Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Real name: Vlad
Code name: Mad Scientist
Age: 50
Skill: Anything science related
Power: Unknown
Bio: TBA
Real name: Roxy Black
Code name: Shadow
Age: 16
Skills: Knife throwing, pick pocketing, and lock picking
Power: Shadow manipulation
Bio: WIP
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Real name: Felice
Code name: Joker/Piero
Age: "17," he says.
Skills: Various Performance; specialty in juggling, dance, and sleight of hand. Slight pyro tendencies.
Appearance: (new drawing in progress) A bit short for his age, with slightly long fluffy ice-blue hair and bright amber eyes. His default expression seems to be a scowl, and his eyebrows seem to make him a bit defensive when commented on.
Power: Chibishifting
Bio: TBR
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You just got PWND!!"

Eugene Sims

Code Name


Hacking, engineering, Mathematics, and has a IQ that is off the charts

Eugene has a lanky frame, standing at 6'3 and being on the thin side. He has long, spiky brown hair that occasionally hangs in front of his eyes. His eyes are a bright emerald green and have a care free attitude in them. He wears a pair of square black rim glasses most of the time, except when he is playing a game. That is when he puts of a set of red gaming headphones that have a dark blue visor built into them.

Eugene is the very definition of the word nerd. He is sarcastic, unbelievably smart, and a bit awkward. He is in love with anything and everything technical, having the desire to take it apart to find out how it works. He is an avid gamer, his favorite types being fantasy and syfy games, and plays when ever he gets the chance. He is a bit awkward around the opposite sex, not knowing how to really act around them. Under his sarcastic demeanor Eugene is really a nice guy and will try to look out for others, though he will make fun of them as he does so.

Video Manipulation

Eugene was born to a US congresswoman and a Supreme Court Judge, giving quite the cozy beginnings. From a young age he was already incredibly smart, reading at a near collage level at the age of four. This only grew over the years, he was skipped grades right after the other until he was accepted into one of the country's top university's at the age of nine. He graduated four years later as valedictorian with his masters degree. The years that followed were that of humdrum get togethers with old intellectuals who marveled at his young age, visiting schools and giving speeches about "trying your hardest and how to succeed at a young age", and god awful dinner parties with other ivy league grads. It was all this boredom that spurred Eugene's career as a hacker for hire. He made a name for him self rather quickly and was hired by some of the most infamous organizations in the world. He hacked into the pentagon, decoded Chinese missile codes, and even signed the president up for a porn website just for a laugh. He was eventually caught during a massive sting operation that took a good two years to pull off. He was facing a life sentence before he was given the chance to join the program.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((Sorry double post))
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Real name: Ciara Jones

Code name: Kitty

Age: 17

Skills: Stealthy, Good fighter, good at disguises and creating distractions.

Appearance: Ciara is a girl of the height 5'4", she is skinny but has curves in all the right places. She has long white hair and pink eyes. Her ears and tail match her hair color and her cat eyes are gold when they shift. She is of a fair skin tone and weighs only about 120 lbs of pure muscle.

Personality: Ciara is a girl who you don't want to really mess with. She is extremely feisty and cold at times. But because of her cat DNA she likes to sometimes be around people and has become slightly flirty, mainly because she will lay down next to you or curl against you like a cat randomly

Power: Ciara was injected with a superhuman serum along with cat DNA, she is very flexible and agile, extremely fast, super strong, has a higher durability, can grow claws, has cat ears to hear better and from further away, and change her eyes to cat eyes so she can see in the dark and see things more clearly.

Bio: Ciara grew up on the streets, fighting and stealing to get what she wanted. Not much else is known about her past but she is keeping her life from the age of 0-14 a secret. She was sent to jail due to a big gang fight where she managed to knock out 6 guys trying to come on to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Peaceless
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Peaceless Praise the Sun, skeleton!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Real name: Flippy Takeshi

Code name: Dove

Age: 16

Skills: Good at fighting, great at free running, and great at being weird and crazy.

Appearance: Flippy is about 5'7" he has blood red hair which And it can hang down in front of his eyes sometimes. He has yellow eyes and wears glasses almost all the time except for a few occasions. Flippy is about average weight sometimes under mostly when he chooses not to eat.

Personality: Flippy is kind to those he chooses to be kind to he is also creepy and weird mostly just a mix of awkward and weird. He also seems to be partly crazy but nobody mentions that to him, no one really knows what makes him go crazy sometimes when people ask him he says it's his other half the bad half.

Power: Flippy can manipulate his own blood mostly to form a pair of dove wings on his back. He can shoot feathers made of his blood from those wings and there almost like knives just shaped like feathers. Flippy could also fly with his wings just needs a little more practice/training at it.

Bio: Flippy grew up in Detroit with not much to live up to besides being known as that one psychotic red head boy. To Flippy he hasn't done anything well that's because he's not in control when it happens. Well maybe he is but that's not the case Flippy was technically on the run for things he hasn't done but at the same time has done. When the cops finally caught up to him there wasn't much left beside a sixteen year old who was way under weight shivering in a corner under a overpass bridge. That's when he was given the option to pay time for his crimes or join a special program that could be far better then what he could've been sentenced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Real name: Rose Dawrenco
Code name:Fire Fox
Age: 18-19, doesn't like to talk about her birthday, though its on file.
Skills: Flexibility, Light Pain resistance, Strong immune system.
Note; Her jumper is made from fire resistant Material, though looks as if its been scorched. Yes she has the rose tattoo in rp also.
Power: Fire Manipulation Not to the point where she can do much with it yet. Though setting things on fire, thats what she's good at.

Bio: Rose grew up in a big city apartment complex on the wrong side of town for a young girl. gang fights where common and her fierce red hair didn't help. teasing was common allowing her imagination to create a reality that was nicer then her real life. Her Single mother wasn't always around. At 14 she learned how to cook for herself on the old gas stove. And would often just light the gas to watch the fire.

At 16 she turned arso and started lighting abondoned buildings on fire. Being the one to call the fire department anonymously under a fake name. She was caught lighting one of these fires and the type of matches she used where linked to the other serial fires in her neighbor hood. Three of those fires killing firefighters who went in unexspectidly.

Sentenced as a adult facing years in prison she chose the option of the exsperiments. At least she was allowed near fire again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Real name - Unknown. Filed as Subject 221
Code name - Wraith
Age - 19
Skills - Genetically enhanced physical abilities, Hyper responsive reflexes, fine senses, intermediate swordsmanship, proficient martial arts, high pain threshold, lack of empathy, expert cook.
Power - Phase Shifting: The ability to alter his own material state and change it into a completely different type of matter for several seconds. Examples would be phasing from a solid into a gas and passing through the vents or phasing into energy and passing through non-conducting walls.
Bio - Admitted to government care at the age of 10, subject 221 was the bi-product of highly illegal and unethical scientific research done in an undisclosed location by a group of biological terrorist who originally intended 221 to be a genetically engineered assassin. However, during a government raid, the scientific facilities of the terrorist group were destroyed and subject 221 was recovered. After several months of rigorous analysis and testing, it was discovered that, though incomplete, subject 221 had undergone years of genetic mutation and enhancement on a molecular level, allowing the subject to accomplish physical feats far greater than that of any adult athlete. Other traits enhanced were the subjects sense of smell, hearing, vision, and reflexive speed. Unfortunately the subject was rendered devoid of any social behavior or personality traits, making him act more closely to a suggestible doll. The subject never responded verbally or with eye contact and seemed to have no knowledge of how to operate as a functional human being. Having no name, no family, and no record, Subject 221 was given his designation based on the number that was labeled across the containment chamber they found him in.

Subject 221's extraordinary ability to phase his body through space and matter was discovered during a routine check up while being transferred between research sites when the subject suddenly came up missing. After hours of alerts and searching, video feed from inside a locked storage chamber showed the subject sitting against the wall several meters directly below his last known location. After observing footage from the event, it was discovered that in response to the pain from a dislodged iv drip, the subject's body changed material states into an energy like cloud and sank through the floor, moving downwards through several levels of concrete and iron before returning to a physical matter state a few inches above the ground in the storage chamber. It became clear at this point to the government that subject 221 was too much of a threat to rehabilitate, but to much of an asset to destroy. Thus, 221 was admitted to the Experimental Army program where his youth, potential for scientific study, and tactical use can be put to use.

For the next 8 and a half years, Subject 221 has been trained not only to be a self sustaining human being capable of thinking for himself, but also honed his physical abilities with rigorous training and discipline, teaching him to be a soldier and a weapon. Though most if not all of the training sank in fairly quickly, 221 never seemed to develop a personality. He still acts similar to a life like doll, neglecting any form of verbal communication, though he has a clear understanding of the english language and no inhibitors of his ability to speak. Some of the scientists, physicians, and instructors that have worked with 221 claim to have rarely observed him exhibiting behaviors that could potentially be associated with emotions or personality though all accounts have gone unconfirmed. With his current observable nature, deadly array of abilities, and silent behavior, 221 is codenamed "Wraith" and for good reason. With the eventual completion of his training, plans are in the works for 221 to be a covert super-soldier assassin who can hunt a target to anywhere and through anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Araby264
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Real name: Dante
Code name: Stone
Age: 19
Skills: Fighting skills, high pain tolerance, strong will,
Power: Osmosis. She can absorb energy and properties of matter that she is in physical contact with.
Bio: Dante has lived on the streets fending for herself since she was ten. Her parents died in a fire when she was very young and no one else would take her in because of the... difficulties of dealing with her. Fires would start around her, even though there was nothing for her to start them with. Older children would complain that she hurt them, they would be covered in huge bruises and scratches, but she never had any kind of weapon on her. Eventually she was told that she was a freak and that everyone would be better off without her. So, she left and made a home for herself on the streets. As the years went by she taught herself how to use her abilities, as much as she could. She found that she could suck electricity from sockets, but she always had to expel it or she would get a searing pain all over her body. She could make her body turn into the same materials of whatever she was touching. (i.e. If she was grabbing a steel pipe her body would turn into steel.) But after a while (a few hours) she would always turn back into herself. she couldn't turn herself more than twice in one day, she would get horrible full body aches if she did. Eventually she ended up in illegal bare knuckle brawls, fighting for money. She would use her advantage of power to subtly swing the matches in her favor.(Concrete knuckles can go a long way in a fight) It wasn't long before she was being set up with bigger and bigger matches, she got quite a bit of money, and a fairly large reputation.
Then she got arrested...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GhostReaper
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Real name: Anastasia Wilks
Code name: Death. Project No. 13
Age: 21
Skills: Assassination, Infiltration, One-Woman Army, Martial Arts, Armed Combat
Sound; She may pitch frequencies of sound and volumes with her voice, taking in available sounds to make mild changes to them. Physical pain inhibits her ability to do so. Eg, a tazer close to her chest would cause her vocal cords to seize and stop her from making too high or low a pitch.
Punishment; The inability to die. She may be injured, maimed, torn apart, burned etc without the normal, inevitable death. Healing is more painful the worse the wound. Scrapes, bruises and minor fractures heal instantaneously; lost limbs etc take longer to grow back - they only grow back if most of the body is still intact. She gained this ability when she was seven; after an experiment that required a young body that had not yet developed.
Bio: TBD [I have stuff, i just don't want to type it all out right now]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Real name :
Elizabeth Stichler

Code name :

Age :

Skills :
Situational awareness, fast reflexes, high-g tolerance, flexibility, and hand-to-hand combat.


Power :
Card Manipulation. Capable of manipulating cards in many ways, from attacking or defending, to shuffling cards for poker night.

Semi-Efficacy : Elizabeth can manipulate the speed, density, hardness and sharpness of cards. Though she can only manipulate two of the four traits of cards currently.

Combat : Elizabeth can use cards in combat for both offense or defense. Though both are limited, when attacking, any card she uses cannot have it's path altered mid-flight. Cards used for defensive purposes can only stop physical projectiles and objects, such as bullets or knives. Any magical or psychic projectiles/objects will make it past the cards without hindrance.

Future Abilities :

Generating Cards : Hopefully, with enough training, Elizabeth may be able to generate cards on the fly, or even whole decks. But Elizabeth will be happy with generating cards for some time.

Full-Efficacy : With further improvement to this ability, she will be able to manipulate all four attributes of cards, allowing her to change them based on the situation, and not limitations.

Spell Cards : Currently, her cards are just paper bullets. Further training of her power may allow her to use cards as a medium for magic.

Bio :
TBR (For now)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a0000000000
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Real name: Max Olderson
Code name: Chronos
Skills:beating people up
Appearance: 6ft 2. Black hair. Green eyes. Broad shoulders.
Power: Drain (if you touch someone you will slowly drain everything they are from the person. Their body (they still have their body he just has it too),their life, there powers, their memories. After a while they will of become a shell and after a little more contact dead. He has no control over this power with concentration however he can choose what he wants to drain first. Other peoples bodies don't fit him so this side effect wears off.
Bio: He grew up in the streets getting into fights and normally winning. Recently he has been caught driving a stolen car without a license speeding. He was about to be chucked into prison when he was asked if he wanted to join an experiment. Although he thinks the scientists are nutcases he thinks its better than prison.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Coga19000


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Real Name: John Pantazis
Code Name: Deus
Age: 17
Skills: Electronic Warfare, Hacking, Countermeasure Commander (Fixed-Wing Aircraft, Navy)
Appereance: 5'9", Black Hair, Brown Eyes, White Skin, Athletic Build. Common apparatuses are futuristic visors or black edged shades. Only wears optical glasses or eye contacts when absolutely needed.
Colloquially known as "Machine Empathy", John has the ability to feel and influence machines through physical contact or through means as radar and lasers (provided he performs Mechanopathy on those devices first)
Electrical Manipulation
John also has the ability to influence other electrical sources, such as control panels, capacitors, or even wires of large enough diameter.
Bio: John is the son of George Pantazis, a Greek immigrant working im conjuction with the US DoD. He was a teen genius by the age of 14. in which age he became an amateur hacker; his skills had reached almost professional level during the span of two years.
One day, he stumbled upon his father's files, and realised that some of the safeguards were down. His father did not realise that, which gave John the time to, after two weeks, break the rest of them and, ooverwhelmed by curiosity, open and copy the files to his computer.
Those files concerned the latest project his father was working on. Codenamed Project Space Odyssey, it concerned the development of the government's first fully functional Artificial General Intelligence. For security reasons, only a portion of the code was assigned to his father, but it still intriqued John. Three days later, FBI agents kidnapped both him and his father; each of then we're imprisoned and tortured in different sectors, and George Pantazis' fate is still unknown outside of the Bureau's agents.
John's name and history were erased from all official records- and presumably so were his father's- and eventually assigned to the Experimental Army agency, where he was exposed to an incomplete version of the AGI through the influence of certain drugs. The details are classified, but the result was the boy's ability to influence the programming of machines empathically, which was then augmented to also influencing the hardware of those through electrical currents.
He was allowed to choose his new name. He chose the name Deus, supposedly because of the phrase "Deus ex Machina", but actually because it was a highly convoluted attempt to keep his last name alive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Bryce

Code name: Ditto

Age: 18

Power: goes in a few phases main phase name is mimicry/body manipulation (only of self)
Phase one: can temporarily look and sound identical to another human including voice (cannot keep the other shape for extensive amounts of time but can shift from one to another to elongate time in a shape other then their own)
Phase two: able to mimic other ibdividuals shape for a longer period of time and can also use the other individual's power for a short amount of time as this takes a lot of energy
Phase three: can now mimic humans and animals along with taking their strengths and weaknesses also mimicking animals now comes with the possibility of feral mind if in this form for too long (basically the mind goes into the mind of an animal and the possibility of losing human being becomes less as time in animal form increases)
Phase four: complete body manipulation (much like mystique and beast boy put together) however if an unnatural form is kept to long then there is a chance of becoming "stuck" they no longer need to see an animal or individual to become them just think of what they want to be... at this point he can still mimic abilities but still only for a short amount of time since they take too much effort and are not a man focus of his. (it will take a long time to get to this point)

Limitations: for each phase he has to be careful
Phase one: if he forces his body to stay for too long it can become painful and then his body will just force him back to his actual form
Phase two: he cannot use the persons power for an extended amount of time... He will pass out if he tries
Phase three: he cannot stay as an animal for an extended amount of time but he can stay as a human for an extended amount of time... Though he still cannot continue use of that individuals power for an extended amount of time
Phase four: he can be both human or animal for extended amounts of time but the longer he stays the more he "looses" himself

Phase one: his bones start snapping him back if he forces it
Phase two: he passes out if he attempts to use power for too long
Phase three: runs the risk of developing a feral mind where he cannot seem to get his humanity back
Phase four: he still runs risk of passing out if powers are used too long along with feral mind and the chance of loosing himself if he remains as a different human for too long

Looks: he has sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes along with freckles and a medium build on his body. He has a tattoo of an eagle on his arm and he generally is wearing a red crew neck jeans and hiking boots

Bio: he got into a fight with multiple gang members and ended up killing majority of them. The living managed to make it seem like it was a random attack and he got life sentence so he ended up here.
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