"It's a good chance," Kimberly seemed to be running along the same train of thought as Nate, or at least somewhere close, "But we also have to keep in mind that there's an equal chance that this could be someone's hitlist." Which was what he'd said, pretty much - why else would all the faces be crossed off with something like that written next to it?
"These photos are so old, that Reese wasn't even a thought when they were taken," Her friend, Jordan said to him, "He probably wasn't even swimming in his daddy's nutsack." Kimberly didn't seem to find it quite as funny, but Nate couldn't help but let loose a snort at that one - but her next point was equally unsettling as her last had been amusing. What if Scott Reese wasn't the first to go on a murder spree? What if there were others like him? And why would John keep this list? Just as Nate was about to make his own little pitch... "What if John was the one doing the killing?"
But then, he gave it a little more thought. "If this guy went around murdering all these people, how'd he end up dead when someone like Reese just tanks everything or runs? Why leave all that stuff behind for- shit!" Nate was jerked from finishing his line by a sudden boom outside. Before long, a few of the others had already gone out to investigate - he quickly joined them in time to see Claire wrestling with some kind of... tentacle? Justin lay unconscious on the ground, whilst a redhead he didn't know frantically dove out of a trashed minivan, only for her arm to get twisted at an angle that anyone could've figured for a break.
"Shit, shit - what do we do?" he asked, a question directed towards nobody in particular.
It looked like that thing was about to come down on all of them, only to Britney to step back into the spotlight and spear the ghost-thing straight through with a giant stake. When it dissipated, he felt a brief pang of relief - that thing had come straight out of one of the countless games he'd played, like a cleaner looking version ofs William Birkin's final stage, except this wasn't a game. This was real, so was that fight and so was that girl's broken arm - they could die in this. He could die. It was a sobering thought, one that proved difficult to dislodge - and soon that possibility was altogether removed. A low buzz in the distance, which had originally escaped Nate's concentration whilst he was thinking on these things, had grown lowder.
Insects. Flies, bees, wasps - anything that could fly, even bite and sting - masses of them were approaching from the air. Oh fuck. Nate gulped, reflexively yanking up his hood as they closed in, other voices speaking up. Over the cacophony, he could just about make out Britney's voice calling out to them.
"... She Awakened! She's sending a swarm towards us unconsciously!"
He didn't stop to ask questions, "Close the doors!" Jordan was with him, rushing back towards the garage - Nate might not have been in the best of shape, but his movement wasn't at a limp and he just about managed to overtake her after the first couple of strides. "Shit, shit - close it, fucking close it!" Once they were back in, he practically slammed the doors shut with all the might in his arms, desperate to seal out the coming swarm.
“Use this to jam the door closed.” Rien sounded off, “Someone help me move this, we can use it to properly block the door. Hopefully that’ll keep out the bugs and dog, with tentacle creature dealt with.” That looked like a better bet - but as their little group would find out as Nate joined them in pushing it towards the entrance, it wouldn't budge. "It's stuck!" He wheeled back around to the front, "Shit, why isn't-"
Great. Through the window, he could see that the handbrake was on. Obviously. He'd have to bust it to get inside - he reared an arm back, bracing for it, then slammed an elbow against the glass. "This is probably gonna break my-"
It harmlessly passed through as though it were water and instead of a thunk or a crack, Nate felt the colour bleeding from his vision. "Oh, right. Even better!" He leaned further into the truck, half his body past the shoulder sinking through the metal until he looked as though he'd merged with the cab, just in far enough that he could reach the handbrakd. Please work, please work...
Fingers felt rubber and plastic - a thumb found the buttton and depressed it, allowing him to release the lever. The truck began to roll forward. "Fuck yes!" Nate echoed in the cab, oblivious to the fact that his voice was muffled to the others by the enclosed space.
Colour seeped back into the world as the rest of his body began to pull free. "C'mon, keep pushing!"