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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Absolute Bolt!"

Akira sliced the air in front of him using his katana, launching several lightning bolts and throwing back a significant few wizards. It was difficult, but he was holding his own in battle. It seemed a member of Serpents Dagger considered Akira a proper opponent, as he began charging through the crowd towards him wielding two daggers that glowed with an aura of magic. Their weapons clashed in the middle of the chaos, and fortunately the wizard had overestimated his skill with daggers, Akira made very short work of him, eventually disarming him and knocking him in the back of the head with the hilt of his katana, causing him to fall over unconscious. He smiled, proud of his progress so far, he wasn't officially a member of Azure Dragon, but he certainly felt like one.

As he stood there admiring his work, he was knocked slightly forward from behind, and quickly turned around with caution only to see it was Orin. It looked like the big guy had no idea who he was, and Akira remembered that he kind of didn't. He questioned whether he should deal with the wizards blasting Orin with magic, but he seemed like he didn't care, he probably didn't even notice. Impressive. "Odd. You don't have a tattoo?" Orin asked, slightly confused. Akira gave a small, nervous laugh and hoped he wasn't about to get his face bashed in, he didn't really feel like a member anymore. "Ah, your that guy with super speed right?" Akira oddly paused for a moment, pondering, but then gave a sigh of relief, rubbing the back of his head while speaking. "Uh, yeah! Haha, I am. I didn't really get the chance to properly intr-" He was interrupted as the ground began to shake and rumble. A stage unfortunately rose from the ground, blocking the entrance to the Guildmasters room. The girl from earlier that blasted the Guild Hall with her magic stood right at center stage, even more unfortunate.

Akira looked to Orin and was about to ask what tactics would be best to deal with this, when a paper doll jumped out of his coat pocket and onto his shoulder. As it began to talk, it was obvious this was Beatrix giving orders to the Guildmembers. She wasn't lying when she said she'd be watching everybody. "Don't be foolish... If you all attack her you may be falling right into their trap. There are two hallways that lead from here and circle around to the Guild Masters room, if you continue to fight here and wear yourselves out the others will just turn up and deal with you then... Some of you may have to stay here to deal with her directly while the rest split up an-," Suddenly the paper was blown apart by a pin point sound wave, almost unheard.

Akira didn't take a moment to hesitate and dashed to the hallway on his right. He gripped his sheathed katana, preparing himself for any type of surprise attacks the Guild Hall's could conjure.
Measha punched, kicked, and blasted his way through the sea of Serpents Dagger Wizards. All types of magic being thrown everywhere, he had taken quite a few blasts but nothing that did too much damage. The past few minutes were a blur of non-stop fighting for Measha, his fists and feet were fire hot and glowed red, something that had never happened to him before. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he took on three Wizards at once, jabbing the first one, twice in the chest and once in the head, then jumped on his shoulders, launching off of him and tackling the second to the ground, slamming his fist fiercely into the wizards temple only once, knocking him unconscious before the third cast a beam of light right for Measha, who jumped, dodging the beam and simultaneously firing four fireballs from his hands and feet as he spun with agility in the air, all four fireballs connecting and knocking the third to the floor. As Measha landed, the first wizard seemed to still be standing as he was charging towards him from behind, his entire left arm engulfed in steel. Measha merely side-stepped, grabbing his collar as the mage ran past him and pulled him right into his flaming fist. He fall to the floor, unconscious.

Measha looked up, eager for more action, but realized the other Wizards seemed to have noticed the damage he was doing, as he was now surrounded by at least 10 of them. He looked around as his confidence began to drain, all 10 of them seemed to be casting different spells. He was completely surrounded and was going to be blasted from all over, Measha's mind was racing as he pondered a solution, but it was too late. All 10 wizards simultaneously casted their spells and were aiming directly for Measha. Without thinking he immediately closed his eyes and clapped his hands together. If one had been watching the situation it would have looked like Measha exploded, fire burst from all over his body and engulfed the area around him, the 10 wizards were blown away. As the flames faded Measha stood in the center of the explosion, untouched and practically steaming. He looked at his glowing, fire red hands with wonder, "What, what did I just freaking do?" Measha recalled a moment from earlier, when he saw the pizza loving Wind Mage fly through the air and clap his hands together, forming tornadoes. He laughed as he closed his hands, fire engulfing his fists. He felt unstoppable.

Suddenly the area began shaking as a stage arose from the ground in front of two huge doors. The very moment Measha laid eyes on the speakers appearing everywhere he knew who they were dealing with now. The girl from earlier, with the magic box, stood at center stage, and blew away her fellow mages. He was about to charge at her when Beatrix's voice could be heard throughout the Guild Hall, giving instructions. He knew this room was now very dangerous, but he didn't want to run. As Measha took a second to observe the area, he saw Hector standing amongst fallen Serpents Dagger Wizards. He and another seemed like they would be the ones to take on the girl. Measha was confident in their ability, and immediately sprinted to the hallway on the right.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hector was in a blurr... these wizards were not tough at all, he was fighting at least 7 at the same time at any given time. His punches and kicks where precise and strong...often breaking bones with a single hit....mainly aiming for the knee caps or elbows or even shoulders. He came to the point where he was even using two men as his personal weapons. He really didnt even need to use his magic at this time. Pitty, But finally he cleared the men around him and heard what Beatrix said through her paper...thing. Dropped the two men like a sack of potatos and heard what the red head samurai said. He then agreed with what he said and turned when he heard his codenamed yelled. He noticed the kid from before who joined moments before he did.

He asked hector if he was going to make him deal with the girl all by himself. He looked at the woman and back at the kid then back at the woman. The samurai had mentioned he wasnt a kid and jumped on the stage.... and asked the woman on a date. He must say he didnt see that coming as a tactic.

He looked back at the kid and said, 'Yeah! Dont worry though" he motioned to Lach. " It seems lover boy has it under control!" he turned around and grabbed his sword and swung it onto his shoulder" Im going after the guild master!" He noticed another samurai run to the right hall and he took the left. Orin would probably follow him or the other he didnt care though. But suddenly Elliot popped up infront of him

"OOooooo no you dont... your not gunna have all the fun to yourself! I'm going with you! And you cant say anything to stop me!" As she smiled and turned with fire erupting from her body as she sprinted for the left. Hector Growled and chased after her. "she is going to be an eternal thorn in my side..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sam stood back up and picked up the spear, he still hadn't had a chance to try it out. It was infused with awe and inspiration, that had to do something powerful, albeit temporary. Might as well use it to cut a path to the stage. Sam liked the idea of seeing the sonic girl up closer. With vigor he ran. Past the broken berserkers, past Measha.
"I'm in!" He shouted at Measha, he crabbed a small spherical red vial ((OOC: it's a healing potion)) and handed it to him in passing.
"For emergencies! Hope you won't need it!"
Sam leaped forward, the spear's light leaving a sharp white trail in the air. With skill and precision far beyond his own capabilities he landed the spear into the first wizard in his way. Pulling back and immediately lunging forward to the next enemy, again and again. Sam got into a trance, as if the spear was moving on it's own. Swaying from side to side, narrowly he dodged magics he didn't even see coming. Steadily he made his way trough the thinning crowd of wizards. Swinging the spear around he felt lighter and more energetic than ever, he hadn't even noticed the damage he was taking left and right. "Moshpit!" Sam cackled, jumping from someone's shoulder onto someone's face and bouncing into a group of caster's trying to do a magic circle. Al the while swiping the spear in circles over his head, drawing circles in the sky.
Once he busted trough he ended up on the edge of the stage, in front of Marie. He took a breath and processed the pain coming from the many cuts, burns and bruises.
He rapidly downed a potion and sighed with relief as he felt the pain flow away. Much better.
With the spear leaning on his shoulder he stood up, a quick glace to see where Hector and Measha were.
He turned back to Marie. "Hello. My name is Sam, I..." He only just noticed Latch. The samurai had beaten him to the punch. "Damnit.."
Sam sat down with his legs folded and the spear on the ground in front of him. A bored look on his face as he decided to wait and see what happened.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Orin peered back to Lach for a moment as he placed a hand onto his shoulder and nodded to his words. He knew it was true, even if he did like smashing right through to the point, he knew that fighting her all at once would only leave them trapped here like rats. "Though you are a idiot..." Orin gave a 'no way you are going to try something that dumb' kind of look before looking over to Kaldis who was heading towards the left hallway. He was kind of hesitant of going with them at first, but to keep the numbers even he went with Hector and the girl to be safe. Besides he had to show the guy what he could do now! Not to mention get a higher score than him.
Main Hall

Marie was standing in the stage, confident her chances of winning were rising with each passing moment as more people fled down the two hallways towards her fellow guild members. However, the very last thing she expected was for two of the enemy just to calmly jump onto her stage and start flirting with her!

She was taken off guard to say the least, stuttering as she spoke "W-w-what?!" One of them seemed to stop, however she had finally reached breaking point. "Bah, fans should not get on la stage!" With a click of her finger suddenly two thin speakers shot up in front of the pair and blasted out a wide spread shock wave, only for her to lower with the speakers and bring up a high kick dance, which set off all her speakers either side of her to blow the pair off her stage! "Besides. I rather like mwah men rather more... Refined."

"Now then, shall we start?~" Spinning in place she kicked out, her dance moves opening up several speakers on the floor, sending out a slicing sound way across the floor. In turn it took out several of her own grunts in the process. Not to mention Keal and Sayuri were right in the way, though it looked like she cared little!
Left Hallway

As they made their way into the hallway there seemed to be a very young boy standing there, leaning on a huge axe that had been embedded into the ground by some sort of great force. Pushing up his glasses he smiled excitedly. "Ah yes, I hoped this would be true! You two, Orin and Hector! So powerful! This will be a powerful fight indeed! -don" Despite his feminine looks he talked strongly and like a man... It was kind of silly but still, he was determined, until he saw the others though. "Tch... Guess this wont be a MANLY fight after all.."

HE looked disappointed at this news, but a noise of the door opening behind him caught his attention. "Ah, old man. I don't need your-, Huh.. No. Stay. You can handle the others while I have my powerful match! Keyahahahahaha!"
With a withered smile the old man nodded and very slowly walked up towards them all, addressing Elliot in his introduction. "Hello deary... I am Sir Emils Goulard, but you may call me Grandpa heheheheh" He gave a friendly smile before looking towards the boy.
"Ah! Right! Names! *Cough*" Reaching back he tore the axe out of the ground like it was paper. "I am the Powerful Bullmen, La Bull! You may call me Bull for sort. After all soon you wont be able to say much else" Despite the tiny guy facing off with two giants such as Orin and Hector he showed no fear what so ever.

Bullmen, La Bull

"The guys got balls I'll give him that..." Orin said as he cracked his knuckles.
Right Hallway

Within the room there was.... Nothing? Well it seemed the guy was deeper in, well that is what they may have come too until suddenly a coffin sunk up from the ground as if it was going through water! Unwrapping the coffin formed around a rather lanky guy, covering his body in the stuff. "O-Oh... Are you the ones I am meant to be fighting? How depressing... I so hate to fight you know?" He weakly smiled but it soon went dull and sad like before. ".... Did you want to just give up now? It would be so helpful and no one would get hurt right?"

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Once Kaldis fully regained his senses, he followed Orin, Hector, and Elliot into the left tunnel, he was a bit scared to see what was ahead, but he knew just how strong Orin was, and Hector was just as big, so he might be just as powerful! Or not. He shuddered at the thought of the two competing in a competition of power...and all the stuff he'd have to rebuild if they had one. Shaking the thought of the Titans Clashing from his mind, he followed along until the figure of a rather young boy blocking their path, who in a fit of either bravery of absolute stupidity challenged Orin and Hector exclusively. His eyes widened as he saw all the possible ways the kid was going to get brutally beaten, he was by himself, and against all FOUR of them. At least until the door behind him swung open to reveal...a not-so-friendly looking old man!

When the kid said the old man could take the 'others', he pulled the massive axe he'd been leaning on, an act that made Kaldis' eyes go wide for a moment. "T-There's no w-way someone his age should be able to..." before realizing that he had to keep his eye on the old man if they had to fight. He really wouldn't want to hurt an elder, but something about this old guy seemed...dangerous. Dangerous and slippery. But at least he had Elliot to back him up...well he figured it'd be the other way around, with him backing her up, he was starting to feel a bit tired from all the wood he'd needed to make, but he knew he had plenty to keep trucking, so long as he limited himself. Before he got into a fighting stance, he remembered that he'd heard a kid and an old man had assaulted the guild while Kaldis was asleep. Ever curious, Kaldis looked the old man dead in the face and asked: "Why...why did you guys attack our Guild? We haven't done anything!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sam didn't bother to try and resist the shock wave, he rather focused on the landing. With a light jump up he let himself get carried along and landed a few meters back. The spear was a useful crutch. When the second wave came rushing over the ground it proved to be a great pole vault too. He acrobatically dodged the attack by grace of the magic spear. Still, there was a ringing in his ears. A bit dazed he collected his thoughts.

"J'adore la mélodie ma belle, mais le volume est trop fort."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hector came to a stop with the girl looking boy infront of them who challenged him and Orin. After the "introductions" he heard Orin say the kid has balls. He took a few steps forward and said, " Doesnt matter if he does...You do know what they do to 'Bulls' when they misbehave right?" looking at "the bull" He gripped the handle of his sword and slid it from his back. "They Cut their balls off..." Slamming his sword into the ground and crushing the floor benieth it.

The kid was strong, it was clear, but whenyou resort to using magic to get stronger its not stronger than real strength earned from experiance. "Big Axe for a little boy...or girl... Compinsating for something kid?" He Suddenly Bolted forward with great speed and swung his sword at the bull. " Get out of my WAY!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She was taken off by his word, stuttering as she spoke "W-w-what?!"

"Bah, fans should not get on la stage!" With a click of her finger suddenly two thin speakers shot up in front of the pair and blasted out a wide spread shock wave, only for her to lower with the speakers and bring up a high kick dance, which set off all her speakers either side of her to blow the pair off the stage. At which Lach dove to the side and rolled to hisfeet and she continued, "Besides. I rather like mwah men rather more... Refined."

"Now then, shall we start?~" Spinning in place she kicked out, her dance moves opening up several speakers on the floor, sending out a slicing sound way across the floor. Lach grunted and dove again, hopping around and summersaulting to get away from the blasts. He then cut his elbow discretely with his blade so she couldnt see it. the cut was not deep at all but its location would bring a lot of blood out, at which he allowed his blade to get soaked in it as he suddenly heard the potions guy start speaking French! He didnt speak french but he could pick up he was talking how he loved her music... He Stood up and said, " I dont know what he said, but back off! I got the back stage tickets.... He rushed forward and jumped high into the air, his arm now covered in blood as well as his sword He slashed his blade down and the blood flicked off of it as he did, he wasnt aiming for her exactly but near her.... he had to get his blood on her. If no blood got on her the first time he then spun and flicked his wrist to where she dodged too... which was his main aim to catch her while she landed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FF_Fan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Elliot ran down the hall but somehow Orin and Hector passed her. For giant brutes they were quick she gave them that. She slid to a stop as they saw a very young boy standing in their way, leaning on a huge axe that was waaaaaay to big for him. She made fun of Hector of his massive sword from time to time but it actually fit him... Very well. She couldn't see him with anything smaller... Just be too weird.

Any ways the kid Pushed up his glasses he smiled excitedly. "Ah yes, I hoped this would be true! You two, Orin and Hector! So powerful! This will be a powerful fight indeed! -don" Despite his feminine looks he talked strongly and like a man... It was kind of silly but still, he was determined, until he saw the others though. "Tch... Guess this wont be a MANLY fight after all.."

She balled up her fist and growled. She was just as strong as Hector...well magical wize. She could probably wipe the floor with the kid as looked disappointed at this news, but a noise of the door opening behind him caught his attention as well as everyone else's . "Ah, old man. I don't need your-, Huh.. No. Stay. You can handle the others while I have my powerful match! Keyahahahahaha!"
With a withered smile the old man nodded and very slowly walked up towards them all, addressing Elliot in his introduction. "Hello deary... I am Sir Emils Goulard, but you may call me Grandpa heheheheh"

Elliot took a step back and with a discussed / horrid face said, "eeeeeeewww. Don't call me deary... You look like a pervert!" Just how he introduced himself sent alarms off in her head.

Suddenly Hector after trying to anger the little twerp started off the attack. She then looked to Kladis who was a timid kid. She didn't see how well the fought before... She didn't want to babysit while fighting. "I ladies I'll take the perv on you can back me up if I need it. Ok? I don't know how dangerous this guy is..." As ! She turned back to the old man and with a second of hesitation she spun and kicked high and low, in a fluid motion , her kicks launching out a blast of fire long and thin. She spun to a stop almost exactly where she was standing before balling her hands into fists into a defensive stance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I'm in!" Measha heard as he sprinted towards the right hallway. The voice seemed to be coming from the alchemist he had seen at the Guild Hall earlier, the one that jumped behind the counter and oddly took the initiative to help out Beatrix. That kind of behavior was admirable to Measha, there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to help! "Sam, was it?" He thought to himself as the two were approaching eachother, both sprinting in opposite directions. His hand extended out and seemed to be holding a red vial. He recalled back at the Guild when Sam had cooked up several healing potions, this must be one of them, and would certainly come in handy. Measha grabbed the vial as the two crossed paths. "For Emergencies! Hope you won't need it!" Sam shouted towards him before leaping forward and speeding off with a spear in hand. Measha lifted the vial into the air with a smile as he continued onward. "Thanks!"

As he sprinted down the right hallway, Measha braced himself for any attacks or traps the building may have in store. He entered the room, but to his surprise it was completely empty and felt somewhat dark. Much too empty for his liking. "Hmph" He said aloud as he cautiously walked through the room, and was about to let his guard down to analyze the area when suddenly a coffin rose from the ground several feet in front of him. Measha took his signature Kenomoeru fighting stance and watched very closely as the coffin unwrapped and formed around a very pale and somewhat sad looking man. "O-Oh... Are you the ones I am meant to be fighting? How depressing... I so hate to fight you know?.... Did you want to just give up now? It would be so helpful and no one would get hurt right?"

Measha slowly stood up straight as it appeared the man wasn't an immediate threat. His proposition was actually tempting, any scenario that results in nobody getting hurt is a good one in Measha's book, but he knew it wasn't going to be that easy, and many people had already gotten hurt. "Sadly, giving up isn't an option for me right now" Measha spoke blankly, and gave off a serious attitude even though his entire body was bursting with excitement. "Your friends tried to hurt my friends. You're a threat to my new family, so we're gonna have to fight." Measha laughed, and began scratching the back of his head with a smile. "It's kind of ironic.To keep my new friends from getting hurt, I have to hurt you guys." As ironic as the situation may be, Measha knew he wasn't leaving the room without a fight. He took his Kenomoeru fighting stance once more. "You look strong, but it's my purpose in life to be stronger than those that threaten my friends and family." Fire now began to surround Measha's hands and feet, he was completely focused on the pale man and prepared himself for what was going to happen next.

"We're going to fight now, Mummy Boy. Prepare Yourself."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Main Hall

Marie was confused when she heard the guy speak "Ummm... Sorry, what is it sir'?" Seemed like she had the accent but lacked even common knowledge of where it came from. Without a moment after she spoke she extended a hand and clicked her fingers, sending out a shock wave from the roof to attempt and crush him under it. She was so distracted by Sam that she did not notice the first few drops land on her wrist "Gah, you almost got mawh dirty!" She pulled away and waved both arms up and down towards Lach. Both the bottom and top speaks opened up around him, firing two blasts of sound which would clash in the middle where he was and send out a even bigger blast!
Left Hallway

The old man waited a moment, seemingly thinking . "You didn't do anything, you are right... However, we are tired of it all." This was enough to distract him from the rather disrespectful young lady for a moment, but he did react to the whole pervert thing. "What? You should have more respect for your elders... Looks like I may have to be the one to-," Hiseyes went wide behind his glasses as she leaped at him!

As she attempted to spin kick him her foot was suddenly stopped dead in its tracks and she was suspended by a long gooy tendril which sissed as it killed the flames before they even got fired. The thing was coming from the guys back! He continued with a calmer face. "-Teach you some manners!" In a whip like motion the tendril attempted to toss the girl into the ground and bounce her away. None of them had tried to see if he had been hiding anything behind his back, which had been covered in goo the moment he walked in. The goo slid down his back and down to the floor. "You hot hotheadedness will get you hurt deary"


The kid bowed her head down as the large sword came towards him, the large axe being brought down to defend himself and her arms tensing up against his tight uniform. The impact sent him sliding away a few feet but other than that he was unphased. "Was that it? Your most powerful attack? Hahahahaha, It is lucky I picked both of you for my match then!" With a overly gleeful smile she started to spin the huge axe with one hand before letting it go, sending it hurling towards Hector.

However, she was not done yet, as she knelt down and pushed up his glasses. "Muscle: Ashi" Suddenly her legs bulged out a little with muscle, allowing her to push off with that stored power right at Orin!

Orin was shocked at the sheer straight line speed of the jump, putting his arms up in time to block the punch and attempt to deliver one of his own, which he throught hit its mark but in fact only hit the kids knee!

Pushing off with his leg from Orin's fist he jumped back to attempt to catch her axe mid air if it did or did-not hit Hector. "That's right! Come on, show me how powerful you can truly be!" The smile had turned manic by this point, she was truly enjoying the fight!
Right hallway

"Family?.... The boss reported you are a new guild, you could not know each other that well right?" He said in a confused tone to what the guy was saying. "Unless you attach yourself to people too easily... What a sad and tragic person you are." However as he said this he backed up a little from the fire. "Gah, flames...How depressing for me..." Cloth and flames did not really tend to mix very well, however he also had a little help in this matter as a old and frail man walked into the room.

"Well hello there sonny. You can call me grandpa" He gave a creepy smile as he walked forwards and tapped his cane, sending out goo all across the cloth of the room. "That may have mad me happy if you did it sooner..." The mummy man sighed before flinging his hand up, the cloth grabbed in his hand lifting across the floor to attempt to whip out at the fire mage! Its coating of goo now meant it was harder to burn than before.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Juste un joli visage avec un faux accent. Je suis déçu." Sam said before diving under the stage just in time for the soundblast.
A few seconds later he stuck his head out and shouted at Lach. "I changed my mind, she's all yours."
Hold up.. was Lach cutting himself? He was getting his blood everywhere!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sayuri watched the mage twitch at the hit and drop a bit, 'Looks like I hit him harder then intended...' she slid to the side so the attack went by her which gave him time to recover a little. It gave her a few minor cuts but nothing worth worrying about. Watching as most of the others ran off she ran towards the stage. Leaping up on the stage she nods to Marie before launching herself at the flying mage and grabs him by the foot, "Nice to meet you I'm Sayuri. Hope you'll make this fight fun!!"

Swinging a couple times she flips behind him and kicks him pushing herself high enough to grab one of the rafters. She flipped onto it and prepared for his attack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Recoiling back from the shockwave from the speakers, Kael slowly regained his balance. His head was no longer spinning until he got pulled down by gravity as somebody latched onto him. It was the enemy mage! He tried to get free when he got kicked as she swung up into the rafters.

Seeing that she was unprepared for what was to come, he began to move both of his hands in a circular fashion. The wind began to spin around before spurting out into tornadoes. He moved his left hand in the direction of her while his right was pointed in her right. Kael hoped to force her to go left, as it would allow him to start leading his target.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sam got out of the rafters and got up to look at Kael darting trough the skies with Sayuri dangling of his feet.
While making sure divide his attention between this acrobatic comedy and Marie, he braced his spear with the point pointed up at Sayuri. Waiting for the hostile wizard to drop down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lach smirked as he saw some of his blood land on her but knew his work wasnt done yet. Depending on the amount of blood it took time to negate the magical power in someone if they only had a drop of blood on them. But! I did automatically weaken their powers.

And soon he was surrounded by the speakers and heard from sam that he had her.. at which he ignored. The blast she sent out helped with that. though they werestrong they were not as strong as before, but he didnt want to show that yet.... He jumped but a little to late on purpose allowing himself to get thrown and land hard on the ground near Marie. hiding his hand which was cupping more blood flowing from his wound. he gets up slowly feinting being hurt. Sure enough she would say something, at which he ran closer to her and swung his blade at her again, he then as he swung his blade flicked all the blood in his hand at her as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FF_Fan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Elliot came to a stop with his goo on her. She tried to shake it off but it was harder than itlooked. She was flung to the side as the goo whipped her and landed on her back. She growled and rolled to her feet. She focused all of her energy into the flames to make them as hot as she could hoping the flames would burn it off. Her hands and arms engulfed in flames. nearthe goo but not on it.

It didnt seemed to be working when she decided to just hit the source She balled up her fists and sent out a few punches, with that a few ball of flames flew towards the old man. Perhaps with the go focused on her he wouldnt have more.

She yelped as suddenly a blast of ice nearly hit her. She looked over to Hector who was focused on the giant and had just frozen an axe in mid air, but some of the attack missed and nearly hit her. But did hit the goo holding her. freezing it solid.

With out hesitiating she jumped up and slammed her feet on the ground, shattering the goo. "Watch it HECTOR! You nearly Killed ME!" But he was focused on his fight still. She huffed and looked back to the old man and now being more carefull ran towards him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Main Hall

Marie had yet to notice the power of her blasts had gone down since last time, thinking that she nearly scored a fatal hit on the samurai. "Heh. Don't you have any magical power what so ever dis donc!" Wait, didn't she just speak french?.... "Fine then I will deliver the final blo-, Gah!" Jumping back from the blade, though the blood splattered across her. "Getting me dirty again?!" Spinning around she went for a powerful momentum filled kick, which she hoped would get him away, though her leg stayed out like she was exspecting something....

"n'est-ce pas?....."

Looking back she saw the speakers behind her struggling to move up, from the lack of magical power that was now leaving her body, the blood acting like a dampener. "W-What is going on?!" Looking back she kept trying to pull up the speakers but it wasn't working, and soon she was forced to move backwards away from the samurai. "Damn, what did you do?!" She asked and if he did try to explain she would reach back behind her and pull out.... A button!

Pressing it three tubes around the stage, that looked to be lights started to sink into the stage. "It is fine either way, I will just power it with the Lacrima I save for when I get tired. Fufufufufu" The machine one again roared into life from the influx of power, it even sparking form the sheer amount of magical fuel that it was now using. "Now it ends! Sound Magic: Base Finisher!" She flung out her hand and clicked her fingers... However at that moment a look of shock overcame her face as speakers started to pop up on the front of the stage and face her!!! The power they were building up was aimed right for the stage which would destroy the stage and kill her in the process. "Oh dear...."
Only the viewer can see this:

Suddenly a little notice board pops up and Beatrix. "Let me explain. By cutting off Marie's magical 'signal' as it were, the machine is unable to follow her directions, and so what little magical power she still has coming from her has made her a target. That is all." With a bow they both leave
Left Hallway

Aerandir & Kitsune Collab

When the kid asked if that was his most powerful attack, he said nothing...the kid was cocky. Hector watched as the axe was thrown at him, He dodged it by stepping to the left, keeping his eyes on the kid. Suddenly the kid shot like a bullet at Orin. Landing on Orins fist so to speak. Then launching himself toward his axe. Hector quickly sheathed his sword before jumping towards the Axe as well. Coming from the kids side now, As he got close His arms turned to ice and a white mist of cold air surrounded them. He aimed his punch for the kids face before he reached his axe

Bull's eyes went wide as Hector jumped towards him, as he did not exspect him to follow the axe right back to his hand! "D-Damn it!" Suddenly a wave of pure force burst out from the impact zone where Hector hit. However, standing before him was no longer the child that he was trying to attack, but a huge giant with its feet suddenly on the ground! Its forearm had been brought up to block the attack, and with its footing suddenly firm it was a easy task. "Powerful indeed!" Bulls voice was now loud and deep from the growth. Pushing away his arm he attempted to get Hector to the ground as his axe flew past him and into the ground behind him. "Forcing me to push my Muscle Magic, I commend you on your power!" A loud thump followed by Bull's surprised expression down to where the impact hit; it was Orin with chain covered fists that had taken the chance to ram his fist into the guys side! Jumping back to avoid a counter Orin stood beside Hector. "If you remember, you are fighting two of us, not just one..."

Hector was surprised when he now saw this giant infront of him. He jumped back as the bull tried to push him to the ground, he could feel the strength coming from him now. The bull commented on his power. Which only made him smile inwardly he didn't even use his full strength in the punch. suddenly he saw Orin come in and punch him in the side though it didn't seem to effect him much. He then said to the Bull that he is fighting two not one. Hector glanced at Orin next to him and said under his breath. "I'll go right, drawing his attention go left and trip him up or bind him up some how. Keep his focus divided. " he said before bolting towards the bull and with great speed he jumped and punched again. But he really wasn't aiming for the face but to the right of the face, hopefully causing the bull to move to the side and turn his head to follow Hector. He then landed and spun around and yelled "ice dragon wing attack!" Both of his arms misted again and as he swung his arms ice blasted from them and toward the bull trying to keep his focus on Hector

Bull smirked as Hector jumped at him with a full on attack, causing him to cross his arms and deflect the punch away from his face, though he did not know that was the guys plan and soon faced him and started throwing punches, their sheer power breaking the ground with each strike. "Yes! Now this is power! So much fun! Hahahahah!" Just as the mist was gathering Orin was rushing off behind the guy, ready to deliver the finishing blow at the moment that Bull attempted to avoid or block Hector's next attack.However, at the moment he got into place Bull smirked, spinning around like a ballet dancing, a glittering shine in her eye as a almost invisible string got pulled which caused the axe embedded into the ground to come spinning back, blocking Hector's attack and freezing it in place! Using the momentum of her spin Bull gave a full power punch right into Orin's midsection, sending out a shock wave that dented the ground where he stood, kicking up dust in the process. "Marie taught me a few powerful moves. Heheheh,.. I also took your advice, now you are finished an-, Huh?!" Bull tried his best to remove his hand, but struggled doing so and was looking down in shock to Orin who had a little blood dripping from his mouth. "Chain Magic: Net & Anchor"..The chains were mebedded into the ground to stop him from moving while the net that he cast crawled up and bind Bull to the spot. "Hector, NOW!"

Hector had blocked every attack with his forearms from the bull he would never admit it but the bull blows were indeed powerful... His forearms were throbbing when he started his wing attack. When he launched it he was surprised by the ballet move and his attacked was blocked as he pulled his axe out of the ground somehow and used it to deflect it. And with out missing a beat spun and delivered a powerful blow to Orin's stomach. "ORIN." He let out winced in sympathetic pain. The bull started going on about how he learned that move but stopped suddenly when he noticed he was stuck. Hector only grinned as he heard the chain spell come from Orin's lips. He was already moving towards them as he yelled "HECTOR NOW!"He launched himself over the bull grabbing the head of him to help him pivot in the air and land right infront of him between him and Orin. The cold mist now surrounding all of Hector. "I can't have you touching Beatrixs kid... She would kill me if he got really hurt." His face inches from the bulls. The intensity of the mist increasing every second. "You want power? I'll show you the power of a dragon..." He pulled back his arm Azure Ice dragon fist!" And launched as many punches as he could at the bulls face, his ice becoming a more brilliant color of azure. Each blow was with all of his strength and because he was smaller compared to the bull now he was faster. He then let a roar out as he finished with an uppercut.

Bull continued to try and pull his arm back, the ground under Orin now un-denting itself due to the chains keeping him in place. "What are these chains made of?! Fine I will just finish you with a powerful punch!" Pulling back her other arm she wound up to finish Orin off, that was until Hector leaped in front of Orin and the sheer chill and power emanating from him stopped Bull in his place, shocked that he was able to be that nimble for his size, not to mention fearless. Before her there formed a dragon within the mist as Hector called out his attack and he could only reaction fast enough to attempt to bring up his free arm to block the first block, but with the many more coming she was unable todo anything and they all slammed into his face! When the final attack hit its mark it sent the giant off his feet, the chains around his wrists coming loose and allowing her to fall into the ice wall behind her, shattering it with sheer weight and sending shards of azure and sky blue shards falling all around her. In the middle the kid transformed back to her normal size, a smile across her bruised face. "So... Powerful. Heh" With that he landed on top of the flat side of his axe on the floor, out cold and conceding the battle to the dragon and chainman.


Elliot would notice something was off as the ice had crawled all the way up the old man, freezing him in place of mid regeneration from the flames that had slammed into him before, the holes in his body causing him to crumble and ... Die?!?!

Orin looked on shocked at this "You killed him?! I thought we were just meant to be beating these guys up. What did you do Elliot?" Oddly he was looking to Hector, seems like he was unable to speak normally to girls still... "Heh" Bull lifted his head from the floor a little "You didn't kill the old man. That was one of his doubles he made out of that gooy stuff. The real deal is much more powerful. Him and the depressing guy make up the fangs of the serpent. So watch out. Oh and here." She lifted up a key, likely to the one to the door towards the guild masters room. "You beat me, so you get it right? Heh..."
Right Hallway

Meanwhile things were not going as expected, as the mummy man looked towards his left. "Ah, it seems that they have already made it through. We will have to meet up later" HE said backing away, bowing as if he was very, very sorry he had to leave towards the guild masters room... However the fool forgot to lock the door so Measha could just walk right on in, even more so since it seemed the old man had melted away for some reason! Things were going to get complex before they got better.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kaldis had spent a majority of the fight with his jaw completely agape, because really, the stuff going on was really freaking cool. He had a hard time tearing his eyes away from Hector and Orin's fight, both were really terrifying, and the various blows and spells being thrown only accentuated the sight, he felt like he'd have to have bought a ticket to see something so awesome. The point where his mouth dropped further was when Bull's body turned into that of a giant, though he did wonder for a bit about why his clothes grew with him. When the fight was over, Kaldis had actually lost the strength in his legs and was kneeling on the ground, thinking to himself: "Never get them angry, never get them angry,, never get them..." over and over.

With the fighting done, he regained feeling in his legs and rose, he was a bit unnerved when the old man just crumbled away, but Bull explained that that was only a double. "A-are you guys alright?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sam's attention to the two wizards darting trough the sky was ruined when the massive speaker rose up from the ground. He braced for a shock wave of wubs that would make Richter shit his pants when he saw the speakers turned to Maria, and her expression to match.
Without thinking he dropped the spear and charged the stage, jumped, and pounced Maria off the stage just in time to avoid the core of the blast.
While not lethal, the edge of the sonic boom still flung them both across the room. Sam managed to break their fall from the worst damage but the impact with the cold ground still dislocated his shoulder.


The sonic clap had left their ears ringing, Sam tried to talk but no-one could hear him. Or anything else for that matter.
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