaked limestone and a few bits and bobs, he'd whitewashed the whole thing too--after a good, thorough scrubbing, and sweeping out all the dead leaves and piles of refuse. Sure, maybe the average folk--except maybe Vault Dwellers--didn't have education or proper tools much anymore...but why not just learn things the old fashioned way, through trial and error?

Too busy surviving, probably. On that thought, Walker spat and picked up his hoe again. But before the crunch, he heard a new sound...the rumble of a truck, coming back from the river. The leather-skinned man watched them from beneath the patched rim of his old hat. Ol' Nicholas don't usually come back that quick... Then again, they didn't need as much fish as the "mayor" usually hauled back anymore--with the last harvest on the horizon, the farmers didn't need as much Indian-style fertilizer. Walker thought it wasteful, but who was he to deny someone their hobbies? He knew perfectly well the need to take one's mind off things--and with that thought, he spat again.

Not long after he started down the next row, crunching away, he heard the truck stop near the town hall. He also heard that dang-blasted generator start up. Walker was as carnivorous as the next red-blooded American, but he didn't know why David insisted on using that fuel-drinkin', noise-makin', foul-smellin' contraption instead of salting or smoking his kills. Nonetheless, he continued to plough. Best not to concern himself with what other folk did or didn't do. Best to just take care of his own, as best he could. His own little farm, his own little house, his own rickety, no-good, little-older-every-day self...

His empire of dirt. Best to just take care of it...because no matter how much he'd like to trade it, no price could soothe the hurt...

Town Hall

A few hours later, Walker entered the town hall among the rest of the townsfolk. David, still covered in blood, sat up front with a sour look on his face. Had the hunt not gone well after all? The boy could've at least dunked himself or wiped off before he came over. Another young fella, Conor, stood near a row of seats with a book in hand--no, not a book, the Book. Good, at least he had the right one this time. But that meant the rest of those Mormons couldn't be far behind him. Walker's lip curled, but he took off his hat as he crossed the threshold and took the sweaty handkerchief off his neck, hastily shoving it into a back pocket. Unlike the missionary who wanted for others to be seated, and the hunter who wanted to be right at the front of the action, Walker moved to a corner at the back of the hall and stood against it with his arms crossed. From here he had a good view out of the windows on one side of the building as well as the whole of the interior--and anyone who walked through the doors, while they might not see Walker himself unless they turned their heads. Most would probably be offput by his silence and expression. Some of the more experienced folk, who had seen a gunfight or two in their lives, might also realize the significance of such a position.

If I had the caps to bet, it's Raiders... The old man tapped his foot. He needed to start taking his late-night walks again--even after all these years, he couldn't let himself get complacent.
<Snipped quote by Zeroth>
Yeah thats fine. Small question, would the offer to have a coffee be earnest or "trolling" the lad if discernible? (If you weren't aware, Mormons aren't allowed to drink caffeine).

Earnest and ignorant, if he were told such Walker's response would be to raise an eyebrow, then add "...Whiskey?"

@Bugman Most people seem to agree the "Spare" ending is the best outcome for most involved--although I've read of quite a few who only make sure Joshua spares him, and finish the job themselves, so the philosophy behind it may not match the game's take on the meanings.

When I move Walker over I'm also going to add a bit regarding Connor to the Extra, so let me know if you're unsatisfied with that.

>I don't see an issue. Elijah will probably assume his fanning trick is some kind of semi-auto modification 😄.

Walker: *stares at Elijah* "...It's a revolver, son." *refuses to elaborate, spits*


Kyozan | Mika

Clown Car

@Raineh Daze"Boss told me to pick the team; I'll take the new hires with me. See how they work." Kyozan looked to Mika, and she nodded. "Come on, I have a car just outside." Kyozan groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Kyo-chan, you're going to have to shrink a bit." said Mika, as she poked at his side under the rock hard obliques. The big demon groaned again...but as the group moved outside the building, he slowly began to "compress." It seemed almost like a "layer" of his body was melting away, in the form of translucent, barely visible blue flames curling off his upper body and dissipating into the air. Now closer in build to someone just under six feet tall and seemingly fifty pounds lighter, he still had to duck his head as he forced his way into the back row of the vehicle after his mistress.

"If the Youkai of this era have been accepted by humanity, why are your "modern conveniences" not appropriately sized for us!?" he growled as he took the center seat, with Mika at the window. @Rune_AlchemistThankfully the person who slipped into the other window seat beside the Rakshasa was quite small...but Kyozan looked at Kaeru sharply for a moment as the boy put on his seatbelt.

"Most modern Youkai aren't as big as mountains anymore." Mika sighed, before she too noticed the Nekomata woman's contractor. "My, my! How cute!" She clapped her hands together, but then bowed her head sheepishly. "Ah, but you're also one of our senpai, yes? I'm Aomori Mika, and this is Kyo-chan! It's a pleasure to meet you."

Kyozan merely nodded by way of introduction this time, and turned his glare now to the vehicle's windshield. The world of concrete, asphalt, and steel outside was filled with the Ether of more humans than he could've imagined existing in one place at a time, and yet the atmosphere somehow felt more "empty," than it had a thousand years ago. How had they done all of this? These "cars," the even bigger contraptions called the "trains..." Even the "office building" they now apparently served was taller than some castle towers he had seen, and yet this "company" was considered small and insignificant? It boggled the mind.

@RolePlayerRoxas@VitaVitaARAt this point, the man-demon noted the conversation between the small, white-haired Youkai and her Attuned, as they fiddled with the restraining contraption of the vehicle. His own felt entirely too snug over his chest, which he scratched absent-mindedly.

"Regardless, you'll be getting a demonstration of what I am once again soon. You so clearly need one, after all."

"I, too, hope the enemy is strong enough to show my might!" grinned the blue haired giant as he leaned forward. "I have not had many opportunities to cut loose since I was unsealed, but these Grudges have not yet impressed me!"
@AndromedaiHere's my submission, let me know if anything needs to be tweaked. If you're concerned about any aspect of the "mysterious past" tropes just let me know and I'll send a PM.

@Cuddles 1438@udonoodles@Goblinguy@Zyx I hope there's no problem with the references I included in the "Extra" section. I figured that'd be a good way to sort of establish that they've all been in Whitlash for a while now? Let me know if you'd like me to change or remove anything.

3: This is actually still a W.I.P. since I am trying to see how I can most effectively implement the system into the RP. My idea for the moment is to just have players pick those three main skills. As the RP progresses, there will be times where characters can talk to an NPC, learn from books, or practice on their own to improve a skill of their choice a little bit. This way, no points will be needed. I am, however, open to suggestions on how better to make this work.

As someone who once ran a Fallout tabletop based on general D20 stuff and a somewhat incomplete guidebook, my suggestion would be that if you include SPECIAL at all, include it as "soft" stats just to give an impression of characters--"Hmm, this guy's character has a STR of 9 and mine has a STR of 6, it'd probably be IC of me to write about how intimidating his build seems when I meet him"--or for simple "challenges" like the following:

"The door is electronically locked, with a still functioning keypad, but the mechanisms are old and rusted. Does anyone in this party have a STR or an INT of 7+?"
"Damn, we left the only hacker in the group back at the bar, time to backtrack!"
"Backtrack? This is what I brought the dynamite for!"

SPECIAL didn't usually increase too often over the course of the games, picking Perks and Traits were much more useful, at least in my experience. So you could let players "earn" those over time or something, they'd be easier to envision narratively since they're usually descriptive anyway. My two cents.
@Andromedai Interested! I'd like to play a sharpshooting, quickdraw cowboy archetype, but would it be believable/acceptable for the character to be in their 50s, and to have traveled the wastelands all the way from the deep southern states? Wanted to go for a sort of Johnny Cash's Hurt and God's Gonna Cut You Down vibe.
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